ORD CC 07/07/1927 - 1927 tax levy•r _ Arldfl;AZ TA'a 1:677 GRDIlIx.111C ,. A Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Huntsville, Texas, in Council assembled. That there is hereby levied for the year 1:27 on all real pronerty situated, -.rd all personal rrooerty owned within th. limit$ of said Cit7 of Huntsville, Texas on the first day of January of the Current year , excent so much as may be exempt by tz e Constitution, and laws of t� is state,or the United Sta.tes,the following taxes; 1. An adval orum t : x of and at the rate of 3 J cents on the one hundred dollars cash v_tilue thereof est ma ed in lawful currenev of the United States, for the current expenses for the support and mairt rarce of the Cit-� Governr:ent of =id Ci ty of Huntsville ,12exas. 2. An advalorum tax ofard at the rate of. on the one hundred dollars cash calue therof,estimated in lawful currency, df the United S +ates, for t'� e snp-oort and amuntar :-nce of the Streets and bridges within and for the said Cit�T of Huntsville .Texas. 3. An adval oriun tax of and at the rate of, e 7 s"ce nts on the one hundred dollars cash -value thereof, estimaTed in la;;ful curercy of the United States to apy current intei e -t on and provide one years sit.king, fund- to be designated aL "Special F ,riding :1Arrert Fund" for the pun pose of paying the interest and retiring the funding warrents issued by the said City of Huntsville,Texas,on the first day of February 1920, 3 A. An advalorum tax of and a,t the rate of on the one hundred doll ,,_�rs cash value ther of , e: tin ted in lawful currency of the United States tp pay interest In and ^rovide one years sinking fund to be designated as JSpecial Funding 4"rrent Furd ",for the purpop-..e of paying the interest on and retiring the funding warrents issued by the L---,,id CitTr of Huntsville,- exas on the first day of ebruar yr 1922. 3B. An adv-lorum tax of and at the ri to of .Ole cents on the one hundred dollars cash value therof estiC7776 in lµ :ful of the United `'tates,to na -r current interest or� and provide one years :inking fund to be designated as "Special Funding ',',' rent Fund" for the nurnose of haying the interest on and retiring the funding wa -lrerts issued by the said City of Huntsvil3e, Texas , on the third day of June 19u4. 3 C. An advalorum tax of and at the r ate Of / J fL cents on the one hundred dollars cash value thereof,to pay�ci r�rent interest on and rrovide one years sinning fund for the ptn oo:e of raving interest on and retiring the principal of certain warrents known and designated "Special 'v °ter and ,' arrents" 3 D. An advalorem tax of and at the rate of -,I� `14 cents on the one hundred dollars cash value therof,estima e in lawful msms-�. currency of the United States,to nay interest on and provide one �Te ,ye.are sirkin� fund d .sign --ted -as "City of Huntsville Improve- ^" merts `;laments Series B." for the ni_z-rpo e of pa -In the i interest or. and retir irr the furdirc warrEr.ts issued by the 1 said Cit« of Huntsville,Texas, Idarch 18,1925. 4. A. advalorem. tax of and at the rate o '��7/ ore h ndred doll -vrs cash value therof e: �1� - -�c� currcroy of the United Stater ,tp pav the curr:_nt interest or. and 'provide one years Sinking fund for: A. ' he Cit -r of Funt: Ville Sevier Bord;;,dated the first day of July 1y16 , the a:nout,t of s ...id st er bi0 dd:� r ovv out - stardin being the �a.rn of {w19,500.00) nineteen 'Thousand five !!undyed Dollars: B. To pav the current intere t or: and orovide one ,years sinking fund for the Cit -T of Huntsville Street Improvement bonds dated the first day of July lyln,the principal amount of said Bond: now outstanding .being the nriacip9l sum of t7500.00) seven Thousand Dollars. C. To na7 currEr.t in tcre-Ct Ord provide one � -eals sinking fund for the Cit -r of 7unteville Stre� t Imnrovemert Bonds it, the sum of Sever. Thoasand Five Hundred Dollars ( 7500.00) and City of Huntsville Sewer Bonds in the sum of Five Tho °.as -nd Dollars( 5000-00). Said Bonds having beer authorized b7 vote of the nronerty owner., votirE,: at an election held for tht.t ournose or the l tr d -. of :Anri - 1920. 4 A. An advalorem tax of and at tl.e rate of -/-9 7 sects o the one hundred dollars c_:,sh value therof es.timate'T -in lawful curr ens T of the United States , t o oc_77 current interest or anal provk. e one ye .rs sirzing fund for V e Bonds, deNignated as "City,* of Hung vill e ^aving Bonds of 1y23" it the sum od 447,000.00)2'(ort -,' Sever. Thousands. Dollars,sa.id bonds having beer authorized b -r a vote of the property ovv'rErs voti 'g at an election veld for that nurnose on t;_e 14th da.Tr of July 192:x. 5. An advalore ,n t �.x of a rd at t�. e rate Of`G J Z- cE7it; . On. the one hundred dollars cahh value thereof estimated in lay. -ful currency of the United St_ltes,tp pay current irtaie t o�a wc:d provide o:.e ye z's sit.xi nc fund for the °onds de::igrated >z" "Ci67 o L Huntsville Funding and ' ',fate- tivorris Betterraeat Bonds" I t the sure 0f t ,W38,OU'J.7U) Thirt-T right Thousand Doll ors dated the fifteenth day of Septec.ip er 1.)L5. 6 In occu-)a.tion on a,ll oerson,firms, w'r.d Corporations doing business within the City of Huntsville equal to one half of that proYided by law for an occupatio. tax due and p�a77ablc to th 7. An annual tax of : 5.00 on ever:T :rate oer;-on betvYeen the ales of twert,r -ore fort -T -five 7e�,r ,s1'0 jest to t he n i--r:,ent of a street tax as provided b -,T law the Crdina ces of tie said Cit71 of 7unt,ville,''exa.s. 8 y. Poll tax of r_l &�O or ever- ib h-abita,rt of r.id Cit'T of uuntsville over tie -age of tWent7-01:e years and not over sixty years of - ge or. the first d,1 7 lof January 1 y 27 . Referred to tl-.e finance Committee it oven Co'incil this: the 5th d ^. -- of July 1:1127. We the Committee . recommend th -Lt the ioregoln Tax levy for the 76-Ir 1y27 be adorted. Signed i7_zzl orditnc.nee Committee . Adopted and Anon ogre::; ir. o e �, C �.rc� tl_$ t-.e 7 0f Signed. Attest; L'Iayor /t:�Y/ ly 2; 7 .