Press Release - 10/13/2015 - Holidays Around the World 10/13/2015 Huntsville,TX-Official Website Posted on: October 13, 2015 Holidays Around the World Event 11 Wintsville I:::Iubfllc 1I11brary !is excited to announce the aninuall III lollildays Around the World" event. I'Designed to 11111ustrate Ihow various cull-tures and countries cellebrate Iholliidays around the woild, this year's event wiIIII be Ihelld on Saturday, [Deceimbeir 5 fronn 1::00 p..nn 3::00 p.m.. Visitors can obtain a "pass port," visit each country's boot1h, learin about traditions, sampIle a Unlique snack, and talke Iholrne a craft.. "Ilt is a great -famiilly event and a way for Ikiids to Ilearin about Other countries," says ChIldirein's Coordilinatoir If chell McII:::IIha!IL more lin-forimation, or to vollunteer, p1lease contact ChIlldren's Coordiinatoir [Rachell McII:::IIhaIII at 936 291 5910..