1-16 in blue
Volume 12, Issue 4
January 2016
January 2016
1 - New Year’s Day - City offices closed
5 - City Council Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
6 - Yard Waste Trimming Collection
7- Planning Commission -
City Hall at 12 p.m.
13 - Heavy Trash & Large Yard Waste
18 - MLK Day - City offices closed
19 - City Council Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
20 - Yard Waste Trimming Collection
21 - Planning Commission -
City Hall at 5:30 p.m.
27 - Heavy Trash & Large Yard Waste
February 2016
2 - City Council Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
3 - Yard Waste Trimming Collection
5 - Planning Commission -
City Hall at 12:00 p.m.
10 - Heavy Trash & Large Yard Waste
16 - City Council Meeting at 6:00 p.m.
17 - Yard Waste Trimming Collection
19 - Planning Commission -
City Hall at 5:30 p.m.
24 - Heavy Trash & Large Yard Waste
Submit requests for Heavy Trash pick-up
before noon on Wednesday,
the week prior to pick-up, at 294-5796.
Learn more about
City events at
Yes, we’re trying to get your attention!
Each month, the City includes the City Connection newslet-
ter in each utility bill, distributes 500 copies around town in
public places, provides notification with a press release
and on the City’s social media platforms, and archives a
copy on the City website at www.huntsvilletx.gov.
Twice a month, the City produces This Week in Huntsville, a
digital newsletter that comes straight to your email inbox.
It is also placed on the website, and a press release and
social media notifications are made with each issue.
Some information in the City Connection is also included in
the This Week in Huntsville e-newsletter, but not all of it.
Most months, the City Connection contains expanded infor-
mation on Solid Waste/Recycling guidelines and programs
that you may want to clip and save to post on the refrigera-
We want you to be informed!
To subscribe to City publications, press releases, agenda
postings, or more, go to the City’s web site,
www.huntsvilletx.gov, and click on the blue Stay Notified
button under the main photo. Enter your email address and
select City Connection, This Week in Huntsville and any-
thing else you’d like to subscribe to. Be sure to respond to
the confirmation email you’ll receive, and you’ll be signed
Residential customers - winterize your sewer charge
Water meter usage for the months of November through February is used to calculate your new sewer average
charge for the next year. Consciously reducing your water usage during these months could lower your sewer
charge. A method to reduce usage includes limiting or completely eliminating outside watering. The new sewer
average charge will be effective with the April billing (due in May).
“We advise residents to limit outdoor watering, such as washing cars, in order to keep water consumption down
during winter months,” said Jerri Weaver, City of Huntsville Billing and Revenue Manager. “Also, residents should
be aware of any water leaks and make sure to have those repaired.”
For more information, contact City of Huntsville Utility Billing at (936) 291-5431.
Recycle Grease & Antifreeze!
Do you plan on replacing the antifreeze in
your vehicle this winter? Have you thought
about how to dispose of these and other
kinds of liquids, including motor oil, peanut
oil, or cooking oil? Don’t pour those materials
down the drain – recycle them!
The City of Huntsville Solid Waste Division of-
fers free, year-round recycling for residential
customers for these liquids and other items
at the Recycling Drop-Off Center (590 I-45
North) from 7:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Monday
through Saturday.
Other items, including oil filters, are recycled
in specifically marked collection barrels. As
they are flammable, neither gasoline nor die-
sel from lawn equipment or vehicles will be
accepted for disposal or recycling.
Due to disposal restrictions, the Solid Waste
Division is not able to pick up liquids on a
curbside basis. If you have any questions,
please call 936-294-5712.
Preventing & Managing Frozen Water Pipes
Every winter, many homes are damaged when frozen water pipes
break. This danger can be greatly reduced by taking a few simple ac-
First, insulate pipes located on outside walls or in crawl spaces. The
more insulation you use, the better protected your pipes will be
(please do not place any insulation in meter boxes, newspaper is
okay, but generally not necessary in the box). Materials such as heat
tape or thermostatically controlled heat cables can be used to wrap
Second, seal holes or gaps around pipes and electrical wiring on out-
side walls to prevent cold air from blowing on pipes.
