The Council met in regular
session with the following members
Murray A. Brown
Larry Corley
Stephen E. Davis
Jerry L. Dowling
Bill Hodges
Percy Howard, Jr.
Jane Monday
Bob Tavenner
City Officers:
Gene Pipes, City Mgr. t
Ruth DeShaw, City Secy.
Scott Bounds, City Attyi
Robert DeLong,City Judge
The meeting was called to order by the Honorable William V. Nash, Mayor. The invocation
was presented by the Reverend Mariano Alvarado of Faith Memorial Baptist Church.
Councilmember Monday made the motion to approve the City Council Minutes of the meeting
of February 28. 1984 and Councilmember Corley seconded the motion. All were in favor and the
motion passed unanimously.
Dr. Mary Frances Park, Chairman, Planning Commission
Mrs. Park reviewed actions taken by the Commission on Monday, March 5, 1984 regarding
the Sarkis Addition final plat; Carlow Addition preliminary plat; Carlow Addition final plat;
Avenue P Addition preliminary plat; Avenue P Addition final plat, Huntsville Memorial Hospital
preliminary plat and final plat and the Central Business District Plan Review. Mrs. Park told
the Council the Commission is requesting a time lag between the consideration of the prelim-
inary plat and the final plat to allow the Commission time to study the preliminary plat and
'allow for the examination of certain conditions and to alert adjacent property owners of the
pending development. The Council asked for the Planning Commission's recommendations in this
reoard and were .generally in consensus with this request.
TML Region 14 Meeting -- Houston
Gene Pipes, City Manager, advised the Council of the Region 14 Meeting of the TML in
on on March 29, 1984 at the Meridien Hotel. He noted it is a dinner meeting and that the
topic would cover the role of the Public Utility Commission in utility rates. He asked those
interested in attending to contact the City Secretary, Ruth DeShaw, to make reservations.
Personnel Committee Meeting Requested
The City Manager asked that the Personnel Committee plan to meet soon to consider a
personnel matter that has come up outside of our normal budgeting process.
City Manager's Vacation
The City Manager, Gene Pipes, noted he wiII be out of the office beginning tomorrow and
continuing until next week Thursday. He noted there will not be a Council Meeting next week
:due to spring break.
Consider an interlocal contract with Walker County for the operation of a museum on the site
of the Ben H. Powell estate property, Avenue H at lath Street for one year in lieu of the
property taxes assessed for the year
Mayor Nash then presented the interlocal Agreement for Museum Services, which he asked
the City Attorney, Scott Bounds, to draw, for a period of one year, which will allow the
Walker County Historical Commission time to apply for and receive the special marker they have
:requested. He noted the interlocal agreement can be extended until such time as this special
designation is obtained. He said after that is done, an ordinance can then be written to
designate that particular property as tax exempt. Mayor Nash noted since the contract the
Powell Estate has with the County allows the Powell Estate to take the property back with a
thirty day written notice, he felt the interlocal contract we have with the County also tg
have a recapture clause so that should that occur, the City would recapture those taxes that I
had been exempted. He noted this agreement has a recapture period of ten years on those taxes.
A change was requested in this contract by the Mayor in Section IV to delete a portion of;
the holm harmless agreement after the word "museum" in line four and to the end of the sentenct'.
Councilmember Dowling asked to include in the hold harmless clause "any service under this
contract" so as to include claims arising not necessarily out of the "operation of the proper-
ty as a museum." Councilmember Dowling noted for bookkeeping purposes, he would like to have
the City consider these taxes being paid out of Revenue Sharing funds, which is the source
that :would normally pay for this type of service -- special projects, etc. Councilmember Davis
asked if the Appraisal District intends to appraise this property at its current market value
rather than as a house as it stands now, noting if we have to use the recapture clause on taxes
this could mean a significance difference in the taxes. Mayor Nash noted if this agreement is
ac;uo:'ed, it will be necessary to notify the Central Appraisal District that we have this
recapture agreement and that it is important that the property be appraised at current market
value and not as a county piece of property.
Councilmember Monday made the motion to approve of this interlocal agreement with the
aml7nciments discussed above and Councilmember Howard seconded the motion. All were in favor
and the motion passed unanimously.
