The Council met in a regular session with the following members present:
J. Turner Bob Tavenner Kevin Evans, City Manager
Mickey Evans Jim Willett Danna Welter, City Secretary
Judy Kayse Mac Woodward Thomas Leeper, City Attorney
Clarence W. Griffin Steed Smith
Jack Choate
WORK SESSION [5:00 p.m. — 5:55 p.m.]
a. Non - profit funding; and
b. City Council Rules of Procedure
CALL TO ORDER [6:00 p.m.]
Mayor Turner called the regular session to order.
Councilmember Griffin led the invocation.
a. Sister City Delegation Report (Diane Fuller);
b. Proclamation — Texas Recycles Day; and
C. Drainage Report (Bill Daugette).
PUBLIC COMMENTS Agenda Items Only)
a. Jim Miller. Mr. Miller expressed his opposition to the 16 Street expansion in the Transportation plan.
b. Joan Hudson. Ms. Hudson expressed her opposition to the 16"" Street expansion in the Transportation plan.
C. Michael Peck. Dr. Peck expressed his opposition to the 16'" Street expansion in the Transportation plan.
d. Barbara Corbin. Ms. Corbin expressed her opposition to the 16'" Street expansion in the Transportation plan.
e. Sandra Clifton. Ms. Clifton, YMCA, stated her support for the City Council waiving utility connection fee, utility deposits
and garbage collection service fee for the new Teen Center.
f. Samantha Beck. Ms. Beck asked for Council's support of the Teen Center and the waiving of connection and deposit
g. Frank Leathers. Mr. Leathers stated his opposition to the 16"" Street expansion in the Transportation Plan.
a. Approve minutes of October 25, and November 1 and 8, 2005.
b. Approve Resolution 2005 -11 -15.1 amending authorized representatives for TexPool.
a. Discuss and take action in respect to Huntsville High School Boys Baseball Booster Club's request to use and renovate
the bath house located at Kate Barr Ross Park.
City Manager Kevin Evans stated that the City has received a letter from the Huntsville High School Boys Baseball
Booster Club requesting to use and renovate the bath house at Kate Barr Ross Park. Mr. Evans stated that if Council would
like to grant this request, he was in the process of negotiating an agreement for all ourjoint use facilities with HISD, and would
add this item to it.
b. Approve the bid from Texas Investments in the amount of $26,626.53 for the purchase of one used manufactured
home and to complete project with budgeted funds, as presented by Debby Mikulin, Purchasing Agent.
decision package was approved in the 05106 FY budget to place housing for two fire department personnel and two
EMS personnel on the north side of Huntsville. After the home is placed behind the City Service Center Building, an
ambulance will also be housed in fire station #3 along with fire truck vehicles. This will assure a faster response time for
fire and ambulance services on the north side of Huntsville.
The bid tabulation is as follows:
Texas Investments
Huntsville, TX $ 26,626.53
Four bid packets were mailed and one was received.
Additional budgeted expenses will be necessary for utility connections, furnishings and minor modifications to have
an operational bunker program at the City of Huntsville Service Center.
8 -1.
C. Approve the purchases of six police vehicles and three pickups totaling $171,465.00 from Columbus Country Ford,
to be funded from budgeted funds, as presented by Debby Mikulin.
Mr. Evans stated that with the budget being so tight, he would like to pull this item to discuss it with the Finance
Director concerning the best time to make these purchases due to cash Flow issues.
d. Approve Resolution 2005 -11 -15.2 amending the Huntsville Transportation Plan as recommended by the
Planning and Zoning Commission.
The current plan was adopted by City Council in June of 2002. The Transportation Plan is designed to serve two
primary purposes. First, the plan ensures that a network of roads is planned for to adequately handle current and future traffic
demands in and through the study area. Secondly, the plan identifies the functional level of roadways in the network. These
functional levels are used to preserve or upgrade existing roadways and to acquire and construct new roadways through the
development process and Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) program.
During the CIP annual review it was determined that a number of areas were lacking in detail. This was due primarily to
the original transportation model focus on through traffic and arterial level streets. Amendments were proposed to the
Planning and Zoning Commission at a workshop. After receiving public comment minor changes were made and the current
recommendation was sent to Council
City Council held a workshop and two public hearings on the Commission recommended plan. A list of proposals from
Council members as possible amendments to the Plan has been included.
Mayor Turner made a motion to eliminate the 16'" Street extension west from Sam Houston Avenue, and
Smith. The motion passed 6 -3.
