June City Connection
Volume 8, Issue 9
June 2012June 2012June 2012June 2012
June 2012June 2012June 2012June 2012
5 City Council Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
1212 Avenue M
6 Yard Waste Trimming Collection
7 Planning & Zoning Commission -
City Hall at 12 p.m.
13 Heavy Trash & Large Yard Waste
19 City Council Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
1212 Avenue M
20 Yard Waste Trimming Collection
21 Planning & Zoning Commission -
City Hall at 5:30 p.m.
27 Heavy Trash & Large Yard Waste
July 2012July 2012July 2012July 2012
3 City Council Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
1212 Avenue M
4 Yard Waste Trimming Collection
5 Planning & Zoning Commission -
City Hall at 12 p.m.
11 Heavy Trash & Large Yard Waste
17 City Council Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
1212 Avenue M
18 Yard Waste Trimming Collection
19 Planning & Zoning Commission -
City Hall at 5:30 p.m.
25 Heavy Trash & Large Yard Waste
Submit requests for Heavy Trash pick-up
before noon on Monday, the week of the pick-
up at 294-5796.
Survey answer key:Survey answer key:Survey answer key:Survey answer key:
For the following questions, you will be asked to indicate if you feel very
satisfied or dissatisfied, very safe or unsafe, or if you want more, less or
the same level of certain City features.
For each answer, if you are asked if you feel Very Satisfied, Satisfied,
Dissatisfied, Very Dissatisfied or have no opinion, you may answer with
the following abbreviations:
VS = Very Satisfied S= Satisfied D = Dissatisfied
VD = Very Dissatisfied NO = No opinion
The 2012 Citizen Survey is printed on pages two and three of this month’s City
Connection, and the participation of all citizens is crucial to the continued im-
provement of City services.
The Citizen Survey is a biennial effort by the City of Huntsville to gauge citizens'
satisfaction or dissatisfaction in certain areas. It includes approximately 35 ques-
tions related to City services, quality of life and future development.
A link to the survey will also be available on the City's Web site,
www.huntsvilletx.gov. The survey will be available on the Web site for the same
time period as the paper surveys, through June 30, 2012.
For those residents who choose to complete the physical form of the survey - the
survey on pages two and three of this edition - several return options will be avail-
able. Citizens may (1) Bring the completed survey to City Hall - 1212 Avenue M;
(2) Mail the survey to City Hall - 1212 Avenue M, Huntsville, TX 77340; or (3) Re-
turn the survey in the same envelope as their monthly utility bill. Additional post-
age should not be required.
"The Citizen Survey is extremely important to the City because it helps us know
what you, the citizens, would like to see improved or changed," City Council mem-
ber and Communications and Service Committee member Lydia Montgomery
said. "Whether you choose to complete a physical survey or the online survey,
you'll answer the same set of questions and help identify changes you would like
to see.
"The City is here to serve you, and the completed surveys we receive will help us
to serve you more efficiently."
A key question on the survey asks residents to identify their residential ward -
Ward 1, Ward 2, Ward 3 or Ward 4. While survey respondents are not asked to
provide their address or any other specific identifier, providing a residential ward
will allow the City to pinpoint specific service needs by area.
"The City would greatly appreciate any and all efforts citizens can make to identify
their residential ward when completing the survey," City Council member and
Communications and Service Committee member James Fitch said. "By identify-
ing your ward - not your specific address - you will help the City address the spe-
cific issues you see in your area.
"As residents of Huntsville, the City relies on your day-to-day experiences and con-
cerns to reveal the most pressing needs in each of our four wards. Your answers,
matched up with a ward location, will help us plan how to serve you most effi-
A full description of each of the City’s four wards is also available on page 4 of
this month’s City Connection.
Printed surveys should be returned to the City no later than July 1 or as soon as
possible after distribution of the June City Connection. With any questions, please
contact the City Secretary's office at (936) 291-5403 or (936) 291-5413.
2012 Citizen Survey Issue2012 Citizen Survey Issue2012 Citizen Survey Issue2012 Citizen Survey Issue
Survey will assist City in improving services to citizens
1. How long have you lived in Huntsville? 1. How long have you lived in Huntsville? 1. How long have you lived in Huntsville? 1. How long have you lived in Huntsville? Less than one year
1 - 3 years 4 - 6 years 7 - 10 years 10 - 20 years 20+ years
Decline to answer
2. In which of the City's four wards do you reside?2. In which of the City's four wards do you reside?2. In which of the City's four wards do you reside?2. In which of the City's four wards do you reside?