Consider authorization of'a'soils testing contract with East Texas Testing, Inc. in an amount
not to exceed $14,000 for work in conjunction with the capital improvements bond program
Glenn Isbell, Director of Engineering Design, noted proposals have been received from
Soil Mechanics, Inc. and East Texas Testing Laboratory, Inc. for testing and pavement evalua-
tions on the related two million dollar bond issue for street upgrading. He recommended that
East Texas Testing be awarded the contract since coordination of the work will be easier with
someone who has a local office. He noted his•recommendation that the contract amount be set
at $14,000. Councilmember Brown made the motion to approve of this contract as requested
and Councilmember Monday seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unani-
mouslu. It was noted these funds would come from the bond proceeds, not to exceed $14,000.
Consider authorization of bids for a landfill scales acquisition package as outlined not to
exceed $37,000 with $25,000 from budgeted funds and $12,000 from Sanitation's unallocated
fund which has a balance of $39,019.
Mayor Nash noted he encourages the staff to seek out alternative resource recovery
methods, noting it is difficult to collect data to support a particular method until we know
which method is reasonable for Huntsville. He noted the staff may need to obtain outside
advise on this. The Council were in agreement that an alternative must be found as it is
no longer reasonable to bury garbage. Hr. Pipes noted the landfill scales are important no
r..4tter what type of operation the City ultimately chooses, noting most research data in the
world are expressed in values of tonage and all of the City's current data are based on esti-
mates of the loose garbage with relative factors of compaction, etc. dialed in by calculation.
He noted we have a great deal of confidence in what we have estimated, but we have no real
correlary to the presently available data research. He noted there are very few operations
of this type in the U. S. that don't weight the refuse coming in of all sorts. He noted in
order to have compatible data to analyze, we feel the scales are important. He felt this
data is most important as we go into the design of an alternate method of disposal. Mr. Pipe_I
noted if the City planned to continue landfilling, the tonage information has no relevance.
Be noted tonage has relevance in BTU value and incinerator - generator -steam type processes or
in resource recovery. He noted the scales have little relevance if we're going to continue
landfilling, except for charging people an appropriate amount for what they're bringing in
to the landfill on weight volume instead of an estimate by the landfill operator. Mayor
Nash noted he is not objecting to the scales, but thought we should have our alternate method
pinpointed and planned out first. Councilmember Brown noted he is in favor of the scales.
Councilmember Dowling suggested leasing or renting scales for a period of time sufficient to
gather the data needed. Councilmember Dowling noted the scales will not identify the quality
of the garbage so as to classify it. Councilmember Dowling again reminded the Council of the
volume of data being dumped onto Glenn Isbell in the Design Engineering Department. He noted
with all the other projects going on in this department, he questioned whether this data,
in the short run, would be usable. Councilmember Dowling noted his preference to postpone
this project until next year (reminding the Council of the sanitation budget's delicate
condition at this time).. Councilmember Davis noted all of the Council wants to get off of
dead center in this regard, there is budgeted money for a study, and he hoped to see some-
thing productive begin. Mayor Nash noted we should try to make a determination as soon as
possible if resource recovery is reasonable to be considered at all. He noted in 1979 TDC
was not interested in a resource recovery (steam generation) project with the City. Council-
member Dowling suggested looking at some of the alternatives, make sons preliminary decisions
about the alternatives, and then back our data collection into that which can then be a part
of the design.
Councilmember Hodges suggested tabling this request and ask the staff to come back with
a timetable of events so that we can get into some alternative method on landfilling. Hrs.
Monday asked to find out if the County of Walker will participate in this project. Council-
member Hodges moved to table this item and ask the staff to come back with their plan of
action in 90 days and Councilmember Monday seconded the motion. All were in favor and the
motion passed unanimously.
Consider a proposal to extend a water main on Ryan's Ferry Road to the site of a proposed
subdivision to provide fire protection and improved service to the area. There are extension
funds budgeted in the amount of $100,000 •
Mayor Nash noted Mr. Charles Sarkis's final plat for Section I of his proposed subdivi-
sion was disapproved until adequate water and fire protection (within 500 feet of a fire
hydrant) could be provided. He noted the staff recommends that the developer construct an
8" water line across his tract, approximately 300 feet) and the City construct an 8" line
from the 12" line on 7th Street to the developer's 8" line so that when completed, adequate
water pressure will be available for the development and the system will be available for
further extension. Mayor Nash felt the Council should be consistent with the utility exten-
sion ordinance in this regard which provides the City will pay one -half of the first 300 feet
and the cost of any oversizing to the 8," noting the subdivision ordinance will require the
developer to install a 6" line, which would mean the oversizing would be from 6" to 8 ". The
!Mayor was concerned that the two inch line serving twenty to thirty residences adjacent to
this development should be replaced with a larger size line, but that this may not be the
top priority 2" line in the city that should be done now, in conjunction with this project.
