CS - 11-5-13 Charter election info - 10-8-13 and 10-15-13PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION
THE STATE OF TEXAS, County of Walker
I Rita Haldeman, of the aforesaid County and State, do solemnly swear that I am the Publisher
of The Huntsville Item, a daily newspaper of general circulation
which has been continuously and regularly published at Huntsville, Walker
County, Texas, and is a legal newspaper and the attached notice was published
in said newspaper.
City of Huntsville 2 consecutive/subsquent dates previous
to the return day therof to wit:
On 8 -Oct 2013 On
15 -Oct 2013
2013 On 2013
2013 On 2013
2013 On 2013
Subscribed and sworn to this 15th
7714 1
day of October 2013
Notary Public, Walker County, Texas
My Commission Expires
January 27, 2017
The City Council of the City of Huntsville, Texas, has ordered a
special election to be held on November 5, 2013, for the purpose
of votk g on the adoption or rejection of the proposed
amendments below to the existing City Charter.
FOR (A favor)
❑ AGAINST (Contra)
Shall Article II, Sections 2.01(a) and 2.01(b) of the existing Charter, be
consolidated into one section 2.01 to provide that the City may extend
its boundaries and annex and disannex territory to the extent and in
the manner provided by the constitution and laws of the State of
Texas to read as follows?
In the event that Proposition 1 is approved by the voters on November
5, 2013, Article Two, Section 2.01 shall read as follows:
"EXTENSION OF BOUNDARIES. The City Council shall have the
power by ordinance to fix the boundaries of the City of Huntsville.
Without limiting the previous sentence, this power includes the ability
to annex and to disannex territory, when permitted, to the extent, in
the manner, and subject to any restrictions or limitations, provided by
the constitution and laws of the State of Texas.
Section 2.01(a) REPEALED.
Section 2.01(b) REPEALED.
FOR (A favor)
❑ AGAINST (Contra)
Shall Article IV, Section 4.07 of the existing City Charter relating to
where city council meetings are held be amended to read as follows?
"Al!"meetings of the council shall be held at the City Hall of Huntsville
or at such other public place within the city as may be approved by
Council and. except as otherwise permitted by law, all meetings shall
be open to the public and closed or executive meetings or sessions
shall only be permitted as authorized by law."
❑ FOR (A favor)
❑ AGAINST (Contra)
Shall Article IV, Section 4.12, of the existing City Charter that allows
an employee who is not appointed by the City Council to appeal a
decision on a grievance of that employee to the City Council be
❑ FOR (A favor)
❑ AGAINST (Contra)
Shall Article XI, Section 11.02 (f) of the City Charter be amended by
striking the sentence "Such audit shall be on a non -certified basis."?
❑ FOR (A favor)
❑ AGAINST (Contra)
Shall Article XI, Section 11.13 of the existing City Charter, relating to
the sale of bonds issued by the City be amended to read as follows?
"No bond, other tan refunding bonds issued to refund and in
exchange for previously issued outstanding bonds, issued by the City
shall be sold for less than par value and accrued interest.
All bonds of the City having been issued in conformity with the laws of
the State of Texas, and having been delivered to the purchaser
thereof, shall thereafter be incontestable, and all bonds issued to
refund and in exchange for outstanding bonds previously issued shall.
after said exchange, be incontestable."
FOR (A favor)
❑ AGAINST (Contra)
Shall Article XI, Section 11.17 of the existing City Charter, that relates
to the issuance of new debt by the City be amended by deleting the
last sentence "A favorable majority of all votes cast at the City election
is required for approval." and inserting as the last sentence "A
favorable majority of the qualified voters voting on the proposed
issuance of new debt is required for approval."?
FOR (A favor)
❑ AGAINST (Contra)
Shall Article XIV, Section 14.18 of the existing City Charter, that
requires the reading of all reports made by the State of Texas
concerning the City be deleted?
Del Consejo de la Ciudad de Huntsville, Texas ha ordenado un
)st a kick wheel pot-
aturday, Oct. 19, at
ids. For more infor-
nual Fall Festival at
into Schoolhouse,
II be served. A
will begin at 1 p.m.
'tied. Donations are
ition'and upkeep of
of old pictures of
appreciated. For
try 295-7475.
sting a 100 -target,
Oct.19, at Able
ament. Registration
a gun raffle ticket.
sbcglobal,net or
rve a barbecue
on the commons at
dile High School per-
idition to the barbe-
tion or to reserve
bate an anniver-
sville. First Church of
nis will,,pprovide the
eature Nu Focus,
Jorkers, O'B yant'
is 12th annual
'om 6 to 9 p.m.
