ORD CC 02/02/1932 - adopting fire limitsC AZT ORDII.,ANCR AV;1'.'VD1JP, AN ORDIFAYC-R ():p M, CITY` OF HUVTk-VJJU!,, TPMAS, 'A�XPTS-D THE 7TH DAY OF SAY-yj B- I-t;,G IMOV,7: AL; T LIMIT SAID 0AJ).JJfAJfCX By UIR'N'T OF ARTICLE 29 ftp TITr iD. R F4 VI �.L ,,,D ORDINArIGNS op 'VIP r"F, C".Y ()y HUXT!7V:r1Xi-'# TWAA3* AS 1-11;, 110 AYD AMM,-'D BY THF, CITY COUNCIL lit 11997. TO I.N,0LLtD14 MINTAIN :-n0PnT1XS ADA%Cl,T "MERETO 21177ITy r TT,,. L1YITS PRE SCRIBED, mi-i'THER EXTEYDING ZTE, FIRF, LIMITS OF SAID CTTYo ANTI) D1?.C1JRIT1:G Ar E, N C Y 3 1 )RDAIRED BY TyL,, CITy COU,Cl, F, T 0 X,4 THE' CITY TNXASt SECTION 1 0 That the ordinance adopted by the City Council Of said City On the 7th daY Of OCtoter, 1924, arlending Article 49 Of the �.o Revised Ordlr&pceg of the City -tr 18979 SP.zne being krov�j; by said Council In the yet of Huntsville as revised ard adopted ord-lent Of 00tober 7th, 19249 having for Limit Ordinance# paid mn -- I, C the Fire its purpose the extension Of z<ild 'Fire Limit southward along Avenue K Wfain Street) to Irclude aertnjn properties adjacent thereto, be and the acme is hereby amended 60 an hereafter to read as follows:; That all of the lnrcis and Premises located, being and situate i11thIp the f0llOwirg defined portion 0 f the City of JJUntS Ville# to-WIts COM-Orcing at a point 200 feet east of the Southwest cor. Per of Block '8t as laid out and shown, Or, the map and p1r-Ir Of said City, bein' a Point on the north line of IE'leverth (Ceder) Street; TURVOR rnrih 200 f eet to Stake for corner# the same beinr, a point or. the north 11r-e of Lot pq, in 3lock 9; T[ILZ'�CR weet with the north lire of Lots 29 and 26p in said Block# 200 feet to a point Ir the west lire Of Block 8v beirr , the east line of Avenue X 'CR 00rtinuirl', W*st ore � 7�T-E"" Street) 013inr said Avenue X and intersectine the east line Of Block It and cortinuing across said Block velth the nortl live of Lots 1% 2 and 3 thereof, and intorse0tire Avenue L (Jao, .<S p o Street), and continuing across said Street and intersecting Block 2 at the northeast corner of 14t 6,, in said Bloc3-# and continuing west feet Wept of the east lire of said 13loc'k with the north line of Lots 36 and 39, in 10ck 2P to a Point 2DO ."310,qk 2; TW�',1-1. South 200 feet to the north line oaf of Lot 39# In a atake on the north 1-;n* "I i,lever#L Street, and co 'rtinuirr zec'4rg the rortb , South crossing said Street, inter. nort-k live Of Block 3 at a point 200 feet we,-t of Its her-lot corner,, and coptirul , ng South across Block 3 to a point on the South line thereof, being the southwest co Bloc',< 3* ',.)eing a pOIr corner of Lot 9, in said .t in the north line of Twelfth Streeto cortinu. I"F south crossing Twelfth Street and Intersecting the north line of .111ock 4 at as Point 200 feet west Of Its northevet comer; Tx,�INGX South through Block 4 to a poir)t on the south 55p being, "�'00 feet We8t of the southenst, correr of !^id Bloek,4; eVASt le of lot '�'ith V70 south lire Of 73lock 4 to Its southeast er and continu. inr, across Ave.,1118 Lq, Intersectirp line corner of Block So ,tinuing east with the south boundary and cor tize southwest car" (ma a Of.said Block to its 801"h0ant correrg Gros8ing Avenue K 1n Street) to the South- avast corner of ilOck 6, and continuing east with tl:e vouth line of "Id BlOck to a Point 200 feet east Of the southwest corner of said a stake in the rorth line of Thirteenth Street; 400 feet intersecting the rnrtb line of 1�loc,7 6. THIMON north across Twelfth Street, and, erf�erirr, the South and cOntinuirte I'lorth point POO feet east of its southwest corner; lire Of Block 7 at a north across .2leverth. Street to the place Ing 71IOcT,- 7# and OOntinuirr o r,th Irterseat- ark , q.a� -�� D of bevirning. be and tee same is hereby declared to -,)0. iui thin ti-,e Fire Limits of the JitY of Huntsville. S1,XT1011 II. That all of the territory within raid 'ire Limits des- cribed it Section I of this %Crdirarce shall be subject to the terms and conditions of all ordinances and resolutions Ycretofore adopted and now in force and e+ feat within the "ire Lin!ite of the City of Hunt9villet Texas, and it shall be Unlawful for ally person, firm or cori3oratior to erect, re-)air or improve: or to place any building or buiidirp �s of fire naterial or of any naterial not fire proof within said 'ire Limits, SEC TIOF III. That the ruies requiring ordinances to be read three tines and to lie over to the next regular meeting for adoption be and the s,i-e in hereby Suspended, and this ordinance be placed before the Courcil for firal ado-ption and the same shall become effective and be in full force and virtue from and after ids pass�nf-e and approval. The foregoing ordinance was d1JlY jresented to the City Council on this 2nd day of Ilebruary, 1932, and Upon motion of Al(jer- man 14, T. Robinson, seconded by Alderman S. C. wilsonp that the r?;Ie requiring ordinances to be read three times and that ordirarces lie over to the next regnil-tr session of the City Council before adoption be suspended, *iich notion was carried by unanimous vote, and thereupon said ordinance was adopted by unanimous vote of tY!e Countil, all members being present or. said 2rd day of -Webruary, 19,52, Adopted and m prove ,3 in O'Den Council this 2nd (lay of February, 1932, V-AYOR 4iir n ATTEST: -ITY' SECRETARY