May 2006 City Connection
City Connection
May 2006
Volume 2, Number 8
Fiscal Year 2007
City Calendar
Budget Meetings
23 City Council Meeting
Once again, the City of ation. Our first council the Council must then set
@ 6:00 p.m. at City
Huntsville staff and City work sessions are sched-the appropriate Property
29 Memorial Day Ob
Council will soon begin uled for June 9 and 10 Tax Rate by September
served—City Offices
planning sessions leading followed by a second 19, 2006.
Will be Closed
to the adoption of a budg-round on June 30 and July
We invite your attendance
et for Fiscal Year 2007 1, 2006. These sessions
6 City Council Meeting
at these sessions. Moreo-
(October 1, 2006 through will be posted in accord-
@ 6:00 p.m. at City
ver, we will keep you up-
September 2007), as well ance with the Texas Open
dated on any changes to
as the adoption of the Meetings Act and will be
9 & 10 City Council Budget
the dates provided above
Property Tax Rate neces-open to the public.
in subsequent issues of
19 Juneteenth—City
sary to support that budg-
The Council's goal is to this newsletter, on the Offices Closed
20 City Council Meeting
conduct our final budget City web site and through
@ 6:00 p.m. at City
We anticipate that by June review on August 15, 2006 the local media.
6, 2006 the City Manager and, following any revi-
24 City/HISD Runoff
will present to the City sions, adopt the budget no
Election (if necessary)
Council a proposed budget later than September 5,
Please visit
developed by the staff for 2006. Following adoption for a
council review and deliber-of the budget by Council,
complete/current schedule
Utility payments may be made hours of Monday - Friday, 8:00 business day. There is a fee of
in person, by mail, by phone, am - 5:00 pm, with a credit or $1.25 for these payments which
by automatic bank draft, check/debit card (which does is charged by our software pro-
through the Internet, or placed not require a PIN number en-vider.
in our night drop. try). There is no fee for this
Many of customers pay their bill
Members of the Huntsville
service. The phone number is
In Person through a “bill payer” linked with
(936) 291-5431.
Fire Department recently
their bank. Please note that at
competed against other Fire-
The utility billing office is locat-
Bank Draft this time these payments are
fighters in East Texas at the
ed inside City Hall in the front
not received electronically, but
East Texas Firemen’s Con-
of the building. Office hours are You may have your bill amount
rather arrive as checks in the
vention in Scenic Loop.
Monday through Friday, 8:00 directly drafted from your
mail. If you utilize this type of
am - 5:00 pm. There are two checking or savings account
bill payment system, please
Firefighters Jeremy O’Neill,
payment/service windows in each month. All drafts are
keep in mind that your provider
the lobby area and a drive-thru processed on the 5 of each John French, David Cohen,
will be mailing a check, so be
window at the front of the month. To activate this ser-
sure to allow an adequate num-John Collins, Joey Burleyson
building. Virtually all forms of vice, please contact the utility
ber of days for the check to be
and Jason January all placed
payment, such as cash, check, billing office or download the
processed and mailed. Please
first in the Pumper Team
money order, credit card (Visa, form from our webpage. The
double check to make sure that
MasterCard, American Express, web address is http://
your account number on these
and Discover), and check/debit
payments is correct, especially if
Jeremy O’Neill, David Cow-
cards which bear the Visa or ub/index.htm.
you have moved your service
en, and Jason January all
MasterCard logo, are accepted
recently as this will cause your
placed 2 in the 3 man
at all payment windows. When
account number to change.
Payments may be made direct-
Pumper team competition.
utilizing the drive-thru please
ly through the City of Hunts-
have your bill or your account Night Drop
ville website by opening your
Jason January, David Collins
Internet browser and navi-If you wish to drop a payment
and David Cowen placed
Mail gating to outside of our regular business
first in the hose handling
and follow the link to “Online hours, a night deposit is availa-
competition as well.
Payments should be mailed to:
Bill Pay”. You may also access ble. The night deposit is located
the payment site from the Utili-in the drive-thru lane just past
If you see any of these guys
City of Huntsville Utility
ty Billing webpage shown in the the payment window. Please do
around town, wish them
preceding paragraph. You will not pay with cash and be sure to
luck, they are going to be
1212 Avenue M
need to register as a user for include your account number
Huntsville,Tx 77340-4608
representing Huntsville in
account access, but this is a with your payment when using
very short and simple one-time the night deposit. the State Competition June
Note: Please insure that your
process. Please note that pay-
account number is included
ments may only be made with
with your payment.