Ward 1 Ward 2 Ward 3 Ward 4 Unsure
3. In the last five years, do you feel that 3. In the last five years, do you feel that 3. In the last five years, do you feel that 3. In the last five years, do you feel that ---- as a community as a community as a community as a community ---- Huntsville Huntsville Huntsville Huntsville
has improved, stayed about the same, or gotten worse?has improved, stayed about the same, or gotten worse?has improved, stayed about the same, or gotten worse?has improved, stayed about the same, or gotten worse?
Improved Same Worse No opinion
4. Describe your level of involvement in the community:4. Describe your level of involvement in the community:4. Describe your level of involvement in the community:4. Describe your level of involvement in the community:
Very Involved Somewhat involved Involved when issues affect me
I just live in the city No opinion
5. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the quality of life in your 5. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the quality of life in your 5. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the quality of life in your 5. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the quality of life in your
community? Are you: community? Are you: community? Are you: community? Are you: Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied
Very Dissatisfied No opinion
6. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the work the City of 6. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the work the City of 6. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the work the City of 6. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the work the City of
Huntsville has done in:Huntsville has done in:Huntsville has done in:Huntsville has done in:
(Very Satisfied, Satisfied, Dissatisfied, Very Dissatisfied, No Opinion)
Providing a safe community VS S D VD NO
Providing services in an efficient manner VS S D VD NO
Keeping citizens informed about city business VS S D VD NO
Maintaining a qualified workforce of employees VS S D VD NO
Planning for future needs of residents VS S D VD NO
Having employees that respond to citizen needs VS S D VD NO
Providing an adequate forum for public input VS S D VD NO
Working with county organizations including Walker County, Huntsville
ISD or Sam Houston State University VS S D VD NO
The overall appearance of your City VS S D VD NO
The overall appearance of your neighborhood VS S D VD NO
7. Currently, would you consider the following potential issues in or 7. Currently, would you consider the following potential issues in or 7. Currently, would you consider the following potential issues in or 7. Currently, would you consider the following potential issues in or
around Huntsville to be a major concern, a minor concern or of no around Huntsville to be a major concern, a minor concern or of no around Huntsville to be a major concern, a minor concern or of no around Huntsville to be a major concern, a minor concern or of no
concern to you? concern to you? concern to you? concern to you? (MA, MI or NO)
Houses in need of repair MA MI NO
Stray animals MA MI NO
Junk vehicles MA MI NO
Weeds and unmowed grass MA MI NO
Trash and litter MA MI NO
Fences in disrepair MA MI NO
Condition of streets MA MI NO
Condition of sidewalks MA MI NO
Traffic flow into your neighborhood MA MI NO
Crime MA MI NO
Adequate water supply MA MI NO
Inter-racial communication MA MI NO
Youth activities MA MI NO
Hazardous trees in public areas MA MI NO
8. Regarding roadways in Huntsville, how important or unimportant 8. Regarding roadways in Huntsville, how important or unimportant 8. Regarding roadways in Huntsville, how important or unimportant 8. Regarding roadways in Huntsville, how important or unimportant
would it be to spend additional funds on the following items? would it be to spend additional funds on the following items? would it be to spend additional funds on the following items? would it be to spend additional funds on the following items? (Very
Important, Important, Unimportant, Very Unimportant, No Opinion)
Filling in potholes VI I U VU NO
Resurfacing roads VI I U VU NO
Placement and maintenance of street lighting VI I U VU NO
Flooding and drainage control VI I U VU NO
Reducing traffic congestion VI I U VU NO
Timing of traffic signals VI I U VU NO
Clearing brush and tree limbs in right-of-way VI I U VU NO
Improved street signage VI I U VU NO
9. Do you believe there are traffic concerns in Huntsville, and if so, in what 9. Do you believe there are traffic concerns in Huntsville, and if so, in what 9. Do you believe there are traffic concerns in Huntsville, and if so, in what 9. Do you believe there are traffic concerns in Huntsville, and if so, in what
10. Regarding customer service, have you had contact with a City employee 10. Regarding customer service, have you had contact with a City employee 10. Regarding customer service, have you had contact with a City employee 10. Regarding customer service, have you had contact with a City employee
during the past year?during the past year?during the past year?during the past year? Yes or No
11. If so, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the following areas?11. If so, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the following areas?11. If so, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the following areas?11. If so, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the following areas?
