The Council met in regular session with the following members present:
William V. Nash, Mayor
Larry Corley
Stephen E. Davis
Jerry L. Dowling
Bill Hodges
Percy Howard, Jr.
Jane Monday
Bob Tavenner
Murray A. Brown (illness)
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. by the Mayor and then the meeting recessed into an executive
session to discuss pending litigation: Embessi Vs. French and a real estate (right -of -way) acquisition matter.
The Council then reassembled in formal session.
Councilmember Monday made the motion to approve of the City Council Meeting minutes of March 20, 1984
and Councilmember Hodges seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
Conroe ISD Junior High Science Fair
Gene Pipes, City Manager, advised the Council that Mr. Raymond (Mike) Savage, the City's Wastewater
Superintendent, has participated as a judge in the Conroe ISD Junior High Science Fair.
City's Auction of Surplus Materials - -Net Amount Garnered: $7,349.89 to City; $2,033.62 to HISD
Mr. Pipes noted on Saturday, the City combined its efforts with those of the HISD to sell surplus items
in an auction. He noted there were 87 bidders this year, as opposed to only 41 bidders in 1983. He noted
after some three hours of bidding, a total of $10,001.25 in items were sold, of which $2,160.25 went to HISD
and 47,841.00 went to the City. He noted in deducting our expenses of $126.63 (overtime hours) and $364.48
(cleaning of vehicles, etc. for sale), our net earnings from this auction total $7,349.89. He noted these
funds will be deposited into the City's general fund. It was noted the overtime costs listed above account for
one -half of the actual overtime and that HISD incurred this amount as well ($2,160.25 - $126.63 = $2,033.62).
•sider a contract for sale to acquire street right -of -way and authorize the City Manager to act.
Mayor Nash noted in the executive session, the Council discussed the acquisition of street right -of -way
by the City at the intersection of Highway 75 North and Old Madisonville Road. He noted street work on Old
Madisonville Road is part of the bond program voted by the public in January, 1984 and purchase of this property
and right -of -way would be a part of this bond program as well.
Mr. Pipes, City Manager, noted this is a triangularly- shaped piece of property at the intersection of
Highway 75 North and Old Madisonville Road presently occupied by Amtex Transmission and owned by Mr. Marcus
Jones, who is also the owner of Amtex Transmission. He noted the purpose of the acquisition of this property is
to correct the intersection problems there at Old Madisonville Road, noting the triangularly shaped lot is the
result of the angle of intersection of those two streets. He noted the existing building will be demolished,
the lot leveled, and the Engineering Design Department will design this to be a right angle intersection with
a turn lane similar to the configuration on 10th Street where it intersects with Highway 75 North.
Mayor Nash noted as a result of the negotiations with Mr. Jones and the appraisals, there has been agreement•
that some 558,000 be paid for this triangular lot, as recommended by the staff. He noted the Council needs to
approve the acquisition of this land in this amount. Councilmember Monday made the motion to acquire this
property from Marcus Jones for 558,000 and Councilmember Corley seconded the motion. All were in favor and the
motion passed unanimously.
Consider a contract for services with the Youth Baseball Association, et. al., for the 1984 Spring /Summer Base-
ball Programs and the use of Ross Park Baseball Conip ex.
Mayor Nash presented this contract for the Council's review. Mayor Nash reviewed some of the salient
features of this contract as presented. Mayor Nash noted a question of his is germane to Section VII and the
permission to place three electronic scoreboards on Fields 1, 2 and 3 of Kate Barr Ross Park, noting that this
section does not provide for maintenance of these scoreboards. Mr. Pipes noted Charles Rushing is present this :�
evening (President of the boy's baseball program) to speak to maintenance. Mr. Rushing noted the Huntsville ir
Boys Baseball Association intends to maintain the electronic scoreboards for a period of five years, as out- 1'.
lined in Section VII of this contract. Mr. Rushing asked the Council to make one other change in Section VII
regarding the month indicatedin 1989 when the scorebords and the signs shall become the exclusive property of
the City, to change it from April to August to allow the completion of the baseball season that summer.
Councilmember Monday noted her concern that the advertisers' signs be maintained and Mr. Rushing noted there is
a five year guarantee on those porcelain steel signs which guarantees they will not fade and that these are made
out of the same material as the electronic scoreboard. Mr. Rushing noted the maintenance of the scoreboard will
elude maintenance of the advertisers' signs as well. Councilmember Monday expressed concern about late night
noes for the younger children. Mr. Rushing noted this has been addressed; the five and six year olds (T- Ball)
ill only play on Saturday mornings and the seven and eight year olds (machine- pitch) will play at 6:00 P.M. only;;
with the games being over approximately 7:30 P.M. Mr. Rushing noted the nine and ten year olds (minor league)
will play their games at 8:00 P.M. for about one and one -half hours (conclude around 9:30 P.M.).
