Press Release - 9/1/2015 - A library card is the coolest card 9-1-15 A library card is the coolest card – September is Library Card Sign-up Month Studies show that children who are read to in the home and who use the library perform better in school. September is Library Card Sign-up Month, a time when the Huntsville Public Library joins with the American Library Association and public libraries nationwide to make sure that every student has the most important school supply of all – a free library card. Resources at the Huntsville Public Library (HPL) are available to anyone who has a library card. Students can turn to the library for materials, programs and knowledgeable library staff who support academic achievement. Today’s libraries aren’t only a place of quiet study, but also creative and engaging community centers where students can collaborate using new technologies, or just relax with peers. The library offers access to a variety of print and digital resources, including e-books, online homework help, online databases, and more, that can be accessed in person or electronically. “Our library provides access and programs for students of all ages,” says Anne Sparks, HPL Assistant City Librarian. “For preschool age children, we offer a wide selection of books and story times to encourage school readiness. For older children and teens, we supplement education with hands-on science, technology, engineering, arts, and math (STEAM) programs, and, for older teens, we have mentoring programs and information and tools to help prepare for college. There is really something for everyone and it’s all free with a library card.” th For more information on how to sign up for a library card, visit the Huntsville Public Library, located at 1219 13Street, or go online at www.myhuntsvillelibrary.com. A photo id and something dated within the past thirty (30) days with your name and current address (i.e., utility bill, auto insurance, voter registration) are required to get a new library card. For replacement cards, a photo id and $1 are all that is needed. For more information, contact: Anne Sparks, Assistant City Librarian at (936) 291-5481. Don’t forget to stay up-to-date with HPL activities by following them on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HuntsvillePublicLibrary) and Twitter (https://twitter.com/huntsvilletexas).