2-11 Citizens of the Year nomination material6212112011 15:05 9364350135 THE HUNTSVILLE ITEM PAGE 62/67
Nomination Form
iti ensof the Year
The Huntsville Item
To nominate an individual, please complete this form and return it to The Huntsville Item by t i :3.m.,
Monday, Jan. °I7, 2011. No late entries will be accepted. Please feel free to attach additional t.ocu-
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� ro pot 1JT' " 1Y1 L�.'i";, r�+ ,ars s r ►a 1 �ti l l_. Vt1'.t6- TH s-
Describe the services tns- �acWjduaP4as provided to Huntsville and Walker County with emp , n.,is on
the past 12 months.
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02/21/2011 15:05 9364350135 THE HUNTSVILLE ITEM
To: NC,minating Com_n:iittee for Citizen Of the Year
Nominees: Susan and Wes Sanders
1924 Avenue L/2
1-[untsville, Texas 77340
936 -291 -0231
Email: hers, sgs004 @shsu.Qdu
Position: his, retired professor.
Educational background; b1s,
Date: January 17, 201.1
his, m.th ews a sb,su. edu
hers, retired teacher
BS /MS mathematics `61,`64
BA/Med Sparii.sb, minors Engl.i.sh.
Every c ;ommuni,i;y is fortunate to .l. .1ave individuals who are willing to give of their time
and money for the betterment of that community; b.owever, few corr muxni.ties are blesse, 1
to have people like Wes and Susan Sanders, our notninees for Citizens of the Year 201.(
Certainly Susan and Wes work in. organizations we were all familiar with, but even tho- t
on our committer who gathered infon- natim. for this nomination did not realize just hov
much, behind-the-scenQs good 'Work they do, and how varied these good 'works are until
people began to say, "Did you know that they also ... ? So, here is our account of wh �
we ask you to c&TfWly consider Susan and Wes Sanders as Citizens of the Year. .
.9abitatf"or Humanity; both Susan and Wes have worked tirole5sly for Habitat for
Humanity both locally and at numerous locations around tho globe. They have
participated in builds in Mexico, Canada, Portugal., and the Gulf Coast (where they wer t
three tinges after Katrina), In. 2010 they were in. Portugal. Soon they will be leaving fo
New Zealand. What better ambassadors than to have a small town ire. East Texas
recognized in places across the globe because of the good steeds of two of its citizens,
you may be aware, Habitat workers pay X11 of their own expenses, including those for
their travel.
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While Wes was ,still on the :faculty at SHSU, be, was the campus sponsor and a Board
memb(,r of Habitat- for Humanity beginning in 1990. The organ:►.i.zation completed its fi) ; .
Hut.Asvi.11e build, in 1.991. Wes and Susati were involved as they have been in all 14 of 11
local area builds.. one of which was fuiished just this last year, 2010.
SAAF.E 11ollse Every Wedtaesday morning these two can be, seen with a huge basket
overflowing with groceries. These are the weeps' groceries for the Saafe House whose
shopping Susan and Wes have clone for years. When produce is available at the Master
Gardener facilitar, Susan and Wes make sure this gets to the Saafe House.
02/21/2011 15:05 9364350135 THE HUNTSVILLE ITEM PAGE 04107
Casa Volunteer., Susan serves as a child advocate, prepares court documents, visits
children at their residence and school environment, slid represents children when they
appear in court. Wes willingly accompanies Susan on all visitations. Susan's picta re
even appears on -the cover. of Case's brochure; surely they wouldn't put her picture on
their most import advertising material 11 She weren't special to them.
Wynne Henze ANts Center. Both Wes and Susan serve on the Education Committee an l
both support and help the Wynne in many ways. Wes sets up and hangs exhibits it, the
gallery quilt shove, folic art collection, Hand Made Holiday, etc. Susan. participates ir
many activities as either a teacher or as a strident herself. She guides 1. st and 2nd graders
on field. trips, To €;etlier the Sanders organized, and decorated the doll house display. Bot k
respond to any call possible from Linda pease concemin,g various projects and progratn s .
Salvation A, r »ay. Susan and Wes both served as a bell ringer this past Christmas, often c
wet and, cold joie.
Univendly Orga vitalxons The Sanders not only attend a majority of the programs
presented in music, dance, and theatre at SH.SU, but they donate generously to each. of
these department for their performances. Susan also tutored in, Spanish, at no charge,
two students at r.R.SU involved in these performances.
Hantsiville Public Library: The Sanders are Lifetime Members of the Huntsville public
Library Friends. The library is the site where Susan administers the literacy baseline tes ;
to participants in. the city's literacy program. She has administered approximately 150
tests. Susan was trained by region VI to be qualified as an assessor. Richard Lane,
director of the literacy program, has commented, that since some of the adult students ar,
particularly "test shy," Susan's demeanor always helps the students relax and participate
in the assessment process.
Walker County .Master Gardeners, Association (WCMGA): Both. Wes and Susan are
active participants in the work and recreati.on.al activities of the Master Gardeners. Wes i ;
chaimvw of the demonstration gardens. He takes university students from agriculture
classes on tours of the facilities. He is a certified irrigation specialist thanks to his
training; and ceitifxcation, and he attends weekly work days. Susan served as Hospitality
Committee chaitperson in charge of organizing events for class graduatioii,, the Christmi e
event and fall social, refreshments i'o7; plant sale workers, Saturday workdays, and is a
member of the Steering Committee to plan and attend intern. classes.
Foreign Student .irat'asft; For years, the Sanders have invited foreign students into their
home and served as their heat. They have kept in touch with many over the years and
even developed friendships with some of their parents. This has led to the Sanders and
the parents of these international students to visit back acid forth over the years.
