RESO 1980-01 - Gibbs Brothers Revisionsf
At a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
Huntsville held in the City Hall in Huntsville, Walker
County, Texas on February 12 , 1980, the following resolu-
tion was moved, seconded and adopted by a vote of eight
to in favor and none against in words and
figures as follows:
Be it resolved by the City Council of Huntsville,
Texas that the water system contract between Gibbs
Brothers and Company and the City of Huntsville,
Texas dated September 25, 1979, be revised and
amended so as to exclude therefrom any benefits to
or reference to American Gardens of Texas Limited,
a copy of such revised contract being attached to
this resolution and to be included in the minutes
of this meeting.
It was further resolved that such contract should
be executed by the Mayor after having been approved
as to form by the person acting as City Attorney.
It was further resolved that a change order in the
contract for construction of a 12 inch A.C. water
main and appurtenances between the City and
Crawford Construction Company of Lufkin, Texas and
affecting a 12 inch water line extension in and
near the City of Huntsville on South Highway 75 be
ratified and confirmed subject to the terms of a
change order directed to the contractor by the
City acting through Huntsvi l le's Director of
Community Development, and that the City shall
comply with the terms of such contract subject to
the provisions of the change order and subject to
the condition that such change order and the
method of computing the payments and compensation
to the change order be accepted by the contractor.
PASSED this the 12th day of February, A.D., 1980.
uth DeShaw, City Secretary
F. Hastings Pannill
City Attorney
Morris I. Waller, Mayor