MIN CC 01/25/1983A' i'i Page 264, BOOK "N" CITY COUNCIL MINUTES OF JANUARY 25, 1983
The Council met in regular session with the following members present:
William V. Nash, Mayor
Murray A. Brown
Larry Corley
Stephen E. Davis
Jerry L. Dowling
Bill Hodges
Delora King
Goree McGlothen
Jane Monday
The Council Meeting was called to order by the Honorable William V. Nash. The Reverend Bosey Bookman of
lee United Methodist Church gave the invocation.
Councilmember Corley made the motion to approve the minutes of the Council Meeting of January 11, 1983 and
Councilmember Monday seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
Mr. and Mrs. Werlinger (Don and Peggy), Radio Station KKNX, to announce a race to benefit Downtown Christmas
Decorations Fund, that will be sponsored by their station
Hr. and Mrs. Weiiinger advised the Council that they would be sponsoring a race in Huntsville on March 26,
1983 that would carry a registration fee of $7.00 for each participant in the five mile race. He noted these
funds will be used to purchase christmae decorations for downtown. He noted he is working with the high school
journalism group who are working on this effort aleo. It was noted by Mrs. Werlinger that the decorations that
will be purchased will be carefully selected to compliment the downtown revitalizattn(Mai.natreet) project presently
underway and will fit the theme of the downtown area. It was noted the goal is $20,000 and that this is one
project on the way to collecting this amount of money. The Mayor and Council were very receptive to the project
and wished Mr. and Mrs. Werlinger well as they move on with the plans.
Gary Edmondson, 1109 8th Street, to discuss the City's water supply
Mr. Edmondson appeared to express his concern for the quality of the current water system and for the
acquisition of future water supplies. He encouraged the Council to use their water wells. Mr. Edmondson was
concerned that the public be informed as to the status of the water supplies and in the development of future
sources and that the general public be made a part in the decision which would require the expenditure of higher
rates for water services.
David Robert Hardy - -Thank You Letter
Mr. Gene Pipes, City Manager, read aloud a letter of appreciation from David Hardy thanking the Council
for the "Outstanding Citizen of Huntsville" award from the City Council on December 14, 1982.
Monthly Bond Review
The City Manager reported the results of bonds sold in December, 1982 and noted the buyer's index for the
last week in December was 9.84 percent. He noted for the last week in December of 1981 it was 13.30 percent.
Huntsville Municipal Airport Master Plan Status Report
Mr. Pipes noted the master plan is basically finished as well as the graphic display (airport layout) plans.
He noted before going to print on the final copy, however, it has been agreed the consultant will include several
addendums to the master plan that were not specifically accounted for in the agreement. He felt that the several
week delay would be well worth the wait to get this additional meritorious information. He noted one problem
which had surfaced is the Fixed Based Operator lease agreement which has 12 years remaining. He noted the current
operator cannot get good long term financing for hangars or other improvements simply because the lease agree-
ment does not have sufficient time left to retire the debt. He noted the consultants are working with all parties
involved to negotiate a proposed lease agreement that would be included in the Master Plan for the Council's
review; therefore a little more time is required to complete the report. Mr. Pipes noted in addition, there is
a need for a complete survey of the airport boundaries for future project considerations; this is also being
prepared for inclusion in the Master Plan. Future acquisitions of land to the airport will also be addressed,
he advised. He noted it may be mid - February before the addendums to the airport master plan are completed.
Ordinance No. 83 -6 Ordering a Municipal Election
Mayor Nash then presented this ordinance, the caption of which is as follows:
Councilmember Dowling made the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 82 -6 and Councilmember Monday seconded the
q motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimouslyt Councilmember Dowling requested that voters be
_ given clarification as to which voting precincts are included in each of the four wards. It was noted this would
be included in the notice of election which would appear in the newspaper in both English and Spanish.
CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FOR JANUARY 25, 1983 BOOK "N," page 265 '' ,,
Ordinance No. 83 -7 Amending Chapter 6A, Civil Defense and Disaster Relief Ordinance
Mayor Nash presented this ordinance for Council consideration. Councilmember Brown made the motion to
table this ordinance until it could be reviewed in a work session to study how it integrates with the existing
Emergency Action Plan the City has on file. Councilmember King seconded the motion. There being no objection
to delaying action on this ordinance, the motion for tabling passed unanimously.
Consider a Contract with SHSU for the Use of Cable Channel 7 for their Programming Services
Mayor Nash then presented this contract to the Council for their consideration which would allow coopera-
tive use of Cable 7 for the encouragement, promotion, improvement and application of the arts, including music,
dance, drama, motion pictures, television, tape and sound rewinding° and the arts related to the presentation,
performance, execution and exhibition of these major art forms; and for other educational and informational
After some discussion regarding the statement in paragraph X regarding the 30 days notice of termination
by either party, Councilmember Corley made the motion to approve this agreement with a change in the notice
provision to increase it to 90 days to allow the University more time and Councilmember King seconded the motion
with the amendment that the termination language (entire sentence) be deleted since this contract is renewable
annually. Councilmember Corley accepted this amendment. Discussion: Councilmember King asked about the equip-
ment that was to be provided in this contract and the City Attorney, Scott Bounds, noted some of the equipment
has been received and other items are still on order. He noted an equipment list has been agreed upon between
the University and Telecable. Councilmember Brown requested a copy of this equipment list. Councilmember Hodges
questioned paragraph III and felt the addition of the wording that the required broadcasting under this contract
does not include the mere use of the character generator. The City Attorney, Mr. Bounds, noted he would add
a sentence of clarification to paragraph III. Councilmember Dowling objected to the beginning date of this
contract reading October 1, 1982 when it is just now being negotiated formally. He noted he would prefer the
commencing date to be today, January 25, 1983. Councilmember Corley and Councilmember King accepted the amend-
ments to paragraph III and X. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
Consider Purchase of various quantities /sizes of containers for the Sanitation Division
Councilmember Brown made the motion to approve the staff's recommendation to accept the lowest bid meeting
specifications for Bid 83 -13 Sanitation Containers from May Fabricating Company, Inc. for $15,322.24 to be
paid for from budgeted funds (Account No. 24 -23- 6902 -- balance: $18,000) and Councilmember Monday seconded the
motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
Consider a proposal to authorize and fund supplemental laboratory costs for the balance of FY 82 -83 in order
to continue the cooperative monitoring program
Councilmember Corley made the motion to approve the staff's recommendation to authorize and fund supplemen-
tal laboratory costs for the balance of the fiscal year in order to continue the cooperative monitoring program
as recommended by the Texas Department of Water Resources and Engineering- Science (consultants), in the amount
of $16,272 from the Industrial Waste Surcharge Fund, which has a balance of $228,615 and Councilmember Monday
seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Mayor Nash noted these costs are
necessary because of the need to monitor industrial dischargers whose discharge is outside of the parameters
established for regular sewage and industrial waste.
