ORD 2007-26 - Adoption of FY 08 Annual Budget 09-04-2007ORDINANCE NO. 2007 -26
WHEREAS More than thirty days before the end of the City's fiscal year and more than thirty days before
the adoption of this ordinance, the City Manager of the City Huntsville, Texas, submitted a
proposed budget for the ensuing fiscal year according to Section 11.05 of the Charter of the City
of Huntsville, Texas, and Texas Local Government Code Section 102.005;
WHEREAS the City Manager filed a copy of the proposed 'budget with the City Secretary and the budget
was available for public inspection at least fifteen days before the budget hearing and tax levy
for the fiscal year 2006 -2007 (Texas Local Government Code § 102.006);
WHEREAS the itemized budget shows a comparison of expenditures between the proposed budget and the
actual expenditures for the same or similar purposes for the preceding year and projects for
which expenditures and the estimated amount of money carried for each [Texas Local
Government Code § 102.103(a)];
WHEREAS the budget contains financial information of the municipality that shows the outstanding
obligations of the City, the available funds on hand to the credit of each fund, the funds received
from all sources during the preceding year; the funds available from all sources during the
ensuing year; the estimated revenue available to cover the proposed budget; and the estimated
tax rate required to cover the proposed budget [Texas Local Government Code § 102.1.03(b)];
WHEREAS on August 20, the City Secretary published notice in the City's official newspaper of a public
hearing relating to the budget, which include one publication not earlier than the 30th day or
later than the tenth day before the date of the hearing [Texas Local Government Code §
WHEREAS on September 4, 2007, the City Council of the City of Huntsville held a public hearing relating
to the budget;
WHEREAS the budget for the year October 1, 2007, through September 30, 2008, has been presented to the
City Council, and the City Council has held a public hearing with all notice as required by law,
and all comments and objections have been considered; and
WHEREAS the fees, rates and charges set out herein are reasonable and necessary and are established and
set in the best interests of the City,
SECTION 1: City Council adopts the budget for the City of Huntsville, Texas, now before the City Council
for consideration and attached, as the 'budget for the City for the period of October 1, 2007„
through September 30, 2008,
SECTION 2: The appropriation for the ensuing fiscal year for operating expenses, debt service and capital
outlay budgets shall be fixed and determined as shown on Exhibit "A ".
SECTION 3: Projects described for fiscal year 2007 -2008 in the Capital Improvements budget portion of the
2006 -2007 budget are approved at the cost level indicated, subject to the availability of funding
of project costs (see Exhibit "B ").
SECTION 4: City Council approves an increase in the monthly payment for a full -time employee to the
City's Medical Insurance Internal Service Fund from the current $542.83 per month to $597.17
per month, per budgeted position.
SECTION 5: City Council approves a transfer of an amount equal to three and one half (3.5 %) percent of the
gross revenues received during Fiscal Year 2007 -2008 from all water, and wastewater
customers a transfer equal to three and one half (3.5 %) percent of gross revenues received
during Fiscal Year 2007 -2008 from all solid waste collection and disposal customers, to the
Street Special Revenue Fund to compensate the City for the use of streets and rights -of -way by
the Water, Wastewater, and Solid Waste Funds.
SECTION 6: City Council hereby has reviewed and approves the Fiscal and Budgetary Policies (Exhibit Q.
SECTION 7: City Council has reviewed and approves the investment policies, strategies, and the Investment
and Banking Policies. (Exhibit D).
SECTION 8: City Council approves fees, rates, and charges per Exhibit E and their associated revenue which
is incorporated into the budget. Council authorizes the City Manager to make such adjustments
in fees, rates and charges from time to time as are in the City Manager's discretion reasonable
and necessary based upon facts then existing, including the implementation of new fees, rates
and charges or elimination of current ones; provided, however, that a change of more than 25%
or the implementation or elimination of any fee, rate or charge shall be reported to the next
regular Finance Committee meeting.
SECTION 9: The City Secretary is directed to maintain a copy of the adopted budget, to file a copy of it with
the City Library and the County Clerk, and to publish a notice saying the budget is available for
public inspection [Texas Local Government Code §§ 102.008 and 102.009(d)].
SECTION 10: Council may amend this budget from time to time as provided by law for the purposes of
authorizing emergency expenditures or for municipal purposes, provided, however, no
obligation shall be incurred or any expenditure made except in conformity with the budget.
[Texas Local Government Code §§ 102.009- 102.011; Huntsville City Charter §§ 11.06- 11.07.]
SECTION 11: The City Manager may, within the policies adopted within this budget, authorize transfers
between budget line items; City Council may transfer any unencumbered appropriated balance
or portion of it from one office, department, or agency to another at any time, or any
appropriation balance from one expenditure account to another within a single office,
department, or agency of the City. [Huntsville City Charter § 11.06.]
SECTION 12: City Council expressly repeals all previous budget ordinances and appropriations if in conflict
with the provisions of this ordinance. If a court of competent jurisdiction declares any part,
portion, or section of this ordinance invalid, inoperative, or void for any reason, such decision,
opinion, or judgment shall in no way affect the remaining portions, parts, or sections, or parts of
a section of this ordinance, which provisions shall be, remain, and continue to be in full force
and effect.
SECTION 13: This ordinance shall take effect immediately after its passage.
PASSED AND APPROVED on this the 4th day
AT�lG2 —�Cx
Danna Welter, City Secretary
Thomas A. Leep4j Cit Attorney
:. �Z�p" ofHZ7J2�4VZ%IPi
1F7, 07 Iou
General Fund
General Fund Transfers
Debt Service Fund
Debt Service Fund Transfers
Water Fund
Water Fund Transfers
Wastewater Fund
Wastewater Fund Transfers
Solid Waste Fund
Solid Waste Fund Transfers
Street Fund
Street Fund Transfers
Cemetery Fund
Cemetery Fund Transfers
Internal Service Funds
Medical Insurance Fund
Capital Equipment Fund
Computer Equipment Fund
Special Revenue Funds
Court Security Fund
Court Technology Fund
Airport Fund
Library SRF
Police Forfeiture Fund
School Resource Officers Fund
School Resource Officers Fund Transfers
Public Safety Grants Fund
Arts Center Fund
Endowment Funds
Library Endowment
Cemetery Endowment Fund
Cemetery Endowment Fund Transfers
HIM Funds
HIM Visitors
HIM Visitors Transfers
HIM Tourism
HIM Statue
Total Operating Budget and Transfers
Total Capital Projects Budget
Total 07 -08 Proposed Budget
Project Name Original Remaining Budget on 07 -08 slDeletlons
Budget Addition
Total Project Budget
Azad 701- Vator CkM0J
- 73,000
Boettcher Drive
Palm St & Spring Creek Wlr Plant Improv & Study
24" Radial Water Lice.
Economic Development - Water
30" Water Main Repairs
North Sam Houston Water
Gazebo Street - Water Emnsbn
Ground Storage Tanks
Generator for Water Plant
Moffett Springs /145 North Phase 2
1 tfh Street/MLK Street
[H- 45/Elkins Lake
Martin Luther King Blvd (11th to 7th)
9th Street (MLK to Ryan's Ferry Road)
1 -45 North (Highway 30 to Crosstlmbers)
- -
135 North (Eastham to Timberline)
Eastham Drive (135 to Elmwood)
Highway 190 East (Highway 19 to Champion Road)
TRA Plant Revitalization
Sludge Land
Spring Creek Filters
,?V=d 702 - Wasowarea- Cap -rev lzroaa
North Sam Houston
- 73,000
Boettcher Drive
- 51,902
Economic Development - Wastewater
- 90,140
Barnes Subdivision
- 63,477
Old Phelps Road - Wastewater
- 130,500
16th & Sycamore Sewer Line Rehabilitation
- 60,000
Generators for Lift Stations
- 348,000
FM 247 Wastewater
- 36,000
Graham Road / Highway 75 South
- 70,000
Highway 30 East Wastewater
- 44,000
Drainage - 13th Street Headwall
- 60,000
Drainage - 14th Street Headwall
- 45,000
Drainage - Bearkat
- 100,000
Tanyard Creek & OCR Drainage
- 15,093
Unallocated Wastewater Budget
Total' Fund" 7 -Waste WaterAaPlfal'Projects „
",1313107 '
(7,999{ ;M 187112.'.
Faud771- WasGswa or CapiCal P2vwoa'- Nomrmbor 2002 Dobe zvm
Westridge & Sumac Area
McGary Creek Phase I & II
Westridge Interceptor
Parker Creek Interceptor (FM 247)
McGary Creek Force Main & Sta Upgrade
Construction Funds
Economic Development
Bobbin Addition /I1-35 NorthlMoffitt Springs Road
711 -999
Unallocated Budget
Total Fund 711 - Wastewater =November 2002 Debt Issue
_ :679;393 _'
Project# Project Name
Toad 732 - Old ea[=T- Road P6aao .111 i4'astowaw
7302 Old Colonv Road Phase III
Az/d800 - Sowe Aromw Implore c
Original FY 07 -08 Total Project Budget
Remaining Budget
sonnet Additions /Deletions
food 818 - SW2W=mB Pool CIP /3'astbem- 16omaaoa Parr& tfquatic Coaow/
81801 Swimming Pool CIP (Aquatic Center) 2,235,665.....
70117 Westhill Park Sect 5 Fund 701 -Water
- 5,374
70206 Engineering Only Fund 702 -Sewer
- 4,606
....., e....d onn _ m.voe
1AR 77n
RR 7A9
- 66.7A9
F&2,d 81-0 - std wa%ty
81402 University Avenue 13th to 14th Street 47,283 47,283 - 47,283
New Aneur-har Drive Sidewalk (Belo to Tumer/ - - 36,847 36,647
Toad de - cl=v l Capital F -00crs
Block 3 Improvements
Way Finding Sign Project -f2Ds
Comprehensive Plan
2005 Aerial Mapping
Kate Barr Ross Concrete Work
Parking Lot - Pine0ew Park
Fiber Loop Project - North
Comprehensive Plan Implementation
Service Center Yard Repaving
Library Facility Improvements
Eli Park: Restroom and Information Center
KBR Park: 4 -Plex Parking Lot
Oakwood Cemetery: Mayes Addition Road Extension
North East Fire Station
Fiber Loop Project -Fire Station #1
Unallocated Budget
18,185 ,_.._.
Tuad 1900 - laced Prae6aao CaPstel Iaad
90002 Land Purchase
97.000 97,000
Total 07 -08 Capital Project Budget 14,077,921 5,261,425 5,473,151 10,735,355
Exhibit C
Fiscal and Budgetary Policies
The purpose of the Fiscal and Budgetary Policies is to identify and present an overview of
policies dictated by state law, the City Charter, City ordinances, and administrative policies. The
aim of these policies is to achieve long -term stability and a positive financial condition. These
policies provide guidelines to the administration and finance staff in planning and directing the
City's day -to -day financial affairs and in developing financial recommendations to the City
Council. These policies set forth the basic framework for the overall fiscal management of the
City. Operating independently of changing circumstances and conditions, these policies assist
in the decision - making process. These policies provide guidelines for evaluating both current
activities and proposals for future programs.
These policies represent long- standing principles, traditions and practices which have guided
the City in the past and have helped maintain financial stability. An important aspect of the
policies is the application of budget and fiscal policies in the context of a long -term financial
approach. The scope of these policies span accounting, auditing, financial reporting, internal
controls, operating and capital budgeting, revenue management, cash and investment
management, expenditure control, asset management and debt management.
The City Council and/or Finance Committee annually review and approve the Fiscal and
Budgetary Policies as part of the budget process.
A. Accounting in Accordance With GAAP. The City's finances shall be accounted for in
accordance with generally accepted accounting principals as established by the
Governmental Accounting Standards Board.
1. Organization of Accounts. The accounts of the City shall be organized and operated
on the basis of funds. Fund accounting segregates funds according to their intended
purpose and is used to aid management in demonstrating compliance with finance -
related legal and contractual provisions
2. Fund Structure. The City of Huntsville uses the following fund groups:
Governmental Funds
General Fund
General Obligation Debt Service
Capital Projects Funds
Special Revenue Funds:
Library Special Revenues
Police Special Revenues
Municipal Court Special Revenues
Airport Special Revenues
Hotel /Motel Tax & Arts
Page 1 of 16
Fiscal and Budgetary Policies
Proposed Budget. Section 8.02 of the City Charter requires that the City Manager
submit to the City Council a proposed budget at least 30 days prior to the end of the
fiscal year that presents a complete financial plan for the ensuing year. Public hearings
shall be held in the manner prescribed by the laws of the State of Texas relating to
budgets in cities and towns. The Charter requires that no budget be adopted or
appropriations made unless the total of estimated revenues, income and funds available
shall be equal to or in excess of such budget or appropriations. Past practice has been
to present a draft budget to City Council at least six weeks prior to fiscal year end.
The budget shall include four basic segments for review and evaluation: (1)
personnel costs, (2) base budget (same level of service) for operations and
maintenance costs, (3) decision packages for capital and other (non - capital) project
costs, and (4) revenues. in the base budget, the City Manager may elect to include
decision package items, or replacement items with a cost of up to $5,000, and may
include in the base budget scheduled replacements in the Equipment Replacement
b. The budget review process shall include City Council participation in the
development of each of the four segments of the proposed budget.
c. The budget process will allow the opportunity for the City Council to address policy
and fiscal issues.
d. A copy of the proposed budget shall be filed with the City Secretary when it is
submitted to the City Council.
