CS - Notice of Tax Revenue Increase Newspaper Ads, 8-4,6-15BA THE HUNTSVILLE ITEM FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 2015 It's Back -to -School time and we are inviting you to come be a part of the Huntsville Item's Inaugural School Supplies Drive taking place now until Friday, September 11, 20151 We are collecting supplies for Huntsville area schools. Basic Supplies needed are: Filler Paper Erasers, Folders Hand Sanitizing Wipes Red Pens, Markers Binders, Glue Facial Tissues Crayons, Color Pencils Back Packs Bring the items you wish to donate to the Huntsville Item Circulation Department located at 1409 10th Street in Huntsville by Fri., Sept, 11, To show our appreciation, we will print a page to thank everyone who contributed. You may choose not to leave your name. Call 936-295-4911 for more information. .011 Together, we can make sure all our students have everything they need to be successful this year In school! NOTICE OF TAX REVENUE INCREASE The City of Huntsville conducted public hearings on August 18, 2015 and September 1, 2015 on a proposal to increase the total tax revenues of the City of Huntsville from properties on the tax roll in the preceding year by 6.98 percent (2.68 cents). The total tax revenue proposed to be raised last year at last year's tax rate of $0.4106 for each $100 of taxable value was $4,950,550. The total tax revenue proposed to be raised this year at the maximum proposed tax rate of $0.4106 for each $100 of taxable value, excluding tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year, is $5,162,095. The total tax revenue proposed to be raised this year at the maximum proposed tax rate of 0.4106 for each $100 of taxable value, including tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year, is $5,285,050. The City of Huntsville is scheduled to vote on the tax rate that will result in that tax increase if the maximum proposed rate were to be adopted at a public meeting to be held on September 15, 2012 at City Hall, 1212 Avenue M, Huntsville, Texas, 77340 at 6:00 p.m. Notice per Sec. 26.06(d) of the Texas Tax Code SAW Choose ono w ,,, a, NN! Wallop pie. NV. Love to shop? We like you already. Download the Find&Save app to earn cash back for shopping at nearby stores. I work at a bug farm that's dvil' something really good providing alternative, sustainable protein for everyone. In my old Jeb hours, but it was the some time. I'd never go bock." Jack Arnpulskl, Duenor 01 operotions, BI Search LOCATION NAME jobs and Nod right for you at COBRAND URL FINDME brought to you by $UNOA5 SEPTEMBER6 2015 THE HUNTSVILLE I'EM 95 FIGHT 6 now. was diagnosed with typc 2A lost December A pistol who loves to play baseball and run around outside. Bouton has not lei CMT slow hum down. tic's still play- ing with his friends on an 8 -ml -under tournament lean, coached hs Ines dad. He wears braces on his legs most of the time when he -s pitching, catching. play- ing first or third base, dicing for balls and sliding safely Into lone Fatigue and worn-out muscles are more frequent now, and Boston often sports What his grandmother calls "car- toon knots'- on his head and elbows. None of that hnthers Boston nmch. Watching him endure pain. dealing with doctors and know mg there is currently 110 cure for CMT bothers the boy's par- ents and grandparents greatly. "It's a lot tougher on us than i1 is on Boston.' his lather Timmy Gray said last week. "Boston doesn't have a care in the world From sunup lo. sundown. It's go. go. go.. "We had never heard of this disease:' his mom Devon added -'A lot of people 1 know have never heard of this disease" ('MT is one of the most common in - horned genetic diseasesaffecting an estimated I51roo0 children and adults In the United Slates and 2 it mullion people o, kite idc Ilcauseschronicpainandfn- tiguc When she heard :lour rhe doctor's original diagnosis late Inst year. Boston's grandmother couldn't believe n was stunned: Brenda Gray said. '-I knew something was wrong wah 1111 grandson because he fell a lot. The arch 111 his foot is also so high, but that little rascal can snow ski as good as any adult on two skis Not one to sit idly by and watch her grandson's health deteriorate. Brenda Gray came up with a plan. The boss of Sant Houston State's volleyball program for 30 -plus years, Gray wants to sell people about this disease and also help the folks at the Charcot -Mary -Tooth Association by raising research money to find a cure for CMT Mostly. though. the coach wants to salute her little buddy Boston. who is the spitting image of her son, a former Huntsville Hornet and SHSU Bearkal baseball standout. "Boston's a clone of Timmy. It's un- canny really." Coach Gray said "His likes, dislikes. they're all the same. He's also got a big. big hears. 