Gene Pipes, City Manager, noted the city has never tried to prioritize a scheme of utility
extensions, although we have talked about remedying several bottlenecks in our capital
improvements program, but these are stand -alone projects in their own priority arrangement
and are not like this one. He noted this one is having the money ready when the developer
walks up and says he wants water to his house and the city assists.
Councilmember Monday made the motion to run the eight inch line to replace the adjacent
inadequately sized 2' line and to participate with Mr. Sarkis, should he accept this proposal
in oversizing the required six inch line to an eight inch line across the front of his pro-
perty, and to pay for one -half of the first 300 feet and Councilmember Hodges seconded the
notion. Councilmember Dowling made a superceding motion to table this item and Councilmember
Dj.is seconded the motion. Councilmember Dowling, Hodges, Davis and Tavenner moved for the
motion to table and Councilmembers Monday, Howard and Brown and Mayor Nash voted against the
Kmotior}_to table (Councilmember Corley not present for this portion of the meeting). The
• motion therefore resulted in a tie vote and failed to carry.
Mayor Nash noted we now go back to the original motion on the floor to upgrade the
existing two inch line to an eight inch line from Ryans Ferry Road and 7th Street to the
southwest corner of the Sarkis property (ap_p roximately 750 1.f.) for approximately $12,300
but'Mr. Sarkis' cost would be the entire 350 1.f. eight inch 'line across his property line.
(Mr• Pipes noted if we go with this agreement, K. Sarkis will not apply for a utility exten-
Ision request of one -half of the first 300 feet and the difference in oversizing, but would
pay for the entire eight inch line across his property/ noting the City's expenses will be
considerable in upgrading the line that connects to Mr. Sarkis' line as opposed to just parti -4
cipating under the normal utility extension request.) It was noted the City will not do this
Project unless Mr. Sarkis agrees to perform his portion of the eight inch line. Councilmember'
Dowling added here that if this project is undertaken, that the City shall not replace this
line "unless" it has adequate easements to do so. The Council noted it is assumed the staff
will acquire these easements. Mayor Nash noted the City will not undertake its 750 feet of
line work until Mr. Sarkis has made arrangements to do his 350 feet of line work by bond,
cash or doing it in advance of the city's por'tion. He then called for a vote on this motion
as it has been restated: Councilmembers Monday, Dowling, Hodges, Howard, Davis, Tavenner
and Brown voted in favor of this motion and Mayor Nash voted opposed. Councilmember Corley
was absent for this discussion and vote. The motion, therefore, passed.
Consider Bid 82 -12 for a street sweeper and authorize the issuance of a certificate of
obligation in the amount of $52,562 via Ordinance No. 84- 3 -6 -1. The staff recommends the low
bid of Saf -T -Mark supply Company with a $10,000 trade -in value for our existing equipment
Mayor Nash presented the bids received and advised the Council it is the recommendation
of the staff to accept the Iowest bid meeting specifications with trade -in submitted by Saf -
T -Mark Supply Co., Inc. for 852,562. Councilmember Monday made the motion to accept the low
bid as recommended and Councilmember Hodges seconded the motion. All were in favor and the
notion passed unanimously.
Mayor Nash then presented the Ordinance to be styled No. 84 -I0, the caption of which is
as follows:
Councilmember Monday made the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 84 -10 and Councilmember
Hodges seconded the motion. Discussion: Councilmember Dowling and Councilmember Brown
suggested changing the payout from four years to three years. The Council were generally in
agreement. Councilmember Monday accepted this change as a friendly amendment to her motion
and Councilmember Hodges agreed. All were in favor of approving Ordinance No. 84 -10 with a
change in the payout from four gears to three years and it passed unanimously.
uth reS aw,
March 6, 1984
C-L/ Y
City Secretary