'lag (lower level) of
Advance tickets
ration, call.Delor'a
orge Enslewith
)ct::19 a#Thoreau
information,.: visit
call (936) 661
vill'host its. annual
6 Oct. 20, at the
cm True Light
e message.
on: Day`
its 13th Pastor's
's at 3:p.m. Oct.
Former CNN Anchor Coming to SHSU
Kitty Pilgrim, an award-winning international journalist and novel-
ist,will speakat the Gaertner Performing Arts Center Concert
Hall at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 22. Pilgrim's presentation, "That's
Trinity Scholarship Fundraiser
The Order Of the Eastern Star No. 186 in Trinity will host a
scholarship fundraising catfish fry from noon to 5 p,m. Saturday,
Oct. 26, 205 South Robb St. in Trinity. Price for a catfish plate is
$10. All the funds collected go into scholarship fund for Trinity
High School. For more information, call Rene Lopez,
Worthy Matron for Trinity No.186, (936) 594-7333.
The City Council of the City of Huntsville,
Texas, has ordered a special election to be held
on November 5', 2013, for the purpose of voting
on the adoption or rejection of the 'imposed'
amendments below to the existing City Charter.
There is no anticipated fiscal impact to the
municipality if the proposed amendments are
FOR (A favor)
Shall AriicleIl;:Sections 2.01(a) and 2.01(b) of
the existing Charter, be consolidated into one
section 2.01 to provide that the City may extend
its boundaries and annex and dis;innex territory
to the extent and in the manner provided by the
constitution and laws of the State.of Texas to
read as follows?
Jn the event that Proposition 1 is approved by
the voters on November 5, 2013, Article Two,
Section 2.01 shallread as follows:
Council shall have the power by Ordinance to iix.
the boundaries of the City of•Hunisville.
Without limiting the previous. sentence, this
power includes the ability to annex and to disan-
nex territory, when permitted, to the extent, in .
the manner, and subject to any restrictions or .
limitations, provided by the constitution and .
laws of the State of Texas.
Section 2.0100 REPEALED.
Section2.01(b) REPEALED.
FOR (A favor)
AGAINST (Contra)
Shall Article IV, Section 4.07 of the existing
City Charter relating to where city council'meet-
hip ars held be amended to read as follows?
"All-meetings:of the council shall, be held at
the City Hall of Huntsville or at such other pub-
lic place within -the city as may be approved by
Council and, except as otherwise permitted by
law, all meetings shall be open to the publieand
closed or executive meetings or sessions shall
only be .permitted as authorized bylaw."'
FOR (A favor)
Shall Article IV, Section .4.12,' of the existing
City Charter that allows anemployee who is not
appointed by the City Council to appeal a deci-
sion on a grievance of that employee to the City
Council be deleted?
FOR (A favor)
AGAINST (Contra)
Shall Article XI, Section 11.02 (f) of the City
Charter be amended by striking the sentence
"Such audit shall be on a non -certified basis."?
FOR (A favor)
AGAINST (Contra)
Shall Article XI, Section 11.13 of the existing
City Charter, relating to the sale of bonds issued
by the City be amended to read as follows?
"No bond, other than refunding bonds issued to.
refund and in exchange for previously issued
outstanding. bonds, issued by the City shall be
• soldfor less than par value and accrued interest.
All bonds of the City having beenissued in con-
formity with the laws of the State of Texas, and •
having been delivered to the purchaser thereof,
shall thereafter be incontestable, and all bonds
issued to refund and in exchange for outstanding
bonds, previously issued shall, after said
exchange, be incontestable "'
FOR (A favor)
AGAINST (Contra) '
Shall Article XT.:Section 11.17 of the existing:.
'City. Charter,. that relates to the issuance of new
debt by the City be amended by deletingthe last.
sentence "A favorable majority of all votes cast
at the City election is required for approval."
and inserting as the last sentence "A favorable
majority of the qualified voters voting on the
proposed issuance of new debt is required for
FOR (A favor)
AGAINST (Contra)
Shall Article XIV, Section 14.18 of the existing
City Chatter, that requires the reading of all
reports made by the State of Texas concerning
the City be deleted?
