August 2006 City Connection City Connection August 2006 Volume 2, Number 11 www.huntsvilletx.gov Spotlight on Parks FOREST HILLS PARK Forest Hills Park is a 130 Pine Valley Drive. neighborhood park locat- Visit the Park and Recre- ed between Willow Bend ation Website for a com- and Pineview Streets in plete listing of parks the Forest Hills Subdivi- www.huntsvilletx.gov sion. This 0.6 acre park features picnic tables and playground equipment. rkader@huntsvilletx.gov This park was dedicated as part of the subdivision in 1974. The address is UPDATE With the Huntsville September 7, The Ward 3 Congress ate@hotmail.com are Horizon Comprehensive 2006. Councilmember will be conducted at the principal contacts. Plan kickoff sessions Jim Willett at (936) 295the Greater Zion Bap- In addition to City Con- and small focus group -0434 or tist Church from 6:00 nection, we will also be sessions behind us, we hlwjww@juno.com and PM until 9:00 PM on advertising the Ward turn our attention now Councilmember Dalene Thursday, September Congress sessions to the Ward Congress Zender at (936) 661-21, 2006. Coun- through The Huntsville sessions to be conduct-3495 or cilmember Clarence Item, KSAM-KHVL, ed in each ward during dzender@hotmail.com Griffin at (936) 662- SHSU Channel 7, the the month of Septem-are the principal con-0620 or Chamber Briefing and ber 2006. tacts. cdgrifkat7@aol.com the city web site. and Councilmember To confirm your ward, The Ward 2 Congress Mickey Evans at (936) Your attendance and please go to the city will be conducted at 295-2068 or participation in your web site at: the Walker Education msevans@cox.net are respective Ward Con- www.huntsvilletx.gov Center from 6:00 PM the principal contacts. gress is important to and click the (Wards/until 9:00 PM on Thurs- city council and the on- The Ward 4 Congress Voting) link, under day, September 14, going comprehensive will be conducted at Quick Links, or call the 2006. Councilmember planning process. So, Education Service Cen- City Secretary or her Mac Woodward at please mark your cal- ter, Region VI from assistant at (936) 291-(936) 294-3931 or endars and plan on at- 6:00 PM until 9:00 PM 5403/5413 for assis-macwood- tending and sharing on Thursday, Septem- ward@sbcglobal.net tance. your thoughts and feel- ber 28, 2006. Coun- and Councilmember The Ward 1 Congress ings about Huntsville’s cilmember Bob Taven- Melissa Mahaffey at will take place at the future. ner at (936) 295-5441 (936) 295-3486 or Walker Education Cen- and Councilmember mtcycle@hotmail.com shamrick@huntsvilletx.gov ter from 6:00 PM until Jack Choate at (936) are the principal con- 9:00 PM on Thursday, 435-0039 or jackcho- tacts. CITY CONNECTION AUGUST 2006 PAGE 2 NEW GRAPHICS FOR HUNTSVILLE PD VEHICLES You may have noticed a gears that have to be fitted with the new implement the take difference in the look of replaced. The new graphics in the near home car policy that some of the Huntsville graphics and light bars future and as the old was approved by Coun- Police Department pa-have been placed on light bars wear out, cil in February. Eligible trol cars. The officers the six new patrol cars they will be replaced officers who reside researched several within the City or the different graphics extra territorial jurisdic- packages and decid-tion of the City of ed upon a simpler, Huntsville have been cleaner look for the assigned patrol cars. cars. In addition, These officers are able you may have no-to drive the vehicles to ticed new LED light and from work and bars on some of our while off duty according cars. These light to departmental guide- bars are sleeker and lines. The additional brighter than the patrol vehicles on the previous models. road and in the neigh- These light bars last the City Council granted with the newer LED borhoods can help to much longer than the the Police Department version. Upon receiv-deter crime and im- previous ones because for FY 05-06. The rest ing the new cars, the prove response to citi- they have no bulbs or of the fleet will be out-Department was able to zens’ needs. jsanders@huntsvilletx.gov It’s That Time Again ! Police/Fire HISD School Starts, Thursday, August 10th Statistics Several times every year, the Huntsville flashing. June Police Department’s School Resource Drivers approaching a school bus with Officer section strives to remind the pub- its red lights activated are required to lic that school buses are traveling the STOP and remain stopped until the