ORD CC 09/07/1926 - tax levy of 1926ANNUAL,ve-iX LEVY CEDIN"I -NCE. 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Huntsville, Texa.s,in Council assembled: That there is hereby levied for the year 1926 on all real property situated,and all personal property owned within the limits of said City of Huntsville,on the first day of January of the current year,except so much thereof as aay be exempt by the Gorstitution and laws of this State,or the United States, the following taxes: „R- 1. An advalorum tax of and at the rate of ;;e nts on the ' one hundred dollars cash value thereof esti d in lawful 1 currency of the United States,for the current expenses for the support a-ad maintenance of the Citv Government of said City of Huntsville, Texas. _ 2_ Ar. AAvAl rem tax of and at the rate of -4 -- ou the one hundred dollars cash valise thereof estimated in lawful currency of the United $tates,for the support and maintenance of the Streets and bridges within and for the said City of Huntsville, Texas. 3. An advalorem tax of acrd at the rate of d 7�cents on the one hundred dollars cash value thereof,estid in lawful currency of the United States to pay current interest on and provide one years sinking Fund to ce designated as "Special Funding Varrent Fund",for the purpose of paying the interest or� and retiring the fucidi*g warrents issued by the said City of Huntsville,Texas,on the first day of February 1920. 3 A. An advalorem tax of and at the rate of' cents on the one hundred dollars cash value therof,estimated n lawful currency of the United States,to pay interest ors and provide one years sinking fund to be designated as "Special Funding Oarrant Fund ", for the purpose of paying the interest on and retiring the funding warrents issued by the said City of Huntsville,Texas on the first day of Fetruary 1922. 3 B An Advalorem tax of and at the rate of c 3 cents on the one'hundred dollars cash value therof eetima4fc: in lawful currency of the United States, to pay current interest on and provide one years sinkinf fund to be designated as "Special Funding Warrent Fund* for the purpose of paying the interest on and retiring the funding warrents issued by the said City of Huntsville, Texas,on the third day of June 1V24. 3 C. An advalorem tax of and at the rate of Ld ' `° cents on the one hundred dollars cash value thereof,estimated in lawful currency of the United States,to pav current interest on and provide one Nears sinking fund for the purpose if paying interest on and retiring the principal of certainwarrents Known and designated as "Special dater Fund #arrents." 3 D. An advalorem, tax of and at the rate of r cents on the one hundred dollars cash value therof,estimated in lawful currency of the United b2iotates,to pay irterst on and provide one years sinicinE fund designated as "City fo Huntsville Improvements ti Warrents- t•Series B", for the purpose of paying the interest on and retiring the funding warrents issued by the said City of Huntsville, Texas, idarch 18,1y25. 4. An advalorem tax of and at the rate of / 1 L cents on the one hundred dollars cash value therof estimated in lawful currency of the United Stades,to pay current interest on and provide one years sinking fund for: db A. The City of H ,,ntsville Sewer Bonds,dated th(. first dray of July 1916,the principal amount of said sewer ponds now out- standing being the suli of(lJ,500.00 ) Nineteen Thousand Five Hundred Dollars; B. To pay the current interest on and provide one gears siaKing fund for the City of Huntsville Street Improv,-.rent bonds dated the first day of July lvl6,the principal amount of said Bonds now outstanding being the principal sum of(7500.00) Sever. Thousand Five Hundred Dollars. C. To nay current interest or. and provide one years sir.xirg fund for the City of Huntsville Street improvement Bonds in the sum of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars( 7500.00) and City of Huntsville Sewer Bonds in the sum of Five Thousand ]Dollars ( 5000.00) S91d Bonds having been authorized by a vote of the property owners voting at an election held for that. purpose on the 12th day of April 1920. 4.A. An advalorem tax of and at the rate of cents on the one hundred dollars cash value therof estimated n lawful eurrenev of the united 6tates,to #Rxx pay current interest on and provide one years sinxing fund for the Bonds designated as "City of Huntsville Pavir_p Bonds of 1923 ",in the sum of $49,000.00) Fortti dine Thousand Dollare,said bonds having beer. authorized by a vote of the property owners voting at an election held for thaw purpose on the 14th day of July,ly23. 5. An advalorem tax of and at the rate )f I I 7L cents on the one hundred dollars cash value thereof estiMed in lawful currency of the united states,to pay current interest on and provide one yeax:'s sinKing fund for the Bonds designated as " tity of Huntsville Funding and tiaterworics Betterment Bonds" in the sum of Forty ihousaaft Vollare( 40,000. )0) dated the fifteenth day of September 19:5. 6. An Occupation or. all persons, firms,andvOorporation doing business within the City of Huntsville equal to one half of that provided by law for an occupation tax due and payable to the state of Texas. 7 /.An annual tax of 45.00 tda every male person between the :ages of twenty —one years and forty—five years,subjeet t:) the payment of a street tax as provided by law and the Ordinances of the said City of Hunt ville, Texas. Be A Poll Tax of fel .00 on every inhabitant of said city of Huntsville over t(e age of twenty one years and not over sixty years od 9ge on the first day of January 1y26. Referred to the finance committee in open Council this the 7th day of September lV26. ►fie the finm oe,reoommend that the foregoing Tax Levy Ordinance for theyear 1`.26 be adopted. Signed. Adopted and Approved in open council Finance Romm ted this the f'' Of , 1926 S igned Ida;or f E MiT le no Li000w- PERCOF TOTAL Sewerage Bonds - 1916 Pa-7ing Bonds - 196 -,-Funding Warrants 1920 Paving Bonds 1920 -..Sewer Extension 1920 --,Tunding 'Narrants 19 2 2 ,-,rPaving Bonds 192 ,,-Funding Warrants 192 0--- ,..•Improvement Warrants 1925-4- --Series B 1925 ,*,6to—Funding & Betterment 1925 Based upon an estimate of $29,000.00 J, 't y 1,462.50* j o 5 8.6- 562.50 1,300,00 02�--41 to 5 3 3 7: 6,4 562.50 102 ZZ Z- 3.3 r-. 00 37;� 1 2:2 1,550.00 0 5 3 9,1", 3,400.00 1:600.00 1117 do 20.1 9---- lt970.00 830-00 .068. 1029>yelg 5.2 5*2 3 ,340.00 ill 20 X16s952.50 .59 1 100 Based upon an estimate of $29,000.00 J, 't y 44 %.2 7 Z", vo