Courcilmernber Hodges made the motion to adopt this contract with the inclusion of the maintenance provis-
ion on the scoreboard and advertisers' signs and the change in date from April to August in Section VII and
Councilmember Monday seconded the motion. Discussion: Councilmember Dowling emphasized keeping the park premises
passed uotlow ayl pue acme; u4 aaaM LLy •uot3ow ay; papuo3as Rataoo Jagwawttauno3 pue aaueutpJo sty; atge3 of
- -uo }low at apew Fepuow JagwawLtouno) •patgel aq aoueutpao sty; gey3 paptnoad st sty; tun ley; palse uayl JoFett
ayl •6utLeada. aae Aayi 3ey; s4 31 leyM Moul iybtw Fay; le42 os III aL343wV 'LL aalde4D ;o Adoo a paptnov:1 aq
Lt1uno3 ayl ley; pause yseN JoFew 'sadtd auag 'aa62ueW Al I3 a43 kg a3ueutpao sty; jo u0t ;eueldxa ue Jal ;y
•; 2ls R. +a•uawwooaa se 's a41. 210k FJano3Zi teltdea
'suotsualx3 Ja pUP Ja12M 'sa3UeuLpJO ;o apo ay; ;0 III al3I1 -1 'LL Jald
33NVNI0d0 NV 9N11V3d36 d30ISN03
eutp.O .4aplsuoJ
•Atsnowtueun passe uotlow ay; pue Jone; ut aaaM LlV
'uotlow a4; papuoaas Repuow Jagwaw14OUno3 pue ;;els ay; Aq papuawwooaa se uotleaoLte Lauuosaad ;o Ja4suei3
sty; ;o anoadde 03 uotlow ay; apew sa6poH JagwawLtPuno3_ 'L4puno3 ay; ;o uotlow a JO; patte3 yseN JoFeW
•Jaaut6ua ue se paaalst6a.4 awoaaq
of papaau aauataadxa s,JeaF ant; at 6ututelle a1tyM Alto ay; Jo; IJOM ptnoa oyM auoawos 6414.414 J,A2J pLnoM Aay3
ley; Jnauoa o3 pawaas Ltouno3 ayl 'auop aq o3 spaau ley; laoM ;o ad A; at op 1423 ley; 6uole awoa lanai. AL Jo
III uetatuyoal pooh a aq 'Sew aaa43 attyM 6utyl jo ad Al 3243 of 3twuoo of lueM l,uop am ;nq 'sdnoa6 JoCew aaow
uana Jan, u.4n3 0; alge aq pue wty Japun 6utlaoM •3•d paaals46aa a 6utney aa;aad pLnoM Hags' •JW paiou sadtd •Jtr
P(loafoad 6u4ddew ay; uo 6utlaoM st auo pue !ewe elep ay; U4 laoM ay; L12 saop auo !uot;un; u64sap ay; sunJ pue
Mao Rattans a43 sastnaadns auo) .40433 140 ay; o; gue;stsse„ paLl43 luawlaedap sty ut aldoad Jay;o aaa43 an24
FpeaaL2 am 6u4lou 'Hags' •JW „ol luelstsse ue„ aq pLnoM away uotssnastp . Japun uotltsod ay; paiou sadtd 'aw
'suotssnostp la6pnq ay; butanp paMatna.4 aq ueo 31 'walsks atgelaoM
e aa6uot ou st sty; uayM pue antsuodsa.+ aq 0; pue atgtxat; Fels of spaau luaw3Jedap sty; paiou alts •ottgnd
343 wo .4; s ;uaw11dwoo Ru2w paaau.4e6 sey pue 'paldepe sey ;t 'autt ay; uMOp pey am swatgoad 3eyM 0; 6utpa000e
padnoa6aJ sey pue aLgtxaL; pautewaJ sey 3t 'o6e s.eaA aaay; 03 0M3 paztu600a. swatgowd jo las a laaw o; pantona
It 6ut ;ou 'Rita ay; ut ;uawa6euew poo6 st spa; ays leyM ;o atdwexa awtad e st '6utaaaut6u3 u6tsa0 '3uawl.edap
sty; ;La; Aepuot .agwaw14puno) •saakotdwa aull -LLn; Jetn6a.4 se wa3sAs ay; olut pagaosge aq LLt' Fay; 3e43