2. Modified Incremental Approach. The operating budgetforthe prioryear shall serve as
the starting point for budget estimates. Increases or decreases shall be detailed in
supporting documents. Detail supporting sheets shall be prepared for each object
3. Adoption. Upon the presentation of a proposed budget document to the City Council,
the City Council shall call and publicize a public hearing. The City Council shall
subsequently adopt by Ordinance such budget, as it may have been amended, as the
City's Annual Budget, effective for the fiscal year beginning October 1.
As required by Section 8.02 of the Charter, if the City Council takes no action to adopt a
budget on or prior to September 27th, the budget as submitted by the City Manager, is
deemed to have been finally adopted by the City Council.
4, Government Finance Officers Association. The annual budget shall be submitted to
the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) for evaluation and consideration
for the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award.
5. Truth in Taxation. Budget development procedures will be in conformance with State
law, outlined in the Truth in Taxation process. In the event of a tax increase, at least two
notices will be given and a public hearing held.
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Fiscal and Budgetary Policies
B. PLANNING. Budgeting is an essential element of the financial planning, control, and
evaluation process of municipal government. The budget planning process is for a five year
period recognizing that budgets are influenced by decisions made in prior year budgets and
that decisions made in the current year budgets serve a precursor to future budget
requirements. The City shall recognize both short -term needs and objectives in relation to
the long -term goals of the City.
C. PREPARATION. The operating budget is the City's annual financial operating plan. The
budget includes all of the operating departments of the City, the debt service fund, all capital
projects funds, internal service funds, and all special revenue funds of the City. An annual
budget shall be prepared for all funds of the City, with the exception that capital projects will
be budgeted on a project length basis, rather than an annual basis.
Basis of Budget. Operating budgets are adopted on a basis consistent with generally
accepted accounting principles as promulgated by the Governmental Accounting
Standards Board, with exceptions, including that depreciation is not included in the
budget, capital purchases are budgeted in the year of purchase, unmatured interest on
long -term debt is recognized when due, and debt principal is budgeted in the year it is to
be paid.
a. Governmental Fund Types are budgeted on a modified accrual basis, with
exceptions as noted above. Revenues are included in the budget in the year they
are expected to become measurable and available. Expenditures are included in the
budget when they are measurable, a liability is incurred, and the liability will be
liquidated with resources included in the budget.
b. Capital project budgets are project length budgets and are budgeted on a modified
accrual basis.
c. Proprietary fund types are budgeted generally on an accrual basis with exceptions as
noted above. Revenues are budgeted in the year they are expected to be earned
and expenses are budgeted in the year the liability is expected to be incurred. The
emphasis is on cash transactions in lieu of non -cash transactions, such as
depreciation. The focus is on the net change in working capital.
2. Legal Level of Control. The budget shall be adopted at the "legal level of control,"
which is, by division, within individual funds. The level at which management, without
prior council approval, loses the ability to reapply budgeted resources from one use to
another is known as the budgets "9egal level of control." The City has a number of levels
of detail in the operating budgets - the fund, the department, the division, the object and
the line item.
Fund - General Fund
Department - Public Safety
Division - Police
Object - Salaries, Other Pay and Benefits
Line Item - Regular Salaries
In the above example, the legal level of control is the budget total for the Police Division.
Department Heads may not exceed budget allocations at the object code level in
controllable account without City Manager approval.
Page 4 of 16
Fiscal and Budgetary Policies
3. Line Item. A detail budget supporting requested allocations shall be presented to City
Council for review.
4. Identify Available Funds. The budget shall be sufficiently detailed to identify all
available funds. The format will include estimated beginning funds, sources of funds,
uses of funds, and estimated remaining funds at budget year -end. An actual prior year,
estimated current year and proposed budget shall be presented.
5. Interfund TransferslCharges. A summary showing transfers and charges between
funds will be provided during the budget process to explain the "double counting" of
revenues and expenditures.
6. Periodic Reports. In compliance with Section 11.02(d) of the Charter, the City will
maintain a budgetary control system to ensure adherence to the budget and will prepare
periodic reports comparing actual revenues, expenditures and encumbrances with
budgeted amounts.
7. Self Sufficient Enterprise Funds. Enterprise operations, Water, Wastewater, Solid
Waste, Golf Course Operations, and Oakwood Cemetery Operations, are intended to be
self- sufficient.
8. Administrative Cost Reimbursement. Enterprise fund budgets shall include a
reimbursement to the General Fund to pay a proportionate share of administrative costs.
Documentation to support the transfer shall be presented to City Council during the
budget process.
9. Charges to Other Funds by Internal Service Funds. Charges by internal service
funds to user divisions and funds shall be documented as part of the budget process.
10. Appropriations Lapse. Pursuant with Section 11.06 of the Charter, annual
appropriations lapse at year end. Items purchased through the formal purchase order
system (i.e., the encumbered portions), and not received by fiscal year end, are
presented to City Council for re- appropriation in the subsequent fiscal year. To be
eligible for automatic re- appropriation in a subsequent year, the goods or services must
have been ordered in good faith and appropriated in the year encumbered. Any
unencumbered appropriations at year -end may be appropriated by the governing body in
the subsequent year. The original budget is amended to include the re- appropriations.
Capital projects budgets do not lapse at year -end.
11. Performance Indicators and Productivity Indicators. The annual budget, where
possible, will utilize performance measures and productivity indicators. ICMA
benchmarking will be used to the extent possible.
D. BALANCED BUDGET. The budget shall be balanced using a combination of current
revenues and available funds [defined in Section III(a)]. Current year operating expenses
shall be funded with current year generated revenues. Proprietary Funds with outstanding
revenue bonds shall not rely on funds available from the prior year to balance the operating
budget. No budget shall be adopted unless the total of estimated revenues, income, and
funds available is equal to or in excess of such budget.
Page 5 of 16
Fiscal and Budgetary Policies
E. REPORTING. Periodic financial reports shall be prepared to enable the Department Heads
to manage their budgets and to enable monitoring and control of the budget. A quarterly
budget review shall be presented to City Council in sufficient detail to allow decision - making.
F. CONTROL. Operating Expenditure Control is addressed in Section V of these Policies.
G. CONTINGENT APPROPRIATION. The General Fund, Water Fund, Wastewater Fund, and
Solid Waste Fund shall have an adequate contingent appropriation. This contingent
appropriation, titled "Reserve for Future Allocation ", shall be disbursed only by transfer to
another departmental appropriation. Transfers from this item shall be controlled as outlined
in Section V, B of these policies.
H. EMPLOYEE BENEFITS. The City budget process shall include a review of employee
1. Medical Insurance Fund - The Finance Committee shall review rates to be charged for
employee and dependent coverage. The City shall pay the cost of employee coverage,
and the dependent coverage may be purchased at the employee's cost. Changes in
benefits shall be at the recommendation of the Trustees of the Employee Medical Plan.
2. Retirement Plan - The City is a member of the Texas Municipal Retirement System
(TMRS). Employees working at least 1,000 hours per year shall contribute 7% to the
TMRS plan, and the City's match will be established at a rate that will not exceed
15.54 %. Retaining the annual repeating updated service credits will be a priority in the
funding. The difference between the TMRS rate and the 15.54% budget shall be
deposited to the benefit of the employees in a supplemental retirement plan. Any
budgeted funds not spent will revert back to the unallocated monies in the appropriate
3. Workers Compensation Insurance - The City shall participate in the Texas Municipal
League (TML) Workers Compensation Risk Pool. Rates for required coverage will be
established by the Pool, adjusted for experience on an annual basis. Refunds that may
be granted through the pool will be prorated between the City funds. Unspent monies
will revert back to the appropriate fund.
4. Social Security /Medicare - The City does not pay Social Security for employees.
Medicare is paid for employees hired after March 31, 1986.
5. Recommendations for adjustments to the pay and classification system will be made
annually in order to maintain external parity and internal equity. Recommendations will
be built into the proposed basic budget.
A. OPERATING RESERVES /FUND BALANCES. The City shall maintain unallocated reserves
in operating funds to pay expenditures caused by unforeseen emergencies or for shortfalls
caused by revenue declines, and to eliminate any short-term borrowing for cash flow
purposes. Generally, unallocated reserves for all funds excluding Special Revenue Funds,
Internal Service Funds, and Capital Projects Funds shall be maintained at a minimum
amount of 16.67% of the annual budget (excluding transfers to capital projects) for each
fund unless specifically identified in this section. Unallocated reserves shall not be used to
support on -going operating expenditures. This reserve is defined as unreserved current
assets less inventory and on -going receivables (ex. utility billing, sales tax) minus current
liabilities payable from these assets.
Page 6 of 16
Fiscal and Budgetary Policies
one time capital expenditures only if:
1. there are surplus balances remaining after all reserve and fund allocations are made; or
2. the City has made a rational analysis with justifying evidence that it has an adequate
level of short and long -term resources.
C. SPECIFIC APPROPRIATION BY CITY COUNCIL. If fund balances are used to support one
time capital and one time non - operating expenditures, the funds must be specifically
appropriated by the City Council.
D. SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS. Monies in the Special Revenue Funds shall be expended for
their intended purposes, in accordance with an approved budget. There is no reserve
requirement, with the exception of the Hotel /Motel Tax and Arts Special Revenue Fund. The
Hotel /Motel Tax and Arts Special Revenue Fund reserves shall be at least 10% of the
annual tourism and Visitors Center Operations budget or at a level approved by City Council.
Adequate reserves are essential due to the cyclical nature of this revenue source.
E. CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS. Monies in the Capital Projects Funds shall be expended in
accordance with an approved budget. There is no reserve requirement. Interest incomewill
be used to offset construction costs or interest expense on the debt issue.
F. INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS. Working capital in equipment replacement funds will vary to
meet annual fluctuations in expenditures. Monies in the Internal Service Funds shall be
expended for their intended purpose in conformance with the approved budget and
approved replacement schedules. Additions to the Fleet or additional computer equipment
will not be funded from replacement funds without council approval.
in the General Obligation Debt Service Fund and Water and Wastewater Funds Interest and
Sinking accounts shall be maintained as required by outstanding bond indentures.
Reduction of reserves for debt shall be done only with City Council approval after Council
has conferred with the City's financial advisor to insure there is no violation of bond
H. DEBT COVERAGE RATIOS. Debt Coverage Ratios shall be maintained as specified by the
bond covenants.
MEDICAL INSURANCE FUND RESERVE. A reserve shall be established in the City's
Health Insurance Fund to avoid potential shortages. Such reserve shall be used for no
purpose otherthan for financing losses under the insurance program. Excess reserves shall
be used to reduce premiums charges; an insufficient reserve shall be increased by
adjustments to the premium. The reserve shall be approximately 25 % of anticipated un-
reimbursed claims for the budget year.
A. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE REVENUE SYSTEM. The City strives for the following
optimum characteristics in its revenue system:
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Fiscal and Budgetary Policies
1. Simplicity and Certainty. The City shall strive to keep the revenue classification
system simple to promote understanding of the revenue sources. The City shall
describe its revenue sources and enact consistent collection policies to provide
assurances that the revenue are collected according to budgets and plans.
2. Equity. The City shall make every effort to maintain equity in its revenue system
structure. The City shall minimize all forms of subsidization between entities, funds,
services, utilities, and customers.
3. Realistic and Conservative Estimates. Revenues are to be estimated realistically.
Revenues of volatile nature shall be budgeted conservatively.
4. Centralized Reporting. Receipts will be submitted daily to the Finance Department for
deposit and investment. Daily transaction reports and supporting documentation will be
5. Review of Fees and Charges. The City shall review all fees and charges annually in
order to match fees and charges with the cost of providing that service.
6. Aggressive Collection Policy. The City shall follow an aggressive policy of collecting
revenues. Utility services will be discontinued (i.e. turned off) for non - payment in
accordance with established policies and ordinances. The attorney responsible for
delinquent tax collection, through the central collection agency, shall be encouraged to
collect delinquent property taxes using an established tax suit policy and sale of real and
personal property to satisfy non - payment of property taxes. A warrant officer in the
Police Division will aggressively pursue outstanding warrants, and the Court will use a
collection agency to pursue delinquent fines.
B. NON - RECURRING REVENUES. One -time or non - recurring revenues will not be used to
finance current ongoing operations. Non - recurring revenues will be used only for one -time
expenditures such as capital needs.
C. PROPERTY TAX REVENUES. All real and business personal property located within the
City shall be valued at 100 % of the fair market value based on the appraisal supplied by the
Walker County Appraisal District. Reappraisal and reassessment is as provided by the
Appraisal District. A ninety -six percent (96 %) collection rate shall serve each year as a goal
for tax collections and the budgeted revenue projection. Property tax rates shall be
maintained at a rate adequate to fund an acceptable service level. Based upon taxable
values, rates will be adjusted to fund this service level. Collection services shall be
contracted out with a central collection agency, currently the Walker County Appraisal
D. INTEREST INCOME. Interest earned from investment of available monies, whether pooled
or not, shall be distributed to the funds in accordance with the equity balance of the fund
from which monies were invested.
