MIN CC 07/26/1983MINUTES OF JULY 26, 19 B00K "N ", PAGE 315 MINUTES OF THE HUNTSVILLE CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON THE 26TH DAY OF JULY, A.D., 1983 IN THE CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS, LOCATED AT 1212 AVENUE M IN THE CITY OF HUNTSVILLE, COUNTY OF WALKER, TEXAS AT 7:00 P.M. The Council met in regular session with the following members present: William V. Nash, Mayor Murray A. Brown Larry Corley Stephen E. Davis Bill Hodges Percy Howard, Jr. Jane Monday Bob Tavenner Member absent: Jerry L. Dowling The Mayor called the Council meeting to order and then recessed the Council into an Executive Session to discuss pending litigation: Nelson Vs. City of Huntsville. No action was taken in this meeting. The Council then reconvened into the formal session. CALL TO ORDER The Mayor then reconvened the meeting of the Council In formal session. The Reverend Larry Greenlee of Cooks Springs Baptist Church, presented the invocation. CONSIDER THE MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING Councilmember Monday made the motion to approve the minutes of July 26, 1983 and Councilmember Davis seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT- -GENE PIPES The City Manager, Gene Pipes, then introduced the new news media representatives as well as the regulars: Tim Langley, representing KSAM -KHUN; Allison Carper, representing the Huntsville Item and attending her last meeting prior to her departure to Philadelphia for a new position there; Gary Chandler, new representative of the Item; Ray Allan, representing KKNX; and Patrick Crimmins. representing the new Huntsville Morning News. Amtel Consulting Company of Houston to Review Telephone Company Charges for Overcharges or Discrepancies Gene Pipes, City Manager, noted Amtel Consulting Company of Houston wishes to work with the City to review its telephone ccepany charges for any discrepancies. He said they would work on a fee basis, based on 50 percent' of any refund that Ma Bell pays the City back, and 50 percent of the savings on the billings for the next 12 months. He noted in last budget, several Councilmembers felt the phone charges were extremely high. He felt this type of service could be very beneficial to the City, since it does not have this type of local expertise to audit its own phone system to make sure it is being charged appropriately. He noted if the Council has no objec- tion to this, he will bring back for their formal action next week an agreement to this effect. He noted this company has made this same arrangement with a couple of the local banks and the hospital. and have worked with the Houston Chronicle in this capacity. He noted Deer Park is the only municipality with whom they have con- tracted. Mr. Pipes felt it was time to have our phone charges analyzed. Mayor Nash noted that the City should seek out other companies that do similar work so as to offer this work to them also. He asked Mr. Pipes to check with Deer Park to see if they were happy with the service and if the method they use is appropriate for what we would want here in our City. Councilmember Monday asked that their references be checked very carefully. Mr. Pipes noted he would make these contacts prior to next week's meeting. Councilmember Tavenner noted this company also checks the equipment in use by the city to determine its appropriateness and application. CONSIDER TWO ORDINANCES Ordinance No. 83 -26 Amending the Code of