pue qoC 3uauewaad 2 aney aldoad ea3xa asayi ley; palaLdwoo aae spaCo.d Letaads ay; uayM 3243 pawnssv aq sA2Mte
;ou pinoys It ;244 ;nq s3oaCoad Lepoads Joj aldoad eJ ;xa uo ;rid sey Alto ay; ley; ;;e3s Alta pue Ltounoo ay;
paputwaJ 6u4LMOO Jagwawttauno3 'yams sal23oip paau ay; ;t aalet suo43tsod a32J2das 0M4 o3ut peg asea 02 sn Jo;
aatsea 31 Olew LLCM •R L2Al32J3S1ulwpe aaayl aqua pue MOJ6 pue Racist 'wW Japun l.40M o3 auoauos bu4a44 paiou
sadtd •JN •auop laoM ay; 3a6 se LLaM se Jogeutpa000 a se ;De 0; 2Lge 6u4aq pue seaae luaaa;;tp asayi 112 414 ;Del
-UO3 ay; 6utAey Aq LL2Jano qo(' .4a33aq a op 4123 ay spa; ay 52 'aaueistsse Faessaaau ay; 431M 'uo43tsod Lenp sty;
ut anut;uoo U21 ay 5laal [lags! •Jw paiou sadtd 'a4 'suotssnastp paloeJ3oJd olut 6ut ;3ao 3no43LM way; OAI053J
pue uo -peat' swatgoad ay; pue spaau ay; ;aaw o; $ltttge sty ut Rltunwwoa 3uawdoLanap pue 6utpttnq ay; woa; FLyu19
a3tnb pa3uawtLdwo3 uaaq sey laoM s,ttagst '-tW paiou aH •a5tl.4adxa s,tlagst 'a4 pue atgettene awl. ay; aztltln
aa33aq of ivawl.4eda0 6u4Jaaut6u3 u64sa0 ay; Ut paanlan. ;saa uaaq aney s6uty3 ;o Jagwnu 2 ley; 'aanaMO9 'paiou
aH 'Rep a ut sanoy jo .4agwnu ay; ;o a .4eMe tLaM st nags!. •aw pue paey pue 6uot sty; le palool sey ;4235 ay;
paiou sadtd 'JW *loot „waal ;-toys„ a ue43 .4ay3ea 'loot „waa3 6uoL„ a uotlenits aloyM s144 3346 Alto ay; ley;
palse 6ut[MOO Jagwawttouno3 *sty; alit U011tsod ato. Lenp 2 0l ut aWOD o3 auoawos put; woo DM aans Sou 52m aH
•aJayMasta qoC Ja33aq a put; of aaaM 'Jaaut6u3 Al13 pue Jaaut6u3 u64sa0 ;o Sam; yloq 6utptoy Mau 'tlagsl 'Jw
pLnoys uot32nits Jno ;0 3utodpuegs ay; woa; ALtaew4Jd uo431sod s,aaau46u3 Alta „aieaedas„ ay; ylt1 RPMe 6utop
lnoge Snonaau atilt!, a seM ay paiou 6uILMOO .agwawlt3uno3 'aauataadxa pue aaJ6ap 6ut .4aaut6ua ue y3oq 4;414 auo
-awns utelgo of aouaaa;aJd sty paiou yse9 JoFeW •Fauow ;o lunowe sty; .4o; puno; aq 3y6tw 'loops 6ut .4aaut6ua
;0 ;no ysa.; auoawos Jo uetatuyaal paDuat .4adxa 'pat ; tlenb -LLaM a 1e43 staa; Alta ay; ieyi 'aanaMOy 'paiou aH
'uo43tsod sty; Jo; 6utpun; Leuot3tppe Jo; Ltouno3 ay; 03 peg OW03 03 AJessa3aU aq Rew 3t 'ssaooJd 6utMatnaalut
ay; y6no .443 06 am se paiou sadtd *ail •auti luasaad ay4 le 3Joddns LL4M lalaew ay; ;2414 uMOUlun s4 3t 40004lLe
'a6uea A .4eles sly; .o; uotltsod 6utaaaut6ua ad(i a3enpeJ6 -teak ;sat; a JO; 6u4loo4 54 F3p ay; paiou 'aa6eueA
4343 'sadtd auag •Jaau46ua pasuaa11 a a.4nboe 0l alenbape aq ;ou Few a6ueJ Aaeles L2nuue 000'US 01 000'9LS
ay; ley; uaa3uo3 passaadxa yseN .4okeW '43tw5 P4tte0 kg pa3e3en FL3U33(J 52M 47441 'uotltsod s,aaaut6u3 F34J 243
Jo; pa3e3o1Le Atsnotna.4d spun; 6u4uLewaa pue uot3e3o1le uotltsod ay; 6utzlt13n 'wty Jo; lue3stsse ue pun; 03 st