Appointments to Parks Advisory Board
Mayor Nash then presented three new appointments for consideration for two year terms on the Parks Advisory
Board, as follows:
Barbara Hart
Ralph Pease
Luvenia Johnson
02 -01 -83 to 02 -01 -85
02 -01 -83 to 02 -01 -85
02 -01 -83 to 02 -01 -85
It was noted the other members of the Parks Advisory Board, currently still serving (until February 1, 1984) are
Leroy Bailey, Jim Carter, Karl Davidson, Willie Head and Ted Michael. Mayor Nash noted those rotating off of the
Board, with the reduction of its size from 12 members to eight, are: Grace Bohan, Eugene Brown, Roy Clark,
Maxie Farris, Mike McDowell and Dave Williston. Councilmember Brown made the motion to approve of these three
new appointments and Councilmember Corley seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unani-
Appointments Approved to Tourist Council (A Chamber of Commerce Board)
Mayor Nash noted the members of the Tourist Council are joint appointments made by the Chamber President
and the Mayor for one year terms. He asked the Council's consideration of the approval of the following members
for 1983:
New Appointments Reappointments
Steve Bullard
Tom Rogers
Marcus Kenter
Rick Hartley
Margi Carey
Tom Pennington
Bruce Graving
He noted two members are rotating off of the Tourist Council as joint appointment members and these are Len
George and Bob Tavenner. Councilmember Hodges made the motion to approve these appointments and Councilmember
Dowling seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
4_ t• c.24 i 84. N rte, L (9-
Police Promotional Review Board
Mayor Nash then asked the Council's approval of the following appointments to the Police Promotional
Review Board:
Frank Robinson
Jaepyr Sanford
New Appointment
Bill Hammock
01 -01 -83 to 01 -01 -85 (2 year term)
01 -01 -83 to 01 -01 -84 (1 year term)
01 -01 -83 to 01 -01 -86 (3 year term)
He noted upon the expiration of these particular terms, new members will each serve three year terms. He advised
the Council that Doug Moore rotated off this Board this month and that he was not eligible for reappointment
because he is not a city resident. Councilmember Corley made the motion to approve these appointments and
Councilmember McGlothen seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
Board of Adjustments 8 Appeals (Being reduced from seven members to five)
Mayor Nash asked the Council for their approval of the following appointments for the terms listed below:
New appointments
Gene Meyers
Joe Sapp
David Hines
03 -17 -83 to 01 -01 -85
03 -17 -83 to 01 -01 -85
01 -01 -83 to 01 -01 -85
Randy Gardner will continue to serve until March 17
Danny Rice will continue to nerve until March 17
Term begins immediately for Mr. Hines
He noted the other members of this Board are: Dan Slater (01- 01 -84) and Curtis Skeins (01- 01 -84). It was
noted this is a five member board, three of which are appointed in odd numbered years and two are appointed in
even numbered years. The Board meets when called. Mayor Nash noted the following have rotated off the Board:
Jim Capel, Joe Emmett and W. Clyde Watson. Councilmember Brown made the motion to approve the Mayors three
appointments and Councilmember Corley seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.
Huntsville Housing Authority
Mayor Nash advised the Council of the resignation of Dennis Baker from the Huntsville Housing Authority.
He noted he would like the Council's approval of Mr. David Madden to serve out the unexpired term of Mr. Baker
which will expire on July 1, 1984. He noted the other members of the board are Robert Eubanks and Bettye
Weatherall (7 -1 -84) and Winnie Simons and Brian Woodward (7- 1 -83). Councilmember Corley made the motion to
approve the Mayor's appointment and Councilmember Hodges seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion
passed unanimously.
Meeting with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department the the Texas Department of Water Resources
Mayor Nash noted he and staff members met with these officials in Austin to discuss the cause of the fish
kill. He noted the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has concluded that the fish kill was caused by ammonia.
He noted the City's A. J. Brown Wastewater Treatment Plant has operated within the required parameters and said
the City finds the evidence inconclusive regarding the source of the ammonia. He notes a cooperative effort
will be made to study the ammonia problem and to take corrective actions to prevent such a fish kill in the
Bedias Reservoir Correspondence
Mayor Nash noted the Bedias Reservoir is not a new idea and has been a part of the Trinity River Authority
Master Plan since 1973. He noted the City has been aware of that portion of the master plan and has discussed
the reservoir plane with TRA as a possible source of future water. He noted the Council is aware that the
Bedias Reservoir will have to be built prior to the year 2005 or we will be "out of water." He noted the State
is developing a state wide water plan and the city will become involved in that plan so that it can get its
water from the best possible source. He noted the city is monitoring future plans with regard to water and will
continue to do this.
