ORD 1981-48 - Landscaping.sf jid.)IhACh he AH NCL: di, Tin: CITY COUACIL 31' TOL CITY 012 JA.VILLL;, hANDSCLPLVO dh 2nIVA1 P UiE' A PLANTI;4C, OC ViChS; LCti1JIINC A PELOv-JT • nf3VAL UL TichS 3n3 PWJLIC tC10h13-3AY; 1::;STA6LISnI33 A CIT%3IA (J L3.DL3CA3IN3; 1.)id3v1, A i:,hALTY 32 TJ 4;20; 31 .L'3 ;LLAThD T11.3LTO; Air) TnE I'USLICATIUN hfjft:( • ERLAS, the City Council desires to crovide for the oruefly, safe and healthful uuveloient of the City; and • LkEA:3, the City Council desires to irotector enhance the coi..uhunity's ecolo,„ical, dovirooL,eotal and aesthetic ,juaiities; anu the City Council Uesires to -,A-otect ancl conserve the value of all j'irol)erties in the City; and tne City Council desires Lo aid rujulatioo and control of vehicle and 1.)eUestrian circulation in and out of L;ari;in, arcs; IT 3.\L 33 Tha CITY COJCIt 3r Tn6 CITY .31.' huT3VILL, thbL; ',-;ection 1: file Code of Jruinances of the City of nuotsville, Te:tas, Chter nuiloinjs", is to be ahienUed L y tne adoi)tion of a nu'. article V, handsca,,in,_; 1Ze.duirclients, that shall read as follo4s: Cna,ter f:uiluinjs Article V. Landscai,inj J:e,.luireLtents L;ection 3efinition (a) uiciieter - avera,,e dieter af tile tree iasoreu four (4) feet above the ground level. (-)) handscae Deveioin:,ent - Truus, snruc,s, _,round cLver, vines or jrass installed in L)lantinj areas, havitu a lAinioul, of Len Sure feet of actual lantaule area and d inside dili,ension on any sice of 13 inches. (c) rruu - Phi/ self su.ort1n )ouy OL a s,ecius that norna11 jrows to an overall 1101 ht of a lfljiIUS of fifteen 1o) feet. 3t CCOO • Section -51. nandscapinu kuired (e) o uiluin,j permit snail be issued unless a minimum of ten Jercent (1') of the buildirpj site not covered by a builainj or structure is devoted to landscape (b) On buildinj sites of one (1) acre or more, no buildinj pernJit shall be issued unless at least einLeen (1U) diameter iiicnes of trees are provided per acre. Section 6-52. Landscape i.)evelopment ..Aithin Setback .c.reas Landscape development area within the setback areas ut a fJuil(liiiJ si L 6tibil be considered doubled ieii deturinin,j the minimum re:duirements of Lnis article. Section . Credit for Trees. (a) Trees that are newly planted or already established and jr-o;,iinu shell receive creeit a,jainst: the landscape re.duirements as follows: 12" or ,jreater diameter - - - 233 it. 5" or „Jr-eater diameter - - - 1U.. 6._d. Lt. 3" or greater diameter - - - 5 s. Lt. This credit snail be in addition to the plantin,j area in whicn tae tree is contained. ( b ) No tree shall be considered as a credit unless it is i11 a 'plantin,j area whose least dimension is 1/2 the radius of tne crown spread or tne tree meesured from the trunk center, but in no case less than a radius of three feet (3') measured from tnc tree trunk to tne near edHje of the landscape Section 3--54. Trees in Lieu of Off-Street T:erkinj. Any landscape development in excess of the lfj percent (130) minimum re.luirement iay Lic credited a,jeinst off-street parkin,j requirements up to a meximum reduction in off-street parkin,j of lv; percent (13%)). Section 6-55. Visibility Triani s and bint Distances. (c) •,hien a driveay intersects a public ri,jht-oL-way or when tnc subject propert abuts tire intersection ot two Of more public ri,jhts-of-way, all landscapin within tnc trien,jle areas 3i1(iii .)(',.,10■,; (visibility trien,j1e) snail provide unobstructed cross visibility et a level between turee and six feet. Trees navin,j over six feet oL clear trunK with limbs and foila,je trimmed in sucn a manner as to not extend into the cross visibility area snail be permitted, provided there is no traffic aLard. • • () 1caii iii1 be i,iaintaihe in such a c:,anner as to obscure or otherwise interfere with the effectiveness of an official tratfic sinal or device, or so as to obstruct or interfere with the view of a driver of approacni, etterin,j or intersectin traffic or so as to prevent a traveler on any street frorn obtainin,j a clear view of approacnin,j vehicles for a distance of 25 feet ulonj the street. :Section 5-bS. bowntown Are& l.]xelc,pt. The provisions of precedin sections of this article shall not apply to the downtown corcial area (Central business District). Section 6-57. Appeals. Any person alsjrieved by a decision under the precedin,j sections of this article :day appeal in writiroj as provided by the Standard buildin,j Coo. Section :3-5.. Permit ij-jhts-of-ay 1:eAuired. for Hrehtovin‘j Trees in Public / person coLii,lits an oftehse iL he re,Loves or destroys a tree in the street ri,jnt-of-way or in any public place witnout first obtainin, a perLdt. Section 2. Any Lierson, firpt or corporation violatin any provision of Li JruiLI 1CL or Lciilin,; to cOly witn an reuirelaent of this Ordinance will be :_juilty of a lAiskiekdeanor and sub-ject Lo o fine of up to two nunC,red dollars upon conviction. 1.ach coy durin:j or upon wnich said person shall violate or continue violation ot any provision of tnis urdinance or non-coLtpliance witn any ruire,dent of this urdinance snail constitute a distinct and separate offense. The violation of any provision of this brdinance snail eacn constitute a distinct and separate offense. Section 3. if any sooLion, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Jrcrinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional, such portion shall oe deenped a separate, oistinct ano independent provision and such holuin, snail not affect any ot tne re1kainin5 provisions ot tnis ordinance. JLcLiOn 4. breinahces and ,,a1- of Ordinances in conflict With the provisions o1 this Ordinance are hereby repealed; Eiroviutiu, howevi, that SUCI1 repeal snail be only to Lite extent of such inconsistency and in all other respeuts tills Jrdinance shall be culkulative of other Ordinances re,julatin and ,,overnin the subject platter covered oy this rdihance. Section 5. Tne Cit Secretary is nerub2 directed to cause the cal;tioh of this Jrdinahc :? to be eublisned dt least one tilLie within twenty days. the 1.enal 1,rovisions of this jruinance shall take effect ten uays after the Gate of such ,!JA_ otter oruvisions Qt. ibis Ordinance shall take effect itediatel'i. b ir774 JAL.IOUSLY kHi\SIN:,; TilIS /6 day oi Aujust, SECbo,D HEi.,bIofC into io74 t(01.2,L) ThIS id day ut Ai'fbSt: day of , 19E1. , 1901. THE CITY 02 AUTSVJELE iNutn DeSnaw, City Secretary APPHJVED h TJ See-y Scott bounds, City Attorney V. 'iash, ;./iayor