E. USER -BASED FEES AND SERVICE CHARGES. For services associated with a user fee or
charge, the direct and indirect costs of that service shall be offset wholly or partially by a fee
where possible. There shall be an annual review of fees and charges to ensure that the
fees provide adequate coverage of costs of services. Full fee support for operations and
debt service costs shall be required in the Proprietary Funds. Partial fee support shall be
generated by charges for miscellaneous licenses and fines, sports programs, and from other
parks, recreational, cultural activities, and youth programs.
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Fiscal and Budgetary Policies
UTILITY RATES. The City shall review and adopt utility rates annually that generate
revenues required to cover operating expenditures, meet the legal requirements of
applicable bond covenants, and provide for an adequate level of working capital. This policy
does not preclude drawing down cash balances to finance current operations if legal
requirements of the bond covenants are met,
reimbursed by otherfunds for a proportionate share of administrative costs. Documentation
to support the transfer shall be presented to City Council as part of the budget process.
and other special revenues shall be spent for the purpose(s) intended. The City shall review
grant match requirements and include in the budget all grant revenues and expenditures.
REVENUE MONITORING. Revenues actually received are to be regularly compared to
budgeted revenues and reported to the City Council quarterly.
REVENUE PROJECTIONS. The City shall project revenues for a five -year period and will
update this projection annually. Each existing and potential revenue source shall be re-
examined annually.
A. APPROPRIATIONS. The responsibility for budgetary control lies with the Department Head.
Department Heads may not approve expenditures that exceed monies available at the
object code level. Capital expenditures are approved by the City Council on a per project
basis. Personnel allocations may not be changed without the approval of City Council,
B. AMENDMENTS TO THE BUDGET. In accordance with the City Charter, the City Council
may transfer any unencumbered appropriated balance or portion thereof from any office,
department, or agency to another at any time.
C. CENTRAL CONTROL. Unspent funds in salary and capital allocation object codes may not
be spent for any purpose other than their specifically intended purpose without prior
authorization of City Council.
1. Reserve for Future Allocation. The City Manager may authorize transfers of $3,000 or
less from the budgeted Reserve for Future Allocation without prior City Council approval.
The cumulative total of transfers approved by the City Manager, without prior Council
approval, may not exceed 25% of the budgeted Reserve for Future Allocation.
2. Transfer Between Line Items. The City Manager may, without prior City Council
approval, authorize transfers between budget line items within a division and may
authorize transfers of $3,000 or less between divisions with the exception that:
a) Regular personnel allocations may not be changed;
b) Salary and benefit saving, including those due to vacancies may not be transferred
from the object code; and
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Fiscal and Budgetary Policies
c) Savings from City Council - approved capital purchases may not be spent for other
than their intended purpose.
d) Additions to the Fleet and additional computer equipment may not be purchased
from equipment replacement funds.
3. Capital Project Budgets. The City Manager shall have the authority to transfer
amounts between line items of a capital project budget and to transfer monies from a
project's Contingency Reserve to fund change orders on the project. The City Manager,
without prior Council approval, may approve a change order to a construction or
engineering contract in an amount not to exceed $25,000, as long as the cumulative
total of all change orders to the project do not exceed the State allowed maximum of
25% of the original contract price. Change orders approved by the City Manager shall
be presented to Council at their next regularly scheduled meeting.
4. Reports to Council. Transfers from the reserve for future allocation or transfers
between divisions authorized by the City Manager shall be reported to City Council on a
quarterly basis for review by the City Council as part of the regular quarterly budget
E. PURCHASING. All purchases shall be made in accordance with the Purchasing
Procurement and Disposition Policies approved by the Finance Committee. The following
shows a summary of approval requirements for purchases.
✓ Denotes signature approval
Page 10 of 16
Or Director
Dollar Figure
Less than $1,000
$1,000 to less than
(Quotation Form)
$3,000 to $8,000
$8,000 to less than
$25,000 (Purchase
$25,000 or more
(Formal Bids - State
✓ Denotes signature approval
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Fiscal and Budgetary Policies
F. PROMPT PAYMENT. All invoices approved for payment by the proper City authorities shall
be paid by the Finance Department within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt, in accordance
with the provisions of state law. Proper procedures shall be established that enables the
City to take advantage of all purchase discounts, except in the instance where payments can
be reasonably and legally delayed in order to maximize the City's investable cash.
A. PROGRAM PLANNING. The City shall develop and maintain a multi -year plan for capital
improvements and make capital improvements in accordance with the approved plan. The
Capital Improvements Program will be updated annually. The Capital Improvements
Program (CIP) is a planning document and does not authorize or fund projects. The
planning time frame for the capital improvements program will normally be five to ten years.
B. BUDGET PREPARATION. The capital budget shall evolve from the Capital Improvements
Program. Capital project expenditures must be appropriated in the capital budget. A
funding source and resource availability shall be presented to the City Council at the time a
project is presented for funding. The City's Capital Budget is to be prepared annually in
conjunction with the operating budget on a fiscal year basis to ensure that capital and
operating needs are balanced against each other. Projects approved for funding from the
Capital Improvements Program will be included in the Capital Budget.
C. PROJECT LENGTH BUDGET. A budget for a capital project shall be a project length
budget. At the end of the fiscal year, the unspent budget of an approved capital project
shall automatically carry forward to the subsequent fiscal year until the project is completed.
D. BUDGET AMENDMENT. All budget amendments shall be in accordance with State law.
City Manager authority to amend the budget is identified in Section VI - D.
E. FINANCING PROGRAMS. Alternative financing sources will be explored. Debt shall be
used only to acquire major assets. The term of the debt issue may not exceed the expected
useful life of the asset.
F. REPORTING. Periodic financial reports shall be prepared to enable the Department Heads
to manage their capital budgets and to enable the Finance Department to monitor, report,
and provide information about the capital budget. Capital project status reports shall be
presented to the City Council at least quarterly.
G. EVALUATION CRITERIA. Capital investments shall foster goals of economic vitality,
neighborhood vitality, infrastructure preservation, provide service to areas lacking service
and improve services in areas with deficient services. Evaluation criteria for selecting which
capital assets and projects to include for funding shall include the following:
• mandatory projects
• efficiency improvement
• policy area projects
• project's expected useful life
• availability of state /federal
• prior commitments
• maintenance projects
• project provides a new service
• extent of usage
• effect of project on operation and
maintenance costs
• elimination of hazards
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Fiscal and Budgetary Policies
A. ACCOUNTING. The Finance Director is responsible for establishing the Chart of
Accounts and for recording financial transactions.
1. Qualifications of the Auditor. Section 11.6 of the City's Charter requires the City to
be audited annually by independent accountants ( "auditor'). The CPA firm must
demonstrate that it has staff to conduct the City's audit in accordance with generally
accepted auditing standards and contractual requirements. The auditor must be
licensed by the State of Texas.
2. Responsibility of Auditor to City Council and Finance Committee. The auditor is
retained by and is accountable to the City Council. The auditor shall communicate
directly with the Finance Committee as necessary to fulfill its legal and professional
responsibilities. The auditor's report on the City's financial statements shall be
completed within 120 days of the City's fiscal year end.
3. Selection of Auditor. The City shall request proposals for audit services at least
once every three years. The City shall select the auditor by May 31, of each year.
As required in Section 11.6 of the City Charter, the Auditor is appointed by the
Mayor, with approval of the Council. The Certified Public Accountant shall have no
personal interest, directly or indirectly, in the financial affairs of the City or any of its
4. Contract with Auditor. The agreement between the independent auditor and the
City shall be in form of a written contract. A time schedule for completion of the
audit shall be included.
5. Scope of Audit. All general purpose statements, combining statements and
individual fund and account group statements and schedules shall be subject to a full
scope audit.
6. Publication of Results of Audit. As required by Section 11.6 of the City Charter,
notice of the completion of the audit shall be published in a newspaper and copies
placed in the office of the Director of Finance and the Huntsville Public Library. A
copy will also be available in the office of the City Secretary.
External Reporting. As a part of the audit, the auditor shall assist with preparation
of a written Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) to be presented to the
City Council. The CAFR shall be prepared in accordance with generally accepted
accounting principles (GAAP) and shall be presented annually to the Government
Finance Officer's Association (GFOA) for evaluation and consideration for the
Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting.
2. Availability of Reports. The comprehensive annual financial report shall be made
available to the elected officials, bond rating agencies, creditors and citizens.
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Fiscal and Budgetary Policies
3. Internal Reporting. The Finance Department shall prepare internal financial reports,
sufficient to plan, monitor, and control the City's financial affairs.
A. DEPOSITORY BANK. A Depository Bank shall be selected by the City Council for a two -
year period. A request for proposal shall be used as the means of selecting a Depository
Bank. The Depository Bank shall specifically outline safekeeping requirements.
B. DEPOSITING OF FUNDS. The Finance Director shall promptly deposit all City funds with
the Depository Bank in accordance with the provisions of the current Bank Depository
Agreement and the City Council approved Investment Policies. Investments and reporting
shall strictly adhere to the City Council approved Investment Policies.
C. INVESTMENT POLICY. All funds shall be invested in accordance with the approved
investment policy. Investment of City funds emphasizes preservation of principal.
Objectives are, in order, safety, liquidity and yield. A procedures manual shall be approved
by the Finance Committee.
D. MONTHLY REPORT. A monthly cash and investment report shall be prepared.
A. FIXED ASSETS AND INVENTORY. A fixed asset of the City is defined as a purchased or
otherwise acquired piece of equipment, vehicle, furniture, fixture, capital improvement,
infrastructure addition, or addition to existing land, buildings, etc. A fixed asset's cost or
value is $5,000 or more, with an expected useful life greater than one year.
B. MAINTENANCE OF PHYSICAL ASSETS. The City will maintain its physical assets at a
level adequate to protect the City's capital investment and minimize future maintenance and
replacement costs. The budget will provide for the adequate maintenance and the orderly
replacement of fixed assets.
C. OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES MANUAL. Records shall be purged that do not meet the
capitalization criteria and operational procedures shall be in accordance with a fixed asset
records procedure manual.
D. SAFEGUARDING OF ASSETS. The City's fixed assets will be reasonably safeguarded and
properly accounted for. Responsibility for the safeguarding of the City's fixed assets lies with
the Department Head in whose department the fixed asset is assigned.
E. MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS. The Finance Department shall maintain the records of the
City's fixed assets including description, cost, department of responsibility, date of
acquisition and depreciation where applicable. Records of land and rights -of -way shall be
maintained in the Planning & Development Department.
F. ANNUAL INVENTORY. An annual inventory of assets shall be performed by each
department using guidelines established by the Finance Department. Such inventory shall
be performed by the Department Head orthe designated agent. The Department Head shall
use a detailed listing and shall be responsible for a complete review of assigned fixed
assets. A signed inventory list shall be returned to the Finance Department.
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Fiscal and Budgetary Policies
G. INFRASTRUCTURE MAINTENANCE. The City recognizes that deferred maintenance
increases future capital costs. Funds shall be included in the budgeteach yearto maintain
the quality of the City's infrastructure. Replacement schedules should be developed in order
to anticipate this inevitable ongoing and obsolescence of infrastructure.
H. SCHEDULED REPLACEMENT OF ASSETS. As a part of the ongoing replacement of
assets, the City has established Equipment Replacement Funds. These funds charge the
user funds, based on the estimated replacement cost and estimated life of the equipment.
The City maintains fleet and computer replacement funds.
A. DEBT ISSUANCE, The City shall issue debt when the use of debt is appropriate and
specifically approved by the City Council and expenditure of such monies shall be in strict
accordance with the designated purpose.
B. ISSUANCE OF LONG -TERM DEBT. The issuance of long -term debt is limited to use for
capital improvements or projects that cannot be financed from current revenues or resources
and future citizens will receive a benefit from the improvement. Debt may be issued for the
purposes of purchasing land or rights -of -way and/or improvements to land, street
improvements, or construction projects to provide for the general good. For purposes of this
policy, current resources are defined as that portion of fund balance in excess of the
required reserves. The payback period of the debt will be limited to the estimated useful life
of the capital projects or improvements.
C. The City shall strive to schedule debt issues to take advantage of the small issuer status
designation in regard to Federal Arbitrage laws.
D. PAYMENT OF DEBT. When the City utilizes long -term debt financing it will ensure that the
debt is financed soundly by realistically projecting the revenue sources that will be used to
pay the debt; and financing the improvement over a period not greater than the useful life of
the improvement.
General obligation Bonds (G.O.'s). General obligation bonds shall be used only to
fund capital assets of the general government, and not used to fund operating needs of
the City. General obligation bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the City as
well as the ad valorem tax authority of the City. The term of a bond issue shall not
exceed the useful life of the asset(s) funded by the bond issue. General obligation
bonds must be authorized by a vote of the citizens of the City of Huntsville.
Z Revenue Bonds (R.B: s). Revenue bonds shall be issued as determined by City
Council to provide for the capital needs of any activities where the capital requirements
are necessary for continuation or expansion of a service which produces a revenue and
for which the asset may reasonably be expected to provide for a revenue stream to fund
the debt service requirements. The term of the obligation may not exceed the useful life
of the asset(s) to be funded by the bond issue.
