ORD CC 06/04/1929 - Controlling vehicle traffic Vol. G,, p. 247 A11T OFDIIWdCE
An ordinance to amend section 2 of an ordinance regulating and controlling automobile
and vehicle traffic in and upon the public streete, highways, lanes„ alleys and avenues
in the City of Huntsville, providing for penalties for the violation of the several
sections and subdivisions thereof and providing faa� the repeal of all ordinances in con. .
flict therewith, adopted by the city council of th6 City of Huntsville, on the 3rd day
of November, 1925, and providing for penalties forjthe violation of the several subdivi-
sions of section 2 of this amendment, and declaring; an emergency,
SECTION 1s That section 2 of an ordinance regulating and controlling automobiles and
other vehicle traffic in and upon the highways, pubilo streets, ets., of the City of
Huntsville, adopted November 3, 1926, be amended, by�,,addi,ng subdivisions W,,XvY and Z
thereto, as follo'wss
(W) All Aeehicle'r crossing Avenue L at fourteenth:,, thirteenth and twenieth streets
going East and/6r going West, shall come to a full stop before entering Avenue L at said
street intersections; and all vehicles passing North aAd/or South over Avenue L. shall
slow down to a speed not exceeding fifteen miles an hook, before crossing the intersection
of said Avenue h with fourteenth, thirteenth and twentieth streetse
W All vehicles going East over fourteenth stieet;' between Avenues J and K shall
slow down to a speed of not more than fifteen miles per h6ur, before entering upon Avenue Js
and all vehicles -gavelling North and/or South upon Avenue' J shall slkcw down to a speed not
exceeding fifteen miles per hour, before crossing the intersection of fourteenth street
with Avenue J,
(Y) All vehicles passing West over sixteenth street between Avenues K and L shall come '
to a full stop before entering the intersection between. Avenue L and sixteenth street, and
all vehicles passing East between .Avenue M and Avenue L shall comae to a full stop before
enterin the intersection between Avenue L and nineteenth street.
(Z} All vehicles going West on seventeenth street, betweeia .Avenues K and L shall. dome
to & full stop4,. before entering Avenue L. at its intersection with seventeenth street; and
all vehicles passing North and,/or South over Avenue L shall slow down to a speed not exceed-
ing fifteen miles per hour, before entering the intersection between seventeenth street and
Avenue L.
SECTION 2`= Any person. violating "y of the provisions of this amendment shall be guilty of
a misdeameanor„ and on conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum, not exceeding One Hundred
Dollars (0100,00).
SECTION 3t The fact thatathe provisions of said ordinance regulating the speed of automobiles
and other -vehicles upon the streets of the City of Hur±tsville, and particularly street cross-
ings do not adequately provide for the safety of -persons and property upon said streets, and
particularly st said i_iteru.00t ions, liis resulted in .conditions dangerous to the public, which
create an emergency and public necessity demanding that the rule requiring ordinances to lie
over one term be suspended, and.,t4at this ordinance take effect kxnediately upon its passage
end publication.
The foregoing ordinance was referred to the.Cosaraittee en Streets and Bridges, in open
Council, at a Regular Meeting, this Fourth day of Junes 1929.
We, your Committee on Streets and Bridges, to wham the foregoing ordinance was referred
having duly considered the same, do recommend that the same amendments be adopted,
J, Mi. anith
Victor Handel
W. T, Robins
Caram.i.ttee on Streets and Bridges
Adopted and approved„ in open. Council,, this 4th day of June, A. D,, 1929,
(real) Mayor°
Ruth Dickinson
City Secretary