Councilmember Kayse made a motion to approve Resolution 2005 -11 -15.2 amending the Huntsville Transportation Plan
as amended. and Councilmember Choate seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
e. Authorize the City Manager to execute a personal services contract with Kenneth James, Inc., Compensation Consulting
in the amount of $8,000 to be funded from prior year remaining fund balance, as presented by Victor Pena, Director of
Administrative Services.
The City of Huntsville adopted a grade and step compensation system for FY 05 -06. Positions were placed on grades
based on the decision band method. The grade and step system philosophy consist of internal equity theory. In order to
accomplish internal equity, positions must be measured by a position analysis matrix whose factors are universal to all jobs.
This process was not completed but recommend as future task during budget discussions. Kenneth James, Inc.,
Compensation Consulting will conduct an evaluation and ranking of City positions as to the placement of thesejobs within the
City's current grade structure.
Councilmember Woodward made a motion to authorize the City Manager to execute a personal services contract
with Kenneth James Inc. Compensation Consulting in the amount of $8,000 to be funded from prior year remaining fund
balance. and Councilmember Choate seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
f. Authorize the City Manager to enter into a Charter Interlocal agreement for purchasing employee benefits, as
presented by Victor Pena.
Several local governments including cities, counties and school districts have considered the benefit to contract with
each other to increase their bargaining power in purchasing products and services directly relating to employee benefits for
officials, employees, retirees, and theireligible dependents, of counties, cities school districts and other local governments of
the State of Texas. They propose to create a new entity, the Public Employees Benefit Alliance ( "PEBA "), which will be a
combination of local governments, to supervise the performance of this alliance. PEBA would be a combination of local
governments organized for the benefit of those local governments. PEBA will administer the cooperative purchasing of goods,
services and other items to be used in the Members' provision of employee benefits. This cooperative purchasing will assist]
�iMembers in controlling costs by taking advantage of economies and efficiencies of scale, and lessen the burdens of '(
government. PEBA is not intended to operate as an insurance company, or to pool risks among its Members, but to
I� administer cooperative purchasing endeavors on behalf of its Members. jl
Although PEBA's aim is to generate savings for its Members and not to generate income for PEBA, any income received ;I
and accepted by the Board to be administered under these Bylaws may be held and invested for PEBA in such a manner as
the Board shall determine. The investment policy of PEBA shall be established by resolution of the Board in compliance with
the Public Funds Investment Act and may be changed from time to time.
No part of the income or assets of PEBA shall inure to the benefit of or be distributable to its directors, officers,
Members, or private persons, except that PEBA may pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and may make
II payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth herein. This section does not prevent the Board from
reimbursing members of the Board for reasonable and necessary expenses connected with service on the Board.
Upon dissolution of PEBA, the Board of Directors shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all the
•;,� liabilities of PEBA, distribute all the assets of PEBAeither tthe then - current Members, which are organizations whose income
j; is excluded from federal income taxation under section 115(1) of the Internal Revenue Code and who contributed to any
I. remaining surplus pro rata in proportion to their annualized contributions, orto a successor entity whose income is excluded
'! from federal income taxation under section 115(1) of the Internal Revenue Code. II
Councilmember Woodward made a motion to authorize the City Manager to enter into a Charter Interlocal agreement for
�i purchasing employee benefits and Councilmember Kayse seconded the motion The motion passed unanimously.
g. Authorize the City Manager to execute the Amended and Restated Agreement for Animal Shelter between the City
and Rita B. Huff Humane Society of Walker County, as presented by Kevin Evans, City Manager.
City and Animal Shelter previously entered into contracts forthe purpose of impoundment in 1986, and as amended in
1996 and 1998, for the purposes of impoundment for all animals seized in accordance with the provisions of applicable
�'. ordinances and laws of City and County and for providing a low cost spay /neuter assistance program..
This agreement's amendments include:
1. City will pay to Animal Shelter $2,000 per month, plus fees, for services provided;
2. Animal Shelter will reimburse City for% the impoundment fees collected;
3. City will reimburse Animal Shelter for cost of spay /neuter program, up to $6,000 per year; and
4. Citv will contribute $6,000 for a feasibility study for future animal shelter needs.
h. Authorize the Mayor to execute the Interlocal Agreement for Public Safety Services between the City and Walker
County, as presented by Fire Chief Tom Grisham.
