ORD CC 06/05/1923 - Milk production regulations AN ORDIVIANDU Veal• A# pa l An ordinanoolam aWin the oaaptti.o SMA, aaeetttions two and tal:�'ee of an orelinanoet regulating, the prmdueotacsaa of milk naiad the iiaspascalon of mi.loh cows In the City or huritsvi.11ei Prohibiting hint the Oslo of azt aholosMae milks v•kto her produced in the City or elseawherei providing for the tri" SW'tifka'! Of Wi.l0h Oawe kept outwi€iea the City whore tho milk therefrom is scald In the City;, providing for the licensing of persons ongaged in the sale of milky at wholesale and retail,, both or Either, providing for general regulations relating to the sale of milk in Huntsville* but providing that the provisions of this ordinances shall not apply to persons keeping not more then one milcai cow at the tim�j and providing a penalty for the violation of the provi- sions sions of thin ewrdinanco, sa as M make said caption and section two and three thereof read as folle2W a On ordinaneae regulating the ppodtae WOU Of milk and the iraspeeation of mi.lch co In the Nitty of .huntsvillei prohibiting the sole- of unwholesome milks whether produced in they City or olso*0 wharej providing for the inspection of mi.lch wows rapt outside the City where the milk there- from Is scald in the City; providing for the licensing of persons ea getd In the sale of milk at wholosald. and Mello both or oithori providing for general rggulations relating to the sale of milky in HUntsvi.l.lo and providing a penalty for the violation of a%, of the provisions of this ordinance# It ORDAINED BY Tk313k GITY COUMIL 01' Tkir CITY QF $ktNTS"J IRt Section 20 All persons keeping one or more cones Vor the purpose of producing milk to be sold, dollv€r4d or distributed in the limits or the City of Huntsville in any manner or fo ra, and 411 persons selling and delivering sasme# shall comply with this ordinance and be subjects to the Inspection and penalties it i'tpossaeai provided, h€amer, that nothing in this faction shall be construed to eeitampt from prosecution person selling a nrho osomes Wilke: products or milk under other laws and ordinances In fence In the City of Numhavillo, and this orditaslneo shall estond to and easabra ce all persons whosoever engaged either as a business, temporarily ly or ffom toe to time and at intervals car continuously er ocoasionally and to the public as to private Individuals from time to time without regard to tho quality sold and the provisions hereof aand of this ordinance shall apply to persons whosoever not especially excepted herein from, the provisions he oof°a Section $4 Persons- desiring to ingaage in the sale, delivery or distribution of, as the pro- Notion for saale, delivery or lctribestsi.pn of milks within the City of Uuntsvill.e, skull make appli oAti orgy for said license or penult In writing to the City Wore Lary, upon blanks f ua- Kohed by the City of Hunttsvi lle who shall, issue some to any person complying with the pro" visions of this ordintinae. Upon the payment to him of the foil wing saaaas thereto l all per« Sane Producing, selling# or delivering milk within he City of Ovntsvillo shall pad? 1000 for suoh lice nse$ mad every pmoduoi;ng milk for sale or selling or delivering milk in the city of kiuntsvil:lo shall obtain a. permit to do so, and provided that milk produced from cows not pre- viously registered or licensed must not be sold, doliv=4 or distributed within this City Limits of Huntsville, The money thus collected,, together with that received as flues for the violation hereof, if any there be shall be useek for °the purpose of payKS they expenses of stn- forcing this ordi.nanoo, and fdr so other pueapoao, the Wlacsatloaa for the liceiaso or permit shall contain an aagreenant on the pact of the applicant that he will aeoept a license or per- mit, if I antod to hire, capon the condition ion thkatt it may be revoked at the will of the City Coutioll, The applicant Wall also at the time he seas appliontlon for a license or permit, as herein mentioned, present a written, consent ntt from any person £rear wbam he Maine milk, granting pencsission to the Health akffioor of that City of ktuntasville, the milk Wskaootor, Mayor or members of the City Council or ary dally authorized person, #Tess and opon, access to his dairy or promisee for the purpaeo of making an inspection of the promises or herd, area to apply the tuberculin toot, as hereinafter provided, said producer permit shall bo Qkkx in the following f oru This amon4mont of said Ordinince shall take effect and be In forage from and rafter its passage and publication. Referred to Sanitary Committee thi a 6th stay of June$ 1923, e, the Sanitary committee of the City council of the City of Huntsville to whoa tibia foregoing amendment has been referred rocommond that than same be adopted,, J . �'si°isli ibias h £ at,3tas°y Cees Adopted in open Council the ith day of Ju as 1922. Approved this 5th day of Jumbo 19230 ATTSSTs H* Q low h 0yrr�taa y 57