MIN CC 11/05/1991''..
The Council met in a regular session with the following members present:
W. H. Hodges, Mayor William B. Green
City officers
Gary BeLL William H. Knotts, Jr.
Scott Bounds,
City Attorney
. Ila G. Gaines Ronald L. Lange
James L. Carter Charles Robinson
Member Absent: Councilmember 0. Eugene Barrett
Mayor Hodges called the meeting to order at 5:15 P.M.
Councilmenber Gaines made the motion to approve the minutes of October 15 with one correction on page 514 to
read,'-. . . Counci Imenber Knotts voted against the motion . .--,and Counci [member Knotts seconded the motion.
ALL were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. [Note: Counci Lmember Barrett is absent.] Counci Lmember
Gaines made the motion to approve the minutes of October 22, and Councilmember Knotts seconded the motion. ALL
were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. Charles Smither--Minutes of October 22, 1991
Mr. Smither noted that Concilmeaber Carter and Mr. Pipes discussed a Lot in Pine Shadows which stated
that the lot was purchased from Mr. Smither. Mr. Smither stated that this was technically not correct, the lot
' was purchased from Area Management Services, Inc. Mr. Smither is President of Area Management Services, Inc.
Mr. Charles Smither--Property owned by Oaklawn Cemetery
Mr. Smither advised Council he had received a Letter from City Attorney, Scott Bounds, regarding the
trading of an easement for City owned property in the future and had forwarded the letter to the Cemetery Board.
Mr. Smither also advised that he felt the Cemetery Board would want additional clarification.
Grievance Appeal of Mr. Kennith Johnson
Mayor Hodges asked Mr. Bounds to review with Council the City procedure for grievance hearings. Mr.
Bounds distributed copies of the portions of the Code of Ordinances applicable to the grievance procedures and
a summary of that procedure. Mr. Bounds stated that Mr. Johnson had called earlier in the week to postpone the
hearing due to the fact that his attorney could not be present and Mr. Bounds had informed him that it would
be a decision of Council. Since Mr. Pipes, City Manager, could not be here tonight to present the City's case, l'
Mr. Bounds had talked to Mr. Johnson (present at the meeting) and they had agreed to exchange documents between
his attorney and the City Manager to help expedite the hearing before Council. Mr. Bounds suggested that the
hearing be opened, than recessed to a time convenient to Council and the parties, and start the hearings process
at that time. He also suggested that Council issue a subpoena to Mr. Johnson asking that when he come back to
the hearing that he bring him his cellular phone records for the date in question (August 3, 1991) and that he
be ordered to present those phone documents. _
At this time, Mayor Hodges called the grievance hearing of Mr. Kennith Johnson open.
Councilmember Lance made the motion to issue a subpoena for the mobile phone records for August 3. 1991. and
CounciLmember Gaines seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
Mayor Hodges than asked Mr. Johnson if it was acceptable to him to postpone the hearing on his behalf -
due to the fact that his attorney could not be present and on the City's behalf because the City Manager could
not be here because of illness in his family. Mr. Johnson responded that it was acceptable.
CounciLmember Green made the motion to recess the hearing to a time that would be mutually acceptable to both
the Council and Mr. Johnson. and Counci Lmember Gaines seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion
Passed unanimously.
Mayor Hodges then asked Mr. Johnson to get in touch with City Attorney Scott Bounds and work out a
mutually agreeable date to reopen the hearing.
Consider bids (one) for lighting at Kate Barr Ross Park. Staff recommends rejection of the bid received and
authorization to re -bid on a modified set of specifications.
CounciLmxmber Green made the motion to accept Staff's recommendation to re-ect the bid received and re -bid
Councilmember Gaines seconded the motion. ALL were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
Consider bids on five heavy 112 ton pickups to Huntsville Chrys Ler- Plymouth-Dodge in the amount of 856,900 as
Counci Lmember Bell made the motion to accept the bid of $56,900, and Counci Lmember Gaines seconded the motion. j
The question of standard vs. automatic was discussed. Mr. Schindler advised Council that staff took bids on
standard and automatic pickups. The price for standard was approximately 8750 Less per vehicle, but because
of repair costs and also the conditions in Huntsville (hills and terrain) that the automatic pickups be
j'. purchased. A vote was taken and all were in favor and the motion passed unanimousLy.
Consider resolution authorizing balloting for the Walker County Appraisal District Board of Directors for 1992-
'':.' 94 term.
Counci Lmember Gaines made the motion to approve Resolution No. 91- 11 -5.1. and Councilmember Knotts seconded the
motion. AIL were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
City Manager's Report- -Gene Pipes
Report on Walker County JaiL Financing
Mayor Hodges advised Council he had asked Mr. Pipes to give a report on the Walker County Jail
financing, but since Mr. Pipes was absent due to illness in the family, the report would be presented at a later
date. CounciLmember Green requested information regarding the number of inmates at the Walker County jail
i; should be at T.D.C.J. be jncLuded in the report.
