Press Release - 10/13/2015 - Essential Oils 10/13/2015 Huntsville,TX-Official Website Posted on: October 13, 2015 Essential Oils Wlhetlheir you Ihnave Ibeeirn attendiling the sse infi all 01111s (1I::.::.::OS) c1lasses these (past-few weelks, or Ihave just Ihealyd albout theim, you Will The excited to Ileairirn albout the speciall Ih olliday event Ibeiiirng Ihelld on IMoirnday, November 30 froim 3::00 1p..irn.. to 5::00 1p..irn.. lin the 1I11brary's Community If ooim.. IMelliissa Goinzallez, I::.::.:DS linstructor, will1l demonstrate seveirall "recillpes" for attendees w1ho Will then be albIle to create their liindliviiduall essentiall olill beauty prodUCt, inaturall Ihealltlh reimedy, or c1leaniling product. 11::.::.::Sse infil all 0111s Ihave Ilong Ibeein used -for food preparation, beauty treatment, and Ihnealltlhn care practices. If e-fireshments wiIIIII The served and everyoine who attends wiIIIII Ihave an opportunity to win a graind door Ipiriize.. 11:::11lease registeir for this event oinfline at www,,irTiylhuintsvilllllellliIbirary,,coirini or call1l IMairy IKolkot at (030)201,,,,5471„