red Police: Police: Police: roadways with a priceless cargo. It’s lights are deactivated. Most school that time again. buses are also equipped with a stop  Calls for service: With the school year beginning Thurs-sign that extends outward from the 3458 th day, August 10, school buses will once area of the driver’s window. The law again be delivering children to and from applies to drivers approaching the bus  Arrest made: 109 school in the mornings and afternoons. I from the front or the rear. If the want to encourage all drivers to exercise school bus is on a multi-laned highway  Accidents investigat- an extra measure of caution and watch-separated by a physical barrier, such ed: 59 th fulness beginning August 10. Watch as a median or concrete dividers, then for school buses that are stopping to only the drivers approaching from the    Animal Control com- load or unload children. The buses stop rear on the same roadway must stop. at the bus stops about the same time The drivers on the opposite roadway plaints investigated: each day, so keep that in mind as you are not required to stop in such cir- 91 drive. The buses run their routes in the cumstances. The fine for passing a mornings between about 6:00am and school bus while it is loading or un- 8:00am, between about 10:30am and loading children can be up to $1000. 12:30pm, and again between 3:00pm Fire: Fire: Fire: Drive safely, and stop for school buses and 6:00pm. loading and unloading children.  Calls for service: 93 As much as I have tried to get it out dorear@huntsvilletx.gov there to the community, we have still  Main alarm calls: 21 had quite a few instances of drivers passing school buses that are stopped to unload children with their red lights CITY CONNECTION AUGUST 2006 PAGE 3 Here are some creatures, they don't need lots of space for suggestions to egg laying -- usually, follow when even the tiniest pool of standing water will suf- using mosquito fice. A shallow puddle, a repellents: tire swing, an infant's pool, a bird bath, a  Wear long sleeve shirts crook in a tree, an emp- and pants outdoors ty bucket or an old tin during peek mosquito can are just a few ex- activity time periods Protecting you and your home amples of potential and spray outer cloth- mosquito hatcheries. ing. As a result, one of the Take the repellent con-in stagnant water that  Apply repellent spar- cannot be drained to best preventive tainer to the physician. ingly only to exposed consume mosquito lar- measures you can take skin. vae. Steps Home- is to eliminate as many 5. Eliminate seepage from  Keep repellents away of their breeding sites owners Should sewage leaks by from eyes, nostrils and as possible. This will repairing broken pipes. Take To Protect lips. Do not inhale or make your lawn less at- 6. Check for trapped water ingest repellents or get tractive to mating Their Homes: in plastic or canvas them in the eyes. adults, and thus signifi- tarps used to cover cantly reduce both the boats, pools, etc. Ar-  Avoid applying high- 1. Dispose of plastic con- range the tarp to drain adult and pre-adult (or concentration (>30% tainers, cans, old tires, the water. larval) population. In DEET) products to the buckets, unused plastic 7. Check around your own skin, particularly of general, the less junk swimming pools or construction sites or do children. 10% DEET is you have lying around - other containers that -it-yourself improve- recommended for chil- collect and hold water - and therefore waiting ments to ensure that dren. outdoors. Do not allow to collect rainwater- the there is proper grading water to accumulate in less inviting your prop-  to prevent drainage Avoid applying repel- bird baths, plant trays erty will be to the egg- problems. lents to portions of or pet dishes for more laying females that in- 8. Irrigate lawns and gar- children's hands that than 2-3 days. dens properly to drain flict bites and possibly are likely to have con- 2. Clean debris from rain and prevent water tact with their eyes or transmit disease. gutters and remove from standing for days. mouth. any standing water 9. Use an over-the-counter This article was brought under or around struc-  Pregnant and nursing mosquito/fly/gnat in- to you by tures or on flat roofs. women should mini- secticide spray on Check around faucets mize use of repellents. porches and around and air conditioner door entrances to keep units and repair leaks  Never use repellents out flying adult mos- and eliminate puddles on