ORD CC 04/02/1929 - special improvement warrants to build fire station & municipal buildingAN ORDIWCB OF TIM CITY OF MOTSVII11t TI-A.-A.3 $ AUTHDRIZING THB ISSUANC3 CF 823- CIAL 12UMOVIMM 16ARRANTS FOri M,': POSE OF THE AMCKNrZ OR TA"I'l," C0113TRUCTION OF A FIRE ��T,TIOM "M MM- CIPAL BUIWM FOR TIM CITY 03 WNTSVILLL', TEXASIg AND PROVIDING FOR TIM LMING AM COIUCTING OF A TAX TO PAY TIM INTiMiNST .AM PRINCIPAL OF "AID 'WARRMS -AT, WiTURITY. IMT,ksf the City Council of the city of Ifuntsvillot Tex a# hjo he: etofore deemed it advisable and necessary to purchase or purchase qn�i construct a fire station and minicipzl building for the City of Huntvville# Texast au ect forth in an Ordinance PIuly, adopted and enteied upon the Minutes Of .'Aid Councils 3rd day of December, 1928; -..tndp Pursuant to P'Jaid Ordinance, a contract b.-,B be made for the pureltrise of the nitQ for .�aid buildingv specifications h,-tve been prepared =d accepted by advertisement for Ads ha,.; been Auly nxlde, .ind ._,.ids received therefor; And j a contract for thc construction of said buildinz wa� to 14,Put3C3wtv on the 5th t',Iay of 7.1-irchp 191,191, he being the lowest and -�eot idder th*T,four; and# -V1Mjj,-,,,%S0 thg e: id J41j.,,UtAr-km has entered into %,! contract Vith the said City of awtsvilleg Tey,-u:,y for the constriiction of iid fire station and municipal buildingr in accordance :pith the plans and specifications therctofore lidopteds and ji,-Is ,Aven `z and in the sun of ,ion Thousand Joll.,,tre (','10,000*'1)0)#' for then; faithful perfOrMAnce Of 4 said Contract, with the Mk-tryland C.,.tourx1ty Comp"Iny as gurety the.-con; and ':Ifftr'-REASI the total estimated cost of the cite for oaid fire ,,tat ion and municipal building .--4.nd the coat of t1w construction o. c,aid 'L)ullding Igs -,3ppr�,xjmtely tim of Twenty Thouamd Dollars TMR!FCFMr BB IT ORD�I= BY TX. CITY COUNCIL 01' TH.'--' CITY CF =3MSVILIXV T �S$ UE -'2.- lo—That Warr anto of A,jaid City, to be c,,.;,'Ilod City of Huntsville Ee'Pecial Improire ant Varrants. be is sued under and by virtue of the Constitution and Laws of the State of Tex.n.s# for the Purz,Ose Of ;wWing for the purcliaze or the rchise n co ns ruction of a fire station and municipal building for the z,.',«id City of HUntuvillep Texaop under and by virtue of an Ordim-Ince duly rwide and entered in the 71nutca of oaid Councilp under date of ,.,)Gcember 19'.8, rminin,7, the nt.,ccf�aity :end advicability of the purchase 9,38p detc or the purcil-rioc -&nd construction of a fire station and municip,41 building for cain. City and the warrants hereby -tuthorized to be issued are to be paid for out of the taXes to be leviodp ao he --,cinafter more fully not forth* Mb-- -acid. Special Improllement 'Arrants shall be numbered from Quo to Fort7# Inclusive, shall be of the enomination of .Five Hundred Dollars ($500#oo) each, &Wegating the DUM of renty Thousand Do llaxe )0000-00). ThW aball be dated the 15th day of -.kprilp 1929„ and chrill become due and payable su Sri ,;ally , r ant RX&LICIpal -12 Intgrep't DIA0 T2%1 4-15-30 $500000 ta000.00 411500000 2 4-15.31 300000 V70*00 1475900 11-15-32 500000 950.00 1430.00 4 4-15-33 500,00 925#�0 1425. 