Finally, remember to allow faucets to drip when freezes occur. A trick-
le or drip of water overnight might be enough to keep pipes from
freezing. Consider leaving cabinet doors open under sinks to allow
warm air to circulate.
If a pipe does freeze, never try to thaw it with an open flame or torch.
Instead, try thawing the pipe with warm air from a hair dryer. Start by
warming the frozen pipe near the faucet, then working toward the
coldest section of pipe. If water pipes have already burst, turn off the
water at the main shutoff valve in the house. Make sure everyone
knows where the water shutoff valve is and how to open and close it.
For more information, contact the City of Huntsville Service Center at
(936) 294-5700.
Think you have a leak at your home? Here are a few ways to check!
The City of Huntsville Utility Billing division works with many customers who have experienced a variety of leaks
both inside and outside their homes. Fortunately, they have also compiled several easy ways to check for leaks.
“We always encourage our customers to keep an eye out for dripping faucets or pipes, as small leaks can really
add up over time and should be fixed as soon as possible,” said Sabrina Friederich with Utility Billing.
“Customers are also encouraged to find the location of their meter and look for a triangular dial that will spin if
there is water running inside. If you have turned off all your faucets but see movement on this dial, it can indi-
cate an active leak.”
Utility Services Supervisor Frank Golden says that perhaps as many as 75% of leaks are due to faulty toilet tank
flappers, it’s a good item to check first. Finally, Friederich recommends using the dye test to determine if a toi-
let is leaking.
“By placing a few drops of regular food coloring in the back part of the toilet and monitoring the color in the toi-
let bowl for about an hour, you can easily tell if your toilet is experiencing a leak,” she said.
For more information, contact Utility Billing at (936) 291-5431, or visit the City’s Web site, www.huntsvilletx.gov.
Free Spanish classes are back!
The ever-popular free Spanish classes are re-
turning to the Huntsville Public Library! Instruc-
tor Beth Williamson will teach on Tuesdays in
the Community Room. The 14-week program
begins February 2, and materials are provided.
Register now to reserve a place, as only 35 stu-
dents are permitted for each class. Beginner
classes will meet from 1:00 pm. to 3:00 p.m.
and advanced classes will be held from 3:00
p.m. to 4:15 p.m.
Register online at www.myhuntsvillelibrary.com
or call Mary at 936-291-5471 for additional in-
Pilates for Everyone
Beginning January 26, from 5:45-6:45 p.m., Pilates student teachers from the SHSU Department of Dance
will lead a weekly class in Pilates in the Community Room at the Huntsville Public Library. Pilates builds
strength, flexibility, and lean muscle tone, with an emphasis on lengthening the body and aligning the spine.
Please bring your own towel or mat. Please consult your doctor before starting any new exercise program.
The Huntsville Public Library is partnering with the SHSU Center for Community Engagement for this pro-
gram. Register online at www.myhuntsvillelibrary.com or call Mary at (936) 291-5471 for more information.
Start the New Year with Essential Oils classes
Essential oils teacher, Melissa Gonzalez, returns to the Huntsville Public Library for an all new series of clas-
ses to discuss new topics on the use of essential oils. The first class will be held January 11th from 5:45 p.m.
to 6:45 p.m. in the Library’s Community Room.
Learn how essential oils can encourage greater success in keeping New Year's resolutions. No registration
required and classes are open to all. Check library calendar at www.myhuntsvillelibrary.com for future class
times. Call Mary Kokot (936) 291-5471 for more information.
There’s so much more!
Your library also has a full range of clas-
ses and activities for all ages, so don’t
miss out! Check the web site regularly,
subscribe to calendar and event notifica-
tions, and make sure you’re getting reg-
ular updates via This Week in Huntsville
and HPL’s Between the Pages!
City of Huntsville Recycling Guidelines
Direct questions to (936) 294-5712
Curbside recycling guidelines:
1. Rinse all plastics and cans to remove residue
2. Plastics 1-7 stamped with number and symbol accepted
3. Flatten items to save room inside of cart
4. Keep cart five (5) feet from all other objects including vehi-
5. Carts must be placed at the curb or street’s edge no later
than 6:00 a.m. on the day of collection. Carts must be re-
moved from the street’s edge by the end of the collection
day (carts cannot be stored at the street’s edge)
Items that cannot be placed in the City cart:
Garbage, food waste, yard waste, loose shredded paper,
glass/oil/filters, batteries, cell phones, electronics, Styrofoam,
aluminum foil, or plastic bags of any kind.
