MIN CC 03/09/1982MINUTES OF THE HUNTSVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON THE 9TH DAY OF MARCH, A.D., 1982 IN THE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, LOCATED AT 1212 AVENUE M IN THE CITY OF HUNTSVILLE, WALKER COUNTY, TEXAS AT 7:00 P.M. The Council met in a Regular Session with the following members present: William V. Nash, Mayor Murray A. Brown Larry Corley E. Larry Dickens Jerry L. Dowling Bill Hodges Delora King Goree McGlothen Jane Monday The meeting was called to order by the Honorable William V. Nash, Mayor. The invocation was presented by the Reverend Bosey Bookman of the Galilee United Methodist Church. CONSIDER THE MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Councilmember Hodges made the motion to approve the minutes of the February 23, 1982 City Council Meeting and Councilmember Dowling seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. MAYOR'S REPORT -- William V. Nash Appointments to the Tourist Council Councilmember Brown made the motion to approve the following list of Tourist Council members for another one year term, expiring in January of 1983 and Councilmember Hodges seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Rick Hartley Bruce Graving Marcus Kenter Margi Carey Ton Pennington Bob Tavenner (new) Len George Consider Reducing Parks Boards from Three to One and Members from 16 to 12 Council members agreed to reduce the three parks boards to one board and to not fill currently expiring terms which would bring the size of this single board down to 12 this year. The Council agreed to allow four more expirations of terms next year without reappointments so that the permanent size of this one parks board would be eight members. The Council also expressed an interest that this parks board create subcommittees under it to address specific parks and their needs. Mr. Pipes, City Manager, indicated this can be done by Resolution and Scott Bounds, the City Attorney, would prepare such for the Council's consideration at a later date. Board of Adjustments and Appeals -- Change in its Composition No action was taken on this proposed change as it will be incorporated into other revisions planned for this ordinance and brought to Council at a later date for consideration. ATTENDING CITIZENS Planning Commission Chairman, Dick Wharton, to Report on Meeting Mr. Wharton presented an update of the work of each of the Master Plan subcommittees and advised that the completion date now envisioned for the Master Plan is sometime in 1983. Hereford Lynch, Inc. Representative, Mr. Richard Ohendalskl, to Discuss Audit Report for 1980 -81. The Council delayed any detailed discussions of the audit report pending a more thorough review of the management letter provided to the Council this evening, noting the discussions should include comments and thoughts that might be generated by this letter. This topic will be brought before the Council later. PURCHASING Councilmember Corley made the motion to approve the following purchasing items and Councilmember Hodges seconded the motion. All were in favor and the following purchases were authorized: Clay tile Pipe- -4,000 linear feet of 4 inch vitrified clay tile pipe was awarded to Dickey Company at 702 /linear foot, totalling $2,800 from the water and sewer inventory. Sewer Solvent - -4,200 pounds of sewer solvent was awarded to Zep Manufacturing Company at $ .635 /pound, totalling $2,667 from water and sewer inventory. Riding Mower - -a riding mower with a 72 inch mowing deck was awarded to Watson Distributing Company for $5,773 from budgeted Revenue Sharing Funds ($5,500) and Revenue Sharing Contingency Fund ($273). Engine Parts Skid Steer Loader -- $1,778.96 expenditure for engine parts from Hyco Equipment Company to repair a Sewer Division Skid Steer Loader was ratified with funds to come from equipment maintenance funds. Councilmember Dowling made the motion to approve the purchase of two microfilm reader /printers with 16mm and 35 mm capabilities for the Finance and Engineering Design Departments from 3 -M Micrographic Products Division in the amount of $9,842 from budgeted Revenue Sharing Funds and Councilmember McGlothen seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Hodges made the motion to purchase a replacement pickup for Customer Service Division from Holland Chevrolet for a mid -size pickup with diesel engine - -Chevy LUV Diesel in the amount of $7,627.25 from Water and Sewer Contingency Fund and Councilmember Monday seconded the motion. A11 were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. REHABILITATION BIDS City Manager, Gene Pipes, asked the Council to take action on only one of the three bids presented as File Nos. 103 -81 and 115 -81 are still in question at this time. Touncilmember Monday then made the motion to approve File No. 104 -81 bid to Kevin Wedearen, Contractor for a total bid price of $13,520 and Councilmember Corley-seconded the motion. All were in favor of the motion. Councilmember Brown made the motion to wave the .