Resolution No. 2022-32 CDBG-Mit ProgramRESOLUTION NO. 2022-32 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCil.. OF THE CITY OF HU�TSVILLE, TEXAS, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION FOR THE CDBG-MIT REGIONAL MITIGATION PROGRAM AS ADMINISTERED BY THE TEXAS GENERAL LAND OFFICE; AND AUTHORIZl1'G THE CITY MANAGER TO ACT AS THE CITY'S EXECUTIVE OFFICER AND AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE IN ALL MATTERS PERTAINING TO THE CITY'S PARTICIPATION IN THE GRAJ.� PROGRA.\1. WHEREAS WHEREAS The City desires to ensure the quality of the City utilities, transportation and physical structures so that the City's core services can be provided in an effective and efficient mam1er and enhance the quality of life for citizens, businesses and visitors; and It is necessary and in the best interest of the City to apply for funding under the CDBG­ MIT Regional Mitigation Program. NOW, THEREFORE, bt' It nsolnd by tht' City Council oftht' City ofHuntwillt', Texas, that: SECTION 1: A application is hereby authorized to be filed on behalf of the City and be placed in competition for funding under the CDBG-MIT Regional Mitigation Program. SECTION 2: The application will be for S2.256,200, of which $2,256,200 ,vill be in grant funds, to to complete local mitigation projects. SECTION 3: The City acknowledges that there is no match requirement for this program. SECTION 4: The Mayor and City Council strongly support this application to ensure the quality of the City utilities, transportation and physical stmctures and enhance the quality of life for citizens. businesses and visitors. SECTION 5: The City Council directs and designates the City Manager as the City's Chief Executive Officer and Authorized Representative to act in all matters in co1U1ection with this application and the City's participation in the CDBG-MIT Regional Mitigation Program as administered by the Texas General Land Office. SECTION 6: All funds will be used in accordance with all applicable federal. state. local, and programmatic requirements including, but not limited to, procurement, environmental review, labor standards. real property acquisition, and civil rights requirements. PASSED AND APPROVED this 201h day ofDecembn, 2022. ATTEST: .,,. ' ........ - .. '' �-.�'lJ. �0 � ..... ·���.; �-� ': �v. THE CITY OF HUNTSVILLE APPROVED AS TO F