Minutes - 09/27/2016 th MINUTES FROM THE HUNTSVILLE CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING HELD ON THE 27 DAY OF SEPTEMBER 2016, IN THE CITY HALL, LOCATED AT 1212 AVENUE M, IN THE CITY OF HUNTSVILLE, COUNTY OF WALKER, TEXAS, AT 5:00 P.M. The Council met in a regular session with the following: COUNCILMEMBERS PRESENT: Andy Brauninger, Don H. Johnson, Tish Humphrey, Paul Davidhizar,Joe Emmett, Ronald Allen, Lydia Montgomery, Keith D. Olson COUNCILMEMBERS ABSENT: Joe P. Rodriquez OFFICERS PRESENT: Matt Benoit, City Manager; Lee Woodward, City Secretary 1. CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Brauninger called the meeting to order at 5:01 p.m. 2. INVOCATION AND PLEDGES U.S. Flag Texas Flag: Honor the Texas Flag. I pledge allegiance to thee, Texas, one state, under God, one, and indivisible. 3. MAYOR/CITY COUNCIL/CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY REPORT on Ordinance 2016-41, adopting Presentation, discussion, public comment, and possible action a. the tax rate and levying taxes for the City of Huntsville Fiscal Year 2016-2017 (passage of budget required to vote on this item) (record vote). \[Steve Ritter, Finance Director\] Mayor Pro Tem Olson moved to adopt Ordinance 2016-42 adopting the Tax Rate and levying taxes for the City of Huntsville for the Fiscal Year 2016-2017. Councilmember Humphrey seconded the motion. The motion was approved 8-0. 4. MEDIA INQUIRIES RELATED TO MATTERS ON THE AGENDA 5. ITEMS OF COMMUNITY INTEREST (Hear announcements concerning items of community interest from the Mayor, Councilmembers, and City staff for which no action will be discussed or taken.) Councilmember Humphrey urged all to attend Fair on the Square early on Saturday and then go to the Battle of the Piney Woods game and support SHSU over SFA. Mayor Brauninger shared his experience welcoming the over 600 runners who participated in the Texas Ten race early last Sunday morning, and the positive remarks he heard from many of them. 6. ADJOURNMENT - Mayor Brauninger adjourned the meeting at 5:07 p.m. Lee Woodward, City Secretary