10 4-15-34 500,00 900000 1400o0O tl 6-15-35 500*00 875*00 1375000 7 4.15-36 500.00 850#00 1350,o0 a 4-15-37 50U*U0 825*00 1325#00 9 4-15•38 500900 800000 1300#00 10 4-15-39 500.00 77500 1275.00 11 4-15-40 500600 750* 00 1250*00 12 4-15-41 500*00 725#00 1225*00 13 4-15-42 500,00 MOO 1200#00 14 4-15-43 500000 675100 1175*J-o 15 4-15-" 500000 650000 1150*00 16 4-15-45 500000 625#00 1125*00 17 18 4-15-46 4-15 500000 600000 1100,00 -457 500000 575,00 1075. ,0 19 4-15-43 500000 550000 1050000 20 4-15-49 500000 525000 1025#00 "arant Date of Princ ipal i7ue Interest Due Total _1 t u r 1 ty '11� 21 -22 -1 4-5-50 $1000.00 $50.00 Y1500.00 1450,,0 23-24 4-i5_51 1000.00 1000000 450.00 400,00 1400.1,'�O 25-26 27-28 4-15-52 4-15-53 1000.00 350.00 350 00 1. 29-30 4-15-54 1000.00 300.00 1390,00 1250*00 31 -32 33-34 4-15-55 4-15-56 1000.00 11000*00 250,00 200.00 1200,00 35-36 4-15-57 1000 00 150.00 1150,00 37-33 4-15-58 1000.00 100.00 1100,00 39-4(' 4-15-59 1000.00 50.00 -.50,00 III.—They shall bear interest from date at the rate of five per cent per amiump payable semi-annually on the 15th day of April, and 15th day of October of each year# which may 'be evidenced by C ui)ons attached to each of said 'Rarrantse IV. Principal raid interest shall be payable upon prezentation and surrender of 6�'arrants or proper Coupons, in lawful money of the United States, at Huntsville, Texas, V. Said 'warrants shall be ,signed by the Mayor* countersigned by the City Secretary, and registered by the City Treasurer, and the seal of said City shall be impressed upon The fac similt signatures of the IRT'Vor and City Secret.',rY may be lithographed upon the Coupons attached to said '4arrants* VII, The form of '�`a.�rjpnt shall be substantially as follows$ The City Of Mntsville, lu the County of 14 ,ksr and State of Textat for a va table consideration# acknowledges itself indebted 2nd hereby obligates itself tQ PAY to bearer, on the 15th dV, of .,pr i;l., l , at for hunts v ille State Bank of hunt Mlle, `fe :t , the ar """".'r."r". "°'w, .,.•M�ww w+MVe"+Y 4 E e �q{ i -'c (j {'y �.L T.�;M1 ���$,� #1.��./ti�{i� ��F,�iiLl it (�V �•►sw..... ,. w+w +r our '•F r.Fr+MF+! i:n lawful .*coney of the United JtAltez of America, to etj-,er -�)fth intere thereon fron date hereof at the rate of five per cant per annum, st yahle semiannualiyt of the 16th day Of April and tue loth day of October Of cacti year, uPon prelientation and surre er of proPOr Coupon; orttlicj: a ;�� �E � id t: City i o obl i €� � ted n h� re a" tt or top t0 aGa 1�r °. nd the - r €atiuier of sair City izi hereby presses ordered and dire tted to - Wirer, at axe Y atxthori�sed Of Ifunt;'vi:lie, Texa - ", the said � cat f�! "iY#� Hundred �o�l�ret t� 'r�� on the 15th d ao * CC , o r il, .."�,� the to Of M°�,t;zri t of thI s warrant. In full settlement of the gum licreby + videncedy fro t� �s�n�ye belonging to the i t T 3 xt3v�ertt r °Int ' °� Jud off` r°fji:Y it e�ri+ d , ae0e t ed <I crewed for t. t pur v c, This Warrant is one: of a series of Forty <�rr, iite, known City of Huntsville +ata1 ���, }rovcxcent �`azr,%nt0 , ►+eeutirely f.+rFcaa Dollar* g� llwg tst/�1q"41 �y�! /y i } psi ► }n�=b regd tc��ary.,�n. �i g� 5.i'd Fi7fo Hundred $/oJ»..k*�i+lo (iii4l tJ�i.��)�WiWCh �a4�sS.i{�i7 ��L:� H� 7Pisi� 'x.�a �1;i� +41F.K�i �.�i✓F�F X,000 000) all of -ahi+ch Warrants are is Sued for the, urpo e e of plying for the cost of t1le str�uction of a fire station and municipal„ ba`ildhain� or he arid of c•on_ 114tit6villop Tc i.v$ in accordance with an r. inanoc of said City# heretofore .a%r mvide °tnd tntered of record letermining the necessity and advisability Of the purchase or vurchase d construction of a fire station =.rt.: zwAni.cipal building for said Cityt po ., ent of st,.