a Visa or MasterCard credit or
check/debit card which does
not require the entry of a PIN
number. Payments are posted
Payments may be made by
to your utility account the next
phone, during regular office
MAY 2006
Aquatic Center Update National Public Works Week
May 21-27, 2006
It’s spring time in Huntsville The Aquatic Center’s two
with summer temperatures pools will offer fun and variety National Public cies and profes-States Senate resolu-
already on the rise. We to anyone’s visit. The recrea-Works Week sionals to take the tion affirming the first
know everyone is eagerly tional pool is a zero depth (NPWW) is a cele-opportunity to National Public Works
awaiting the opening of the entry pool. The colorful poles bration of the tens make their stories Week in 1960, letters
Aquatic Center to cool off. that you can now see are for of thousands of men known in their of acknowledgment
Well, we have good news for the play elements (spay can-and women in North communities. Over from Presidents
you! If you have driven by nons, raining buckets, water America who provide the years the ob-Dwight Eisenhower
the pool site lately you will tunnels, and several others) and maintain the servances have and Lyndon Johnson,
notice that the two pools that will be featured in this infrastructure and taken many forms, and a Presidential
have taken shape. Although pool. On the deep end, there services better including parades, Proclamation signed
it looks small during con-will be a 7 foot water slide known in Huntsville displays of public by John F. Kennedy in
struction, rest assured it is with a 52 foot flume. The lap as Public Services. works equipment, 1962.
the right size! pool is a 25 yard, eight-lane The celebration be-high school essay
competition sized pool. gan as a public edu-contests, open
National Public Works
Workers are wrapping up the
cation campaign by houses, programs
Week is observed
pools and the decking will As you recall, the construction
the American Public for civic organiza-
each year during the
start in the near future. of the Aquatic Center began in
Works Association tions and media
third full week of
They are also currently December 2005. The con-
(APWA) in 1960, events. The City of
May. Through NPWW
working on the bath house struction of the pool is still on
NPWW calls atten-Huntsville has cele-
and other efforts,
and pouring the foundation schedule with an anticipated
tion to the im-brated this event
APWA seeks to raise
for the surge tanks and me-opening date in July 2006.
portance of public for the past four
the public’s aware-
chanical building.
services in commu-years by staging an
ness of public works
nity life. The Week equipment rodeo
issues and to increase
strives to enhance and a proclamation
confidence in public
the prestige of the to City Council.
works employees who
often unsung heroes
are dedicated to im-
in our communities,
The occasion is proving the quality of
the professionals
marked each year life for present and
who serve the public
with resolutions future generations.
good every day with
and proclamations tthornton@huntsvillet
quiet dedication and
from mayors and
governors, as well.
Huntsville State Park 50th Anniversary
Some special high-
APWA encourages
lights of NPWW
public works agen-
include a United
Burn Permits Required Police/Fire
On May 18, 1956 Hunts-canoes and kayaks provid-
ville State Park was offi-ed by the City of Huntsville
The Huntsville Fire Department issues burn-
cially dedicated as a Texas Parks and Recreation De-Statistics
ing permits to citizens wishing to burn yard
State Park. Since that partment. Take a hike or
debris at their home. This clearing has to be
time, the park has grown ride a bike on our 15 miles
March 2006
done by hand, and cannot be done with
into one of the State’s of trails that wind through
heavy machinery such as dozers. Our pro-
more popular outdoor rec-the beautiful Pineywoods.
gram only applies to residents who want to
reation destinations, offer-Or, simply come out and
burn small amounts of brush. You must burn
ing a wide variety of activi-have a picnic and relax.
only during the day and all flames have to be
Calls for service
ties including camping,
out before nightfall. An adult must be visible
In honor of this anniver-
picnicking, hiking, biking,
at all times while the fire is burning.
sary celebration, day use
fishing and boating, to
entry into Huntsville State
name a few.
Because weather and fire conditions are ever
Arrests made
Park will be FREE on May
changing, part of your burning permit agree-
This year on May 18, 18. Other free days will
ment requires you to call our dispatch center
Huntsville State Park kicks be scheduled throughout
to log in each day that you plan to burn. This
Accidents investi-
will allow us to tell you if there is a burn ban
off a year-long anniversary the year as well. So, come
gated 82
in effect when you want to burn.
celebration with a park out and enjoy the great
“open house”. A variety of outdoors and help us cele-
Our Fire Department permits are endorsed by
Animal Control
programs and activities will brate 50 years as Hunts-
City Ordinance…If you are found burning a
complaints inves-
be offered throughout the ville’s State Park. For
brush pile without a permit, or during a burn
tigated 96
day. To name a few…come more information about
ban, you may be fined.
