RESO 12/8/1961 - Urban Renewal Law The Uj ht.6.n R e*4na:4vT aL Law, House IXiS P]s 7£ axt> 1209L.3 (VACS) of the State of Tows, poce„ th are s F_3kzMiPRV for e,aatzrxUng I7x°Mn Renewal in citlers upon the govurniug E:ody is words a6 i cku. n� "Sec. S. Finding of Mete, ty by City C."ounc.`.l, No city shall exercise, ise, any of the yr;ower°s conferred upon ,des by Ws Act until a.z' m f:h< Katy. Council shall have adopted ar resolution, atfter giving notice and ordering an election on the question of whether Cho City Council shalt a,dolat such :res alrntion fin'oding, that, (l) one or mare slaw., o:r 'aiiguted raruas exist irk such c„ity, and R) the r°eta-tka.O, tatXon, conservation, or k31uC,'S. W tr a,:ce andl redz„'4't-'aC.apt"1'1z',nt, or a cCk1;Y binition thereof, of such area or area.: is EnG.;C,a?.r3..X3.r'y,° in the interest of public 11eatth, oa°i'e ty, naua.als or welfare of the residents of such city, Such notice :shat ':a£. pua.?„shed at least twice i:c the newspaper ?fUciaL y designated by the City t” c, t,w,cil and shar.tl ;>ta e `stmt on to date certain, w1aich date shall "s<ti fiaated in the ¢aca;ice and .shall ba not leis than (60) days after the publication of the Met of such ch rd otices, the City Council will consider the question of ^ at-t`or or not it isil.t order a,ri election, to deternh ae if it should adopt such a resolution. .--” lye statate is so zakal.lfulLy and rad oittyr worded that in order to initiate nrban renewal the councit, by passing such in order rrtvt.;st by strong sex pUcaa<tion, if not carn],Iteteiys endorse urban renewal too- the City of HuntsWo. This the majority of t1ae a n,,;rr.,be u of the City" Gov<rr"ran°ent fw;er #,1°xey cannot tcanugci n— Hously do, as it is not th- ar° intention to consider such as r°cesstatuti.c.n required by the statute to initiate urban :re nk-'.wal in d.it,nt.svill,t.;, for the fol,t vying reasons. 1. The Urban l enewa3 Lam, was paassed for the express iA,at yak:ac of c lirxainati ng slum and rsligb.ted areas in cities of tl-w State, The unlyr reason given the C.C'aa}ncil by 1a:t`Cal?ot1ent.`s of urban renewal for li4 nWvHW, is an att mint to aid jarn Hc,ustor: C=_1ite:i cr to obtain property z.t;ar a.ts c:s cxrl us at a l;.x:rga €., pe:nse to the }^ideraa,l C.rover~txtrrent. To endo.esc cirba1u rf;rn wa,l for that purpos€:,° a.W ne w=atalci be ,t. subterfuge and not in romlatx.ance with the intent or spirit of the law, which is admitted by 'ma,"znyr" of the proponents of crrban renewal for Huntsville, How others may feel in this respect `P, tiied C' ovttn 8.,'+usiXaes a, 15,ut we feet such ac procedter e would be aa, violation of the public, trust imposed lay our oath of office, 4. de do not fiend the coand tioaris ex atir.ay in. the area looposed to be ac- quired through urban renewal for the col,l g e, that would justir"y= the passing of too Yerquired r c=:tohatioar to initiate, urban, ra,racnval in liuntrsv°HUe, i. In spite of wnat anyono may say, there is no urban 'g:`aasewarl, lsr .grain). provicied by lam, for educational institutions alone, Urban renewal a-sust apply to the e ntrrr area within the torpor eke Hants of the city P We urban xenewaa.t is adopted by as city it can cover be voted out, and any our can dernand development of an urban renewaal area at any titer°: in the future. dm Upon a thorou, n study of the law, which. we invite a.ti r it?sens W do, wo fired tivere are many provisions contained ntained in it which wCar3W require the kyle,., pen5ture of large sums of raacn y by the r.n and from inquiry we €xrid the ex- perience in other cities that have adopted narban rarrewa, have required the increase in taxes, in sc me cases rnor e tl.n,tan b, vie* be,l.evFe: thore are other, practical ways, of apgiating the college in obtaining a;a::eded morn for expansion, without involving the City= of l untsville in ra Ifx°rag rarxn that tendra to jeopardize, the rights of Self-dete aaai,na3ti,on of as Tvi- duaxls, and than pr°iva,t own r° lrQ of prrope"y. Wk, T49ZA,6F0.kt : tl SO:l VE that this statement be adopted and placed. apoz"n the nninutes of the City s`adrouncsl of than My of i°iuntsville Texas. W f.i.., a „f t . .tom 7, ��:m,�, a ` C rl pt /s d i Believing that the o a a .,gym ,r and __ _..t, nn f r. h,og upon M our .no t,i.o_.: nos f rM uc.. ., w ° are tawallnF our leynWo cad Americyn at, A _ i e. Lvov v _ Ond .< .. Olussaa economy thot F :fi at any tctojjt�rian cr scalyllstic proqv,m thot is non befy=,, _ . r AnOw or Oftnw& A Lne Mare. : _,e w _ .w . V". 20e nWe »a.e 2rWvldlon , .... _. toe U1 1 .r :. c L . . _on, , u.. _ F raqwyot _._. _ ._ special a n_ _,e. _ W u �I