The courtesy of the person answering the telephone VS S D VD NO
Directed to the correct department VS S D VD NO
Employee(s) seemed concerned about my problem VS S D VD NO
Employee(s) asked adequate questions to determine the nature of my problem
Employee(s) returned my call in a reasonable time VS S D VD NO
Issue(s) adequately dealt with by employee(s) responding VS S D VD NO
Follow-up from City to ensure my concerns were addressed VS S D VD NO
Employee(s) showed pride and concern for quality work VS S D VD NO
Employee(s) I worked with represented the City well VS S D VD NO
12. Rate the following City services: 12. Rate the following City services: 12. Rate the following City services: 12. Rate the following City services: (Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, No Opinion)
Fire services E G F P NO
Solid waste E G F P NO
Police E G F P NO
Street maintenance E G F P NO
Recycling E G F P NO
Sidewalks E G F P NO
Water service E G F P NO
Sewer service E G F P NO
Animal control E G F P NO
Restaurant inspection E G F P NO
Park facilities E G F P NO
Code enforcement E G F P NO
Main Street events E G F P NO
Building permits and inspections E G F P NO
Recreation programs E G F P NO
Library E G F P NO
Arts and cultural services E G F P NO
Drainage E G F P NO
13. For the following list of City services, indicate which you would be most 13. For the following list of City services, indicate which you would be most 13. For the following list of City services, indicate which you would be most 13. For the following list of City services, indicate which you would be most
willing to pay increased rates to improve or expand. (Select all that apply.)willing to pay increased rates to improve or expand. (Select all that apply.)willing to pay increased rates to improve or expand. (Select all that apply.)willing to pay increased rates to improve or expand. (Select all that apply.)
Fire services Solid waste Police Recycling
Sidewalks Water service Street maintenance
Sewer service Animal control Restaurant inspection
Park facilities Code enforcement Main Street events
Building permits and inspections Recreation programs
Library Drainage Arts and cultural services
14. How would you rate the following public safety services?14. How would you rate the following public safety services?14. How would you rate the following public safety services?14. How would you rate the following public safety services?
Efforts to prevent crime E G F P NO
Visibility of police in neighborhoods E G F P NO
Overall quality of police protection E G F P NO
Enforcement of traffic laws E G F P NO
Quality of animal control E G F P NO
Visibility of police in retail areas E G F P NO
How quickly police respond to emergencies E G F P NO
Quality of local ambulance service E G F P NO
Police safety education programs E G F P NO
Police officer professionalism E G F P NO
Firefighter professionalism E G F P NO
Overall quality of fire protection E G F P NO
Fire personnel emergency response E G F P NO
Fire safety education programs E G F P NO
15. How safe or unsafe do you feel in the following city locations?15. How safe or unsafe do you feel in the following city locations?15. How safe or unsafe do you feel in the following city locations?15. How safe or unsafe do you feel in the following city locations?
(Very Safe, Safe, Unsafe, Very Unsafe, No Opinion)
In your neighborhood VS S U VU NO
At the City park closest to your home VS S U VU NO
When shopping in Huntsville VS S U VU NO
At a Huntsville ISD school function VS S U VU NO
In or around Sam Houston State University VS S U VU NO
16. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the number and con-16. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the number and con-16. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the number and con-16. Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the number and con-
dition of the following recreational opportunities in the City?dition of the following recreational opportunities in the City?dition of the following recreational opportunities in the City?dition of the following recreational opportunities in the City?
Athletic fields VS S D VD NO
Sports facilities VS S D VD NO
Dog parks VS S D VD NO
Aquatic center VS S D VD NO
Lighted basketball courts VS S D VD NO
Jogging/biking trails VS S D VD NO
Playgrounds VS S D VD NO
Natural habitat/interpretive areas VS S D VD NO
Community center/meeting space VS S D VD NO
Park restrooms VS S D VD NO
17. Last year, City implemented mandatory Stage 2 water restrictions. 17. Last year, City implemented mandatory Stage 2 water restrictions. 17. Last year, City implemented mandatory Stage 2 water restrictions. 17. Last year, City implemented mandatory Stage 2 water restrictions.
Were you aware of the restrictions? Were you aware of the restrictions? Were you aware of the restrictions? Were you aware of the restrictions? Yes No No response
18. If you were aware of the Stage 2 restrictions, which steps did you take 18. If you were aware of the Stage 2 restrictions, which steps did you take 18. If you were aware of the Stage 2 restrictions, which steps did you take 18. If you were aware of the Stage 2 restrictions, which steps did you take
to conserve water? (Select all applicable answers.)to conserve water? (Select all applicable answers.)to conserve water? (Select all applicable answers.)to conserve water? (Select all applicable answers.)