take a canoe “nature hike” the many scheduled pro-
with a Texas Parks & Wild-grams and activities, call
Your home is your most valuable investment,
life Environmental Special-the park at 936-295-5644.
let us help you protect it…if you are going to
ist, learn “All About Alliga-
burn yard waste, allow Fire Marshal Tom
Calls for service
tors” from a Wildlife Biolo-
Grisham to tell you the safest times to burn.
gist or learn how to be-
If you have any questions or concerns, call
come an amateur bird-
Main alarm calls
your Huntsville Fire Department at
watcher. Enjoy boating on
936.291.3047 or
beautiful Lake Raven with
MAY 2006
FREE Disposal of Yard Waste Hurricane Season Begins June 1 and Lasts Through
November 30
Trimmings and Leaves
Plan Ahead – And Be hand (small bills), because
power outages mean banks
The City of Huntsville is offering free disposal of
and ATMs may not be availa-
yard waste trimmings and leaves at the City of
Make your evacuation plans
Huntsville’s disposal site located at 590 IH 45
ahead of time: What will you
3. First Aid Kit.
take with you? Where will you
North, Monday thru Saturday, 7:30 a.m. to
go? What will you do with pets
5:00 p.m.
4. Extra prescription medica-
and livestock?
Any city residential utility customer who brings
Put together an emergency
5. Toilet paper, clean up sup-
a copy of their utility bill may dump their yard
supply kit now. If you already
plies (wet wipes), personal
have one, check to make sure
waste trimmings for free. The yard waste trim-
hygiene products and special
the water and other supplies
mings must be clean of all debris and not
products for babies and the
are fresh. Be sure it includes a
bagged when dumping into the City’s yard
NOAA weather radio and extra
waste pile. No limbs larger than six (6) inches
6. For your pets, include pet
in diameter will be accepted for free disposal.
food, bowls collars, identifi-
Make sure all family members
cation tags, leashes and car-
have the name and phone
If you have any questions pertaining to the free
rying cases.
number for a friend or family
yard waste trimmings and leaves disposal,
member outside your city or
7. Blankets, pillows, sleeping
please call the Solid Waste Services Division at
state. If you become separated
bags and extra clothing.
– call this person to check in
and get news of others in your
8. Copies of important docu-
ments such as proof of resi-
dence, account numbers,
Your Emergency Supply
insurance phone numbers.
Kit Should Include:
Keep these in a waterproof
container (like a ziploc bag-
1. Food and bottled water.
This publication is brought to you by the
Supplies should include a three
City of Huntsville Communications Com-
-day supply of non-perishable
9. Battery-operated NOAA
mittee. If you have any questions, com-
food, one gallon of water per
weather radio, flashlight,
ments, or suggestions regarding this
person, per day, utensils, paper
extra keys, tools and extra
plates and a manual can open-
newsletter, please contact the City Secre-
tary’s Office at 291-5413 or City Hall, 1212
10. Road maps
Ave M, Huntsville, Texas 77340
2. Cash. Keep some cash on-
Back Flow Water Utility Customers…
Your Responsibilities
We turn on the water faucet program designed to educate a hose left dangling carelessly What should a customer
many times every day, expect-the community about the inside the container to be filled, do to avoid the possibility
ing it to be readily available shared responsibilities and creating the potential of the of cross contamination?
and safe to drink, whenever we commitment of both the cus-reserve flow of water.
Avoid situations from occur-
want it. tomer and the utility in main-
Adding water to a car radiator ring such as those described.
taining the level of quality
“Safe drinking water” is man-with a garden hose left inside Also, the customer can in-
drinking water.
dated by state and national vehicle’s radiator. stall hose bibb vacuum
agencies, such as the Environ-What are some possible breakers on all outdoor fau-
Leaving a garden hose to water
mental Protection Agency. With ways that someone might cets. They can be purchased
plants or shrubs in an elevated
these guidelines, all municipal cause a cross contamina-at any homeowner supply
position that could cause con-
water utilities are responsible tion? store. Installation of the
taminated material to be re-
for ensuring the protection of hose bibb vacuum breakers
Lack of an improper use of turned to home piping because
safe drinking water. does not require major
backflow prevention devices, of gravity flow.
plumbing skills to install.
Even with strict regulations, such as a hose bibb vacuum
The possibility of cross contam-
situations can occur when breaker. For more information regard-
ination exists whenever water
backflow of contaminants are ing back flow prevention, call
Spraying chemicals on the pressure is lost in the home
inadvertently allowed to enter the City of Huntsville Water
lawn, permitting a back siphon-due to a break in the service,
our drinking water supply. Maintenance Division at 294-
age to “suck” chemicals back repairs are being made, or
The City of Huntsville Public into your house piping. through nearby fire fighting
Services Department has de-activities which may reduce
Filling a sink, tub, or pool with
veloped a backflow prevention water pressure.
