ORD CC 07/21/1926 - require rabies vaccination for dogsI
AN URDI.Mi-Tit;" i'-i'1UV1ArjG T.
-i V."I L :; V-
T,4GGI11G �jT ijL DUG,; d) L,aa L; 'IrY UF
it Ordained, etc,
Uection 1*
• *-ny L:iersun desirin ',- to keep and J)er it to run at lax e a do6z or dogs
within Ue ;ity li � its of th(I amity of Huntsville, Texas, shall pay to t6e
Qity Ie-,retary of said City tiv, sui of One Dollar per annut. 1-for eac., dog
so kept and per fitted to run ut larj�e, and the 131 y :'Jecrct"ry shall issue
a licen2,,- Lwth�;vizin,; -?uch owner to keel) ank- per it u run at Dirge a eo,,-,
for u period of one year froi:,, and after the i8suance of such li, Beni se; ,;jd
the Oit Secre"ry si*ill tftorcuion deliver to the urmor holder a jutet
retalor tug si,all bear the :Aazrq) of V,e City of Huntsville, 'and the h-,;Ider
shall securely fasten the sat:.e to u collar .*iiah shuli be errs by ttie, dog
at all ti; es; "'Lod the license is. ued for ; --ach year -suall Liw; nuyu,bered -pro
O.qr-- u ,d up-murd , u! d i.i. list of the as we s"riall of posted or kept in V!e
Of ficc :jf t .,C Jity -33ecretury f '.'r trig- inspection of ai:y 1,eratn ; I riterestedo
Section 2*
110 liectisc- at- 11 be issued to w. ar !us h" I
jersur) .ntil tui� ou., r � d 1-e
dug for - wijicii tt.r- license is apelied, VLs,a . inated aj;uiost raUies; L'n'�� auci;
otmer stiall furnish the City jeoret,,ry, belfo.-J any licena,.; JU J_,ju.,-,dt L*
sign 3d ce,,•tificate by — li...ensed veto-rinuriano, recognized by Lu'E; Cit
Council ui:d ttae Livestock Sanitary Uu. iosijn of Texas, uertifyim tt'j"t
t'! e Clorr 0
" for vjii-iici' toe license io applied i4'"s Withiii 'WLC p";il, tWC-lVe
oaths, YLccin"ted tc prevent the dinse-6, lriatiQn of rabies*
Section 3.
It ukbiull iiereafter oe utjla,.,*,ful for a.,j pc--ruWn to per it uo,,.,,, ur du--',Q
to run "t within ,e corpora &* li. its of tn' vity of
nless auca dog or dogs uhiAll haws meri vaccinated oy u licenued veteri•
nariun, rxcco, nizcd by ibe Oity *'w'*ouncAl .,,d tuk-: liveotoik .A wt itary Jol- is.
siun Of TQ-Y-,,u, -cAtlli t. --lv� - ontou prior t,o ttiv isfiu"xwe of tile license,
and unless suoii dQi; Lr a..,o sk)zAll ut: ta6ged with tae
.-I Liection 1 plate 0 , edul or tag
provided for i
Section 4.
Hereaaftc..;.- "rij uo, -jj its ftc-r or t�, ran at lurk.,e
v4thin the 1L ii U U F h : city of huntsvillk, 0 wltfjout tilt- licelise
hereitibefore provided fur, '.itlioa, havi-l!', .)r-en vaccillute U ,'"inst
rabies,, Lo ijerei=iocfu,u provided fur, shall of tw','en up by the Gity arshall
or other peace -fficer of Vic jity of 11untoville, und iL;.14oundej; "iid after
wny dog, 4as been i, pounded for i..rce duj,,.;, if tije ul:ner fail3 to have said
dog vaccinated and a licenue issued in ucourdanc-,' ' - wit ii t-lic ter- u
0 of thj
ordinance, sucti doC., o.ta"11 tt.�eri7.upon be killed by tut jitj, -rshull of lthQ
City of Ifuntaville"
Section 5.
41 ordinunces "od
purts AC o- in �-urj-ilift 6crtmit are -Creby
Section 6.
Thio ordiiia,,e:: uij-Ul Ilak- effect fro. "no �fte its j,"su&L;e a1 ti j',U-
#Notet 4vdopted and t&p1jruved July 21,, 1926# and recorded in Vol G on
37 of tie I inutea of --tik2 jity of 11untaville.