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Fiscal and Budgetary Policies
3. Certificates of Obligation (C.O.'s). Certificates of obligation may be used in order to
fund capital assets. Debt service for C.O.'s may be either from general revenues or
backed by a specific revenue stream or streams or by a combination of both. C.O 's may
be used to fund capital assets where full bond issues are not warranted as a result of the
cost of the asset(s) to be funded through the instrument. Infrastructure and building
needs may also be financed with Certificates of Obligation, after evaluation of financing
alternatives by the City's Financial Advisor. The term of the obligation may not exceed
the useful life of the asset(s) to be funded by the proceeds of the debt issue.
4. Tax Anticipation Notes. Tax Anticipation Notes may be used to fund capital assets of
the general government or to fund operating needs of the City. Tax Anticipation Notes
are backed by the full faith and credit of the City as well as the ad valorem tax authority
of the City. The term of a note issue shall not exceed the useful life of the asset(s)
funded by the debt issued or seven years whichever is less.
F. METHOD OF SALE. The City shall use a competitive bidding process in the sale of bonds
and certificates of obligation unless some other method is specifically agreed to by City
G. FINANCIAL ADVISOR. The Finance Committee will recommend to the City Council a
financial advisor to oversee all aspects of any bond issue.
H. ANALYSIS OF FINANCING ALTERNATIVES. Staff will explore alternatives to the issuance
of debt for capital acquisitions and construction projects. These alternatives will include, but
not be limited to, 1) grants in aid, 2) use of reserves, 3) use of current revenues, 4)
contributions from developers and others, 5) leases, and 6) impact fees.
I. DISCLOSURE. Full disclosure of operations shall be made to the bond rating agencies and
other users of financial information. The City staff, with the assistance of financial advisors
and bond counsel, shall prepare the necessary materials for presentation to the rating
agencies, and shall aid in the production of Offering Statements.
J. DEBT STRUCTURING. The City will generally issue debt fora term not to exceed 20 years.
The City will exceed a 20 -year term only upon recommendation of the City's Financial
Advisor and in no case shall the term of the debt issue exceed the life of the asset acquired.
The repayment schedule shall approximate level debt service unless operational matters
dictate otherwise or if market conditions indicate a potential savings could result from
modifying the level payment stream. Consideration of market factors, including tax - exempt
qualification, and minimum tax alternatives will be given during the structuring of long -term
debt instruments.
K. FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS. The City will maintain procedures to comply with arbitrage
rebate and other Federal requirements.
L. BIDDING PARAMETERS. The notice of the sale of bonds will be carefully constructed so
as to ensure the best possible bid forthe City, in light of the existing market conditions and
other prevailing factors. Parameters to be examined include:
$ Limits between lowest and highest coupons
$ Coupon requirements relative to the yield curve
$ Method of underwriter compensation, discount or premium coupons
$ Use of bond insurance
$ Call provisions
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Fiscal and Budgetary Policies
A. WRITTEN PROCEDURES. Wherever possible, written procedures shall be established and
maintained by the Finance Department for all functions involving cash handling and /or
accounting throughout the City. These procedures shall embrace the general concepts of
fiscal responsibility set forth in this policy statement.
B. DEPARTMENT HEAD RESPONSIBILITIES. Each Department Head is responsible to
ensure that good internal controls are followed throughout the Department, that all Finance
Department directives or internal controls are implemented, and that all independent auditor
internal control recommendations are addressed.
C. COMPUTER SYSTEM/DATA SECURITY. The City shall provide security of its computer
system and data files through physical security and appropriate backup procedures. A
disaster recovery plan shall be developed by the Information Services Department.
Computer systems shall be accessible only to authorized personnel
A. RESPONSIBILITY. A risk manager is responsible forthe general risk liability insurance risk
management function of the City. Recommendations for deductibles, limits of coverage, etc.
shall be presented to the Finance Committee for review.
B. EMPLOYEE SAFETY. The City will aggressively pursue opportunities to provide for
employee safety. The goal will be to minimize the risk of loss, with an emphasis on regularly
scheduled safety programs.
C. SELF INSURED HEALTH INSURANCE. A detailed annual report shall be given to the
Finance Committee that includes available funds, expected payouts in the plan, reinsurance
costs and a rate recommendation. The presentation shall include a proposed budget for a
period coinciding with the City's fiscal year.
The finance committee appointed by City Council upon recommendation of the Mayor shall
have responsibilities including:
A. Monitoring and recommending changes to the Investment Policy;
B. Managing the audit;
C. Overseeing of the City's Medical Insurance Health Plan;
D. Retirement Policy review;
E. Employee Benefit Policy review; and
F. Review of liability insurance coverages.
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Exhibit D
Purpose of Policy .................................................................................. ...............................
Scope of Policy ...................................................................................... ..............................1
Designation of Investment Officers ....................................................... ..............................1
Investment Training .............................................................................. ...............................
Ethics and Conflict of Interest ............................................................... ..............................2
Objectives ............................................................................................. ...............................
Market Yield (Benchmark)/Market Price of Investments ...................... ..............................3
Investment Strategies ............................................................................. ..............................3
Prudence /Standard of Care .................................................................... ..............................4
Diversification ....................................................................................... ..............................4
Maximum Maturities ............................................................................. ..............................4
Purchase Procedures ............................................................................. ............................4
Collateralization ..................................................................................... ..............................5
Safekeeping and Custody ...................................................................... ..............................5
Internal Control /Compliance Audit ....................................................... ..............................5
Authorized Financial Dealers and Institutions ....................................... ..............................5
Authorized Investments ........................................................................ ............................6
Investment Pools .................................................................................. ...........................9
Report ing .............................................................................................. .............................11
Policy Adoption .................................................................................. ...............................
PART 11 -
Establishment of Banking Depository ................................................ ..........................11
Collateralization Requirements /Safekeeping and Custody ................. ..........................13
Appendix I - State Law List of Authorized Investments
Exhibit D
This policy is adopted by the City Council to direct and limit the financial affairs of the City of
Huntsville. It is the policy of the City of Huntsville to invest public funds in a manner which will
provide the maximum security of principal invested at a reasonable market rate of return, with
consideration of the City's risk constraints and cash flow needs. Receipt of a market rate of return
will be secondary to the requirements for safety and liquidity. It is the intent of the City to be in
compliance with all state and local statutes, including the Texas Public Funds Investment Act. eb3 aia
This policy applies to all funds or financial resources available for investment by the City accounted
for in the City of Huntsville, Texas Comprehensive Annual Financial Report and include the General
Fund, General Obligation Debt Service Fund, Special Revenue Funds, Enterprise Funds, Permanent
Funds, Internal Service Funds, the City's self - funded Health Insurance Fund, and will include any
new fund created by the City Council unless specifically exempted by City Council. These policies
do not, however, govern funds that are managed under separate investment programs such as
retirement funds, pension funds, deferred compensation funds and certain private donations, that are
maintained as required by federal and state law, other local policies, or donor stipulations.
The authority to manage the City of Huntsville investment program is derived from State Statute, the
City Charter, and these investment policies. Management responsibility for the investment program
is hereby delegated to the City Manager and Finance Director, designated as Investment Officers for
the City of Huntsville, who shall establish written procedures for the operation of the investment
program consistent with this investment policy and shall be responsible for the operation of the
investment program consistent with this investment policy. The Director of Finance, under general
supervision of the City Manager, shall direct the cash management program of the City. (See City
Charter Art. Yd). The City Manager and/or Director of Finance may deposit, withdraw, invest,
transfer, and manage City funds. The Investment Officers shall report to the Finance Committee of
City Council. The Finance Committee, appointed by the Mayor, shall be responsible for monitoring,
reviewing and making recommendations regarding the City =s investment program to the City
The Director of Finance may authorize persons to engage in investment transactions and approve
wire transfers used in the process of investing.
Exhibit D
The Finance Director and City Manager shall attend investment training on an annual basis that
includes education in investment controls, security risks, strategy risks, market risks and general
compliance with state law. Not less than once in a two -year period, the investment officers shall
receive not less than 10 hours of instruction relating to investment responsibilities.
Officers and employees involved in the investment function shall refrain from personal business
activity that could conflict with proper execution of the investment program, or that could impair
their ability to make impartial investment decisions. Employees and investment officials shall
disclose to the Finance Committee of the City Council any material financial interest in financial
institutions that conduct business with the City, and they shall further disclose any large personal
financial/investment positions that could be related to the performance of the City of Huntsville,
particularly with regard to the time of purchases and sales. Investment officers shall comply with
Texas Government Code section 2256.005(I) relating to personal business relationships with a
business organization offering to engage in an investment transaction with the City of Huntsville.
The objectives of the City's investment policies are, in order of priority: preservation and safety of
principal, liquidity and yield/return on investments. The investment portfolio shall be designed with
the objective of obtaining a rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, commensurate
with the investment risk constraints and the cash flow needs.
A. Preservation and safety ofprincipal shall be the foremost objective of the City's investment
program. Preservation and safety of principal shall be obtained through protection of
principal and safekeeping.
1. The City shall control risk of loss due to the failure of a security issuer or guarantor.
Such risk shall be controlled by investing in the safest types of securities, by
qualifying the financial institution with whom the City will transact, and byportfolio
2. The City shall also control risks of loss by requiring collateral for depository bank
funds to be held by a financial institution separate from the depository bank.
B. Liquidity shall be achieved by matching investment maturities with forecasted cash flow
requirements and by investing in securities with active secondary markets. A security may be
liquidated to meet unanticipated cash requirements, to redeploy cash into other investments
expected to out perform current holdings, or to otherwise adjust the City's portfolio.
Exhibit D
C. Yield/Return on Investments. The City of Huntsville investment portfolio is designed with the
objective of attaining a rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles
commensurate with the City of Huntsville investment risk constraints and the cash flow
characteristics of the portfolio. Investments, other than the overnight cash concentration
account, shall be made in permitted obligations at yields equal to or greater than the bond
equivalent yield on United States Treasury obligations of comparable maturity.
The market yield benchmark shall be a yield equal to the bond equivalent yield on United States
Treasury obligations of comparable maturity.
If selling a security prior to a fixed date maturity at a gain or loss, the investment officers shall notify
the Finance Committee of City Council at its next meeting. The City shall monitor the market price
of investments as of the end of each month through reports provided by brokers and/or the use of a
purchased service or available software.
The City of Huntsville shall generally invest funds with the intent to hold to maturity. Investment
selection shall be based on legality, appropriateness, liquidity, and riskiretum considerations. Monies
designed for immediate expenditure should be passively invested to allow for liquidity to pay
upcoming disbursements, (payroll, debt service payments, payables, etc.), and allow for structuring
the investment portfolio on a "laddered" basis. The City of Huntsville maintains portfolios that
utilize four specific investment strategies designed to address the unique characteristics of the fund
groups represented in the portfolios:
A. Operating Funds have as their primary objective the assurance that anticipated cash flows are
matched with adequate investment liquidity. The secondary objective is to create a portfolio
structure that will experience minimal volatility during economic cycles. The weighted
average days to maturity of these funds shall be less than 365 days and shall be calculated
using the stated final maturity date for each security.
B. Debt Service Funds shall have as the primary objective the assurance of investment liquidity
adequate to cover the debt service obligations on the required payment date. Securities
purchased shall not have a stated final maturity date that exceeds the debt service payment
C. Debt Service Reserve Funds shall have as the primary objective the ability to generate a
dependable revenue stream to the appropriate debt service fund from securities with a low
degree of volatility. In addition to the bond ordinance specific to an individual bond issue,
which sets out investment parameters, securities shall have a maturity of less than five years.
Investments shall be limited to obligations of the United States or its agencies and
instrumentalities or in approved investment pools.
D. Special Projects or Special Purpose Fund portfolios will have as their primary objective to
assure that anticipated cash flows are matched with adequate investment liquidity. These
portfolios should include at least 10% in highly liquid securities to allow for flexibility and
Exhibit D
unanticipated project outlays. The stated final maturity dates of securities held should not
exceed the estimated project completion date. A singular repurchase agreement may be
utilized if disbursements are allowed in the amount necessary to satisfy any expenditure
request. This investment structure is commonly referred to as a flexible repurchase agreement.
Investments shall be made with the ;judgment and care, under prevailing circumstances, that a person
of prudence, discretion, and intelligence would exercise in the management of the person' s own
affairs, not for speculation, but for investment, considering the probable safety of capital and the
probable income to be derived. In determining whether the City's investment officers have
exercised prudence with respect to an investment decision, the determination shall be made taking
into consideration, the investment of all funds, or funds under the City, s control, over which they
have responsibility rather than a consideration as to the prudence of a single investment, and whether
the investment decision is consistent with this investment policy.
The City of Huntsville will diversify its investments by security type and institution. With the
exception of U.S. Treasury securities and authorized pools, no more than 50% ofthe total investment
portfolio will be invested in a single security type or with a single financial institution.
Diversification will also include terms of maturity as well as instrument type and issue. Investments
shall not exceed more than 20% of the capitalization of the financial institution other than the main
depository. Bond proceeds may be invested in a single security or investment which exceeds the
City =s diversification limits if the Investment Officers, with concurrence of the Finance Committee,
determine that such an investment is necessary to comply with Federal arbitrage restriction or to
facilitate arbitrage record keeping and calculation.
