RESO 12/17/1940 - Water Work system improvements'RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MAYOR. TO GIVE NOTICE ON WATER WOR:li, SYMITEN IMPTMARUAENTS. The City Council of the City of hantsmllia, Texas, met n ,., session. on. the La_ CLay of Decemer 1940 with A... . the ., ,.... .„,ms, ...TdSs ••o,l...42Ee.,•,s-Csaef-,ln0e•-•,m—b4,eo.....yf.ficA L......,,,,,,•-••4Ain" • ,• , , , , . d , (.1 n.,- , , v., ,..,,,,,,,c... '.....1....-. e :,-.• „?:', '..,••, 1" ;;:',- , •••,(.:..51'3,---3-1.... •.(,41, (:, 2,12 Mr. _ dat ni?„es introduced a resolation and. , • moved its adoption, The mbtion was seconded by Mrt ubstetebM&Amyy.... and carried. by the following vote: Ayes, siseib V........se„syagm4 ...... 1I.Iii4,...leArgedidgia a. (...) thus adopted. reads sa follows: Noee none, The resolution. WHEREAS, it is necessary that the water works system of the City. of Huntsville, Texas, be inipplembnted. by additional ,... elevated storage; and WEEREAgi, lt is desirabEe and. rbosseary that certain extebsions, improvements, replacements end. sAditiobs be made. to existing water works systemd and. WHEREASa the City Engineer. has drawn plans and. spedifi a cations for such addAtional storage and. said extensions, imbrovew meets, replacements and addationsm and WEEREAta it is desirable that a part of the cost of suon additional storage and extensions, improvements, replace— .. manta and additions be paid. by the :issuance of Time Warrants; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City CounAil of the City of Huntsville, Texas 1, TMEA the Mayor of said City be and he is hereby authorized. and. directed to. give nbtise substantially. as follows, toewit: NOTadE To:.:EqppE4s. De BIDDEBB AND TO l'HE WAVLOFFLED TOTEMS OF THE CITY OF. HUNI6VIULmn TEXA54. Notice is hereby. given that sealed bids addressed. to paeleste hobinett, City Secretary of the City of MUntsville, at ,the City. Hall in Huntsville, Walker County, Texas, will be , received until. ten otcleck A.M. on the wet day of *landau, 1941, for the following described mstsiiels to be purchased by the , City of Huntsville, Texas; 1, 400,000 gallon elevated water. tank and. tower 2. 568 ft. of 12° oast iron pipe 3, 7,395 fti of 10" cast iron pipe 4. 6,217 ft, of 8° cast iron pipe 5. 1341:12 ft. of 6" cast iron pipe 5. 2,000 ft. of 2" oast iron. pipe 7, Mancellancous parts and necessary fittings Bids should be submitted on a unit price Oasis so far as pHoeticable. The City reserves the right to contract for the tpuronsse of all or paxt of the above descriewd notiimuldOni. Full information. and plans and specifications are on file at the office 'Ulf thn City Secretary at the City Hall. in. the City of Huntsville, ,Texas. The City reserves efight to reject say. and all. bids ,and to waive any and all technicalities* It is the intention of the City of Huntsville to make ,payment for the nefeinbefore described materiaas and„ cost of [uonstraction of improvemendan additions end extensions to its *ater works system by 'ebb use of such material fexcagh the issue hence of time warrants in the maximum amount of $50,000, bearing dntereet at the fats of 2475,1" per 1nnum and. maturing serially. with a maximum maturity daL e of December Si, 1952. The improvise ments contemplated. are to be made in cooperation with the Works Progress Administration of the United, States Government, and. the City. reserves the right to employ tbe necessary labor and. grofessional services in conneetdon with such imptovmmente and to pay therefor by the issuance of a part of the above deeexibed time warTsntEit WITNESS my hand at Huntsville Tawas, this bla_ day of December, 1940. teic,da manandll 'add, at y of Huntar Texas 2„ Mot said impTovemehts be made in sooperation with the Works Progreso Administration of the United iPtates Government, PASSED and APPROVED this j al day of December, 1940”