� e��,arr�cnnt+e b he $ and proviin : ~'or tkie e 71ug Of a tax eufftoiont to ply° t .c int ch c . t acc:rui thereon : -Ad the principal oi` 6414 fax into, as Wile "Aturee Said City bavitZ, entered into a contract for the purghass Of a cAte for paid fire station nd municl; l building and lvavbg adopted plans and OpO cificat ionic tborefor# advertised for l into, received 'bids and awarded the contract tl':r f*r and entered into a contx ci. with the lowest and beet bidder, with Bond* as re Iuired by law, it appearing t4at tide aggregate tot al coot of the pUrch&se AT t�i�: �'3i1�Ct�� �? :�tl?� ��'}nr Twenty tiotz of E ti is cxit+e and ,,uid i'ire t tion d municipal buildi ; is Tucntyho�aaand call rs (C300.00, which aid rca,a and so i:i czon�Cr pct bas been duly considered tr ikte City C;ouncil.y and the cost the"' of determined try be reasonable and advisable fry Abe viewpoint of the C i typ and for which raid sun the e�i id city bas received and will 1 uc.eive 3'ull tr .due anA conoxd.erAtion :end hereby -teknowledires receipt of ,z.;' aide e It is known and uncle: otood that this 4;lrrar t, s well -.e X1,1 others of this Goriest Jx issued for the 0010 purpose and intent of creating a sufficient Rind in cash# for the - o PMLY ing for tie oast of the purchase or purc.t ise d construct ion of caid sire Lion and W :nic pnl buildings rand t aat bsae warrants � °e aut'har 'sd d issued strictly in scecardonee Frith la . - =.nd the same. �e to be end �, nl.l be aa3,d out ca " the Special , .de, created and set aside out of the ar nuntl levy of taxes v itliin the limit of One �,,nd 50/14 i Dollars ( 1". ) per -annu<, r. uth rized 'bar l w# and. which said fund 91rill be deesigmtod as gseci: 1 z prove eat ��sxrant Fu 't, ahich h - -Al be as oss # co�I.ected and, faet aside for = n.id purpose, .,t the bolder -5. sha3l to and mi31 be fully protected, in aceardnnee ',vith the Constitution wind Laws of the State of Taxis, ,nd, in pursuance of an Ordinance duly end le .,ally pa sad by the City Council of the City of Ifunts grille s Tex:! s, on the 2nd day of April, lti29, v,!hich Ordinance is recorded in �et - ild ("In ok P""Pi'M seq.0 of the �'inutcs of Council. The date of this 'al'rntp in conformity with the Ordirrince abovc -,lentioned, is Ap;il I-Z)j, 1�D.29, and it is hereL7 certified Lnd recited thit all actep conditions rind things required to be dons preceJent to and In the isouance of this :',,,rrantj have been properly done, happened am, performed, in regmalar and due time, I'orm and ranner, %s re,*luired b,,v law# and t4,>'t the total indebtedness of saint City, includin,- this ►arrant doeo, not exceed the courtitution,--i.1 or Statutory limitatione 11 ubTIMONY JU74U"07# the City of Huntovilles Tex s! ban c, used the corporate veAl of a id City to be affixed to trim Warrant, :ad V,iis arrant to ue signed by the VAvorq countersigned. by the CIIW .ecretary and registered by the City Treasurer of taid City, this the 15th day of 1929* I%Y ! mo {2117 �r'F )Ljnj' 'N"; :;* Countorsigneds this lay of 1929, CYN Tn'.