MAY 2006
All of us should practice Q. Once I have an av-Q. Why are only resi-Q. What program was
water conservation every erage, will it ever dential customers eligi-in place prior to this
day. In addition to pre-change? ble for this program? one?
serving a valuable natural
A. Yes. Your average will A. Residential accounts A. Until October 2002,
resource, conservation
be updated each year vary seasonally due to residential customers had
helps reduce cost for eve-
when we average your lawn sprinkling, the filling a maximum sewer charge
ryone. During the winter
November through Febru-of swimming pools, and of 10,000 gallons each
months, residential cus-
ary usage. It could the number of people month. All customers had
tomers can take another
go up, go down or stay in the house-hold. Histori-the same maximum
opportunity to be con-
the same; it depends on cally, commercial and (which was based on the
servative with their water
how much water you use multi-family (apartment) city-wide average of resi-
usage and it can translate
during those months. accounts do not vary dential customers) regard-
directly into savings for
Your average can also be much seasonally. If they less of what their individu-
them! Specifically, each
adjusted if you experi-are sprinkling, they gener-al household was putting
year during the winter
enced a leak or other unu-ally have separate meters into the sewer system.
months, residential cus-
sual circumstance during so that their sewer rate is
tomers will automatically
Q. So how can this pro-
the winter months, which affected only by domestic,
have their monthly water
gram help me save
caused high usage. or inside, usage. As well,
consumption averaged to
the occupancy factor of
establish the sewer charge
Q. Why do you use the
multi-family accounts af-
that the customer will
A. Keep your water usage
winter billing months
fect monthly usage and
have for the next 12
as low as you can during
for averaging?
makes it difficult to accu-
months. The sewer aver-
the winter months
rately measure consump-
aging program was origi-
A. Traditionally, these (November through Febru-
tion for each household.
nally put into effect in Oc-
four months have the low-ary. Remember that wa-
tober 2002, and was
est consumption for resi-tering your lawn or filling
Q. Wouldn’t it be more
amended in October 2003.
dential customers. The a pool during these
equitable to just meter
primary reason for this is months will affect your
my sewer?
residential customers are winter water usage and
not watering their lawns, A. No. It would be ex-ultimately your sewer
and water usage is mainly tremely costly to the City charge for the year. If
Q. How exactly do you
inside the house. This of Huntsville as well as to you suspect you have a
average my winter
generally means that the its customers to meter leak in a toilet or your
months’ usage?
majority of the water used sewer. Sewer meters are sprinkler system, they
A. We take the water con-is going down the sewer. expensive to buy, expen-should be repaired imme-
sumption for the months sive to maintain and not diately and then reported
Q. What is my sewer
of November, December, as accurate as water me-to the Utility Billing Office
charge if I am a new
January, and February ters. Usually, metering in order to request an ad-
customer and do not
(the usage shown on your sewer is reserved only for justment to your bill and
have winter month us-
December, January, Feb-large commercial or indus-to your sewer average.
age history?
ruary and March billings), trial users and then those
and establish your aver-accounts are reviewed on
A. If you have not estab-
age winter usage. The an individual basis to de-
lished a winter average We print a reminder mes-
sewer charge is then cal-termine if it is cost effec-
usage, you are billed for sage about this averaging
culated on this average tive only to do this special
sewer charges on 80% of program on your bills each
usage, and this amount is type of metering. There
your water meter us-year. The message will
then set as your sewer are only a handful of sew-
age, up to a maximum of give you the approximate
charge that will be used er meters used within the
10,000 gallons (maximum dates during which water
from April of that year City of Huntsville current-
charge is $53.96). consumption you use will
through the following ly.
be averaged to determine
Q. Do you still read my
your sewer charge.
Q. Why was this pro-
water meter monthly?
Q. Once I have my av-gram implemented?
Call the Utility Billing office
erage, does this mean I
A. Yes. We must read
at (936) 291-5431 and we
A. It is a more equitable
will be charged this
your water meter to deter-
will be glad to assist you
system for billing sewer to
same amount every
mine how much water you
with this or any other
residential customers.
should be billed for each
questions you have about
Each customer’s sewer
your sewer charge or any
A. Yes. This will be your billings are “customized”
account billing questions.
sewer charge for the next to match their own usage
twelve months. patterns.