Fix leaks around the home Reduce landscape watering
Low-flow appliances/plumbing fixtures
Reduce other outdoor water use like car washing
19. Following the completion of the renovated/expanded Huntsville Public 19. Following the completion of the renovated/expanded Huntsville Public 19. Following the completion of the renovated/expanded Huntsville Public 19. Following the completion of the renovated/expanded Huntsville Public
Library, which services/features are you most likely to utilize?Library, which services/features are you most likely to utilize?Library, which services/features are you most likely to utilize?Library, which services/features are you most likely to utilize?
Children's Area Teen Area Friends' Cafe
Genealogy Room Computer Room Board room
Adult reading areas Conference rooms
20. In the past 12 months, have you visited downtown Huntsville to partici-20. In the past 12 months, have you visited downtown Huntsville to partici-20. In the past 12 months, have you visited downtown Huntsville to partici-20. In the past 12 months, have you visited downtown Huntsville to partici-
pate in any of the following activities?pate in any of the following activities?pate in any of the following activities?pate in any of the following activities?
Shopping Dining Attended an event
Walker County Courthouse Business services Have not visited
21. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the work the City Council has 21. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the work the City Council has 21. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the work the City Council has 21. How satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the work the City Council has
done in the following areas?done in the following areas?done in the following areas?done in the following areas?
Working to promote the community VS S D VD NO
Encouraging economic growth VS S D VD NO
Maintaining quality of life VS S D VD NO
Developing effective land use regulations VS S D VD NO
Working to keep taxes reasonable VS S D VD NO
Planning for the future needs of residents VS S D VD NO
Managing city funds VS S D VD NO
Providing an adequate forum for public input VS S D VD NO
Developing a future vision for the City VS S D VD NO
22. For the following list of developments, would you like to see more of 22. For the following list of developments, would you like to see more of 22. For the following list of developments, would you like to see more of 22. For the following list of developments, would you like to see more of
this type, the same level or fewer? this type, the same level or fewer? this type, the same level or fewer? this type, the same level or fewer? (M, S, F)
Retail stores M S F
Major supermarkets M S F
Full-menu restaurants M S F
Fast food restaurants M S F
Professional services (i.e. medical, legal) M S F
Large lot homes M S F
Starter homes M S F
Apartments M S F
Light industry and warehouses M S F
General services (auto/home repair) M S F
Office buildings M S F
Family-oriented entertainment M S F
23. In the past 12 months, have you accessed or utilized the following 23. In the past 12 months, have you accessed or utilized the following 23. In the past 12 months, have you accessed or utilized the following 23. In the past 12 months, have you accessed or utilized the following
City sources to find out about what's going on in Huntsville?City sources to find out about what's going on in Huntsville?City sources to find out about what's going on in Huntsville?City sources to find out about what's going on in Huntsville?
(Yes, No, Don’t remember)
City web site, www.huntsvilletx.gov Y N DR
City Tourism web site, www.huntsvilletexas.gov Y N DR
City staff Y N DR
City Council Y N DR
Local newspapers Y N DR
Radio Y N DR
Public access television, Channel 7 Y N DR
The City Connection, inserted in utility bills Y N DR
City/Police Department Facebook page Y N DR
City Twitter page Y N DR
Word of mouth Y N DR
24. If you have visited the City's Web site, how easy is it for you to navi-24. If you have visited the City's Web site, how easy is it for you to navi-24. If you have visited the City's Web site, how easy is it for you to navi-24. If you have visited the City's Web site, how easy is it for you to navi-
gate through the site and find desired information?gate through the site and find desired information?gate through the site and find desired information?gate through the site and find desired information?
Very Easy Easy Difficult Very Difficult No opinion
25. Regarding budget documents on the City Web site, how satisfied or 25. Regarding budget documents on the City Web site, how satisfied or 25. Regarding budget documents on the City Web site, how satisfied or 25. Regarding budget documents on the City Web site, how satisfied or
dissatisfied are you with the City's efforts to provide financial transparen-dissatisfied are you with the City's efforts to provide financial transparen-dissatisfied are you with the City's efforts to provide financial transparen-dissatisfied are you with the City's efforts to provide financial transparen-
Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied No opinion
26. Regarding the live streaming feature on the City Web site, how satis-26. Regarding the live streaming feature on the City Web site, how satis-26. Regarding the live streaming feature on the City Web site, how satis-26. Regarding the live streaming feature on the City Web site, how satis-
fied or dissatisfied are you with the ability to watch live or archived meet-fied or dissatisfied are you with the ability to watch live or archived meet-fied or dissatisfied are you with the ability to watch live or archived meet-fied or dissatisfied are you with the ability to watch live or archived meet-
ings online?ings online?ings online?ings online?
