MIN CC 06/29/1982MIIIUU S Or JUNL 29, 1982 UOUK N, Page 221 :r''? MINUTES or 111E HUNTSVILLE CITY COUNCIL KEE11nG HELD UN THE 29TH DAY OF JOIE, A.D., 1992 IN THE CITY HAIL COI'HCIL CHANTERS, LOCATED AT 1212 AVENUE M IN THE CITY OF HUNTSVILLE, COUNTY OF wALKER, 1EXAS AT 7:00 P.H. The Council met In a formal meeting with the following members present: William V. (lash, Mayor Murray A. Brawn Larry Corley Stephan E. Davis Jerry L. Dowling Delora King Goree McGlothen Jane Monday ember 7lhsent: 8111 (lodges The meeting was called to order by the Honorable William V. Nash, Mayor. The Invocation was presented by the Reverend Ron Petty of the Wesley Foundation. CONSIDER THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Couhcllmember Monday made the motion to approve the minutes of June 15 and Councllnenber Corley seconded the tfon. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. ATTENDING CITIZENS Mice Mysen Alhn Ahysen appeared before the Council to discuss the Impact of renewed Inflation on local businesses and citizens. She asked the Council's support toward the reduction of taxes and utility costs. IlaUr Ahysen Harry Mysen addressed the Council to protest the GSU rate increase and he then suggested alternatives o G5U's operation in our caanunity, quoting from several publications regarding geothermal energy. Mayor Nash noted his ceameels would be mark available to the Public Utilities Commission and he urged Mr. Mysen to attend the public hearing on the G5U rate increase which Is scheduled for July 13 at 6:00 P.M. here In the Council Chambers. Toby Gates -- appointed local agent. Toby Gates requested the Council's appointment of him as the City's Agent of Record for Republic National Life Insurance Cunpany, so that he could act as a llasion for the City with the Company and be placed on the Company's payroll. He noted there would be no additional cost to the City for this appointment of an Agent of Record. Councllnenber Monday made the motion to so appoint Mr. Gates as the City's Agent of Record for Republic National Life Insurance Conpany and Councllm:mber McGlothen seconded the motion. Councllnenber Davis offered a friendly amendment that this appointment be for a one year period of time and this amendment was accepted by Councllmenbers Monday and McGlothen. All were In favor and the motion passed unanimously. RESOLUTION -- GIVING THE EMERGENCY AMDULANCE SERVICE TO TIIE HOSPITAL DISTRICT -- failed Councileember Brown made the motion to adopt a resolution which would "request that Walker County hospital District take over the Huntsville - Walker County Emergency Medical Service effective October 1, 1982," and Council- neater King seconded the motion. Discussion: Mr. Bob Hardy, representing the Hospital District. noted the Ulstrtct is not In a position financially at thls time to assume this responsibility and that the percentage of ta■ increase which would be required to do so would greatly exceed their legal limits. He noted that a substan- tial tax Increase will be necessary Just to fund their existing operations and services. Alter sone discussion by the Councllnenbers pro and con, a final vote was taken which ended In a tie vote, and therefore, the Resolution did not pass. It Is noted that this resolution passed In the Commissioners' Court of Welker County, although not unanimously. The votes FOR the Resolution were cast by Councllmenbers Corley, King and Brown and Mayor Nash and the votes OPPOSED to the Resolution were cast by Councilmembers Monday, Dowling, McGlothen and Davis. Council reenter hedges was absent from this Council meeting. !twos generally felt by some In opposition that this method of transfer was not appropriate and that furth6r discussions should be held In order to effect the desired trans - er of the EMS operations over to the hospital District so that a more equitable tax structure is effected, or city residents will not be taxed for this service twice through the City and the County. MAYOR'S REPORT Water Report of City Manager Mayor Nash noted that at 4 :00 P.H. today the City Manager presented a two hour review of the development of Huntsville's water sources. He invited anyone interested to review this data and Informetla, which had been collected for tnls report. v!1!. #loan 8.1 an MP_ Ret!_lncr5g1s Mayor Nash also advised the public that at 6:00 P.M. on July 13, 1982 a public hearing w111 be held to receive comments of the public regarding the proposed G5U rate Increase. He urged all Interested citizens to make a note of that date and time. 1 brary Board Appointments 1 I 1 Two new appointments were then made for three year terms to the Huntsville Public Library Board. Mr. Ton fetters and Mrs. Kathleen Stages were appointed to assure the positions vacated by Mrs. Iris Kennedy and Mrs. Elizabeth Andrews, effective July 1. lie noted the other members of this Board are: Mr, Don Baker. Mr. Earnest Grover, Jr., Mrs. Marge Pea and Mr. Q. C. Robbins. Councllnenber Monday made the motion to approve of these two new appolnUrcnts and Councllnenber Corley