ORD CC 01/08/1933 - amend 06/05/1925 peddling ordinancelow• ! "` BE IT ORDAINED BY TT_E CITY C CUITCIL OF T1-1E CITY OF hMIT S- VIILF IN COUICIL ASSET BLED: That the ordinance adopted and approved on the 5th day cf June, 1925, recorded in Volume F, page 400, of tie minutes of the City of Huntsville, prohibiting the peddling and selling of mer- chandise in the streets within the corporate limits of the City of Huntsville, BE A D TI SK E IS ,�E__MY Al'-ENDED so that herea rter it shall read as folloirrsz SECTICY, 1S For the purpose of this ordirar.ce the busi- ress district of the City of Huntsville shall include all the =venues streets and /or alleys loc :ted vithin ore block from the public square and in addition thereto shall include Avenues K and L fro:;,. 13th Street to 14th Street. For the purpose of this ordir.arce the resi- dential district of the City of Huntsville shall include all of the avenues, streets and alleys not included in the business district as herein - above defined. SECTION 2: It shall hereafter be unla�r,,ful for any person or persons, firms or corpora.tior,s to use the streets, avenues and /or alleys embraced within the business district of the corporate limits of t'-.e City of Huntsville, Texas, for the purpose of vending, dis- playing or peddling goods, hares, rierchand ise, -produce or other articles at retail. SECTION 3s It shall hereafter be unlawful for any person or persons, firms or corporations to use the streets, avenues and /or alleys e.- braced within the residential district of the corporate limits of the City of Huntsville, Texas, for the purpose of vending, dis- playing or peddling goods, ,'pares, merchandise, :)roduce or other articles without first obtaining a permit from the City Secretary as hereinafter provided. Provided, h.o�t;ever, the,t this section shall rot apply to any person who offer: for sale ary product raised or grown by himself upor the property owned or rented by him or ur,, er his control. SECTION., 4: Unor applic :tier therefor and the - oky-ment of the fees as hereinafter described, the City Secretary of the City of Huntsville shall issue a license to any person or persons, firms or corporations authorizing there to use the streets, avenues and /or alleys embraced within the residential district of the corporate limits of the City of Huntsville for the purpose of vending, dis- playing or peddling goods, ,wares, merchandise, ir.oduce or other 2 '°t? Iles. as followcs$ The fees to be paid for said license shall be X1.25 shall be paid for a license for a period of three months. $5.00 shall be paid for a license for a period of one year* '"W- I t SECTI01t 5: Any person or persons, firms or corp or,�.tions Vi olatirg any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and unor conviction shall be fired in any sun not exceeding Two hundred 1$200.00) Dollars. SFCTIOi 6: This ordinance shall take effect im'_edi lately after the puhlic:,tion thereof. TTHE FOR.EGOING ORDINA 'CE vra.s _referred to the Committee on Ordinances in open council at a/i � meeting this � day of 1933. —'. 'MAYOR WE, your Committee on Ordinances, to whom. the foregoing ordinance was referred, having duly considered the same, do recom.. -.lend that the same be ado -oted. 1 < %ITT OF CRDI`,:ANGES ADOPTED A' -D APPROVED in open council this da;� of fl K7, A. D. 1933. MAYC'R, CITY OF HU?tiTSVILLE, TE:�AS ATTEST: x�- CITY SECRETARY