ORD CC 04/06/1926 - prohibit livestock running at largeTI Mi., 22
Cr I A,- I'
Section 1.
'-- 4-
It call be unlav-7ful, ix. r..-uttcr for uny 1-it;ruon to z' 'j
er_ it 10 j ow,
koxis, swers, h-ciferg yearling, tjorseq stallions are, a;olt, :ulev Jack
,my• hog-
out sheep to run c.A Ljrge, bc found. or _,raze vitt;ir, the
a 33 =LLnmate lir,it,3 of tf:e 1,2ity of `�Untoville-
Jection 11,
It shalt -oc. Cliuty o" IA Joity arsiall or ptft'-'r ce"ue is ficer
of tL Jity uf '` Ijntsville to -cake u,,- L�j-,j and all. .uch arj` i-48 run?.in:-
V I p
at large or f.;ruz.2n.61 within aujh city, and Lp�Aknd tC,c sL, c.
Thereafter, v;,. of suc .- "niri ul ou i L.oundel uh"li riot
allorec. Lo rejuin ,_,00sdasion ►* awc except 'by We puy. Cnl., :�f ound
foe in the sur of O:i� Dollur for eaqu t;uah anil."l ou i L)otjncio _ .
Seation 11 (u).
after any .)uco "niL."l -as been, :L: i, unac,l by the vAtj
p:uce officer L;f the said .city for Mm kk:x,%iod of one dajo t. Qhar,c; Ut'
Thirty Gent .cr day swAl ,v added s aol:tea"a by the off; ice: r in
out&rt;e of such anij,:ul, for feeding acid CAV10t f-or tbe� alMlApixalf f u 3
euoh u: ' Jj c- very day so long ac the e may be frq�oiadQ4e 1 34puld t!je
owner -,f auao not call for And red*er. oura,ti, milt -a1 06_."l _pound c�d
at the ex.,iratiin of tef, days frort t,;e ti- e of such Upounoill' L; , t I C r i 'G h4_1
City ursliA,11 or other peace officer z*iuli sell such arli, z?.1 "t P:!Iijlio
audtion for cash t� tie kiL, -1 Um d4ju
_;hest bidderp afte, givin,6
-jucl UL Alev J)y posting written or printednoticde of. id .*o- �w Amin swf
City of Huntsville at three pu,,jlic plades therein, for a j,4*Ibd -of
tour ten day.,-, prior to such „Llc; ut such sali. We or
ot=ter ,x ..fritter c.. aking salc of saa4 anii,"l sti J1, atoll *at tht f)r*100,0"
of Such culo* andd6liver said uniz,,,A to the thereofq a&A
title to said a: i> c.,U amLli, ve '.00d in SLAj u r a ha a i - e c e -p t us to Uto
owner of aua,o _rji al,, who small hovo -t: c, ri kqi t for Taint ty days he'reaf te
to redeci sa.- c oy paying, to the pu0c'H,.:.xr of' said WA al toe a ount pal
"or suio ��nu ul aL out(," iii ale, tu,;eth�-r vjit- all 'eju ij fees -ur O.-kier cilu�.
aguinat, --laid
:;ection lla W.
�.;nould tli ;:A e ani cal be i pound-ed ore t.-.an one ti_.c 1-Urin.; any
one calendur ; _,.oath, ziric pound fe.--- for uuch i7ACcond or subsequent tL c
6uuulu tiae fcc .,,jrovideu in 11 liereof.
.1ectioN 3.
't 0 ful 'txreaftci- r u;;y ,.c . son viA-rally to -.Lirn out,
,L Shal i `t� UY)LAM
or _)rxi it to 'be a,' large v.ltiiiij toe
, cor-orutu it its of said jitj
Hmiaville a,jy cove, Lull, otcer, heifer,
yearlin,,, iorso, ct�tllion,
col'., -le Jack,, jen7;y, h-O,'q .oat, of *i-ieep*
cation ion 4,
A>ny person vicL:Ain,,,, tiro provisions of ;: L otiun 2 Of Li,iv,
oEf: 11 W, dee,:ed Suiltj of a ,AaJQi.,eanor, and zoull !)e fined in aiy uutA
I e Jo 1 0
,jot, leut; tham, �en DuUara rj;;r UiL� Tuet,ty ';iv. " Mr��
O tic tion bo
• This ordinancQ
ULI.e _f-fect fro.. u..V; L4ft:r
ito LLdjptiun
o A i cati one
#Notes ^dopted a-:d uproved
=vpril 6. 1926, �,,nd rvuov cd
in Vol G pa--;:
�O of ttm Linutes of th,
jitj of Ifuntsviltuo