In order to stabilize yield for budgeting purposes, the City shall maintain a portion of its investments
in obligations with maturities greater than one year. No investment shall be made with a maturity
greater than five years without express authority of the Finance Committee of the City Council. In
determining the amount of investment longer than one year, cash flow and unallocated reserve funds
will be evaluated. The maximum dollar- weighted average maturity allowed based on the stated
maturity date for the portfolio shall not exceed 2 years.
A. The City may, without further bidding, utilize any program established through the Texas
lnterlocal Cooperation Act that invests in funds authorized by the Public Funds Investment
Act; or purchase certificates of deposit or other approved securities through its primary
depository bank.
When possible, other investments should be made after competitive bids are solicited.
Competitive bids may be solicited orally, in writing, electronically, or in any combination of
these methods. An offer worksheet shall be kept for each bid transaction showing the name of
dealer/bank contacted, amount of principal to be invested, yield quoted, type of investment,
fund designation, maturity date, issue date, length of time invested, and cusip number.
Exhibit D
Purchase of a security shall not be made at a price that exceeds the existing market value of
the security.
The delivery shall be made under normal and recognized practices in the securities and
banking industries, including the book entry procedure of the Federal Reserve Bank. The
deposit shall be held in the name of the City of Huntsville and shall be evidenced by a trust
receipt of the bank with which the securities are deposited.
Collateralization will be required on two types of investments: certificates ofdeposit and repurchase
(and reverse) agreements. In order to anticipate market changes and provide a level of security for
all funds, the collateralization level will be at least 102% of the market value of principal and accrued
interest. The City chooses to limit collateral to obligations of the United States or its agencies and
instrumentalities, and direct obligations of the State of Texas or its agencies and instrumentalities.
Collateral will always be held by an independent third party with whom the entity has a current
custodial agreement. Collateral substitution is allowed.
All security transactions, including collateral for repurchase agreements entered into by the City of
Huntsville shall be conducted on a delivery vs. payment (DVP) basis. Securities shall be held by a
third parry custodian. Safekeeping receipts shall be required.
A system of internal controls shall be established. As part of the City =s annual audit, an independent
auditor shall review internal controls, investment practices, investment performance, quarterly reports
prepared by the investment officers and the result of the review shall be reported to the Finance
Committee of the City Council. A compliance audit of management control on investments and
adherence to investment policies is to be included.
The City Council shall approve at least three broker /dealers upon recommendation of the Finance
Committee for use by the designated investment officers. The broker /dealers may include primary
dealers and regional dealers that qualify under Securities and Exchange Commission Rule 150 -1
(uniform net capital rule).
The selection process shall include a proposal process with potential broker /dealers providing a
completed broker /dealer questionnaire, certification of having read the City of Huntsville investment
policy, proof of National Association of Security Dealers certification and proof of state registration.
The selected broker /dealers must provide a written instrument certifying that they have received and
reviewed the City's Investment Policy and acknowledge that the business organization has
Exhibit D
implemented reasonable procedures and control, in an effort to preclude investment transactions
conducted between the entity and the organization that are not authorized by the City =s Investment
Policy. An investment officer may not buy any securities from a firm that has not filed this
An annual review of the financial condition and registrations of qualified bidders is to be conducted
by the City Manager or Finance Director and a current audited financial statement is required to be on
file for each broker /dealer that conducts transactions with the City. The Finance Committee shall
review, revise and adopt a list of qualified brokers that are authorized to engage in investment
transactions with the City.
The City of Huntsville may invest only in the safest type of securities and in accordance with Texas
state law (Appendix I). There are two general categories of authorized investments for the City of
Huntsville: (1) investments which the designated investment officers may invest without prior
approval from the Finance Committee; and, (2) investments that require prior Finance Committee
A. Authorized investments that do not require prior approval of Finance Committee:
1. Obligations of, or Guaranteed by, Governmental Entities:
a. obligations of the United States or its agencies and instrumentalities;
b. direct obligations of the State of Texas or its agencies and instrumentalities,
C. other obligations, the principal and interest of which are unconditionally
guaranteed or insured by, or backed by the full faith and credit of, this state
or the United States or their respective agencies and [its] instrumentalities;
d. obligations of states, agencies, counties, cities, and other political
subdivisions of any state rated as to investment quality by a nationally
recognized investment rating firm not less than A or its equivalent.
e. The following are not authorized investments under this section:
1) obligations whose payment represents the coupon payments on the
outstanding principal balance of the underlying mortgage- backed
security collateral and pays no principal;
2) obligations whose payment represents the principal stream of cash
flow from the underlying mortgage - backed security collateral and
bears no interest;
3) collateralized mortgage obligations that have a stated final maturity
date greater than 10 years; and
4) collateralized mortgage obligations the interest rate of which is
determined by an index that adjusts opposite to the changes in a
market index.
2. Certificates of Deposit:
Exhibit D
Certificates ofdeposit issued by state and national banks or a savings bank domiciled
in Texas that are:
a. guaranteed or insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, or
comparable insurance entities or their successors; or
b. secured in any other manner and amount provided by law for deposits of the
B. Authorized investments requiring prior approval of the Finance Committee:
Collateralized Mortgage Obligations (CMO =s) directly issued by a federal agency or
instrumentality of the United States, the underlying security for which is guaranteed
by an agency or instrumentality of the United States. The stated maturity date can
not be greater than 10 years and the interest rate can not be determined by an index
that adjusts opposite to the changes in a market index.
2. Repurchase Agreements
"Repurchase agreement" means a simultaneous agreement to buy, hold for a
specified rime, and sell back at a future date obligations described by Texas
Government Code section 2256.009(a)(1), at a market value at the time the funds are
disbursed of not less than the principal amount of the funds disbursed. The term
includes a direct security repurchase agreement and a reverse security repurchase
agreement. The primary dealer and the City of Huntsville must sign a Master
Repurchase Agreement which details acceptable types of collateral; the standard for
collateral custody and control; the collateral valuation and initial margin, accrued
interest, a requirement of marking to market, and margin call; the method of
transmitting security income; and, the condition for agreement termination and
acceptable methods for delivery of securities and collateral.
A fully collateralized repurchase agreement is an authorized investment if the
repurchase agreement has a defined termination date, is secured by obligations
described by Texas Government Code section 2256.009(a)(1), and, requires the
securities being purchased by the City to be pledged to the City, held in the City =s
name, and deposited at the time the investment is made with the City or with a third
parry selected and approved by the City, and is placed through a primary government
securities dealer, as defined by the Federal Reserve, or a financial institution doing
business in Texas.
Notwithstanding any other law, the term of any reverse security repurchase
agreement may not exceed 90 days after the date the reverse security repurchase
agreement is delivered.
Money received by the City under the terms of a reverse security repurchase
agreement shall be used to acquire additional authorized investments, but the term of
Exhibit D
the authorized investments acquired must mature not later than the expiration date
stated in the reverse security repurchase agreement.
Exhibit D
3. Banker's Acceptances
A bankers= acceptance is an authorized investment if the bankers= acceptance: (a)
has a stated maturity of 270 days or fewer from the date of its issuance; (b) will be, in
accordance with its terms, liquidated in full at maturity; (c) is eligible for collateral
for borrowing from a Federal Reserve Bank; and (d) is accepted by a bank organized
and existing under the laws of the United States or any state, if the short-term
obligations of the bank, or of a bank holding company of which the bank is the
largest subsidiary, are rated not less than A -1 or P -1 or an equivalent rating by at least
one nationally recognized credit rating agency.
4. Commercial Paper
Commercial paper is an authorized investment if the commercial paper has a stated
maturity of 270 days or fewer from the date of its issuance and is rated not less than
A -1 or P -1 or an equivalent rating by at least two nationally recognized credit rating
agencies or one nationally recognized credit raring agency and is fully secured by an
irrevocable letter of credit issued by a bank organized and existing under the laws of
the United States or any state.
Mutual Funds
a. A no -load money market mutual fund is an authorized investment if: (1) the
mutual fund is registered with and regulated by the Securities and Exchange
Commission; (2) provides the investing entity with a prospectus and other
information required by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C.
Section 78a et seq.) or the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C.
Section 80a -I et seq.); (3) has a dollar- weighted average stated maturity of
90 days or fewer; and (4) includes in its investment objectives the
maintenance of a stable net asset value of $1 for each share.
b. In addition to a no -load money market mutual fund permitted as an
authorized investment in Subsection (a), a no -load mutual fund is an
authorized investment under this subchapter if the mutual fund:
1) is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission;
2) has an average weighted maturity of less than two years;
3) is invested exclusively in obligations approved by this subchapter;
4) is continuously rated as to investment quality by at least one
nationally recognized investment raring firm of not less than AAA
or its equivalent; and
5) conforms to the requirements set forth in Texas Government Code
sections 2256.016(b) and (c) relating to the eligibility of investment
pools to receive and invest funds of investing entities.
C. The City is not authorized by this section to:
1) invest in the aggregate more than 80 percent of its monthly average
fund balance, excluding bond proceeds and reserves and other funds
held for debt service, in money market mutual funds described in
Subsection (a) or mutual funds described in Subsection (b), either
separately or collectively;
Exhibit D
2) invest in the aggregate more than 15 percent of its monthly average
fund balance, excluding bond proceeds and reserves and other funds
held for debt service, in mutual funds described in Subsection (b);
3) invest any portion of bond proceeds, reserves and funds held for
debt service, in mutual funds described in Subsection (b); or;
4) invest its funds or funds under its control, including bond proceeds
and reserves and other funds held for debt service, in any one
mutual fund described in Subsection (a) or (b) in an amount that
exceeds 10 percent of the total assets of the mutual fund.
C. Effect of Loss of Required Rating
An investment that requires a minimum rating under this subchapter does not qualify as an
authorized investment during the period the investment does not have the minimum rating.
The City shall take all prudent measures that are consistent with its investment policy to
liquidate an investment that does not have the minimum rating.
A. The City may invest in eligible investment pools as defined by the Public Funds Investment
Act, which meet criteria outlined in chapter Texas Government Code section 2256.016 and
section 2256.019. The Council shall authorize participation in the pool by resolution or
B. The City must receive from the pool an offering circular or other similar disclosure instrument
that contains, at a minimum, the following information:
1. a description of eligible investment securities;
2. the maximum average dollar - weighted maturity allowed, based on the stated maturity
date, of the pool;
3. the maximum stated maturity date any investment security within the portfolio has;
4. a written statement of investment policy and objectives;
5. the size of the pool;
6. the names of the members of the advisory board of the pool and the dates their terms
7. the custodian bank that will safekeep the pool's assets; a description of how the
securities are safeguarded (including the settlement process) and how often the
securities are priced;
8. whether the intent of the pool is to maintain a net asset value of one dollar and the
risk of market price fluctuation;
Exhibit D
9. whether the only source of payment is the assets of the pool at market value or
whether there is a secondary source of payment, such as insurance or guarantees, and
a description of the secondary source of payment;
10. the name and address of the independent auditor of the pool and how often the
program is audited;
11. the requirements to be satisfied for an entity to deposit funds in and withdraw funds
from the pool including how often and what size deposits and withdrawals are
allowed, and any deadlines or other operating policies required for the entity to invest
funds in and withdraw funds from the pool; and;
12. the performance history of the pool, including yield, average dollar- weighted
maturities, and expense ratios;
13. a description of interest calculations and how it is distributed and how gains and
losses are treated;
14. a schedule for receiving statements and portfolio listings;
15. an explanation of whether reserves, retained earnings, etc. are utilized by the pool;
16. a fee schedule, including when and how it is assessed;
17. an explanation of whether the pool is eligible and/or will it accept bond proceeds.
C. To maintain eligibility to receive funds from and invest funds on behalf of an entity under this
chapter, an investment pool must furnish to the investment officer or other authorized
representatives of the entity:
1. investment transaction confirmations; and
2. a monthly report that contains, at a minimum, the following information:
the types and percentage breakdown of securities in which the pool is
the current dollar- weighted average maturity, based on the stated maturity
date, of the pool;
the current percentage of the pool =s portfolio in investments that have stated
maturities of more than one year;
the book value versus the market value of the pool =s portfolio, using
amortized cost valuation;
the size of the pool;
the number of participants in the pool;
the custodian bank that is safekeeping the assets of the pool;
a listing of daily transaction activity of the entity participating in the pool;
the yield and expense ratio of the pool;
Exhibit D
j. the portfolio managers of the pool; and
k. any changes or addenda to the offering circular.
D. The City by contract may delegate to an investment pool the authority to hold legal title as
custodian of investments purchased with its local funds.
E. "Yield" shall be calculated in accordance with regulations governing the registration of open -
end management investment companies under the Investment Company Act of 1940, as
promulgated from time to time by the Federal Securities and Exchange Commission.
Not less than quarterly, the Finance Director shall prepare and submit to the City Council a written
report of investment transactions for the preceding reporting period. The report shall describe in
detail the investment position of the City on the date of the report, and state compliance of the
investment portfolio, as it relates to the investment strategy and investment policies. The report shall
contain a summary statement prepared in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles
of each pools fund group that states the beginning market value for the reporting period, additions
and changes to the market value during the period, the ending market value for the period, a
comparison to the benchmark bond equivalent yield or United States Treasury obligation of
comparable maturity and fully accrued interest for the reporting period. The report shall state the
book value, market value, and maturity date of each separately invested asset as of the beginning and
end of the reporting period by the type of security and fund type invested. The fund for which each
individual investment was acquired shall be reported. The report shall be presented to the Council
and shall be jointly signed by the Finance Director and City Manager within 21 days after the end of
the period. On a monthly basis, the Finance Director shall provide to the City Council, in summary
form, a report showing by fund, total cash, monies in investment pools and securities by type and
maturity date, and a summary of interest earnings.