wounds or irritated quitoes. that remain for a few skin. Use repellent 10. Repair screens on days. sparingly; one applica- doors and windows to 3. Maintain the water in tion will last approxi- prevent mosquito en- swimming pools and mately 4-6 hours. Sat- try. Windows left open stock ornamental Health Inspections uration does not in- during evening hours ponds or animal feed- crease effectiveness. need screens installed. ing troughs with top Division feeding minnows or  Wash repellent-treated IN CLOSING: goldfish. skin after coming in- rslovin@huntsvilletx.gov 4. Fill or drain puddles, doors. Mosquitoes start life as ditches, swampy areas If a suspected reaction aquatic creatures and and either remove, drain or fill tree holes to insect repellents oc- prefer to breed in still, and stumps with ce- curs, wash treated skin, almost stagnant, bodies ment. Use an over-the and call a physician. of water. But being tiny -counter larvacide CITY CONNECTION AUGUST 2006 PAGE 4 City Calendar August 15 City Council Meeting @ 6:00 p.m. at City Hall September August 17— August 20 5 City Council Meeting @ 6:00 p.m. at City Hall 7 HHCP Ward 1 Congress @ Walker Education All-Day General Admission: Center from 6:00 p.m.—9:00 p.m. $6.00 14 HHCP Ward 2 Congress @ Walker Education Center from 6:00 p.m.—9:00 p.m. See as Many as Four Games with One Ticket at Bearkat 19 City Council Meeting @ 6:00 p.m. at City Hall Stadium or Kate Barr Ross Park 21 HHCP Ward 3 Congress @ Greater Zion Baptist Church from 6:00 p.m.—9:00 p.m. Day Games - Night Games 28 HHCP Ward 4 Congress @ Education Service Center, Region VI from 6:00 p.m.—9:00 p.m. (Check your Ticket for Game Times and Venue) Visit www.huntsvilletx.gov for a complete/current calendar of events Tickets available at City Hall “Guns N Hoses” City Service Center and Blood Drive Chamber of Commerce Thursday, August 17th FREE DISPOSAL OF YARD WASTE TRIMMINGS The Huntsville Fire Department and the Huntsville Police Department will be helping the City of Hunts- The City of Huntsville is offering free yard waste trimming ville sponsor a blood drive on August 17, 2006 disposal at the City of Huntsville’s disposal site located at 590 7:00 AM – 2:30 PM There will be two Gulf Coast IH 45 North, Monday through Saturday, 7:30 am to 5:00 pm. Blood Mobiles at the Fire Station located on Sam Houston Ave. between Taco Bell and Jack-n-the- Any City of Huntsville residential utility customer who pays a Box and appropriately named Guns N Hoses Blood garbage bill and brings a copy of their utility bill may dump Drive. Gulf Coast Blood Center will be giving free their yard waste trimmings for free. The yard waste trim- pints of Blue Bell ice cream to everyone and Guns N mings must be clean of all debris and not bagged when Hoses t-shirts to all donors. Blood supply always dumping into the City’s yard waste pile. No limbs larger than runs critically low during holidays and with the La- six (6) inches in diameter will be accepted for free disposal. bor Day Holiday fast approaching blood becomes a vital tool in saving lives. The City would like to in- If you have any questions pertaining to the free yard waste vite all citizens who are able to donate blood please trimmings disposal, please call the Solid Waste Services Divi- attend the Guns N Hoses blood drive at the Fire sion at 936-294-5723. Station on August 17, 2006. cblaylock@huntsvilletx.gov bsmith@huntsvilletx.gov Water Capital Improvements Update In an effort to improve crew), which does all quite. These projects eas will see an im- customer service, the the construction and, where 6” waterlines provement in pressure Public Services Division once installation is that replaced under-with the installation of has identified 16 water completed, to a sized 2” lines, these the new lines. lines that have been maintenance crew new lines will also pro- The projects are on frequent maintenance which will reconnect all vide better fire protec- schedule, and if all problems and have a the customers to the tion in those areas. To goes well every project history of causing ser-new water line. date the CIP crew has will be completed Sep- vice interruptions. The completed 10 of the 16 The CIP Crew recently tember 30. replacement of these projects. The next ma- completed construction lines was assigned to jor construction area tthornton@huntsvilletx.gov on Cottonwood, Dairy the Capital Improve-will be Avenue B, C and Farm Road, and Mes- ments Crew (CIP 16th Street. These ar-