Press Release - 12/1/2015 - Beginner's Yoga 12/1/2015 Huntsville,TX-Official Website Posted on: December 1, 2015 Beginner's Yoga Aire you. Iloolkiirng for a convenlient way to try yoga for the first bine? 1l ry attending our free Adullt Yoga I:::Iirogirairn for 11:3eglinineirs at the 11 Wintsville f::.Iulbflic 1I11brairy eadh I lhursday froim 12:30 p.nn. to 130 p.irn. It's the Ipeirtect opportunity to Ileerin aind piractlice yoga techniques with otheir eintlhUslasts.. 1:31rling your own irnat or towell.. I Ihe Iprocgrelrn wI1111 The liin the 1I1brairy's Community IRoolrn on I hursday, I'Decembeir 3, 10, and 17, and wIIIIII contIVILie after the Ihollildays oin January 7, 14., and 21.. 11:::111ease consullt your doctor Ibefore starting any new exercise prograirn.. Sign up at the 1111brairy, oinIllne at www..irnyllibirairy..corn, or caIIII IMary IKolkot at 9w36,,,,2 154.71..