The City of Huntsville investment policy shall be adopted by ordinance of the City Council. The
policy shall be reviewed annually by the Finance Committee, and any modifications made thereto
must be approved by the City Council. Annually, City Council shall adopt a resolution or include in
the budget ordinance information stating that it has reviewed the investment policy and investment
strategies. The resolution/ordinance shall record any changes made to the investment policy or
investment strategies.
The City Council shall approve a financial institution/institutions to act as a depository bank for a two year
A. The City Council shall select a bank, credit union or savings association as its primary
depository for normal banking transactions. hi addition, the City may designate one or more
other depositories for investment transactions.
Exhibit D
B. The City's primary banking depository shall have a branch located in the City.
C. Not more than four weeks and not less than one week before the City Council considers
applications for its depository, the City shall publish at least once in the City's official
newspaper a notice of the meeting at which applications are to be received.
D. A bank, credit union or savings association desiring to be selected as the city depository must
deliver its application to the City Secretary on or before the time stated in the notice. The
application shall be accompanied by an affidavit disclosing conflicts of interest, if any, that
apply to the selection of the depository. The City's Finance Committee may, as directed by
City Council, review the applications and prepare a recommendation regarding the selection
of depositories for Council.
E. The City Council may, after considering the application and the recommendation, if any, of its
staff and/or Finance Committee:
select as city depositories one or more banks, credit unions or savings associations
that offer the most favorable terms and conditions for the handling of the municipal
funds; or
2. reject any or all of the applications.
F. The City shall retain the right to withdraw any municipal funds deposited in a depository that
are not immediately required to pay obligations of the City and invest those funds as outlined
in these Investment and Banking Policies.
G. The Director of Finance shall immediately deposit in the depository to the credit of the City
any money received.
H. Except as provided for wire transfers to other depositories or ACH transfers, the funds of the
City may be paid out of a depository only on the checks of the City.
Checks must be signed by the Mayor and either the City Manager or Finance Director. A
facsimile signature may be used by the Mayor and/or City Manager.
J. Checks must be authorized by the Mayor, City Manager, or Finance Director.
K. No check shall be drawn on a special fund created to pay bonded indebtedness other than to
pay principal or interest on the indebtedness, or to invest the fund as provided by these polices
or law.
L. All checks shall be payable by the depository at its place of business.
M. The Director of Finance may, with approval of Council, pay a bond, coupon, or other
indebtedness of the City at a place other than the depository if by its terms the indebtedness is
Exhibit D
payable on maturity at the other location.
A. All public funds held in a checking account or time deposit at a bank or other depository shall
be secured by eligible security. An eligible security means:
1. a surety bond;
2. investment securities (obligations of the United States or its agencies and
instrumentalities); or
3. ownership or beneficial interest (but not merely an option contract to purchase or
sell) any authorized investment.
B. The market value of the collateral shall equal at least 102% of the cash value of a repurchase
agreement. Otherwise, market value of the investment securities used as collateral should be
at least equal to the deposits of public funds increased by the amount of any accrued interest
and reduced by the extent of insurance through an agency of the United States.
C. Safekeeping
A depository for the City may deposit investment securities pledged to secure
deposits of public funds with a custodian that the City has approved as a custodian
and that is either:
a. a state or national bank domiciled in the State of Texas and which has a
capital stock and permanent surplus of not less than $5 million.
b. the Texas Treasury Safekeeping Trust Company; or
C. a Federal Reserve Bank or its branches.
2. The securities shall be held in trust by the custodian to secure the deposit of public
funds of the City in the depository pledging the securities.
3. On receipt of the investment securities, the custodian shall immediately, by book
entry or otherwise, identify on its books and records the pledge of the securities to the
City and shall promptly issue and deliver to the Director of Finance of the City trust
receipts for the securities pledged. The security evidenced by the trust receipts is
subject to inspection by the City or its agents at any rime.
4. A custodian holding in trust investment securities of a depository may deposit the
pledged securities with a permitted institution. These securities shall be held by the
permitted institution to secure funds deposited by the City in the depository pledging
the securities. On receipt of the securities, the permitted institution shall immediately
issue to the custodian an advice of transaction or other document evidencing the
deposit of the securities. When the pledged securities held by a custodian are
deposited, the permitted institution may apply book entry procedures to the securities.
Exhibit D
The records of the permitted institution shall at all times reflect the name of the
custodian depositing the pledged securities. The trust receipts the custodian issues to
the City shall indicate that the custodian has deposited with the permitted institution
the pledged securities held in trust for the depository pledging the securities.
5. The custodian shall maintain separate, accurate, and complete records relating to the
pledged investment securities and all transactions relating to the pledged investment
D. The Director of Finance shall inform its depositories of significant changes in the amount or
activity of public funds reasonably in advance of such changes.
Exhibit D
ACH: Automated Clearing House,
AGENCIES: Federal agency securities.
ASKED: The price at which securities are offered.
bill of exchange accepted by a bank or trust
company. The accepting institution guarantees
payment of the bill, as well as the issuer.
BID: The price offered by a buyer of securities.
(When you are selling securities, you ask for a
bid.) See Offer.
BOND PROCEEDS: Proceeds from the sale of
bonds, notes, and other obligations issued by an
entity, and reserves and funds maintained by an
entity for debt service purposes.
BOOK VALUE: The original acquisition cost of
an investment plus or minus the accrued
amortization or accretion.
BROKER: A broker brings buyers and sellers
together for a commission.
deposit with a specific maturity evidenced by a
certificate. Large - denomination CD =s are
typically negotiable.
COLLATERAL: Securities, evidence of deposit
or other property which a borrower pledges to
secure repayment of a loan. Also refers to
securities pledged by a bank to secure deposits of
public monies.
OBLIGATIONS (CMOs): Debt obligations
collateralized by pools of mortgages. The
collateral can consist of conventional whole loans
or agency- backed securities such as GNMAs,
FNMAs or FHLMCs. The monthly cash flow
generated from the pool is transformed into a series
of securities with differing average lives and
maturities. CMOs are issued by investment banks,
commercial banks, the FNMA and the FHLMC.
The issuer takes a higher yielding security and
carves it up into different classes with lower
interest rates and shorter maturities.
COMMERCIAL. PAPER: Commercial Paper
consists of short-term note issues by large
corporations. Maturity is 270 days or less. 'there
is no explicit coupon rate and interest is figured on
a discount basis in the same manner as for
Treasury Bills.
REPORT (CAFR): The official annual report for
the City of Huntsville. It includes five combined
statements for each individual fund and account
group prepared in conformity with GAAP. It also
includes supporting schedules necessary to
demonstrate compliance with finance - related legal
and contractual provisions, extensive introductory
material, and a detailed Statistical Section.
COUPON: (a) The annual rate of interest that a
bond =s issuer promises to pay the bondholder on
the band =s face value. (b) A certificate attached to
a bond evidencing interest due on a payment date.
CUSIP NUMBER: A unique nine-digit
identification number permanently assigned by the
Committee on Uniform Securities Identification
Procedures to each publicly traded security at the
time of issuance. If the security is in physical
form, the CUSIP number is printed on its face.
Exhibit D
DEALER: A dealer, as opposed to a broker, acts
as a principal in all transactions, buying and selling
for his own account.
DEBENTURE: A bond secured only by the
general credit of the issuer.
two methods of delivery of securities: delivery
versus payment and delivery versus receipt.
Delivery versus payment is delivery of securities
with an exchange of money for the securities.
Delivery versus receipt is delivery of securities
with an exchange of a signed receipt for the
DISCOUNT: The difference between the cost
price of a security and its maturity when quoted at
lower than face value. A security selling below
original offering price shortly after sale also is
considered to be at a discount.
DISCOUNT SECURITIES: Non - interest beating
money market instruments that are issued a
discount and redeemed at maturity for full face
value, e.g. U.S. Treasury Bills.
DIVERSIFICATION : Dividing investment funds
among a variety of securities offering independent
the Federal government set up to supply credit to
various classes of institutions and individuals, e.g.
S & L =s, small business firms, students, farmers,
farm cooperatives, and exporters.
CORPORATION (FDIC): A federal agency that
insures bank deposits.
The Federal Farm Credit Banks Consolidated
Systemwide Bonds are obligations of the 37 Farm
Credit Banks. The Farm Credit Administration
which is an independent agency of the U.S.
Government supervises the Farm Credit System.
FEDERAL FUNDS RATE: The rate of interest at
which Fed funds are traded. This rate is currently
pegged by the Federal Reserve through open -
market operations.
The institutions that regulate and lend to savings
and loan associations. The Federal Home Loan
Banks play a role analogous to that played by the
Federal Reserve Bank vis -a -vis member
commercial banks.
Loan Mortgage Corporation, also known as
Freddie Mac, is an agency of the Federal
Government. The Participation Certificates (PC)
issued by Freddie Mac are full faith and credit
obligations of an agency of the U.S. Government.
In that all loans purchased by Freddie Mac are
either FHA/VA mortgages originated by members
of the Federal Horne Loan Bank System or other
HUD- approved mortgages.
FNMA, like GNMA was chartered under the
Federal National Mortgage Association Act in
1938. FNMA is a federal corporation working
under the auspices of the Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD). It is the largest
single provider of residential mortgage funds in the
United States. Fannie Mae, as the corporation is
called, is a private stockholder -owned corporation.
The corporation =s purchases include a variety of
adjustable mortgages and second loans, in addition
to fixed -rate mortgages. FNMA =s securities are
also highly liquid and are widely accepted. FNMA
assumes and guarantees that all security holders
will receive timely payment of principal and
Exhibit D
(FOMC): Consists of seven members of the
Federal Reserve Board and five of the twelve
Federal Reserve Bank Presidents. The President of
the New York Federal Reserve Bank is a
permanent member, while the other Presidents
serve on a rotating basis. The Committee
periodically meets to set Federal Reserve
guidelines regarding purchases and sales of
Government Securities in the open market as a
means of influencing the volume of bank credit
and money.
bank of the United States created by Congress and
consisting of seven member Board of Governors in
Washington, D.C., 12 regional banks and about
5,700 commercial banks that are members of the
policies also refers to Security Broker/Dealers
doing business with the City.
FUNDS: Public funds in the custody of a local
government that the investing entity has authority
to invest.
Securities influencing the volume of bank credit
guaranteed by GNMA and issued by mortgage
bankers, commercial banks, savings and loan
associations, and other institutions. Security
holder is protected by full faith and credit of the
U.S. Government. Ginnie Mae securities are
backed by the FHA, VA or FMHM mortgages.
The term "passthroughs" is often used to describe
Ginnie Macs.
INVESTMENT POOL: An entity created under
this code to invest public funds jointly on behalf of
the entities that participate in the pool and whose
investment objectives in order of priority are (a)
preservation and safety of principal; (b) liquidity;
and (c) yield.
LIQUIDITY: A liquid asset is one that can be
converted easily and rapidly into cash without a
substantial loss of value. In the money market, a
security is said to be liquid if the spread between
bid and asked prices is narrow and reasonable size
can be done at those quotes.
POOL (LGIP): The aggregate of all funds from
political subdivisions that are placed in the custody
of the State Treasurer for investment and
MARKET VALUE: The current face or par value
of an investment multiplied by the net selling price
of the security as quoted by a recognized market
pricing source quoted on the valuation date.
written contract covering all future transactions
between the parties to repurchase - reverse
repurchase agreements that establishes each
party=s rights in the transactions. A master
agreement will often specify, among other things,
the right of the buyer - lender to liquidate the
underlying securities in the event of default by the
seller- borrower.
MATURITY: The date upon which the principal
or stated value of an investment becomes due and
MONEY MARKET: The market in which
securities are traded that have one year or less until
their maturity.
mutual fund with investments that mature within
one year.
MUTUAL FUNDS: A type of investment
company that pools investments from participants
to purchase a portfolio and give to investors
fractional ownership of the created portfolio. A
mutual fund redeems investors= shares at the net
Exhibit D
asset value of the shares.
association that helps regulate the performance of
the over- the - counter securities market.
of the securities underlying one share in the
investment company.
FUND: A mutual fund that imposes no initial sales
charges or fees.
OFFER: The price asked by a seller of securities.
(When you are buying securities, you ask for an
offer.) See Asked and Bid.
and sales of government and certain other
securities in the open market by the New York
Federal Reserve Bank as directed by the FOMC in
order to influence the volume of money and credit
in the economy. Purchases inject reserves into the
bank system and stimulate growth of money and
credit; sales have the opposite effect. Open market
operations are the Federal Reserve =s most
important and most flexible monetary policy tool.
PORTFOLIO: Collection of securities held by an
PRIMARY DEALER: A group of government
securities dealers who submit daily reports of
market activity and positions and monthly financial
statements to the Federal Reserve Bank of New
York and are subject to its informal oversight.