Del Consejo de la Ciudad de Huntsville, Texas
ha ordenado un eleccion municipal que tendran
lugarel dia 5 de noviembre del. 2013 con'el
proposito de votar para adopter or rechazar las'
enmiendas propuestas a los estatutos municpales
No hay ningai innpacto fiscal esperado a la
nunicipalidad si las,eniniendas propuestas'son
FOR (A favor)
AGAINST (Contra)
LComprometerii por contrato II, Sectiones 2,01
(a) y 2.01 (b) de la Carta existente, consolidara
en la una section 2.91 para dispotier que la
Ciudad pueda ampliar sus !finites y anexar.y ter-
ritorio disannex
algrado y en la manera proporcionadaporla
constitution y 'eyes del Estado de Texas para
leer como sigue? •
Encaso de que la Proposicrdn 1 sea aprobada
por los votantes el 5 de noviembre de 2013,
Articulo Dos, la Seccien 2.01 leery coin() sigue:
"EXTENSION DE LIMITF.S. El Ayuntamiento..
tends el poder por la otdenanzapara fijar los
limites de la Ciudad de Huntsville: Sin limitar la
oration anterior, este poder incluye lacapacidad
de anexar ytil territorio disannex, cuando permi-
tido, al grado, en la manera, y sujeto a cualquier
restricci6n'o limitaciones, proporcionadas por la
constitution y las Jeyes del Estado de Texas.
La section 2.01 (a) ABROGADA.
La secci6n.2.01 (b) ABROGADA.
FOR (A favor)
AGAINST (Contra)
LCornprometera por contrato IV, la Secci6n 4.07
de la Carta de Ciudad existence acerca:de donde
las reuniones de ayuntamiento son sostenidas ser
enmendadas para leer como sigue?
"'coda's: las.reuniones del Consejo seran
sostenidas en eI Ayuntainiento de
Huntsville: o'en tal otroIugar piibllco
dentro de la Ciudad como puede ser'
aprobado por el Consejo y, except()
como por otra parte perrnitido segtin la
ley, todas las reuniones estartin abiertas
al publico y reuniones cerradas o
ejecutivas a las sesiones solo serail
permitidas como autorizado segtin la
FOR (A favor)
AGAINST (Contra)
1Comprometera por contrato IV, la Seccinn 4.12,
de la Carta de Ciudad existence que permite a un
empleado que no es designado por el
Ayuntamiento apelar una decision en un agravio
de aquel empleado al Ayuntamiento ser suprimi-
hOR (A favor)
AGAINST" (Contra)
Comprometera por contrato XI, la Seccinn 11.02
(f) de la Carta de Ciudad ser enmendada quitan-
do la oration "Tal auditoria sera en una Kase no
FOR (A favor)
AGAINST (Contra)
f,Comprometerdi por contrato XI, la Secci6n
11.13 de la Carta de Ciudad existence, acerca de
la venni de bonds publicados por la. Ciudad ser
enmendada.para leer comp sigue?
"Ningrin Bono, atemiis del reembolso de bonos
publicados para reembolsar y a cambio de honos
excepcionales antes publicados, publicados por
la Ciudad sera .vendido.por menos que valor
nominal e interes acarnulado.
Todos los bonos de la Ciudad que ha sido publi-
cada en conformidad con las leyes del Estado de
Texas, y ha sido entregada al comprador de eso,
ser an indiscutibles'a partir de enrollees., y todos
los bonds publicados para reembolsar a cam -
bio de bongsexcepcionales antes publicados,
despues del cambio dieho, senin indiscutibles."
FOR (A favor)
AGAINST (Contra)
Comprometera por contra() XI, la Seccinn 11.17
de la Carta de Ciudad existence, que esta rela-
cionada coq la emisii n de la nueva deuda por la
Ciudad ser enmendado suprimiendo la altinia
oration "una mayorfa favorable de todo.el molde
de votos en laeleccidn de Ciudad esrequerida
para la aprobaci6n:" e insertando cuando la tilli-
ma.oracidn "una mayorfa favorable de los
votantes calificados.que votan en, la envision
•propuesta de la nueva deuda es requerida para la
aprobacion `"?
FOR (A favor)
AGAINST (Contra)
f,Comprornetera por contrato XIV, laSeccien
14.I.8 de. la Carta de Ciudad existence, que
requiere la lecturit de todos los informes hechos
por el Estado de Texas acerca de la Ciudad para
ser suprimida?