'When I started Ihinkmg about this." Brenda added. "I though) everybody Local Sports News Coverage... Only in THE HUNTSVILLE ITEM 1 yr Amish of 1,rndd ('6151la with 11.erases, our gruihadi rot tilt 190c, who helped us rtsmcoh kis oil ni nu fiends owl lamas. /Gunk nlyu wr .vaildnl hose !son( n thrangl, rill• rvl1•411 7„ lir. Lux tense 15,16, Itr. 11,11 r Winer, Ise MAW .Cehgal. Ilanlseilir ilualrh mare ( enter and ),,o• Isom,' Ilrahh mill . Thank vnu)i,r yew kindnr-s aM help while carnrg for aur l,nrd unit. In Pastor Paul Morris, Pasha. Sh,mr higgim and Pastor Fd Fisher Thank son foe vo r ricin and nye • hrf or, I vin, and alter his illness. troll be mime/... ('amlrn, 1:'arol, Erne, Klrari and Katie Pagoda DRIVE TO CONROE & SAVE LABOR DAY The furniture you wa N'T BELIEVE Beautiful Sofa Perfect high quatity furniture for your new dorm, apartment or home Luxurious Complete Sectional Now $379.95 Classic Dining Table & Chair Queen Bed, Chest & Nlghtstand Now $269.95 Queen Bed, Dresser, Mirror & Nlghtstand rre<Queen mattress set Classy Futon with Pad Now $229.95 -flog #349,: FURNITURE OUTLET 80' 1aHama nmeea1Be 13.1 Se Mon-SMtotem inlpmeentoem--Sun Noen W n a.aa p and• tgnelAlr w/ mary oamf queenmattre5smeofseE Queen Now $349.95 King N ,icyoiSw55::..^�99. 95 ncy'io (936) 760-2003 f does breast ulilri anm;ncks. evcr- IoxhdocsaFinkOulganw 103111mdo something for Roston Hopefully. we can raise Sin moo That's the dream. rials the goal All of 11 0111 go to Boutods strain of('MT" Oil Sept. 1i. the Boarkms volleyball team will host a 061'1 Awareness Night at Johnson Coliseum. The goal is to in- crease awareness of CMT. to highlight the stories of CMT patients and to raise money to help fund the CMTA's Strategy to Accelerate Research (STAR) program. which is committed to finding a cure for CMT Friends of the family, volleyball fans and anyone who wants to join the fight can purchase STARs in advance of the Bearkars match against longtime ri- val rval Texas State. STARS are TIO each, or three for $25. Corporate STARS are available far SM. In addition to the STARS. a portion of the ticket sales will be donated to the cause by the university. All of the pro- ceeds from the CMT Awareness Night will be given to the fight against CMT. "!here's no cure for ('MT now, so that's why were raising money to go in for research:' Coach Gray said. Brenda Gray sent letters to her coaching colleagues in the Southland Conference asking for their support. The ouch has hcunl from main of lice 10/ 11c1 players oho knew Nunn when he ua* atom Hnslods age. 1 hey are pitching in to help "WeAc gotten a lot of responses Stephen F !Austin) was one of dye Best teams on lowed.- Coach Gray scud .. less Suite wanted to he involved. (Bcarkats basketball) Coach tJastm) Hooton has been great help We\a gotten so much support Trout other teams • SFA. Texas State. UTA and UTSA We', c been butt- ing heads with those couches for ump- teen years, but all of them have respond- ed and all of their have said they hope we have a great night" Devon and Timmy arc excited about the response, not only t'rom the college volleyball community, but from their church family, their school friends and many people all over Huntsville and Walker County. "The people at Alpha Omega Academy. university Heights Baptist ('Bosch and Sam Houston, they've all been great." Devon said. "Wave gotten so much support. and we're telling pro - plc any little hit will help" For more information. or to donate. go to httr,www.cnuausa orglcsenc cit-awareness-shsu-volleyball/ First sere on Sept It is set for 6130 p m LOVELADY OLD GYM presents Mack Abernathy Band Former SHSU Rodeo Team Member Dance Saturday, September 12th Tickets $15A0/each $25.00/Couple For Tickets or Nore Information call: Norma Dell Jones (936) 545'6680 ndjones@consol'idated,net or (936) 636.2267 NOTICE OF TAX REVENUE INCREASE The City of Huntsville conducted public hearings on August 18, 2015 and September 1, 2015 on a proposal to increase the total tax revenues of the City of Huntsville from properties on the tax roll in the preceding year by 6.98 percent (2.68 cents). The total tax revenue proposed to be raised last year at last year's tax rate of $0.4106 for each $100 of taxable value was $4,950,550. The total tax revenue proposed to be raised this year at the maximum proposed tax rate of $0.4106 for each $100 of taxable value, excluding tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year, is $5,162,095. The total tax revenue proposed to be raised this year at the maximum proposed tax rate of 0.4106 for each $100 of taxable value, including tax revenue to be raised from new property added to the tax roll this year, is $5,285,050. The City of Huntsville is scheduled to vote on the tax rate that will result in that tax increase if the maximum proposed rate were to be adopted at a public meeting to be held on September 15, 2015 at City Hall, 1212 Avenue M, Huntsville, Texas, 77340 at 6:00 p.m. Notice per Sec. 26.06(d) of the Texas Tax Code