Primary dealers include Securities and Exchange
Commission (SEC) - registered securities broker -
dealers, banks, and a few unregulated firms.
standard. In some states the law requires that a
fiduciary, such as a trustee, may invest money only
in a list of securities selected by the custody state- -
the so- called legal list. In other states the trustee
may invest in a security if it is one which would be
bought by a prudent person of discretion and
intelligence who is seeking a reasonable income
and preservation of capital.
financial institution which does not claim
exemption from the payment of any sales or
compensating use or ad valorem taxes under the
laws of this state, which has segregated for the
benefit of the commission eligible collateral having
a value of not less than its maximum liability and
which has been approved by the Public Deposit
Protection Commission to hold public deposits.
who holds a position with a business organization,
who is authorized to act on behalf of the business
organization, and who is one of the following: (A)
for a business organization doing business that is
regulated by or registered with a securities
commission, a person who is registered under the
rules of the National Association of Securities
Dealers; (B) for a state or federal bank, a savings
bank, or a state or federal credit union, a member
of the loan committee for the bank or branch of the
bank or a person authorized by corporate resolution
to act on behalf of and bind the banking institution;
or (C) for an investment pool, the person
authorized by the elected official or board with
authority to administer the activities of the
investment pool to sign the written instrument on
behalf of the investment pool.
RATE OF RETURN: The yield obtainable on a
security based on its purchase price or its current
market price. This may be the amortized yield to
maturity on a bond the current income return.
Exhibit D
RATING AGENCY: A nationally recognized
investment rating firm including Moody's and
Standard & Poor's that assigns a rating to a debt
REPO): A holder of securities sells these
securities to an investor with an agreement to
repurchase them at a fixed price on a fixed date.
The security "buyer" in effect lends the "seller"
money for the period of the agreement, and the
terms of the agreement are structured to
compensate him for this. Dealers use RP
extensively to finance their positions. Exception:
When the Fed is said to be doing RP, it is lending
money, that is, increasing bank reserves. State
Statute defines repurchase agreement as a
simultaneous agreement to buy, hold for a specific
rime, and sell back at a future date obligations
described in State Statute Section 2256.009 a (1)
(obligations of the United States or its agencies and
instrumentalities) at a market value at the time the
funds are disbursed of not less than the principal
amount of the funds disbursed. The term includes
a direct security repurchase agreement and a
reverse repurchase agreement.
See Repurchase Agreement.
SAFEKEEPING: A service to customers
rendered by banks for a fee whereby securities and
valuables of all types and descriptions are held in
the bank =s vaults for protection.
SEC RULE 15C3 -1: See Uniform Net Capital
SECONDARY MARKET: A market made for
the purchase and sale of outstanding issues
following the initial distribution.
COMMISSION: Agency created by Congress to
protect investors in securities transactions by
administering securities legislation.
account or fund of a state agency or local
government that is not invested in a pooled fund
STATE AGENCY: An office, department,
commission, board, or other agency that is part of
any branch of state government, an institution of
higher education, and any nonprofit corporation
acting on behalf of any of those entities.
TREASURY BILLS: A non - interest bearing
discount security issued by the U.S. Treasury to
finance the national debt. Most bills are issued to
mature in three months, six months, or one year.
TREASURY BOND: Long -term U.S. Treasury
securities having initial maturities of more than 10
TREASURY NOTES: A non - interest bearing
discount security issued by the U.S. Treasury to
finance the national debt. Most bills are issued to
mature in three months, six months or one year.
and Exchange Commission requirement that
member firms as well as nonmember broker -
dealers in securities maintain a maximum ratio of
indebtedness to liquid capital of 15 to 1; also called
net capital rule and net capital ratio. Indebtedness
covers all money owed to a firm, including margin
loans and commitments to purchase securities, one
reason new public issues are spread among
members of underwriting syndicates. Liquid
capital includes cash and assets easily converted
into cash.
YIELD: The rate of annual income return on an
investment, expressed as a percentage. (a)
INCOME YIELD is obtained by dividing the
current dollar income by the current market price
for the security. (b) NET YIELD or YIELD TO
MATURtl'Y is the current income yield minus any
Exhibit D
premium above par or plus any discount from par
in purchase price, with the adjustment spread over
the period from the date of purchase to the date of
maturity of the bond.
Exhibit D
This page intentionally left blank
Exhibit "E"
(,.Zw ofLIl1II 8P+LY4
sazwdiLi✓ o of A00og aad CAazvray
Pis'c-et Year 2007 -2008
D-fLCeof Gtr. SerretarU
Alcohol Beverages Licenses and Permits (City Fee Only)
Beer Retailers Off Premise License
Beer Retailers On Premise License
Wine and Baer Retailers Off Premise Permit
Local Distributors License
Beverage Cartage Permit
Caterers Permit
Local Distributor's Permit
Mixed Beverage Permit (at 3rd Renewal)
Package Store Permit
Package Store Tasting Permit
Wine Only Package Store Permit
General Class B Wholesalers Permit
Passport Fees (City Fee Only)
Passport Execution Fee
Exper fated Service Overnight Postage Fee
Copies of Public Information
Certificate of Compliances
Mobile Home Parks
Metes & Bounds Lots
Lot Consolidation Fee
Minor Plats
Preliminary Plat
Final Plats
Filing Fees
Zoning Changes
Non - Conforming Use Permit
Conditional Use Permit
Request for Variance
Map Reproduction Fees
Laser (8.5" x 11 ")
Small (11" x 17 ")
Medium (11" x 17 ")
Large (24" x 36" up to 34" x 44 ")
Supersize (greater than 34" x 44 ")
Building Permits
Less than $1,000- Inspection Not Necessary
Less than $1,000- Inspection Necessary
$1,001 to $50,000
$50,001 to $100,000
$100,001 to $500,000
Over $500,001
Variable: Refer to Texas Administrative Code
" PLf.bL1.0 WDY{25
Actual Cost
First 5 copies free + $2 for each additional page
Based on Valuation
No Charge
$15 per inspection
$15 for the first $1,000 + $5 per each additional $1,000
$260 for first $50,000 + $4 per each additional $1,000
$460 for first $100,000 + $3 per each additional $1,000
$1,660 for first $500,000 + $2 per each additional $1,000
Past Practice
Past Practice
Exhibit "E"
z Q a� %
Electrical Permits
no- cee'amovimp
Fee for issuing each permit
�(, ch/ oKU,Lo/
oVf og and
z f� y� p �y
6Xar �
Minimum Fee
Fzsoaz Year 2007 -2008
First Four Circuits
Plan Checking Fee
All Above Four Circuits
Less than $70,000 valuation
No Charge
First 2 motors 11 to 24 HP each
Over $70,000 valulation
One -half of building permit fee
$5 each
Electrical Permits
Fee for issuing each permit
Roughing in work
Minimum Fee
First Four Circuits
All Above Four Circuits
$1 each
Final Inspection
Replacement of Service Entrance Equipment
60 amp or less, includes meter loop
61 to 100 amp, includes meter loop
101 to 200 amp, includes meter loop
201 to 400 amp, includes meter loop
401 to 600 amp, includes meter loop
Over 600 amp, includes meter loop
Motor Generation
First 2 motors below 1 HP each
Additional motors below 1 HP
$1 each
First 2 motors 1 to 5 HP each
Additional motors 1 to 5 HP
$3 each
First 2 motors 6 to 10 HP each
Additional motors 6 to 10 HP
$4 each
First 2 motors 11 to 24 HP each
Additional motors 11 to 24 HP
$5 each
First 2 motors over 25 HP each
Additional motors over 25 HP
$7 each
Miscellaneous Fees
Electric Welders
Electric Range
$5 each
Motion Picture Projector
$5 each
Circuit for Sign and Outline Lighting
$5 each
Temporary Service
Minimum Fee for Repairs and Alteration
Additional Motor
$4 each
Electric Dryer or Air Conditioner
$5 each
Mobile Home Connection
Plumbing Permits
Fee for issuing each permit
Plumbing fixture or trap or set of fixtures of one trap
$2.50 each
House Sewer
$5 each
House Sewer having to be repaired
$5 each
$5 each
Septic Tank, Seepage Pit, or Drain Field
$10 each
Water Heater and/or Vent
$2.50 each
Gas Piping System of 1 to 5 Outlets
Gas Piping System of 6 or more Outlets
$1 per outlet
Water Piping Installation for Water Treating Equipment
Vacuum Breakers, Backflow Prevention Devices
1 to 5
Over 5
1.50 each
Mobile Home Connection
Mobile Home Connection with Gas
Exhibit "E"
,� chi odao of roqs' tea' Gy azr qrw
Lawn Sprinkler and Fire Sprinkler Inspection
1 to 5 sprinkler heads
Over 5lawn sprinker heads
Over 5 fire sprinker heads
Mechanical Permits
Fee for issuing each permit
Heating, Ventilating Duct, Air Conditioner, Refrigeration
Repairs, Alterations, Additions to an Existing System
Over $500 valuation
Temporary Operation Inspection Fee
Re-inspection Fee
Sign Permits
Public Improvement Permits
Grading and Excavation Plan Checking Fee
Less than 5,000 cubic yards
5,000 to 10,000 cubic yards
10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards
100,001 to 200,000 cubic yards
Over 200,001 cubic yards
Grading and Excavation Permits
Less than 50 cubic yards
51 to 100 cubic yards
101 to 1,000 cubic yards
1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards
10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards
Over 100,001 cubic yards
Other Permits
On Site Sewage Facility
Street Excavation and Alteration Permit
Curb Cut Permit
Fire Sprinkler
Mobile Home Electrical
Mobile Home Plumbing
Mobile Home Plumbing with Gas
Mobile Home Mechanical
Vendor /Peddler Permits
Contractor Registration Fees
Builder Residential
Master Electrician
Residential Wireman Electrician
Maintenance Electrician
Journeyman Electrician
Electrical Contractor
Electrical Sign Manufacturer
Master Plumber
Journeyman Plumber
Sign Contractor
Fscaz Year zoorzao8
200 each
50¢ each
$10 for first $1,000 valuation + $2 per each additional $1,000
$5 +$2 per each $1,000 valuation
25Vsq ft. (minimum E5) + $1 /11near ft of sign height + $5 /permit
3% of valuation of public improvements
No Charge
$20 for first 10,000 CY + $10 per each additional 10,000 CY
$110 for first 100,000 CY + $6 per each additional 10,000 CY
$170 for first 200,000 CY + $3 per each additional 10,000 CY
$15 for first 100 CY + $7 per each additional 1 DO CY
$78 for fast 1,000 CY + $6 per each additional 1,000 CY
$132 for first 1,000 CY + $27 per each additional 1,000 CY
$375 for first 10,000 CY + $15 per each additional 1,000 CY
Variable Fees: Refer to plumbing permit fees schedule
Variable Fees: Refer to plumbing permit fees schedule
No Charge
Swimming Pool /Spa Annual Permits $36 Ordinance
Food Service Establishment Annual Permit
Less than 2,999 square feet
3,000 to 4,999 square feet
5,000 to 14,999 square feet
Over 15,000 square feet
Public Schools
Bars (drinks only)
Food Service Establishments Pre - Opening Fee
Food Service Establishments Re- inspection Fee
Itinerant Restaurant Permit (per 15 days)
Temporary Food Booth (one day event)
Non - Profit Organizations, per year
Mobile Food Units Annual Permits
Food Handier ID Card
Duplicate Food Handler Cards
Daycare Facilities Annual Permit
1 to 2 employees
3 to 6 employees
7 to 14 employees
Over 15 employees
Culverts /Driveways Installations
Land Reclamation
Softball /Baseball Field
Youth Leagues
Adult Leagues
Day Rental, Private Use
Night Rental, Private Use
Soccer Field
Youth Leagues
Adult Leagues
Day Rental, Private Use
Night Rental, Private Use
Exhibit "E"
Cirp or ff= aVE14
Fiscal Ysar 200? =2008
Based on Square Footage
Based on Number of Employees
Actual Cost Past Practice
$10 Ordinance
R- ecreatiovl' services
$5 per person
$10 per person
$5 per person
$10 per person
ACLRRtic Cev�ter
Advisory Board Review
Advisory Board Review
Admission Advisory Board Review
Adults Age 12 and Up $2
Children Age 6 to 11 $1.50
Children Age 5 or less No Charge
Exhibit "E"
exq- of tff=0P711d
Fiat Year 2007-2008
Advisory Board Review
Season Pass
Adults Age 12 and Up $40
Children Age 6 to 11 $30
Family $100 for first four members + $20 per each additional member
Swimming Lessons
$35 per course
Advisory Board Review
Water Aerobics
$35 per session
Advisory Board Review
Pool Rental- Private
$75 per hour (maximum 2 hours)
Advisory Board Review
Program Fees
Partial Cost Recovery
cematerU operatiows
Cemetery Space Ordinance
Plot $750 per plot
Filing Fee Actual Cost
cuLtu.raL services
Rental of Brown Wynne Gallery Advisory Board Review
Non -Profit $45 per hour
Private $50 per hour
t_ibrar� sewices
Advisory Board Review
Books, magazines, music cds
10¢ per day
Audiobooks and videos
$1 per day
Nom: The maximum fine fm any item is $f o, customers with more than $5 in Imes .11 not be allowed In borrow materials.
