ORD CC 06/17/1941 - Amending Bond Ordinance of 6-16-41 AN ORDINANCE AL'ENDING "JX0FUNDING BOND ORDINANCE OTATS OF TaIXA6 COUNTY Or WALKER � i The City Council of the City of Huntsville, Texan suet in I R ular Aa ournea session on the 16 d,iy of June, 1941, with the following named officers and persons present: R. C. ;tiernberg, 11,ayor J. X. Scarborough W. T. Robinson L A. Northington Victor Randel i 'Wilbur Smither Sam Dobbins, Councilmen XT.. Si:kther____ ,introduced an ordinance entitled: nAN OaINANCE A11MUDING AN ORDINANCE PAS$ED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CI'T'Y 011' HUNTh�-U'ILLE, TEXA;3 OW APRIL 8, 1941, AUThO.RIZING THE' IC€iU- ANOZ OF 060, 000 CITY OF RUNTOVILLE, "KAT"T,Ei ORKS OYJT&C RErUNDING BONDS, FRIES 1941, AND DE-- CURING AN The oxdinsmoe was read in full and it was Moved by Mr. tandaL and seconded by hir. that Lhe rules be suspended and that s ,.ic7, ordinance be -0e,ss- ed on first reading, which motion was carried by the following vote: Ayes, Messrs. Scarborough, Robinson, Northington, Rand.el., $mither, and Robbins; Noes, none. The ordinance was read a second. time t e r.n ful_.. and it was moved by Izlr. � � and seconded: by Mr. that the :rules be suspended and that the ordinance be pas:red on second. reading, which motion wa carried by the following vote: Ayes, M�essrs. Scarborough, Robinson, Northington, Handel, Smithey, and Robbins; Noes, none. I r 1. I 14:c. rbo ough _..�_ then m oved that tl,e rules be suspen.d.ed and that the ordinance be finally passed, '¢rhich motion was seconded by Mr. ��,+hin_ _M and oaxried by t le following; vote: Ayes, Messrs. Scarborough, Robinson, Noxthingly, 'Randel, Smither, and Robbins; Noes, none. THEREUPON, The Kayor declared the oxdinance finally passed. The ordinance thus adopted is as follows: AN OEtDINANC:E Aa,IENDIN G AN ORDINANCE PAOF�F D i BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTS- VILLE, TEXAS ON APRIL 8, 1.941, AUTHQRIZI G THE 166UANCA, OF 050,000 CITY OF HUNTSVILLE VVATE:ffuORKk; CYST M REFUNDING BONDS, ulaaRIES 1541, AND .DECLARING AN MIERG&NCY. BE IT ORDAINLD BY THE CITY OOUNOIL OF THIS CITY OF HUNTO- VILLE, TEXAfa: I. That paragraph IV of an ordinance passed by the City Council of the City of Huntsville, Texas on April 8, 1941, entitled: "AN ORDINANCE AU1EQRIZING THE I30UANCE OF 450,000 CITY OF H'UNTSV'ILLE WATF,RWORKS GYO`- M,' :REFUNDING BONDS, SERIES .1.941, FOR THE PURPOSE OF REFUNDING, CANCELLING, AND IN LIEU OF A LILE PRINCIPAL A OUNT OF WATER 6ORKO OYSTEM IMPROVEM.GIVT WARRANT S AND PRO- VIDING FOR THE LEVY AND COLLECTION OF AD VALOxUMU TAXES .TN`:'PAMENT T1iERr,,OF, AND DE-- CLARING AN MI'MGENCY.it be amended so that said xt.r aVreph IV shall hereafter reed as follows: 6uch refunding bonds shall beer interest at the rate of two and one—half per cent ( ) per annum, payable December 30, 1.941 and semi--ennuaal.ly t.tiere- after on June 30th. and December 30th of each year. Ilotlti principal and, interest shall be pay,%ble in such funds as axe, on the respective dates of pay- ment, legal tender for debts due the United. States of America, upon presentation and surrender of band or prUper coupons at 'he office of the Treasurer of the City of Huntsville, in Huntsville, Texas. i That the bond form set out in paragraph VI of said or- dinance shall be axpended to conform to the provisions of paragraph IV as herein amended. III. That said ordinance, except as herein amended,, shall Terac.in in full force and effect, The fact that the issuance of said refunding bonds has been greatly delayed constitutes an emergency and an iripera, Live public necessity, D?equixing that rules relating to tho reading of ordinances at more than one meeting before final passage, be suspended, and, said rules are hereby suspended and said ordinance shall. take effect and be in full force immediately upon and after its passage; and IT 12 00 ORDAINED. PASSED AND APPROVM This the 2L6-- day of June, 19-11. ATTEOT: Ga.ty secretary t- STATE OF T.EXAS COUNTY OF WALIKER 1, The undersigned, the duly elected, qualified, �a,nd act- ing City Secretary of the City of huntsville, Texas, certify that the above and foregoing is true and oorxect copy of an ordinance passed and adopted by the City Council of said City on the -1.6th day of June, A.D., 1941, and of the minutes of 3. the =meeting of said City Council. on said date pertaining to said adoption rise the same appears of record. in the I Minutes of said City Council on file in my office. VJ1TNE8�3' 11Y` HAND AM THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY, This the ,7*d.ay of June, A.D., 1941. oil; Secretary, City Of Hunts—'µy vi1.1e, Texas. I i i j i i i 4.