No plastic wrap, shrink wrap, or bubble wrap. No Styrofoam,
even if it has a recycling number and symbol on item.
Recycling Drop-Off Center Information:
The Recycling Center accepts self-hauled recyclable items and is located at
590 I-45 North. The Recycling Center Attendant will be onsite to assist cus-
tomers from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday - Friday. Drop-offs can still be
made Monday - Saturday from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., and holiday closings
are posted.
Recycling Drop-off Center Guidelines:
Aluminum - Soda cans, beer cans: Flattened/unflattened. Keep aluminum
cans separate from steel cans. NO FOIL, BAKING PANS OR FOOD TRAYS.
Steel Cans - Food cans, pet food cans, aerosol cans: Rinse out the can, you
can leave the label on. Aerosol cans must be empty.
Newspaper - Whatever comes inside the newspaper can be recycled. Stack
and put in paper bags or cardboard boxes. Throw away plastic rain sleeves
and rubber bands.
Magazines - catalogs, phone books: Keep separate from newspaper. Place
in brown bags or small cardboard boxes. DO NOT place in plastic bags.
Paper - White or colored paper, remove paper clips, rubber bands and sta-
ples if possible. Put in small boxes or paper stacks.
Glass - Clear, green or brown only: Throw away lids, rinse out. You can
leave the label on. Place glass in separate containers. NO window panes,
light bulbs or dishware.
Cardboard - Toilet/paper towel cores, food boxes, medicine boxes, shoe
boxes, shipping/moving boxes, sugar bags, dog/cat food bags which in-
clude a recycling logo, paper bags. NO packing materials, plastic liners or
Plastics - Numbered 1-7: Recycling symbol and number are required.
Milk Jugs and Water Jugs - Throw away cap/lid. Rinse with warm water and
try to flatten. Keep these jugs separate from soda bottles or colored plas-
Other #1 and #2 Plastic Containers - Examples of other recyclable contain-
ers: syrup bottles #3, snap-on coffee lids #4, cottage cheese containers
#5, yogurt containers #6, and ketchup bottles #7
Drop-off Center Also Accepts: Used motor oil, oil filters, cooking oil and anti-
Visit www.huntsvilletx.gov for Area curbside recycling schedules, full list of
acceptable curbside items and more recycling information.
Yard Waste Specifics
Collection Service: 1st, 3rd, and 5th Wednes-
day of each month - No call-in required!
Yard waste is classified as leaves, grass, pine needles,
yard clippings and small brush, items referred to as
“green waste.”
The total number of paper compostable-bagged, canned,
or bundled yard waste items is limited to twelve (12) per
household per collection day. All yard waste materials
must be placed within two (2) feet of street’s edge no
later than 6:00 a.m. on the morning of the scheduled
Yard waste such as leaves, grass, pine needles or small
clippings must be:
(1) Bagged in paper compostable bags or placed in per-
sonal garbage cans (not to exceed 32 gallons);
(2) Cannot exceed 50 pounds each;
(3) City-issued garbage and recycling carts cannot be
filled with yard waste.
Tree limbs and brush must be:
(1) No longer than four (4) feet in length;
(2) Limbs no larger than four (4) inches in diameter;
(3) Must be tied securely in bundles which cannot ex-
ceed two (2) feet in diameter and can’t exceed 50
pounds each.
The following items and locations DO NOT qualify for
Yard Waste pick-up:
(1) Household garbage of any kind;
(2) Anything other than green waste: NO flower pots,
fertilizer, mulch, bags, dirt, potting soil, sand, rock,
gravel, etc.
(3) Commercial businesses or commercially generated
yard waste.
Bring your City utility bill showing that you pay for gar-
bage service and dispose of your yard waste at the City
Transfer Station free of charge. This excludes commer-
cial customers, yard waste contractors, and any lawn
service providers. The customer must be present with
their current City garbage bill at the time of disposal.
For more information on yard waste trimming collection
services, contact the Solid Waste Services Division at
(936) 294-5712.