e State - Municipal Planning Study Committee
Mayor Nash noted Senator Lloyd Doggett has forwarded the final report of findings and recommendations of
this special committee to the Council for their information and review. He noted the report included two parts,
one of which recommends reimbursement for local government service coats and the second part recommends allowing
local participation in state building planning. He noted currently state building is exempt from local building
codes, and as a result it is easier to get into problems for the city. He noted Senator Doggett expressed his
appreciation for the efforts made by our City in the presentation of documented information for inclusion in the
review of this problem,
Certification Program for City Secretary
Mayor Nash advised the Council that the City Secretary, Ruth DeShaw, has enrolled in a certification course
with North Texas State University which will allow her to obtain state certification, after the completion of
four prescribed courses. He noted he encourages her to pursue her CMG (Certified Municipal Clerk) statue and
acknowledged that she has completed one of the courses and received her certificate for that course.
Development Plane for Local Units
Murray Brown noted since the City is in receipt of information from TDC regarding future unit developments,
it is probably time to take some action on the solids management problems at the Parker Creek Plant. Mayor
Nash noted Mr. Pipes received some additional information from TDC which is that their consultant, Mr. Clay of
O'Malley 6 Clay, recommends that TDC get entirely off of the City's sewer system and build its own treatment
plant designed to take care of their particular wastes. He'noted also that Mr. Jack Kyle of TDC further recom-
mended that TDC make some type of lump sum settlement with the City in which the City would take whatever money
was agreed to in order to take care of TDC's sewer, whatever the City felt appropriate. He noted Mr. Kyle has
also requested that the Texas Water Resource personnel meet with TDC personnel and consultant and with the City
personnel and their consultant to determine the beet method,of resolving their industrial waste problem. He
noted all parties are agreeable to such a meeting and it will probably be held in Huntsville by mid- February.
He noted until this meeting is held and we know what TDC 1■ going to do with their sewage, the City would not
want to go on with this purchase of 50 acres of land to handle the sludge as it may be that TDC will get totally
off of our system. He noted if TDC gets off the system, th. ,Ity would only be using some 20 -30X of the system.
The City could then have an excess of sludge drying beds, Mr. Nash said. He noted the City Council will be
getting a sludge status report every week and it will change as weather conditions change. He noted the Council
needs to await the outcome of this February meeting. He noted until then the City may need to spend some of
the surcharge money to do something temporary with the sludge. He noted it may be necessary to take bids now
for someone to haul the sludge off to dispose of it in an emergency situation, but not do it unless the plant
will not take the sludge. He felt it would be good to be set up and then on short notice take that option to
get rid of it. He noted the staff is planning to make these kind of plans in order to have an alternative.
He preferred spending surcharge money on a temporary basis than becoming involved in a capital expenditure which
at this point is still uncertain.
Airport Master Plan
Councilmember Dowling again reminded the administration that he would like a work session to discuss the
airport master plan, when it has been finally submitted for review.
Missouri Pacific Representatives
Councilmember Dowling noted at long last a representative from Missouri Pacific Railroad finally came to
Huntsville to review the railroad crossing conditions and indicated they will make whatever changes the City is
willing to pay for. He noted his encouragement that we now at least have someone interested enough to come to
Huntsville to check on the situation.
Confederate Heroes Day -- January 19, 1983
Mayor Pro Tem Corley noted he and Councilmember King attended the Confederate Herres Celebration at the
Courthouse (Robert E. Lee's Birthday) and noted the City was well represented.
Texas Legislative Seminar -- Austin -- February 14, 1983
Mayor Nash noted those Councilmembers who are interested in attending this seminar should contact the
City Secretary so that she could make the proper arrangements for the trip.
Garbage Study
Councilmember Davis requested an update on the garbage study. Dale Brown, Director of Planning, noted
this study would be undertaken this summer after completion of Central Business District, Housing and the
Capital Improvements Program work.
Respectfully submitted,
12uth DeShaw, City Secretary
January 25, 1983