Traffic Lights
Councilmember Lange asked staff if we had turned over maintenance of traffic lights to the State ".
ICI Department of Highways and PubLic Transportation and staff acknowledged this. It was noted that over the
weekend, a traffic light was out for an extended period of time. Mayor Hodges asked staff for the procedure
I' on maintenance of lights and Mr. Poteete, Director of Public Works informed Council that when calls come in to
the Police Department, they in turn call the T.H.D.P.T. The Highway Department has an employee locally to
maintain small problems, but the Bryan office is called for any major repairs.
Cavender's Boot City Landscaping
Councilmember Lange has received numerous complaints about the landscaping at Cavender's Boot City and
asked staff for a report on the greenspace requirements at the next Council meeting. Councilmember Carter
suggested expanding discussion on this to a worksession on the landscape ordinance.
Traffic Light Synchronization Grant
Councilmember Knotts reported he understood 85 million was approved by the State for traffic light
synchronization. Mayor Hodges asked staff the procedure to qualify for a grant. Mr. Poteete
Knotts asked
that we look
at a light
or some traffic control
on 22nd Street and Sam
-.- Houston Avenue at Fire
Station #2.
He noted that
there is a
short sight distance for
traffic going south.
- - -
' Summary of Planning Commission Meeting
Councalmember Gaines reported that on Monday, the Mayor, Tom Rand e, Judy Hunter and herself met with
the Planning Commission. She noted that this group had come up with an idea to combine the Library with the 'I
new Cultural Civic Center to be built on the 17 acres on 7th Street. She stated that they also had plans to
discuss with the Planning Commission taking on the project of doing some ground working on this particular
project in coming up with some feasibility studies and some ideas that might be put into action as far as
getting something off the ground. Councilmember Gaines said she felt the meeting on Monday went very well and
thought from the consensus that the Commission had an interest in working on this project. She also stated that
there would be another meeting for further discussion on November 19th at 12:00 if anyone would like to attend. j
Councilmember Gaines had also attended a Tourism Committee workshop. At that time it was mentioned that
a survey was needed for the City of Huntsville as to the available space that was here, who it belonged to, what
the criteria would be for renting that space. The Committee felt this would be a valuable tool for us also in
looking at concept of a building that we would be thinking about for the City's Cultural Center. Ms. Gaines
has contacted Dee McFarland at the Chamber and asked her to expedite this survey. Councilmember Gaines asked it
for any input on this project.
Councilmember Green commented that in the planning process that the Planning Commission should be ;I
instructed to consider transportation plans relative to 7th Street, FM 247 and the configuration of streets
around the area. n
Councilmember Carter commented that he hoped in discussion environmental sensitivity to be exhibited
on that site was examined. Councilmember Lange informed Council that he would gladly take any that wished to
go on a tour of the 7th Street property.
Ethics Ordinance
Councilmember Bell felt Council should adopt an ethics ordinance to precede the Charter amendment that !:
would prohibit Councilmembers from selling to the City. Mayor Hodges stated that the Charter amendments would
be coming up in a future meeting and discussion could be held then. Councilmember Bell then encouraged Scott
Bounds to begin Looking at a possible structure of an ethics ordinance that would supplement the Charter
Cultural Planning
CounciLmember Carter is not pleased with the general attitude of the Cultural Planner. He has indicated :1
a desire to drop by or be present at some points during the initial discussions and was discouraged and /or told
he cannot be present. He asked that someone explain these actions to the Council.
Taxi Ordinance
Councilmember Robinson asked about the progress on the Taxi ordinance. Scott Bounds stated that he and
Officer Michaelson had discussed the amendments to the ordinance and it is in the process of being redrafted.
Redistricting Process
Scott Bounds stated that he and Dale Brown had been working with representatives of the County to come
up with a new redistricting plan for the County. At this point, none of the alternatives drafted were
acceptable to the County. At this time, although staff is assured the County will try to come up with a plan
soon, staff if unsure that an acceptable plan will be ready soon.
Calling the Election
Mr. Bounds gave Council two alternatives in calling the election: 1) calling the election under the
old lines and recognizing that there may be considerable confusion as voters get new voter registration cards
telling that they have to remember their old number and new number; 2) a more practical solution since this "
is an at -large election (electing four councilmonbers at- large) would be best to consolidate the election and
have one voting box. -
' NOTE: Councilaaernber Barrett is absent due to illness, therefore, the Personnel Committee meeting will be
postponed until a later date. /