3sanbaJ sty; pue 'aaaut6u3 4;13 343 se 6u43.4as osLe st 'nags' uual9 '.4aaut6u3 u6tsaa a4; paiou yseN JoFeW
'sat3np .4a ;0 pue Matnaa sueid Jo;
s a 3 3Uaw6ne o3 'palsanba. se '4uaw3J2da0 u6s.t 6utJa(Ut6uI ay3 03 Jaaut6u Alta 1Uawlaeda0 luando1anaa
4unwwo3 ay; ma; spun; paia.pnq Lenptsa.4 pue Sots uo ;mite LauuosJa a aa;sue43 0; Leso.04. 2 Jap4suo3
NOI1V3011V 13NNOS63d JO 633SNV81 630ISNO3
'FlsnowLueun passed uotlow
yl pue .lone; U4 aaa1 LLy *uotlow ay; papuooas p .4eMOH .4agwawttouno3 pue ample pau4L3no pue ;4els Fq papuawwe3aa
se 'Auedwo3 sexal aukel 43414 Lesodoad sa3tn .4as leuotssa;oad s44; ;o muddy 0l u0130w ay; apew kepuoN aaquaw
- LtPunoo 'uo132.aP45uoo s,L4ouno3 ay; Jo; palse pue anoge pauo4 ;d23 se Lesodoad sty; paluasaad 45244 aokert
'0L8'LtS 40 33U2129 e sey yott4'aAJasaa pa3eoo14eun JaMas pua
a1eM wo .4; •ted a. 01 00$'9 pue spun; •a ;a6pnq woa pled a 03 st et yltM uedwoD sexai auttel Aq
p a of 3ou lunowe U2 ut p33ewt353 52 yl ou LLaM Ja;eM ate.34 ,l L250.oad 5230.435 42UOISS3 ;p .4. a .4ap45u0)
'ALsnowtueun passed uo13ow ay; pue Jone4 ut 3J2M LLy 'uotlow ay; papuo3as Fatao3
Jagmawlt3uno3 pue anoge pau11gno pue 4;235 ay; Aq papuauwo3a.4 se p49 a43 ;o anoJdde of uot3ow ay; apew Fepua4
Jagwawltouno3 'uoL3eJaptsuoo s,L43uno3 ay; .4O; palse pue anoge pauotid23 se P19 ay; paluasaad yseN JoFeW
*spun; paga6pnq wok; i^o /SV'gts ;o•3unowe ay; u1 ue.wo3 [2atway3 sauo pt9 3sar�ol
344 03 3u3w3Jeda0 sat3tLI ;H ay; Jo; sJaput[R3 autaolya uo; auo Jo; ;32 .411.103 lenuue ue .4o; f4 -q8 pt8 Japtsuo)
10V61t:OJ d30ISNO3
'ALsnowtueun passed 31 pue J,A24 ut aIBM tie 'loot; ay; uo uot3ow ay 3 ;o a3On a UOdn
•;;e3s Alta ay; Ay o3ut palool aq paau sty; ley; palse pue Aetd uoseas -;sod s,uaw Jo; ALLet)Odsa sptat;
Lteg3 ;0s y6noua aney 3ou saop Alto ay; paiou 6utLMOO JagwawLt3uno3 'Jeak sty; a3tloe.d sty; 03 33aj'go 3ou pLnoM
ay '(paeogaaoos) 3uawanoadwt 3uauewaad a 6uti ;a6 aae am 3241 ;oe; ay; ;o Matn ut ;nq 'laedtteq ay; Jo4 6utst3
-Janpe 6ut4las ;o .4032; UL A146L4 3ou 5t ay ley; u0tu4do sty passaadxa 6uttMo0 Jagwawl a uno3 'saaylo 43414 swnkp
;sot 3530 aoeLda- Al43 ay; ley; palse 6utLMoa JagwawL4ouno3 •aLgeL4ene sue; ysea3 sey .4a6uo[ ou anbeal ay;
paiou aH "Rene swn .4p asayi palney pue Ja3et 6uote awe3 swea3 Ja420 6uowe lteg3;os Alto ay; 'Jana104 'sJOto3
weal ut swea3 snotaeA ay; Kg pa3uted aaa1 404414 'o6e saes( 013 ;nage ysea3 .4o; swnap uolte6 -yy Sz anoge paptnoa4
F.lto all Pa3ou 6utysnd 'aW 'aoue4Ldwo3 Rae3unlon uodn 6utpuadap ;t watgoad 6u1nu43uo3 a st sty; 6utiou''ueat3
Consider Ordinance amending the 'Code of'Ordinances, Chapter 6, Buildings and Building Regulations to match the
existing variety of lot sizes and buil-ding lfnes-by a formula approach, as recommended.
