ORD CC 07/05/1949 - prohibiting U-turns at certain intersections7 -s ty AN ORDINANCE PTOHIBITING Try T.rA II<G OF U TUBINS PY ANY V:t HICLL AT C_ F TA ITS ITT FLSF CTI 'i4 ITIITi? TI-L, CITY OF HUNTSVILI:E, TIJl = 7 PROVIDING n 'D ' LTY -',OR THE VIOLA - TIO"," T"ERLOF A1TD PROVIDING FOR THE r'EPLAL OF :ALL OPDI- NAIdCES IN CONFLICT THERE`:'.ITh Bt IT ORDAIN.LD BY TI E:; CITY COUNCIL OF Ti- "_ CITY OF 1HUIZTSVILLE, TAS:- SECTION 1: From and ,after the passage of this ordi- nance, it shall be unlawful for the driver of any vehicle to make a U Turn, i. e. to turn so &s to proceed in the opposite direction, at any of the following intersections within the City of Huntsville, Tcxus, namely: At the intersection of Lvenue and Lleventh Street, At the intersection of Avenue I, and Twelfth Street, At the intersection of :venue L and Eleventh Street, Kt the intersection of Avenue L and Twelftri Street. SLCTIOI 2: Any person violating any of the provi- ions of this orcinance shall_ be deemed guilty of a misdemean- o and, upon a conviction therefor, be fined any sum of money not in excess of One xundred ('100.00) Dollars. S CTIOi 3. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict here7,,tith are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall become effective immediztely after its publication as re(uired , la ,+, and it is so ordered. AP: ROVED IN OP ? COUNCIL this tire 1?11e' da:y of July, 1949.