ORD CC 05/04/1920 - street paving bonds of 192002DIiI.e ACE AUTHORIZING Tail': ISSU -id= OF BOARS.
.,n ordiance authorizing the issuance of bonds for
the purpose of raakin? permanent extensions and additions to
the sewer Syetem of the City of iuntsville, and providing for
the levy and collection of a tax to paya the interest and
create a sinking fund for the redemption of said bonds.
ihercue, at an election held for the purpose on
the 12t1: day of npril, 1.920, tt majority of the qualified
voters who ore prop=erty tax p€ayere of the Gity of Huntsville,
i'axac --, vo .ing ut said election sustained the proNoaitioL to
issac the bands hereafter described, by a vote of 91 for the
i.ssuaiice of bongs and a vote of 31 against the issuance of
wherefore be i.t ordained by the City Council of the
City of Huntsville in Council assembled:-
24 :phut tho bonds of said City to be called "City
of Huntsville Sewer bonds of 1920" be issued under and by
virtue of the .ievi.sed 6tatates of 'Lexas for the purpose of
making permanent extensions and additions to the sewer system
of the O t;,- of Huntsville.
2. Said bonds shall be numbered consecutively from
one to ten, inclusive, shall be of the denomination of
0500oOO each, aggregating th.- slim of Vive i'housand (, 5000.00)
3. They shall be dated the first day of July, 1920,
shall become due and payable Forty yearn from their date, but
may be redeemed at the pleasure of the City of -Ti ntsville at
any time after ten years from their date.
They shall bear interest at the rite of five
per cent per annum, payable semi-annually on the first dames
Of January and July of etaoh year.
5. :she principal and interest shah he payable on
presentation and eurrender of bond or j)yoper gout on at the
Huntsville State Bank of Huntsville, Texas, or at the �lational
Bank of Commerce of Iiew York at the option of the holder.
6. Said bonds shall be aimed by the ;Mayor, counter-
Jccrata;:•y and registered by c;ity
-�Veasurer aiid the e€ a37. if the Oity aball be i-61prefleed upon
- 4,
eaa h of tbaLa.
7. 'ille 'LbLa "zli'aile bign,--taroa of t-ha mayor and City
j a a r e t 4a ry LiaV be lithographed oa ttha coaponao
U, 110' iv 'L'uxthGr oi-d-ainad by *ho 114'itj couri.csil of
6. 11 G
t"16 City Of 11all's-ville that to pay acid bonds a",i %;rlz;at ; a
3-Ink-l'ad fund to diaohelrde train at Ladtarit-y a -Wuz: of �foezt S
on aaah ane hundred 4011ars vo�O(J;A.;tloa on all t-�-6xabl--:5 property
ail-ld City of i-funtsville shall be annually lavied, o- s: ire
-�A -
property axial aiinwajly aasaase:' ur-d 0011zoted antil said Ijonde
.A. �A
aLd I-ckterent ai a paid and said tax of !fcants on the Sae
hwidred dollars uat of a tex of j:ta leviedlifor
the purpose of qa4-in Jntoreat and OrGutilld a 3inkiag -f-and to
I'e:'aaj-n all outalu'LiLdiai, tonda the 43 t o: F-Int,
U _1 qvijia, iu-
olwline. th.13 sQzie3, by this V"Gurluil on the 4th daily of ;;,ay,
19620, iz jh-'Ierab""' appropriat6d and set tioldo tv PaZ7 the interest
aiid oroiite a fixua for the carreat year, an shall be
and so applied; and rwid t&x la hlare'oy
167i(Ild for woY ye--.r herse;;--Pter v*i1e. oalld bor�.dZ ar(i ou-IN-s'10'and-
ing und the aw;,.e abal bG aIMUallj nose-josed and co!2A Uad
and 6,pplied to the parpaaca Named .
I- also ordainod that T Car i�dic�eFi, "aayor, be
-ixthorizi3d t tz.` o a.-ad hays --haZgra of =id bond pending
iii-r6otigat loic. by tIrA-I .mot t,nay I'eria:z.al, and upon thsir
uPPI•37"l ;Ar-d 1-8,giutration, zhall have aatj-Lort,ty to r.ejotiate
tbO Sale alikdo, re(V-at'v6 fcjr tiie Jity &0 proaccdc them�,'Ao.
liciferred 4;,*o the vintinoe , -,jmmittee on thin 4th day
of Kay, 19200
'i" .6 Humphrey,
life, the Yinance Committee, to ;Iihom the above and
foregoing ordinance has been referred do hereby recommend
that said ordinance be passed.
,:ram iachi-iney,
11 0 Leigh
W R Nance.
Finance Committee.
.adopted and approved in open Council this May 4,
:he state of Texas,
County of Walker.
of the City of Hunt
foregoing is a true
by the City Council
I Z, R F, Franklow, City 6eeretary
sville, }exas, hereby certify that the
and correct copy of an ordinance passed
of the City of Huntsville, on the 4th
day of May, 1920, a quorum being present, approved by the
Liayor on the 4th day of ilay, 1920, and of record on pages
393 et seq. , Book E of the minutes of said City Council.
Witness my hand and the seal of said city, this
the / day of October, 1920.
secretary, My or
Hun sville, Texas.