Proc. 2010-52 Law Enforcement Torch Run & Special Olympics Day 05-27-10PROCLAMATION N09 2010-52 WHEREAS the Law Enforcement Torch Run began in 1981 when Wichita, Kansas police chief Richard LaMunyon saw an urgent need to raise funds for increased awareness for Special Olympics; and WHEREAS in Texas, the Law Enforcement Torch Run began in 1985, & has grown to become one of the largest in the world; and WHEREAS at its most basic level, the Torch Run is an actual running event where officers & athletes run the Special Olympics Flame of Hope to the opening ceremonies of local competitions; and WHEREAS every 2 years, law enforcement of representing their state's, province's or nation's Torch Run program comprise a Final Leg Team which carries the Flame of Hope to, th m Ceremonies o the S cial 0 m ics World P e;Qpen� 9, .f pe ly; P�, WHEREAS the Law Enforcement Torch Run is Special Olympics' largest grassroots fundraiser and public awareness vehicle; WHEREAS Special Olympics is more than sports training & competitions, it changes peoples' lives —together, the Law Enforcement Torch Run & the athletes ofSpecia101yrmmpics Texas are `dn inspiratiotz'to all'those involved: NOW, THEREFORE, BE ITHEREBYPROCLAIMED, by the power vested in me as Mayor of the City of Huntsville, Texas that: M�1Y 273, 2{61 Q fl:, be declared: ar "Law Enforcement -Torch Run & Special Olympics Day" 11 in the City af,Huntsville and urge all citizens to acknowledge and support the dedi&66h of law enfor'eement personnel `in aiding the Special Olympics program. PROCLAIMED AND SIGNED this the 27th day of May, 20`10.