June 2011 ! 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Keep in mind that winds are stronger at higher elevations. • Bring in outdoor objects that could become deadly mis- siles, such as patio furniture, hanging plants, trash cans, gar- dening tools and barbecues. • Before evacuating, cut off your electricity and turn off the gas. • When officials recommend evacuation, leave. Do not try to ride out a hurricane in a high-risk area. Find out where shelters are located along your route in case clogged roads prevent you from reaching your destination. ?>>>> 5 %% &%#9% %%’ 5 ?%# &%%’&%%’&%%’&%%’ ’G’G’G’G H 7H7H7H7 ?!%’G?!%’G?!%’G?!%’G 54 051$$2 0954051$$2 0954051$$2 0954051$$2 09 0 ’%%%%# ?I ;3*9 &%%&/ 54 0 %# 9 %%%% J ’’%# 5 /B 3" !I # ) - /%&/%’/%&/%’/%&/%’/%&/%’ 0 K3 ’0 K3 ’0 K3 ’0 K3 ’ ?%!*++#?%!*++#?%!*++#?%!*++# &&%) %’’0 K3 ?%!*++#% >0 L 0 7 -B 2 L 0 D 4 , ++ #5 %% #%%)#’&># -%%’%% K3 + ?#9% %%’%%% %?%!*++#$’’’ ’%%%’ %%# /%’D %’’% 7 %4 &+**+ ?M ";**9 ?+"M ";**9 ?%I M ";**9 #%% ’% %N # ,%%%%7 L /%’2 3" !3# 5 %’0 +#%%)#’ %%%7 L/%’ 2 3" !3# During the month of May, the City’s new Farmers Mar- ket was a great success, and a variety of vendors and products made each Saturday morning unique. According to Kim McAuliffe, Main Street Coordinator, participation in the Saturday morning event grew each week, with respect to both vendors and public attend- ance. “The first Farmers Market was held on May 7, and it went really well,” she said. “By 10:30 in the morning, we had over 300 people, and they just kept coming. The ten vendors who participated that first weekend had squash, tomatoes, lettuce, Swiss chard, carrots, salsa, plants, hanging baskets, homemade goat soap, herbal tea mixes, yard eggs and chicks. “The W alker County Master Gardeners Association was also there to hand out information about their organiza- tion and growing your own garden.” The second Farmers Market on May 14 was also widely attended and included a more diverse range of prod- ucts. “At the second Farmers Market, our 12 vendors offered the same types of produce, as well as peanut brittles, jams and jellies, and health supplements,” McAuliffe said. “As time goes on, we anticipate having around 20 regular vendors each weekend, but for now, peo- ple are still getting established. “We always have room for one more vendor, and we’d also encourage any local musicians to set up and play during the market.” At every market, grocery bags are available for sale for $2 as well as Farmers Market collectible aprons for $15, McAuliffe said. “The Farmers Market is always a free event for all,” she said. “We just encourage our participants to do- nate extra produce to a local food bank.” The Downtown Farmers Market will continue every Saturday through September 24 from 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. on the corner of Avenue M and 12th Street in the “Jury parking lot” across from City Hall. For more in- formation, contact McAuliffe at (936) 291-5920. 5 %%% ) . ,/",/",/",/" 0"&0"&0"&0"& )1 &)1 &)1 &)1 & )1 20")1 20")1 20")1 20" -$! #$! # $! -$! ! "!$ (/131 "!$ (/131 "!$ (/131 "!$ (/131 The City of Huntsville Solid Waste and Recycling Services collects yard waste trimmings on the 1st, 3rd and 5th Wednesdays of the month. Yard waste such as leaves must be bagged or placed in a personal can. Tree limbs must be tied and be less than four feet in length. City-issued garbage carts should not be filled with yard waste. The number of bagged or canned yard waste is limited to t w e l v e (1 2 ) p e r h o u s e h o l d p e r c o l l e c t i o n d a y . Residential customers with an active City of Huntsville account including active garbage utility fees may dispose of their yard waste at no cost. Residential customers are asked to be present when they bring their City of Huntsville yard waste bill to Disposal and Recycling Facility at 590 I-45 North. Our operating hours are Monday through Saturday from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm. For additional information, the office phone is 936-294-5743. This service does not apply to commercial landscaping companies or other commercial businesses. ,N &’’. %&%%#, %%%%%%% %’ )’# $)%%’ ’*+++5 %<’$ +#,%%%C % %C %%#7 J & %’.J ’’%# 5 %%’#7 %’’%% %%’. %’#7 % ) %%# O .%% ’%#0 %%’ ’ %%# 7 ’% %%#& %%’%% %% ’# 7 J %%%% %’%%D9 &%#%N %%% ’# ,’ #5 %’ %%#’& %%% %%’4-%$% D %’’+ )’:# 7 E+F EF %E3F %%EF %E F %#7 % #7 % %%% # $% %#7 % %% %N # ,% &:&& &)2$ ’.#<& %, )’# 0 &’;&