The City and County provide for the health, safety and welfare of the public of Walker County, Texas, and for several
years the City and County have jointly participated in the expense of furnishing fire fighting, fire protection and emergency
medical service to the public within Walker County, Texas. The City and County previously entered into contracts for fire
protection services in 1995 and as amended in 2003, and for emergency medical service in 2003-
This agreement includes:
1. City will obtain $246,487 to offset the expense of providing fire services outside the city limits;
2. EMS Agreement will be updated to reflect what is actually being done currently; and
3. The City will experience a minimal financial impact in allowing County Public Safety vehicles to refuel.
City Attorney Thomas Leeper passed out an amended version of the agreement.
I. Authorize the City Managerto enter into an agreementwith the YMCATeen Centerwaiving utility connection fee. utility
deposits and garbage collection service fee, as presented by Kevin Evans.
The City recognizes the benefits of the YMCA's Teen Center to the community and wishes to facilitate its successful
operation by waiving utility connection fee, utility deposits and garbage collection service fee.
The City has provided similar services to other charitable organizations in the past.
The fiscal impact will be: Utility deposits of $265; Utility connection fee of $15; Monthly garbage collection fee of $80.
j. Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Gila Corporation d(b /a Municipal Services Bureau for
collection of delinquent or written off utility accounts, as presented by Jam Weaver, Utility Billing Superintendent.
The number and amount of uncollectible account balances have increased. The City of Huntsville sends a final bill,
a utility billing customer service letter and a City Attorney letter in an effort to collect the balances of closed accounts.
To further these collection efforts, it is desired that a professional collection agency be engaged. Currently, Municipal
Services Bureau serves as the City of Huntsville Municipal Court's collection agency, and specializes in municipal
collections. A separate and different contract is necessary because the collection of utility account balances fall under a
different federal collection practices act.
�I Councilmember Tavenner made a motion to authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Gila
Corporation d /b /a Municipal Services Bureau for collection of delinquent or written off utility accounts and �!
Councilmember Woodward seconded the motion The motion passed unanimously.
k. Approve Ordinance 2005 -11 -15.1 amending Title 30, Waters and Sewers of the Code of Ordinances updating utility !.
billing procedures, as presented by Jerri Weaver.
�I In an effort to reduce the number and amount write -offs of bad debt and returned checksldrafts, more aggressive
measures and quicker actions need to be taken by the city to collect for utility services. Increasing the deposits and
disconnecting utility services for non payment earlier should result in less exposure and risk for uncollectible account
balances. Increasing the returned check /draft fees would help to cover the costs of handling the increased numbers of
returned checks /drafts and possibly serve as a deterrent to the writing of insufficient funds checks. Requested
amendment to Section 30.03.05 1 clarifies after hours and same day service requests and associated fees.
II r.ngnnllmP..nnher Willpff mnrip a mnfinn fn annrnvo Orriinnnno 9M5_1 1_15 1 amcnrlinn Tifla vn Wnf,r onrl Apu,pre '.
a. Update on pending or contemplated litigation.
b. Update on land acquisition.
C. Annual evaluation of Charter Officers — City Attorney and Municipal Judge.
[Items a -c were not discussed.]
d. Approve funding for non - profit entities.
This item was pulled from the agenda.
e. Approve Resolution 2005 -11 -15.3 determining the vote of the City Council for Candidate(s) to the Board of '
Directors of the Walker County Appraisal District.
Councilmember Kayse made a motion to approve Resolution 2005 -11 -15.3 determining the vote of the City Council for
r'a,IAi fele) fn fhe Pry M of ni—f— of Iho WnlLor r.a inh, Ann—i —I rliefrirf f1.e k,, . i—m Mln M,i..e the ri+,d, Tan
f. Stephanie Brim, Assistant to the City Manager, gave a report on our status with FEMA regarding the Hurricane
g. Mayor Turner announced that he had appointed Councilmembers Woodward and Choate to an ad hoc committee to
review the Charter Officer contracts.
a. Robert Vann. Mr. Vann discussed future planning for expansion of the City's library.
b. Nate Grigsby. Mr. Grigsby asked for Council's help in extending sewer service to his home.
C. Ann Grigsby. Ms. Grigsby also urged Council to help her family in acquiring sewer service.
Kelly Prue asked when the changes to Title 30. Waters and Sewers, would be implemented. Mr. Evans stated January
ADJOURNMENT [8:30 p.m.]
Danna Welter, City Secretary