ORD CC 10/13/1926 - Street improvements CIT),' OF E 'Oi,'a's IT By "',1 LS_ CMU-NUIL T-E-E CIT-Y OF AT A OF SAID CM UOUNCIL HMIU k! M Lai LUS U1 ThiC, ACTOBER, IMS, A SECREMEN' Od Till wMawl .>E131 "'?a' ''.,XT, P170 1. That Avenue P, from Elevemb.1- 31",,ruelb tt-r xit 0rfr"3l Park Road, hin"f", fro'm A:11o"Trae 0 1,, ',,ue graded,, filled. o,ric%. p�'07ed. Thab said eMeete be payea i,,a Or,,e of' this fo id-u'oiag types of paving, to be selected by the Go'ouael")" re."e'ei"t Q therefor, Lo-,vit , (a) . Hook mo,oadw-,YA, from c'arb to ourb; (b) . m�,,LcaMm, ourb tc crazb; 5 MI . look waaad=,, fe—i rr`de, oritbont curb; (d,) a Gravul cuar1r,,— t TW-U hereby designato,6 and appointea as spee.J.,,a,1 engir�.eer :L,-)repdare plans an spocifications for said paving arLd ,'.o o-u,-,ervice the -v',,ork thereof, and to act as engineer the CiLy in- r,,is0,Len,- pe�,r- taining to the improvemen! of said streets; axi,,J. sa-1A. e,nigi.nef"T, is heraby Krected forthwith to propara and file with 'the Oouncil complete piano and specifications for said -r,.avj-n6; and'- @--�- serVioe-,--' ixi ounnection with said street the sal-d. engineer shS,013, recoix'e, as camp eneation. the stmi ol', Do!I are IV. That -bhe cost 01"' oaid, stra.ct irixpnsvDment s'nall be and oaid, for is folloxs'. Tln,� oeraeacn oi' property ab-a':Aing oa said st,.,reets pay critire t.,O'o t' of oo-'ast'ructing and, "3'sj."uers, if ,-.eay, ix% front of their,,. pr p ..1 ''vy, ,:e s I,,c i v ..;a 3 1.a,, "'h z Y ,.r t;a �F ..t,::1 �x. G.'.;<r.. a n& gutters lo not r_.. q.,A.i't'C d of any _,+ru v is} .5r". Gt.tad the £:tflt.1,,,,.rG°= of >:sti...{1 �3.F:3:k)t'rLTJ f'E-Y %es�: F�c;-�;4 i.7 _�:.i}.'L�.� of ,"he Cost of Gs,aiCh. „.,kit r o k e:1'::n.:, eot!.,k,:i C4S:-. (,F., .,:t of ry o-arbgs s _, ,., City < i`�<e s�'2,,»,..l pay C�1',�y-°%,kt��.'t�i C1�' �I„e ,'n i,a..,.to cost, if s a.'l.fl. :4tT?;;i rC.kv4d,1ent s ...z,.a„M.,17.si a£ Of" the i"hont ..f &,,,,,,y.Y ow.k,bs a^_t:f 'gnt";f`rs that may )Q ooas'6rua­uod it is specially providw,J, and stivulzabod heroby that the abutting property ,.*,ul,ers shall be laab?_-..,, --'or ti,.0. p aa/tx.e�.z..i� G "' k he next to _ fit U do: xnita S oa ° CY, kr, ; aJ`it!ax"' wS21"r on, „ tLa" side of the street to be ±i.,bl2:: 1:aa' tai= the entire cost of i7k'iF:,!,3x th. entire street 1 tk J.._.;t of his hG,,,:A..£,ig, Me City shall bu liable for tne seat �:, -J s”k1.ae—faux."oh of a.ucti street i t2;is"£^vt..m e:'t a same being g , 7 the kil,tN.t e YC W; street as the pG3:''" iun lying GIB twE.en the parts oh.argerl k.ai?,.' ,3k a tuutin�," property ai,_'J, 6a..,kE:" f 1'r..E,zrs 4,ht„'T...PJ.?4. 1-11h f co of lmisro'J ind or Y °P. fit_: ti, L ..k��..tti,fl ("t.. 1 ' streets ets tm.i !L.,.l be :$,ppo:P,rJbC:zn5..'d .aEk."v'een,, f.Les l,t,x i,."