-MM, CITY OF WV,771 M UX 0 The orm Of Coupon atVohed to each of .aid .rrants shall be cubetantially to ct)1low-s NO & 012'5o TML', CITY ol-,-- hxr3T;'V1L"-'S in the County of Walker -ind �tatt.e of TeX:-top is justly indebted to boarox in the uuM of - — ------ TWELU -,XD 50/100 jo"Aj�:; and the City Treasurer of w id City is hereby authorized and djr-eotod to pay to btarn'► out of ;�Pccial ImProvement k4arrant Fund of c&j*1 cityt a4' the IftutevillC �;tate Bankof 1b'UtOviALe.O Texas, on the lath dgy. of .............. WIP 9 =11 this mamat being six menths, Inte - r 66- v- -6n-- - c I t Y of AMtsv'11* :;Pecill ImPrOvOment 4arrant jrow dated April 15, lqLT* to which tY J* Coupon is alailled 7n—d7S--'a* ',",art thereof. KATE BA RR Rost ' CITY LINCP'Je'r"IURYI SAN M KDOMO MAYOR "ice VM*—,A fund is hereby made, created and shall be ,.,et aside out of the taxers levied for the current year so long as oaid "i1arrantap or ­ny of tberij are cane is 'kesij;rutted an the Special biaprovement Fund, when collected, elall be set azi(le to and to nay the prinripal of said Warrantee ac be ti -:e: ',' f6 or no other ruvposs, %nd c 0 year thcreaf ter# outstandingg rand the };arrant fund, which pay the curzent interest they matures, and sirill IJX.--wIT IS FtRITIL .R 01-01MED by the City Council of the City of Huntrville# Texasy that *aid orii7,iwtl Ordiwtncep entered as of date "',ecember 30, 1928, determining Ux, advisability an the nece--sitY of tIL ;urcliase or purchaze and construction of Na fire station and municipal builditk.; for said City03s in all things valid,, and chall be and remain as abs :lute evidence of the neceasity and -advisability of 'the expenditure of the fundo provided ","Creby, and th(- of tile city 01,ficialo in the of finid originzal Ordinances of -date 4'.0ecenber 3g 1923, and a'.1-1 oubsequent procccsdin-v t1wreunders, are hereby in all thin-,s, -ttif ied %wl confirmed. X. IT 15 FURTIMU OBVjAIMA) that# to pay interest on said War ants and discharge the , tj principal of, the same ox ncy :vcspccti-jely r,,rtture# a t&x of and it the 7-.tc of seven and one-i1-tif (7*) X= OentAgn the One Hundred Dollars 0100000) valuation of Vtxable property in the G"Ay of Huntsville shtil be aonually levied on as .id property and annwally ac-seesed and collected# or so mach thereof an shall be necessary# until fill of said Warran'te and :'ntercot Cou,-)ons are ,,r.i.ids and raid tax Is hererww levied for the cur-rent ,year 11M, and for each succeeding year that !.-aid arrantol, or any of them, are outs tand ing , or so r-such thereof an may b(,. aecc.,-:aaryj -,tnd the eame shall be annually assessed and collected and applied to t1w purposes n,xTiedo El ME SCI. - -IT IS YM'M' ORD11MM Vat HOnozism MaKinn4y be and he is hereby authorized to take cjj:-,,rge of said Special Inrovement Warrants, pending their invCsti�;'twion and approvalo and, u;on their approval, he h4ve "uthority to deliver said -.i'arranta to the purchae#r thereof# upon receipt of the proceeds for which uaid - arranta 811:111 have been sold. THIS aRDINANCI; was :.Iuly- referred to the CO.".'milittee on Ordinances of the City of Huntsville, Texavi, at a meeting of said "ouncil, held on the 2nd day of April, 1929, whereat two-Vhirde of all the members of ::,aid Council were present, and uaid ' Comaittee, h-Lvia-, considered said Ordinances reported it back to the Council, with the reconnendation that the z,,=e be adopted, j­,Lnd said Ordinance was duly pa-,#sed -nd approvedp in open Council., this 2n1 day of 1929, MAYII"'Rt CITY OF YW_'NT::xFjxj' AT TE T CP 111JI 1[77714L-27 T10k, •