$10,OM limit on each and authorize the City Manager to act on behalf of the City and Councilmember Monday seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Corley made the motion to table action on File Numbers 103 -81 and 115 -81 and Councilmember King seconded the motion, All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. SALES Parking Meter Heads & Repair Parts Councilmember Brown made the motion to sell the remaining 167 parking meter heads and repair parts to the City of Navasota in the amount of $3,000 and Councilmember King seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Sale of City Real Estate Councilmember Corley made the motion to sell the City real estate, as follows: Parcel 2 (SW Corner of Avenue F & 12th Street) to Brian Woodward, Tr. for $5,500 Parcel 3 (E. side Avenue F between 12th and 13th Street) to Brian Woodward, Tr. for $5,055, and Parcel 4 (NE corner of 13th St. & Avenue M) to Gerald L. Simpson, Tr. for $78,320 aid Councilmember Brown seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Corley asked the City Manager to continue the effort to sell Parcel 1 (three tracts fronting on 1 -45, each con- taining 3.518 acres). PENDING ITEMS Design Criteria Manual Review Councilmember Monday made the motion to change Table 6 -1, "Design Criteria for Residential Lots" (urban resi- dential) to read: "a density factor of two (2) dwelling units per acre or less "(rather than three) and Council- member Corley seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Brown made the motion to strike the parenthetical phrases from Section 602.3 "Unpaved Streets Allowed in Non -urban Areas," as these two descriptive phrasesiwere found to be unnecessary, and to accept the remainder of Section 602.3 as set out in Example 2 which includes the provision to allow for unpaved streets in rural subdivisions located in non -urban areas where public water and sewer facilities are not available or proposed if the minimum lot size is five acres or greater. Councilmember Corley seconded the motion. Council- member Dowling voted OPPOSED to this motion. All other councilmembers (Monday, Corley, Hodges, Dickens, McGlothen, King, Brown and Mayor Nash voted FOR this motion. The motion, therefore, passed. Councilmember Brown made the motion to approve Section 603.1 "Lot Line Developments" with the clarification that a "0" lot line is not on a street side and always on interior lot lines - -in Example 4 and Example 3, "Table 6 -2 Design Criteria for Commercial and Industrial Lots" with this same clarification. Councilmember King seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. In discussing Section 605 "Parks, Playgrounds and Open Space Areas," the Mayor and Council clarified that these park provisions should also apply to rural subdivisions of one acre or greater per lot. Councilmember Monday made the motion to approve Section 605 and Councilmember King seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Councilmember King made the motion to approve 803.1 (Water Facilities), of the proposed amendments to the Design Criteria Manual and Councilmember Monday seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Gene Pipes, City Manager noted this manual with all amendments will be presented to Council for final approval on March 16, 1982. Consider Resolution No. 82 -3 Amending and Adopting the City's Personnel Policies. RESOLUTION 82 -3 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF HUNTSVILLE, TEXAS, AMENDING AND ADOPTING PERSONNEL POLICIES: AND MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO. Councilmember Monday made the motion to adopt Resolution No. 82 -3 and Councilmember Corley seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Consider Ordinance No. 82 -6 Establishing Water and Sewer Tapping Fees and Prohibiting Tapping without a Permit ORDINANCE 82 -6 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTSVILLE, TEXAS, ESTABLISHING UNIFORM WATER AND SEWER TAPPING FEES: PROHIBITING TAPPING OF CITY UTILITY LINES WITHOUT A PERMIT AND PROVIDING FOR THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. Councilmember Brown made the motion to approve Ordinance No. 82 -6 and Councilmember Monday seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Consider Adjusting the Various Contingency Fund Balances Councilmember Brown made the motion to approve the following adjusted contingency fund balances as recom- mended by staff: General Fund, $129,154; Revenue Sharing, $120,404; and Water and Sewer, $34,177 and Council- member Monday seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Consider the Monthly and Quarterly Tax Reports through the First Quarter of FY 1981 -1982. Councilmember King made the motion to approve the Monthly Tax Report for January, 1982 and to approve the First Quarter Tax Report for Fiscal Year 1981 -1982 and Councilmember Corley seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. 1 4y- ,)UJUi Ui�4[ iLb vui(it Cil'LLi Vi��. Councilmember Monday made the motion to approve a revised list of election judges, as follows: Mrs. Julie Drum Precinct 101 Mrs. Lillian Ninmo Precinct 102 Mrs. Beverly Boone Precinct 105 Mrs. Dorothy Shandera Precinct 201 Dr. Robert Biles Mr. Percy Pace Mr. Percy Howard Mrs. Nina Payne Precinct 202 Precinct 206 Precinct 301 Precinct 401 1 and Councilmember King seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. 