Advisory Board Review
Printer, copier and microform machine
15¢ per page
Past Practice
Donated Videos
$1 each
Donated Audiobooks
$1 each
Donated Hardback books
$1 each
Donated Paperback books
25¢ each
Donated Children's hardback books
50¢ each
Donated Children's paperback
250 each
Walker County Stores
$5 per CD
Blank Diskettes
$1 each
Blank CDs
$1 each
Replacement Costs
Advisory Board Review
Library Card
Lost books, audiobooks, videos, etc.
Cost to replace + $5 processing fee
Lost Audiobook CD or Cassette (not full set)
$10 1cassette or CD
Lost Ingles Sin Bameras CD (not full set)
$21 /CD
Pocket w /barcode & security patch
Book cover wlbarcode & security patch
Barcodes (2/item)
Spine label
cuLtu.raL services
Rental of Brown Wynne Gallery Advisory Board Review
Non -Profit $45 per hour
Private $50 per hour
Exhibit "E"
C1ay oof'ffaa0P7;Yv
FiYea Yoar zoorzooa
public sa fete
Sexually Oriented Business Permit
Advisory Board Review
Rental of Meeting Room
Non - Profit
$35 per hour
$40 per hour
Taxi /Chauffer
$100 1yr per taxi
Advisory Board Review
Rental of Porch and Grounds
Non - Proft
$400 per hour
$500 per hour
Past Practice
Advisory Board Review
Rental of Wynne House and Grounds
Non - Profit
$800 per hour
$1,000 per hour
Over 10 False Alarms
$30 each
Advisory Board Review
Rental of Wynne House
Non -Profit
$400 per hour
$500 per hour
Advisory Board Review
Security Deposits
regular business hours
No deposit required
Outside regular business hours
50% of fee
Advisory Board Review
Security Fee (Refundable)
40+ persons and outside regular business hours
Wynne Home China
Rental of China (See also "Security Fee ")
Advisory Board Review
Advisory Board Review
Coffee (8 - 12 cups)
Coffee (30 cups)
Tea (8. 12 cups)
Tea (30 cups)
Water (12 oz bottle)
$1 per bottle
Rental of Audio Visual (not currently available)
Advisory Board Review
Television set and video player
Projector and screen
Flip Chart pads
Floor lectern /Easel /Microphone
No Charge
Program Fees
Partial Cost Recovery
public sa fete
Sexually Oriented Business Permit
Original Application
Renewal Application
Wrecker Permit
$25/yr per holder + $55/yr per tow truck
Taxi /Chauffer
$100 1yr per taxi
Accident Report
Offense Report
10¢ per page
Fingerprinting Fee
$10 per person
Past Practice
Alarm Fees
0 -5 False Alarms
No Charge
6 -10 False Alarms
$10 each
Over 10 False Alarms
$30 each
Exhibit "E"
Between 3,000 and 12,999 gallons $2.25 per thousand gallons
Over 13,000 gallons $2.64 per thousand gallons
Commercial /Jointly Metered Residential Ordinance
First 3,000 gallons
CiZp az-ff= svi222
.75 inch meter
0ver000 c�+r s�'s-
/�Z �,,,, d
Vhal yro�
1.5 inch meter
Fiscal Year 2007 -2000
2 inch meter
$43.50 per month
water serv%ces
$165 per month
Single Family Residential
$210 per month
First 3,000 gallons
8 inch meter
$435 per month
.75 inch meter
$15 per month
1 inch meter
$21 per month
1.5 inch meter
$27 per month
2 inch meter
$43.50 per month
3 inch meter
$165 per month
4 inch meter
$210 per month
6 inch meter
$315 per month
8 inch meter
$435 per month
Between 3,000 and 12,999 gallons $2.25 per thousand gallons
Over 13,000 gallons $2.64 per thousand gallons
Commercial /Jointly Metered Residential Ordinance
First 3,000 gallons
.75 inch meter
$15 per month
1 inch meter
$21 per month
1.5 inch meter
$27 per month
2 inch meter
$43.50 per month
3 inch meter
$165 per month
4 inch meter
$210 per month
6 inch meter
$315 per month
8 inch meter
$435 per month
Over 3,000 gallons $2.64 per thousand gallons
Institutional Users Ordinance
First 3,000 gallons
.75 inch meter
$15 per month
1 inch meter
$21 per month
1.5 inch meter
$27 per month
2 inch meter
$43.50 per month
3 inch meter
$165 per month
4 inch meter
$210 per month
6 inch meter
$315 per month
8 inch meter
$435 per month
Over 3,000 gallons $3.02 per thousand gallons
Fire Hydrant Meters Past Practice
First 3,000 gallons $165 per month
Over 3,000 gallons $3.02 per thousand gallons
Note; Weter rates for customers outside the city tans are calculatedm the same manner as rates tnr msfomers within the city limits, however a multiplier of 1.25
shall he applied th the mat components listed above.
Exhibit "E"
"IT of Hait�BV7114
of'�' ow and !ZAala, groo
Racal Year 2007 -zood
wastewater Servl.ces
Single Family Residential Ordinance
First 2,000 gallons
Over 2,000 gallons
$15 per month
$4.87 per thousand gallons
Note' Each indNlduahy metered resldenlial dwelling and shall be charged a monthly wastewater servce charge and a volume charge based upon the
average amount of water consumed during the months of November, December, January, and February of each year, rounded to the nearest 100 gallons.
Customers m6vkg onto an existing, or newly constructed, single family residential umt shall be billed for sewer at eighty percent (80%) of current monthly
consumption up to a maximum monthly amount for 1g000 gallons unlit the winter month history is established.
Commercial /Jointly Metered Residentialllnstitutional Users
First 2,000 gallons
Over 2,000 gallons
$15 per month
$4.87 per thousand gallons
Note: Residential customers not connected 0 the waterworks system of the city shall be billed monthly by the city for wastewater services at a calculated
rate based on the average residential water consumption of sixty -eight hundred (6,600) gallons ($38.38), or at a rate based on the average water consumed
during the months or November, December, January and February of each 85ca1 year from the biting remrds of a special water district. Commercial
customers shall be billed at a rate that is consistent with the regular wastewater charge of similar type businesses, premises o users receiving service from
the rely. The utility o/hce supervisor shah recommend kr approval such service charge and conditions as deemed appropnale to the Finance Committee of
the City Council and the Finance Committee shall approve the same.
Single Family Residential Collection
Business Minimum Inside City Limits Collection
Multi - Family Residential Collection
Individually Metered Units With Dumpster
Individually Metered Units Without Dumpster
Jointly Metered Units Without Dumpster
Jointly Metered Units With Dumpster
Commercial Collection
2 Yard Dumpster
i Collection per week
2 Collections per week
3 Collections per week
4 Collections per week
5 Collections per week
6 Collections per week
Unscheduled /Extra Pickups
3 Yard Dumpster
1 Collection per week
2 Collections per week
3 Collections perweek
4 Collections per week
5 Collections per week
6 Collections per week
Unscheduled /Extra Pickups
SDiid waste services
$17.90 per month
$22.38 per month
$15.11 per month per unit
$17.90 per month per unit
$17.90 per month per unit
By size of container and number of pickups (see below)
By size of container and number of pickups (see below)
$62.50 per month
$105.03 per month
$147.56 per month
$190.09 per month
$232.62 per month
$275.16 per month
$16.13 each
$70.99 per month
$122.02 per month
$173.04 per month
$224.07 per month
$275.09 per month
$326.12 per month
$18.09 each
Exhibit "E"
,/z Q,,% p 6-rifT lofQf=472MV » d Jj ajf Q
Fwaar Year 2007 -Z0O8
4 Yard Dumpster
1 Collection per week
$79.49 per month
2 Collections per week
$139.01 per month
3 Collections per week
$198.53 per month
4 Collections per week
$258.05 per month
5 Collections per week
$317.57 per month
6 Collections per week
$377.09 per month
Unscheduled /6dm Pickups
$20.05 each
6 Yard Dumpster
1 Collection per week
$96.47 per month
2 Collections per week
$172.98 per month
3 Collections per week
$249.49 per month
4 Collections per week
$326.00 per month
5 Collections per week
$402.51 per month
6 Collections per week
$479.01 per month
Unscheduled /Extra Pickups
$23.97 each
8 Yard Dumpster
1 Collection per week
$113.46 per month
2 Collections per week
$206.96 per month
3 Collections per week
$300.45 per month
4 Collections per week
$393.95 per month
5 Collections per week
$487.45 per month
6 Collections per week
$580.94 per month
Unscheduled /Extra Pickups
$27.89 each
Other Dumpster- For customers with servlos not identified above, a specific rate will be detennined based on four cast components.
1. Disposal ($1.96 /month per yard x # of collections per week x 52 weeks) 1 12 months
2. Administrative $16.77 1month per customer
3. Collection ($5.69 /month per # of collections per week x 52 weeks) 112 months
4. Container $3.19 /month per dumpster
Excessive Wear and Tear of Dumpsters
Dumpster Cleaning
Dumpster Cleaning and Painting
Dumpster Cleaning and Painting when Burned
Dumpster emptied due to placement of large item
Open Top Roll-off
1 Collection per week
$381.35 fixed cost + $60.65 per ton disposal
2 Collections per week
$644.19 fixed cost + $60.65 per ton disposal
3 Collections per week
$907.03 fixed cost + $60.65 per ton disposal
4 Collections per week
$1,169.87 fixed cost + $60.65 per ton disposal
Extra Pickups'
$100.41 fixed cost + $60.65 per ton disposal
Call In2
$215.63 fixed cost + $60.65 per ton disposal
Stand -by"
$215.63 fixed cost + $60.65 per ton disposal
Other Roll -off- For customers with service not identified above, a specific rate will be determined based on four cost components
1. Disposal
$60.65 per ton
2. Administrative
$85.18 1month per customer
3. Collection
($60.66 1month per # of collections per week x 52 weeks) 112 months
4. Container
$33.33 1month per rRoloff container
Compacting Roll-off
$145.84 fixed cost + $60.65 per ton disposal
$182.30 fixed cost + $60.65 per ton disposal
Extra Pickups'
$102.28 fixed cost + $60.65 per ton disposal
$121.31 per collection
New Roll -off Container Set -up
$150 each
Exhibit "E"
e4j p- Of. ZUL071f4
sehodulo 01`''000 a-ad Ghazyroy
Freest ro&- 2007 -2008
Not, 1. Extra pick -up: Charge for servicing a roll -off one extra lime. TMs charge app7as to customers on a regular schedule and to customers who are on a call
m schedule. For Customers on a cafi-in schedule, the extra pickup charge will only be applied to the second and subsequent mlledions owing a earth. 2. Call ln:
This charge is for Customers who do not have regularly scheduled service, but do request service during the month. This charge only applies to the first collection
during a month. Following colkclion Charges will be based on the extra pickup rate. 3. Stand -by: This Charge is Jr customers who do Trot have regularly
scheduled service, and do not request service during a month. 4. Unscheduled. This charge is for customers who do not have regulady scheduled servce, and do
not request service during a month.
Note: Solid Waste rates for customers outside the Cyamas are Calculated in the some manneras rates for customers whin the city limits, however, a molliplier
W 1.25 shall be applied M The cost components listed above.
Disposal Fees
Basic Fee
Minimum Fee
White Goods/Large Furniture
Tires, Small (i.e. car or pickup truck)
Tires, Large (i.e. semi - truck)
Large dead animal (i.e. cow, horse)
Small dead animal (i.e. dog, cat)
Trees, stumps, limbs
Construction /Demolition Debris Collection Permit
Meter Accuracy Test
$60.65 per ton
$60.65 per ton ($5.00 minimum)
$2.00 per tire
$13.20 per lire
$60.65 per ton (plus $10.00 handling charge)
$5.00 per animal
$60.65 per ton
$400 per business per year
PAID other LttiUtu- Rebated Fees
Replacement of Water Meter, Lock, or Head
Water Tapping Charge
$75 per meter
$50 per occurrence
Completed by City Crews
.75 inch water tap $550
l inch water tap $700
All water taps larger than 1" and/or special water connections completed by City crews shall be made at actual cost.
Completed by Another Entity
.75 inch water tap $50
1 inch water tap $100
2 inch water tap $400
Sewer Tapping Charge
Minimum Fee for Location of Stub or any Connection $150
4 inch sewer. tap $625
All other sewer taps and /or special sewer connections completed by City crews shall be made at actual cost.
Service Fee (new and transferred. service)
Service Fee (sprinkler on or off)
Same Day Service
After Hours
Residential Security Deposit
Solid Waste
Commercial Security Deposit
2 x the average estimated monthly utility service charge
Exhibit "E"
{11 Of IIII(.ay...9
sche odulo off. &f oo and G1laz r '
Frseat roar zoo7zao,Y
Fire Hydrant Meter Deposit
Penalty for Late Payment
Reinstatement Fee
Returned Check Fee
Surcharges for Industrial Wastewater Discharges
Meter Box Lid Replacement
Meter Box Replacement
Use of City Equipment
Use of City Labor
Meter Re -read Due to Meter Restriction
Past Practice
10% of amount of utility service charge
$1.61 per thousand gallons of wastewater
Past Practice
Past Practice
$25 per hour Past Practice
$25 per hour Past Practice
$15 Past Practice
Item 6 b
There are no additional items to attach