MIN CC 09/27/1983MINUTES OF THE HUNTSVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON THE 27TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, A.D, 1983 IN1HE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, LOCATED AT 1212 AVENUE M IN THE CITY OF HUNTSVILLE, COUNTY OF WALKER, TEXAS AT 7:00 P.M. The City Council met in a regular session with the following members present: William V. Nash Mayor Murray A. Brown Councilmember -at- Large, Position 4 Larry Corley Councilmember -at- Large, Position 1 Stephen E. Davis Councilmember -at- large, Position 3 Jerry L. Dowling Councilmember, Ward 2 Bill Hodges Councilmember -at- Large, Position 2 Percy Howard, Jr. Councilmember, Ward 3 Jane Monday Councilmember, Ward 1 Bob Tavenner Councilmember, Ward 4 The meeting was called to order by the Honorable William V. Nash, Mayor. The invocation was presented by Brother Luke Curtis of the Church of Christ. An executive session was held to discuss personnel and legal items. CONSIDER THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Councilmember Monday made the motion to approve the minutes of September 20, 1983 as prepared and Council- member Corley seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. DEED FOR SMITHER PARK RECEIVED Presentation from the Smither Family of a Deed to a Tract of Land on Avenue S at the Feeder Road of I -45 to be dedicated as a City Park Gene Pipes, City Manager, noted the City has been presented a deed for some 15,430 square feet of property on Avenue 5 and the Feeder Road from Mr. Robert B. Smither, President of Highland Properties, Inc. He then presented this gift deed of land to the Council on behalf of the Smither family. Mayor Nash noted the Council's appreciation in receiving this property for the benefit of all of the citizens of Huntsville. He recommended to the Council that this gift be accepted and that it be named "SMITHER PARK." Councilmember Corley made the motion to accept this gift deed of land from the Smither family and Council - member Monday seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Councilmember Monday then made the motion to name the park "SMITHER PARK" and Councilmember Howard seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. The City Manager, Gene Pipes, noted the land would be underbrushed and cleaned and some grass and crepe myrtles would be planted in the park and it would be appropriately signed as "Smither Park." He suggested a "get together" sometime later in this park after the work is done. CONSIDER CLOSING STREETS FOR FAIR ON THE SQUARE Consider authorizing the closing of certain downtown streets for the "Fair on the Square" activities on October 1, 1983. Mayor Nash asked the Council's consideration of the closing of the following streets for the duration of the Fair on the Square activities: 11th Street at University Avenue, 12th Street at Sam Houston Avenue, 12th Street at Avenue J and University Avenue at 13th Streets from 6:00 A.M. until cleanup is completed at the end of the day. Councilmember Brown made the motion to approve of these street closings and Councilmember Monday seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. CONSIDER ORDINANCES TO PURCHASE VARIOUS EQUIPMENT WITH CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION Consider Ordinances 83 -39, 83 -40, 83 -41 and 83 -42 giving notice of intent to issue certificates of obligation to purchase various equipment, as planned in the Fiscal Year 1983 -1984 budget. Mayor Nash then presented these ordinances, the captions of which are listed below and considered individu- ally. ORDINANCE NO. 83 -39 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE T.0 BIDDERS AND NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION FOR TWO (2) ONE -HALF TON PICK -UP TRUCKS, AND MAKING VARIOUS PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO ($20,000). Councilmember Brown made the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 83 -39 and Councilmember Corley seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 83 -40 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE TO BIDDERS AND NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION FOR A DUMP TRUCK, CAB CHASSIS AND BODY, AND MAKING VARIOUS PRO- VISIONS RELATED THERETO ($34,000). Councilmember Hodges made the motion to approve of Ordinance No. 83 -40 and Councilmember Corley seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO 83 -41 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE TO BIDDERS AND NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION FOR A REAR LOADING GARBAGE TRUCK, AND MAKING VARIOUS PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO ($53,000). Councilmember Corley made the motion to approve of Ordinance No. 83 -41 and Councilmember Hodges seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. ORDINANCE NO. 83 -42 AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE TO BIDDERS AND NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION FOR ONE (1) TRACK LOADER /DIRT EXCAVATOR, AND MAKING VARIOUS PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO. $160,000). Councilmember Brown made the motion to approve of Ordinance No. 83 -42 and Councilmember Howard seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES FOR TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS Consider the merits of a proposed contract for EMS services with the Texas Department of Corrections Mayor Nash then opened the discussions on a proposed interlocal agreement for emergency medical service for the purpose of providing emergency pre - hospital medical care and transportation to certain inmates and employees of the Texas Department of Corrections. A discussion of the pros and cons ensued ranging from the merits of interlocal cooperation and favorable working relationships between governmental entities to the concerns of safety and security and the best interests of the citizens of Huntsville. Mayor Nash asked Mr. Pipes and Councilmember Davis to convey the Council's thoughts to the EMS Board as it studies this proposal more thoroughly. Mayor Nash suggested the advantages of establishing a TDC EMS unit which would operate independent of the City - County EMS Unit but both of which might be guided by a single Board of Directors for a period of time during which some history and experience might be gained. He noted then the City, County and TDC would have a better data base from which to make a decision regarding the possible merging