'I Approve the Appointment of Appraisers for the H.U.D. Project Right -of -way Acquisitions Recommended by the C.D.B.G. I staff - Councilmember King made the motion to approve the Primary Appraiser, Mr. G. Wayne Stephenson, S.R.P.A. for $7,700 and the Review Appraiser, Mr. Jake Lyons, S.R.E.A. for $7,700 and to authorize the City Manager to execute the necessary documents with funds for this project to come from the Community Development Block Grant and Councilmember Brown seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Consider Retaining Wisenbaker, Fix & Associates to Design the Improvements and Expansion to the N. B. Davidson Wastewater Treatment Facility Councilmember King made the motion to authorize staff to use the firm'of Wisenbaker, Fix and Associates for this project and to approve, in concept, their preliminary proposal and Councilmember Monday seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. The contract for same to be approved later. Mayor Nash noted as a part of this proposal, certain improvements are recommended regarding the a mechanical bar screen and grit removal system for $150,000 and the addition of a chlorination equipment, scales, and chlorine cylinder shed for $60,000 for a total of $210,000. Councilmember Hodges made the motion to approve these improve- ments as a part of the project and Councilmember Monday seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. INFORMATIONAL ITEMS Correspondence from Representative Jim Turner Regarding One Year Limitation on Excessive Tax Increases Resulting from Reappraisal. Mayor Nash referred to Representative Jim Turner's letter of March 1, 1982 regarding N.B. 30 which auth- orizes taxing units, by local option, to limit increases in individual property values in the year after a reappraisal to not more than 1.5 times the average percentage increase in the value of the total tax roll with the remainder of the increase in value implemented the following year. Mr. Nash noted he did not feel the City needed to become involved in this option because our system has been reasonably balanced and no appraisal adjustments of an extraordinary nature are anticipated. H.G.A.C. Multijurisdictional Housing Finance Corporation Memorandum of February 24, 1982 Mayor Nash felt the City should pursue the possibility of participating in the Southeast Texas Housing Finance Corporation, which is a multi - jurisdictional housing finance corporation that is capable of issuing tax exempt mortgage revenue bonds with the proceeds made available to lenders for lower interest rate loans. He noted by joining this corporation, the City could perhaps fill the need for additional housing by having bond issues more cost feasible. He said that although there are certain limitations in this program, he felt it deserving of further investigation. F.A.A. /Airport Memorandums of March 2 and 3, 1982 Mayor Nash noted hanger space is needed at the airport, but felt no additional construction should take place without a master plan for the airport. He noted the plan should address primarily the FAA regulations and restrictions in addition to a long range look at the development of the airport. An FAA funding grant is being pursued for an Airport Master Plan, according to David B. Smith, City Engineer. Pavilion for Emancipation Park Councilmember Monday asked for a finance proposal for this pavilion next week. The Council expressed a unanimous agreement to proceed with this project. Mr. Pipes indicated it would be ready by March 16, 1982. Waste Sludge Handling -- Parker Creek Plant In reviewing the memorandum of February 24, 1982 from F. Boyd Wilder in this regard, Mayor Nash asked the staff to follow up on the sludge handling problem with perhaps some recommendation from a consultant. He noted also that with the quantity of sewage being treated presently, the City could anticipate either expansion of this plant or a new plant within ten years or even earlier than that if we experience an increase in growth on the north side. He felt it would be reasonable to let a consultant look at this particular situation as to when we might need to expand or build another plant. He noted we may already be behind considering construction time. H.U.D. Project Progress Report dated March 4, 1982 This report was presented for review but not commented upon in the meeting. Ground Water Problem- -Sam Houston Avenue Project Memorandum of March 4, 1982 Councilmember Brown noted his latest report on this problem is that it has been resolved. The staff noted it has been resolved and the paving of this area is now complete. COUNCIL ACTION Entex Ordinance -- Council Action Regarding Rates Councilmember Dickens requested recommendations from staff as to revising this ordinance to allow Council the powerto veto rather than just taking affirmative action, to be presented next week. Scott Bounds, City Attorney, noted he has prepared an historical review of this process and he will provide it next week. Rather Park Dedication -- Councilmember Dickens requested proper signing for or dedication of Rather Park be expedited. Other Dedications -- Gene Pipes noted the Martin D. Colley Courtroom and the North Huntsville Sewer Plant dedi- cations will be conducted on Tuesday, March 16, 1982at 4:00 P.M. and 5:30 P. pectivel March 9, 1982 Respectfully submi