Press Release - 10/13/2015 - "Hush Now Baby" by Angela Williams, Library 10/13/2015 Huntsville,TX-Official Website
Posted on: October 13, 2015
"Hush Now Baby" by Angela Williams
With Iheir irnernolir, 11 �uslh INow, 11::.3alby Q 1I exas If eview ll::::Iiress, IMay 2015), Aingella W111111airns Iholrnoirs I::.::.'.'.va, a centrall
aind vii-tall -fiiguire iIn Iheir 1111-fe -from blith untill [ stepped out of the shadows with an. irnove that sent shock aind awe
liinto the Iheart of the author's world.. W111111airy-is wiIIII The recounting Iheir transforii-natilve chilld1hood experiences and
autographing colples of Iheir lboolk on Wednesday, October 28t.1h at the 11 luntsville l::Ilulblllc 1llbrairy froinn 2::00 to 4.::00
As c1lasslically Southern as a g1lass of sweet tea, Aingella W111111airris grew up In an fairnilly with deep roofs iiirn the
11 owcouintry of South Carolhina.. 1l11ke others, W111111anns' -familly eirnIpIloyed African Anneirlican dornestics to Ikeelp
Ihot,.jse and iralise chill1direin. l::3ut urflIlIke most fairnifles, the deep affectiloin between W111111aims and cairetalkeir I:::"::"vas
AlIken (bounded thern for- 111-fe, evein as the Civill [Rig1hts irnnoveinneirnt s1hoolk their worIlds, propellfling theirTI and the
country down a roclky Ipatlh that changed hilstory.
"My ll::.::.::va and 11 shared a Ilove that Ikiinew no collor, Ikinew rio Ibou irids, and -for that, I"iron very giratefull. 11 �uslh now,
11::.3alby eirnanates -from Ipersoinall irefflectiions of 1::.::.::va's linfluence oin irony 111i-fe, ain explIoration ofC.IvIIII 11:RIghts issues, and
the subsequent eirnbarrassinneint that 11 Ikinew so 111ttIle, diid so httlle," says W111111arns, a forimeir Citadell Ipirofessoir and
pulbIllished acadennilc and coninwinications coaclh.. She continues, `1 Ihe urge to do something, if nothing innoire
t1hain to reach Ibaclk and touclh the "11[ wisdoinn," Ipllaused inne for years I Ihiis ire seeling, t1his ire weaving, gives
tribute to the lf..:..:.,vas of ouir country...............the (loin g dellayed irnou..uirrniiirng and g1loryling of the host of Afiricain Arneric.ain
women whose Iplhysiicell strength and courage permeated the 111ives of Southern fairniflies 1l Ihils !is, as they say, The
rest of the stoiry..' Aind II've wal�ted 50 years to teIIII 10" Naturally, W111111airns acknowIledges the seernlingIly obvious but
liin ireallilty, oinIly toplicall compairlsoins Ibetweeiin 11 lush INow, l::.3alby and I Ih e 11 W11p. `1 Ihat slirnIpIly wasn't imy experience.
I:::"::" I's a imiaj I or c1hairacteir liin imy coming of age story of Ihow a 111ttIle w1hilte glil d1limbed out of an uneasy clhllldlh'wod
liin the segregated Soufi--noin the Ibeclklboirne of a Ibllaclk wornain w1ho Iloved irne unalbashedIly.."