seconded the motion. All were In farorand the motion sassed unanimously Planning Conmission Appointment Mayor flash then appointed Mr. Robert Tavenner to f111 the unexpired term of Mr. Bruce Graving on the Planning ComnIssion, which will empire October 1, 1902. He noted Mr. Tavenner will then be eligible fora three year term. Councllnenber Corley made the motion to approve Mr. Tavenner's appointment and Councllnenber McGlothen seconded BOOK 8, PAGE 222 JUNE 29, 1982 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimouslyr, d of Adjustments 6 Appeals and Huntsville 1lousing AuthoriU_ AppolntnentS Mayor Nash noted due to sane anticipated changes In the Ordinance creating the Board of Adjustments and ppeals regarding membership. he wishes to delay action on appointments until these changes are effected. He oted also that he wishes to delay action on the Huntsville Housing Authority appointments until the neat neetln ORDINANCE N0. 82 -14 -- Tabled 0rdlnence Mending the Design Criteria Manual Street Standards Councllnenber Brown made the motion to table this ordinance pending rewording of Section 1 regarding the applicability of this amendment which would permit unpaved streets In certain situations and Councllnenber awling seconded the motion. The City Attorney. Scott Bounds, ores asked to study and prepare the ordinance for final action for the neat meeting. Mayor Nash suggested the statement "The provisions of this section shall not apply to reserve areas of twenty•five (25)acres, or less, of subdivisions previously platted and filed . be chenged to ". . . areas of ten (10) acres or 20 percent of the subdivision, whichever Is larger . " and delete reference to "platted and filed" and add "subdivisions previously established." After some discussion, the above action was taken to table thenwtter, with Councllnenber Brown stating. for the record, "1'd like to go on record as being for that consensus (holding people to the rules es much as possible as set out In ordin- ance) and believe we ought to hold to the standards wherever possible, but 1 would support this . . . All were In favor of the motion to table and the motion passed. ORDINANCE N0. 82 -15 -- Passed Ordinance Anendlnjjulldings and Building Regulations Regarding Setback Requirements Mayor flash presented Ordinance No. 82 -15 (which shall now be known as Ordinance No. 82-14) (The previous ordinance having been tabled, will be renumbered later.), the caption of which 11 as foilws: ORDINANCE 80. 82 -14 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF HUNTSVILLE, TEXAS, AMENDING CHAPTER 6. BUIIDIhGS AND BUILDING PCGUTAT10115. OF THE CODE Or OROIIIANCES TO EXCIUUE CERTAIN BU1lD- 1NG5 FROM 515041K RE11111REME11T5; MAKING OUTER FINDINGS A110 PROVISIONS THERETO. 'The Mayor suggested a minor revision to Section 6 -4 to add the words "or additions to In two Instances after the word "remodeling" appears. Councllnenber Stephen Davis suggested rather than use the term "value of the !building," that the words "ground floor area be substituted for "value." Councllnenber Corley made the motion 1 to adopt Ordinance No. 82 -14 as amended and Councllnenber Monday seconded the motion. Al) were In favor and the ,motion passed unanimously, AIR CONDITIONER FOR CITY HALL Councl lmen4er King made the motion to approve the lone bid received from Beckham and Jones for the purchase and installation of an air conditioning /heating unit to replace a worn out unit at Clty Hall in the amount of 128.894 to be funded from General Fund Contingency and Councllnenber Monday seconded the motion. All lwere le favor and the motion_passed unanimously. (This unit for the east wing of City Hall.) SPEED ZONES FOR FM 247 49 US.190 Councllnenber Brown made the notion to approve speed limit adjustments on FM 241 (Midway Road) from a zone of SO mph to 40 mph from the Clty limits to Prison Hospital and then from 40 mph to 30 mph iron the Prison Hospital on Into the City and Councllnenber Monday seconded the motion. All were In favor and the motion passed unanimously, Councilnember Brown then made the notion. with an attached recomendatlon, to approve the speed limit adjust cents on Highway 190 to extend the 30 mph zone from Avenue 11 to midway between Avenues F and G and to extend the 35 mph zone from a point just east of the Intersection of highway 30, 190 and Sycamore to a point just west of Avenue C and extending the 45 mph tone from a point just west of Pine Street to a point just inside the City limits and to begin the 50 mph zone from this point east to the existing 55 mph zone east of the City Limits and to convey the recommendation "to extend the 30 mph zone farther east beyond the Intersection of Highways 30, 190 and Sycamore and Councllnenber Monday seconded the motion and the reconeendatlon. All were In favor and the motion passed unanimously. EXECUTIVE 5E5510N The Council then entered into an executive session to•discuss legal matters concerning pending litigation. AUJOUNNIIENT .ettu�}y submitted, t • f1' 0° .1 Ruth Shaw, C ty acre ary June 29, 1982