of these two EMS units into one. Mr. Pipes said the Board would take this idea into consideration as it evaluates all aspects of the proposal. No action was taken on this matter at this time, pending a future recommendation from the EMS Board of Directors. CONSIDER BOUNDARY LINE ADJUSTMENT ORDINANCE Consider the merits of a proposed amendment to the boundary line adjustment ordinance and procedures Gene Pipes, City Manager introduced this ordinance to the Council. A discussion took place regarding the interpretation of the definition of a boundary line adjustment. The Council indicated their support for the ordinance, but agreed that the definition needed to be reworded. After further discussion, the staff was asked to revise the definition and review again the proposed ordinance. CONSIDER ENGINEER TO EVALUATE NEEDS FOR EMERGENCY ELECTRICAL GENERATORS Consider a proposal to retain the services of an electrical engineer to evaluate the requirements for emergency electrical generators at the critical locations throughout the city's operational system -- funding from unallocated reserve Mayor Nash presented this subject regarding the need for emergency generators, recently highlighted by the effects of Hurricane Alicia (August 18), and this request to retain the services of an electrical engineer to determine our needs. He noted the cost of his services would be approximately $4,700 maximum. Mayor Nash felt it appropriate to take some action in this regard while the memory of the problems encountered during Alicia are still vivid. Councilmember Brown made the motion to approve the retaining of this electrical engineer and Councilmember Monday seconded the motion. Mayor Nash suggested the motion include a fifth proposal to the four proposals to study generation needs at the Palm Street Water Plant, City Hall, Police Station, and City Service Center, to be for a portable generator for the city's water wells. Councilmembers Brown and Monday accepted this inclusion into their motion on the floor. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. TELECABLE SYSTEM STATUS UPDATE Mr. Steve Crawford, Manager, Telecable, Inc. of Huntsville Mr. Crawford noted the equipment for Cable Channel 7, as negotiated in the City's Ordinance No. 82 -5 in April, 1982 has been ordered. He noted he anticipates the majority of the equipment to be in by the weekend and that the character generators and light kits may take some 14 days for delivery. Mayor Nash reminded Mr. Crawford that this equipment is needed to televise the United Way Telethon on November 2 and 3 at the City Hall. Mr. Crawford assured Mayor Nash that the equipment would all be in service and the system in operation in plenty of time for the Telethon. THE MAYOR'S ACTIVITY REPORT -- William V. Nash Texas Arts Alliance Meeting in Houston Mayor Nash reported on the meeting held in Houston on September 23 regarding arts and the cities. He noted Huntsville stacks up well with the other cities involved in the arts and even looks better than some larger cities by comparison to the monies spent on the arts in the respective communities. He noted all of the cities involved in the arts use the hotel -motel occupancy tax for their funding. He noted he was pleased and proud to report on Huntsville at this meeting. Huntsville Arts Mayor Nash Three Years: Two Years each: BOARD MEMBER NOMINATIONS Commission then presented his nominations for positions on the Arts Commission, as follows: New Appointments Rotating Off October 1 Dr. Jack Staggs, Commissioner Dr. Melvin Mason Mrs. Elsie Davis, Advisor Dr. Herb Muecke, Advisor Dr. Frank Stiles Mrs. Lee Ann Woodward Dr. Roy Clark Mr. Tim Johnston Mrs. June Ward Mrs. Dolly Murray Councilmember Monday made the motion to approve of the Mayor's nominations to the Arts Commission and member Corley seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Huntsville Housing Authority Council- Mayor Nash then presented his nominations for positions on the Huntsville Housing Authority, as follows: 336 Page 336 -- BOOK "N" Minutes of September 27, 1983 Council Meeting Two year term: Rotated Off Commission July 1 Mrs. Winnie Simons Resignation in September New Appointment Mr. Jim Carter New Appointment to Unexpired Term One Year Term: Dr. Bettye Weatherall Mrs. Rose Coley Councilmember Monday made the motion to approve of the Mayor's nominations and Councilmember Corley seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. City Planning Commission Mayor Nash presented his nominations to the Planning Commission, as follows: Three Year terms: New Appointments Mrs. Candy Dixon Mr. Bi11 McAdams Members Rotating Off October 1 Mr. Max Schlotter Mr. Bill Knotts Councilmember Monday made the motion to approve of the Mayor's nominations and Councilmember Corley seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. United Way Celebrity Dinner Mayor Nash noted a Celebrity (Spaghetti) Dinner will be held on October 27 in the LSC on campus to raise funds for United Way of Walker County. He noted it will be all you can eat" and the monies will be raised by tipping the celebrity waiters and waitresses. He noted the Councilmembers, among other celebrities, will be asked to wait on the tables. He noted Hardee's will prepare the dinner for $1.00 per person cost to the United Way. He noted it is hoped to get some groceries donated. Fair on the Square Members of the Council reminded those in attendance that they should make plans to attend the festivities on the downtown square on Saturday, October 1 as their are some 220 booths reserved -- largest turnout in history. They noted citizens should feel free to park on the city's lots for this occasion. Councilmember Brown suggested moving all of the city vehicles out to the Service Center for the day. Mr. Pipes noted he would see that this is done. Soccer Fields Councilmember Monday expressed the appreciation of Mr. Ed Smith for Mr. Johnny Poteete, Director of Public Works and Mr. Ray Black, Parks Supervisor, for their contribution in getting the soccer fields ready for this last weekend. COUNCILMEMBERS RECESS TO WORK SESSION The Council then recessed for five minutes and met in a work session to discuss elements of a proposed capital improvements bond election and to discuss the transportation alternatives in the downtown areas, such as one - waying and no- left -turn movement regulations. THE FINAL ADJOURNMENT OF COUNCIL 4 Ruth DeShaw, City Secretary September 27, 1983 ully submitted, 1