_'l.°a.. the 7o- pe y o'y L`ors iu ..;ILA f � e { a � r s'i?'£J��R°a; ,C � s"� °� �?-°.,.t�7, '" BEd "�� '.G,�Y .ws5.a to the property owners, but in no event o`sh@' t_ the s. J.%,I ng, -pke `,`r3y owners be liable for mura than three-fourths, of t�f,(-; co,-�t ""�f such improvement. u a That the proportion a i, a k.4: :os) ' o d' .irC"PrG 1o'fa .,Ct to as paid by trAy Ulty shall be pa1'C ou in L1 kC[r.?ya ?k ep_:Lea. Fd£'.'I„.Ialy by saia engineer ��r�'�_a°'?{, tSy:;.e Pro" ,"X`e s::. ofO k.., ,4 a:r2 £;.'011,x.{ er in +`+;ica C 7. 3a P. ➢£ ..7" ,,.} !t£➢.1 3.a s V.°SIBC ih h',e i b,S¢' "i Lan )r_.,, t C.':u t_kS U,.:,u,LXaie,., shall !:e sz.thb_f,'bI, t3.nr,._ completion of said °v'wF6.s;x ..x...d M ,3 ,.y,,,.,},f;000f"'c" I',: Itlae,. :..°l-ty'g a.Xk.d. .(Oue'.. s ...£C3_ ala aie't Eao L'esR y,avel d 4o ti,,a� o� e r,' �t .> >. „a f_ b„`P ,said ta'1.I;+y `.'k: .l.,l be paid .L?'.. cash or '.?,.';.rrarm a c-"',. on S'!'3.'_ £1 thirty days Katter the ooS7kE?e.a ,lt..'i of �>,-ai ,(,:v_ n,,d its aa,vepta,nce by city tio "',;o be pad by 1-,be a,­jud,: Lnq,,� -_r 2roparty owners s-tall ,,,o k„i,sses�ed. againtot, the Several e oivz,�,, rE, of abutting upon saia streets, and their resjpsctivo, abu,',ting b,, the (_Ji-,;y Uo meil, ofter ho notie(," an(3 hesxi,,ag luo smiC_ _p,.,.)por'ty owners prescribed by laww and, of thio City; and that said cost shall he ansessed againot Aae oa-ift property aaa tho owners thereof, and pro rated among t_:,e '-­.)�,,-mers tnoreof in, �a,or,_)rdarace w1tb, o,-,hat ie _,-;a own, as In-l'o FI&O, or IRale, in as the frontage of ea ca Darcel of prQperty as tto, t"I"'e. fruntage to ba improved. Provide& that if the application of thic rule sham t, in As opinion of the Council, -Xnj,.nSt Or It P iyt e-xatess of the o2,,� resu, in casys in an 0, special benefits ruceived from suc.a imp-rc ver;tent; tht,,ta, t'o,e Ccoxaoil shall adopt ouch rule of appurtion,,­ie(aa, ',v`,1j_,';j`1 s!"a'-11-1 effec sub- stantial equality mad vLniformity botweaa s,,,.,J,,f1 the benefits neueivea uy and the burden.is impose�, 01,­� tlaeryl f,':ndi t"'Ie'J"'I" property; and provide& that no ,ami),A e ,,, '' i list any owner or his property in excess of the said property in oac enhaneed vakii.e thereof by reaoon of said improvement. Ti. This ordinance Vall take effect from and aft,,er passage, Referred to the Street PuCt Coj*r[.t_-,j t,Uee j_,e. opo,,n L&Ljoy Of DOWN, 1926. We, tuc Committee on, Streets ana to vAlam,. ths above and foreeoing ordinaTjoe 1,,,raz referref.1, Aeaving con- Merea the same, to hereby bhr,IL; it "(.,,e adopt ea. V/ tz" ,A.d,apted oj:ia a-_,,,,.proved tyllis, V of te r, A= 0-TEST O c ob