Very Satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatisfied No opinion
27. In which of the following age groups would you be categorized?27. In which of the following age groups would you be categorized?27. In which of the following age groups would you be categorized?27. In which of the following age groups would you be categorized?
18 - 24 Years 25 - 34 Years 35 - 44 Years
45 - 54 Years 55 - 64 Years 65 and Older
Decline to Answer
28. Do you have any children, in the following age ranges, currently living 28. Do you have any children, in the following age ranges, currently living 28. Do you have any children, in the following age ranges, currently living 28. Do you have any children, in the following age ranges, currently living
in your home? (Select all that apply)in your home? (Select all that apply)in your home? (Select all that apply)in your home? (Select all that apply)
Under 6 6 - 12 13 - 18 No children Decline to answer
29. Do you attend Sam Houston State University?29. Do you attend Sam Houston State University?29. Do you attend Sam Houston State University?29. Do you attend Sam Houston State University?
Yes No Decline to answer
30. Did you vote in the most recent City Council election, held in Novem-30. Did you vote in the most recent City Council election, held in Novem-30. Did you vote in the most recent City Council election, held in Novem-30. Did you vote in the most recent City Council election, held in Novem-
ber 2011? ber 2011? ber 2011? ber 2011? Yes No Decline to answer
31. Do you own your primary residence, or do you rent?31. Do you own your primary residence, or do you rent?31. Do you own your primary residence, or do you rent?31. Do you own your primary residence, or do you rent?
Own Rent Decline to answer
32. Which grouping best describes your ethnic background?32. Which grouping best describes your ethnic background?32. Which grouping best describes your ethnic background?32. Which grouping best describes your ethnic background?
Caucasian/White African-American Hispanic
Asian Other Decline to answer
33. What would you say is the most important issue facing Huntsville?33. What would you say is the most important issue facing Huntsville?33. What would you say is the most important issue facing Huntsville?33. What would you say is the most important issue facing Huntsville?
Stats for April 2012Stats for April 2012Stats for April 2012Stats for April 2012
Calls for service: 4291
Accidents investigated: 69
Animal Control complaints investigated:67
Calls for service:73 Main alarm calls:11
Police/Fire: Police/Fire: Police/Fire: Police/Fire:
Ward 1Ward 1Ward 1Ward 1
Northwest area of the city, generally east of Interstate 45
North and west of Sam Houston Ave, State Highway 75
North, and Rosenwall Rd. Includes areas such as:
The Avenues
Forest Hills Subdivision
Far Hills Subdivision
Sleepy Hollow Subdivision
G.A. White Subdivision
W.Y. Allen Subdivision
Neighborhoods south of 7th St (near Samuel W. Houston
Elementary and Huntsville Aquatic Center)
Wynne Unit
Ward 2Ward 2Ward 2Ward 2
West area of the city, generally west of Interstate 45 and FM
1374 and south of State Highway 75 North. Includes areas
such as:
Westridge Subdivision
Brookview Subdivision
Ravenwood Village (Target) Shopping Center
Huntsville Memorial Hospital area
SHSU Gibbs Ranch
SHSU campus and housing south of Bowers Blvd
Holliday Unit
Ward 3Ward 3Ward 3Ward 3
Northeast area of the city, generally east of Rosenwall Rd,
State Highway 75 North, Sam Houston Ave, and Downtown,
and north of Bowers Blvd. Includes areas such as:
Neighborhoods along Smith Hill Rd, Gospel Hill Rd, and
Brunch Ave
Neighborhoods near Huntsville Elementary, Mance Park
Middle School, and Huntsville High School
Neighborhoods along SH 30 East, US Highway 190, and
Fish Hatchery Rd (FM 2821 East)
Neighborhoods along SH 19 and Old Colony Rd
Neighborhoods along FM 247 and FM 980
SHSU campus and housing north of Bowers Blvd
Huntsville (Walls) and Byrd Units
Ward 4Ward 4Ward 4Ward 4
South area of the city, generally east of FM 1374 and Syca-
more Ave, and south of Cline St and Bowers Blvd. Includes
areas such as:
Elkins Lake Subdivision
Spring Lake Subdivision
Pine Shadows Estates (Subdivision)
South Park Addition (Subdivision)
Tanglewood Mobile Home Park
Neighborhoods along Old Houston Rd, Boettcher Dr, SH 75
South, and Southwood Dr
Goree Unit
When completing the 2012 Citizen Survey, please refer to the list below to determine
which residential ward your neighborhood is a part of. An interactive ward map is also
available through the City’s Web site, www.huntsvilletx.gov.