Scott Bounds noted the only changes were germane to urban residential lot setback criteria to change the
minimum side setback (in feet) from 10 feet to five feet (or 10% of lot width, whichever is greater - -but not more.
IDn 10 feet). Mayor Nash questioned why this one would change and not the others. Mr. Pipes noted this is
ause the side setback configuration on those is not a restriction of a building lot line and is not a problem :.
those particular construction areas. The Councilmembers were concerned about making this change for the
urban residential and not for duplexes and mobile homes, etc, The City Attorney, Scott Bounds, explained the
second change to Section 6 -60 (c) FROM: For single- family residential construction only: The setbacks shall
be measured from the exterior building or structure well to the property line or easement line. All roof over-
hangs or other attachments to the structure shall not extend more than two (2) feet into the setback area." TO
For urban residential lots platted and approved by the Huntsville City Planning Commission, the side setback
shall be that established by the applicable plat and deed restrictions; provided, however, no side setback shall
be less than five (5) feet." After some discussion among the Councilmembers, there was some reservation about
adopting this ordinance. Councilmember Monday suggested that this change first be presented to the Planning
Commission for their review and recommendation. After an indepth discussion by the Council regarding this
change, Mayor Nash suggested that in subsection (d) of this section that the phrase or other attachments" be
deleted if it cannot be defined. Councilmember Monday made the motion to table this ordinance and Councilmember
Davis seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
Candidate's Forum
Mayor Nash noted the candidate's forum held last evening in the Council Chambers and broadcasted over
Channel 7 was very well done and most informative. He recognized some of the City Council candidates in the
audience this evening (Dr. 0. Eugene Barrett and Jim Carter).
Parks Advisory Board Meeting
Mayor Nash noted this Board met this evening at 5:00 P.M. to discuss park planning activities. Mr. Nash
noted the Parks Advisory Board will be working with Dale Brown, the City's Planner. He noted the members of
this Board seem to be very energetic and ready to begin work. He noted they will meet the second Thursday of
every month initially and will begin by taking a tour of the existing parks and recreation facilities available
to the public.
Chemical People
Councilmember Howard noted the Chemical People Organization is becoming very active in j;
Huntsville and that it will need the support of the Huntsville City Council. He noted
membership in this organization is $15.00 per year. He noted this organization is think;
ing about some big projects such as a YMCA in an effort to provide some form of recrea-
tion or activity for young men in Huntsville, in order to keep them busy and get them
off the streets.
Multipurpose Fields Councilmember Hodges commended the City for its progress in the area of athletic facil-
ities. He noted it is time now, however, to look at the development of more multi-
purpose fields, perhaps areas which are not lighted, Mr. Pipes noted there is more
space available in the area of the landfill and the airport and that this need was made
known to the Parks Board and it will surely be addressed by that group.
Home for Ambulances Councilmember Dowling expressed his concern for the status of the housing for the
ambulances. Councilmember Davis, a member of the Board of Directors of EMS, noted that
discussions are underway now to negotiate with the Hospital District to provide such
housing, with the City and County continuing to support the operational costs, but at
this point in time, nothing is firm on which to report. He encouraged interested persons
to telephone members of the Hospital District to urge them to make such provisions.
Historical Street Signs Councilmember Monday advised the Council that the historical street signs were being
installed in the downtown square area which depict the original street name on top in
old English print and the current street name under it. She asked everyone to take note
of this project, which is also a part of Huntsville's Sesquicentennial Celebration plans;
Basketball Facility
Larry Corley's Tenn
of Office Ending- -
Reception Planned
Councilmember Monday asked about the feasibility of putting the basketball facility at
Emancipation Park into service since there is a real need for additional basketball
play areas at this time.
Mayor Nash noted April 3 will technically be the last formal Council Meeting for Larry
Corley, who completes his term of office on April 7, after some nine years on the City
Council. Mayor Nash announced that there will be a reception for Mr. Corley at 8:00 P.M.
on April 3 and that everyone is invited to join with the Council as we extend our appre_!,
ciation and thanks to Mr. Corley for his many years of dedication and contribution to
the government of the City.
Respectfully submitted,
Ruth DeShaw, City Secretary
March 27, 1984