Sponsors include: Rotary - one from Spain; SHSU Momoyama -,Five; EF m one from
Germany; private, exchange - four from Spairl.; S..FJSU - tennis player from Armenia.
0212112011 15:05 9364350135 THE HUNTSVILLE ITEM PAGE 05107
r AkP Tax Preparation; Through his training and qualifying exam, Wes is providing
community service to local individuals from January through, April by providing at no
charge help with individuals who are preparing their own tax .rettims, This is his 5'h ye; L
to participate in this program.,
.Phoen rx Prorna>rion: Wes ,volunteers help with the building of some of the low -incon �
homes provided by the group begun by Data Phillips. He has become quite skilled in
carpentry through. the years and is invaluable help. Susan is known for going to tbo
hospital to sit witli. people, just as she did with Dan when he was so badly burned. She
provides food for famjli,cs with hospitalized members, and just generally helps out whe .-.
she mi. Mary of you are personally aware of these good works. Jn. 2010 specifically,
Susan provided a great deal of compassionate care to a fi;i.end during her final days. W.,,:
and Susan have oven gone out of town to take care of children during family illnesses.
Gibbs .Elemenimy Pre -K Gardening Experience: Susan assists once a week with the
science, program on gardening activities that was developed by Betty Elvin. Betty sees
approximately. 4.00 Oideuts a day ors. her work day; Susan stays about two hours and
works with approximately 100,
AndAst as a little frcn aside: Susan was so impressed by the Christmas light display c t .
the home across from The Homestead, and she realized how mucla obildren in the
community were.; enjoying it, she insisted on givi,xxg the homeowners money to help deF .i i!
the extra electricity costs.
The tairmes on this ffird, the number limited only by -time constraints, are all people w �
value their association with these two and want to join in the nomination of Susan a -a I
Wes Sanders far Citizens of Ilse Year,
Rebew,a Akin,
Sylvia Bell
Betty Brown
Bernice and Kenneth Coleman
Marjeftn and Rowe Greaser
Joan and NO Culp
Helen and Steve Fai:rar
Nancy and Jerry Gatlin
Rhonda Hanks
Carol Hayes
.Agnes Holland
Yvonno Kerr
Loretta and Al 1,awsoa
Billie ]wee
Cindy Malloy
Tean lvlarsh
Cynthia and Skipper Netho r
Anita pJ;;.,stead
Connie and Bob Parker
Marsha. and Dan Phillips
Marge and Harley Ilex
Connie Robinson
Duane Robinson
Julia Roberts
Mark Short
Roberta Short
Pamela Turner
Gail Warren
Carol and Carrol Williams
Jenny Covington
Dian Herrod
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1.05 El.inwood
Hwit,sville, Texas 77320
January 17, 2011
Citizen of the 'e'ear Committee
The Jluntsvil.la ;Item
Huntsville, Taxa8 77320
Dear Citizen of the Year Committee:
This I,.tter is written in support of Wes and Susan Sanders for 1;1untsville °s Citizen of 1 �
Year 2010 Award. As a long-tune resident of lZuntsville, I Have known. Wes and Susa
for several year,;. I have Worked closely With them in the ]Master Gardener organizatii r
and had contact far projects for SAA.TE House, Habitat fox Humanity, and the Wynne
Nome They a.rto, also involved with numerous other community endeavors as listed or.
the not.nination >:orm,
Tn addition to service to community organizations, the Citizen of the Year should also
a caring neighbor. While in. a .local store :last weelt, I encountered Susan and Woes
purchming learning materials for Japanese students. When questioned, I told them I v r
buying, materials for a small home repair job. A recent widow, I often have to do tb.inj, s
never had to do before, some of which are daunting. Wes explained, what I needed to 6. .
Then almost .in, ani.sm they said "We would be glad to help you." Comforting words,
indeed —and just one example of tunes they have offered to help.
Some of the corrunen:ts I heard from individuals in connection with their nomination
include "(they serve) tirelessly and without hesitation, always ..first to vOl.uoteer, indeed
worthy, without a doubt extrem.ely deserving of this honor, we Gould not do what we di
without th.em."
Our cotnlnunity :i.s i,i .i.deed, blessed to have ina.11y citizens who serve this community
selflowly and consistently. I believe, however, that Susan and Wes deserve the Citizen (- j:
the Year 2010 Award.
(Mrs.) ;s.rol It. Hayes
0212112011 15:05 9364350135 THE HUNTSVILLE ITEM PAGE 07107
January 14, 2011
TO: Citizen of the Year Committee
As the president of Walker County Master Gardeners, I am pleased to enthusiastically sup : 1; rt
the nomination of Wes and Susan sanders as citixons of the year. Wes has been one of of ,
most active members since joining Master Gardeners in 2007. Wes is in charge of our ext r {;ive
irrigation system; and he works hard to see that it, as well as the rest of our facilities stay il i tip-
top condition. He was also one of the lead builders in the construction of our classroom fi ci -lity,
He is unruffled and quietly persistent in facing any challenge. Wes is one of the handful o..
members who are the care of the Master Gardener organization,
Susan Sanders joined Master Gardeners in 2009 and, in her first year served as the chair o' ; cur
social committee. She dirt an excellent job arranging our social events and seeing that the
Master Gardener troops were fed during the weeks of our plant sales. This year she is ser -•,- -,g
on our steering committee, which plans and organizes our internship program. These are : ;-th
important positions in our organization and Susan has done an excellent job with both of t.: -m.
I have known Wes and Susan for many years. They are exemplary citizens, quietly doing gr ► : ri
in our community for so many.
Rowe CreaEter