Ordinances Altering Setback Requirements for Buildings and Structures Mayor Nash then presented this ordinance, the caption of which is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 83 -26 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTSVILLE, TEXAS, AMENDING CHAPTER 6, BUILDINGS AND BUILDING REGULATIONS, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF HUNTSVILLE; ALTERING SETBACK REQUIREMENTS FOR BUILDINGS AND STRUCTURES ERECTED OR LOCATED ON SITES WITHIN THE CITY; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF UP TO 8200.00 A DAY FOR CERTAIN VIOLATIONS; PROVIDING REPEALING AND SAVINGS PROVISIONS; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF. Councilmember Brown made the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 83 -26 and Councilmember Monday seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously. Ordinance No. 83 -27 Amending the Subdivision Design Standards to Permit Joint Metering of Condominiums Mayor Nash then presented this ordinance, the caption of which is as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 83 -27 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF HUNTSVILLE, TEXAS, AMENDING THE CITY'S SUBDIVISION DESIGN STANDARDS TO PERMIT JOINT METERING OF CERTAIN CONDOMINIUMS AND APART- MENT UNITS; AND MAKING OTHER FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO. Councilmember Brown made the motion to adopt Ordinance No. 83 -27 and Councilmember Monday seconded the motion. All were in favor and the motion passed unanimously_ RELOCATION OF SIGNAL POLES pa;31wgns Alin; •suolssn3slp wer6 s;uawanordwl Le;lde7 ay; uo ;roM anul ;uo3 o; uolssas :IJOM a para;ua Ll3uno7 ay; 'ssa3aJ jalJq a Ja;jV 1N3WNtlf1000V '34Pne 5,413 a43 op 03 sLOsodord Jlay; pug (sa;0l3ossV y y3uAl 'projaJaH pue splouia4 4 Le43uapM+9) siu 6u131Pne Lg3oL 0M; MaIAaJ o; •W•d 0E4 le AgpsaupaM sari lltM (jlaswly pue pJeMON 'Jauuanel 'umoJit sJagwawLl3uno3) aa314wwo3 3IPnV a4; Pa;OU A0003 JagwawLPPuno3 -- -a3ue371e4e ule6 of l4 Projje sou moo oyM asoyl JO; JON awns JOAej mom ay pa3ou yseN rant:% "sly; uo 13ay3 mom ay pa3ou sadld •JH •a3IJd ay; ;o asn03aq uol ;eluasard sl43 sslw 0; auoawos lugM ;au PlnoM 94 ples yseN JoAOH 'sly; uo Ll3uno7 ay; o3 3rodar:alglsuodsar sl JaAaoyM Jo asgad epull 1043 passe aH 'w4V sq n3stp sty; Ples ow •uaLP1.443 Jo) 00'E$ Pu0 s ;Lnpe Jo) 00'5$ o; do auo6 say sla3l3 an jo a3lJd a4; pa3ou uMO,1B JagmawLlpuno3 -- 3IN rd NO113Y 1I3Nl07 d aa331wwo7 31PnV :uolle3uasard dV3H •pua; ;e o; auOA,1aAa pa6tJno3ua aH ' ;red le}raoaH uo2snoH weS aql u1 'W'd 00 :9 3e ul5aq Ulm leAlisad dV3H a43 pa3ou yseN •JN -- L244sa3 dV3H AeP,1nleS 'LLeH A313 le paAJas aq LIIM 43unL y3p,pues pue 3sellearq le3uaul ;uo3 0 palou aH •3a6pnq ay; uo 1J0% 03 Aeprn ;es U0 'W'Y OE :8 le loam ILIM L43Uno7 a43 pa3ou yseN •,1H -- bullaaw ;abpn8 Aeprn;eS 'osLe loan ;xau s;uaw;ulodde asay; slew o; paredaJd aq llu' ay pa3ou 4seN vH -- s;uawluloddy p.eo8 A,1grgll •:laaw ;xau A31Jo43ny s141 01 ;uauqulodda Jay ;o 043 ales LLIM a4 pa3ou yseN Johw •ALsnowlueun passed uol ;0w ay; pue Acne; ul woo' LLV 'u01 ;a2 ay; papuo3as sa6poH Jaquaw{l3uno3 pue ;uauqulodde sly; ;o anordde 03 uol ;ow ay; apes AatJO7 JagmaILl3uno3 'E861 'L RLnr uo paJldxa uua3 sly ua4M 'pJaspooM uelJB Aq pa;ear3 A3ue3,A a4; 6u4114j 'eua; Jeai o*3 e JO; A31JO43ny ay3 03 ua43o193W awes 'Jw pa;eulwou uay; yseN JoAsH 41J04 ;ny OulsnoH a111AS;unH 03 ;uaw;uloddy 4seN 6 welLUUM- -lli0d31! 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