Press Release - 6/13/2014 - Wynne Home summer class schedule Wynne Home Arts Center Summer 2014 Art Classes
Starting on July 8th through the 25th, the Wynne Home Arts Center will offer a wide
array of classes for children and adults of all ages! These classes include oil painting on
Wednesdays from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., graphic design with Photoshop in English on
Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., graphic design with Photoshop in
Spanish on Wednesdays from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., ballroom dancing on Fridays from 6:30
p.m. to 8 p.m., cooking and baking on Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., and
photography for non-professionals on Wednesdays from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.
The Wynne Home will also provide three, one week summer trac classes for children
ages six and up! These classes are designed for students to have the option to choose
which classes they would like to take. It is not necessary for children to sign up for all
three classes. The schedule is as follows:
Children's Summer Trac Classes:
Trac 1: Ages 6-8
Trac 2: Ages 9-10
Trac 3: 11+
Session 1:July 8th-11th
Notepad Makin; Inkblot/Stencils Music and.Crafts
Trac 1: 9am-10am 4-rac.1: lllam-:Lain Trac 1: 11 am,:I2pm
Trac 2: loam Ilam Trac 2: Ilam-12pm -I-rac 2: gam-IOam
_frac 3: Ilam-12pm Trac 3: gam-10pin ' uc is loam-Ilam
Session 2:July 15th-18th
Sculpture in Clay for Kids Inkblot/Stencils Music and Crafts
Trac 1: gam lllam 'frac 1: 10am=lam "Frac 1: Ilam.-12prn.
Trac 2: loam-Ilam Trac 2: llam-12pm "Trac 2: 9atn.-l.Oam
Trac 3: Ilam-121)m 'Trac 3: 9atn-lOpm "frac is 10am.-Ilam.
Session 3:July 22nd-25th
Sculpturc in Clay for Kids Inkblot/Stencils Music and Crafts
Trac 1: 9am--10atn Trac 1.: loam--lam Trac I: l lam-12pm
Trac 2: 10am-11 am Trac 2: Ilam--12pm Trac 2: 9arn-IOam
Trac 3: Ilam-12pm Trac 3: 9am-10pm Trac 3: IOarn.-:Ilam.
For more information on these sessions or other classes, please call us at (936) 291-
5424 or email or visit our website at