ORD CC 10/18/1929 - Liquid storage Vol. G., P• 263 An ordinance amending an ordinance entitled "an ordinance prohibiting the keeping or storing in the City of Hmalsv lleoP basolins, benzine, carbon "b1sulphi.de (high life), napthab or ,other .fluids Woept alcohol* denatured or bhherwioe), which at ordinary temperatures give ofd' inflammable vapors, except in metal cans or storage tanks w1th pumps approved by the National Board of Fire Underwfkters, and installed :0 a - tand rd mann rl providing for the ina•tal ati on Of all metal cans, storage tanks and pumps In the City of Huntsville, regul;at" ing the distance from the property, line said caxa, storage tars, or pumps shtall. be ,i AW11 edy provi.di.ng a penalty for the violation Mny provision of this ordi ance$ providing that the invalidity of a part shall not invalidate all of a0d ordinance and xopea .i ng all or" dinancea and parts of ordinances In oonfliott herewith, and decalring an emergoncy "—so that said ordinance shall hereafter read as Vollowss BE IT WAR= By THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CXTY OF HUM'SVILJXT IN COUNCIL ASSE i8LEDs i That f he ordi nanoe adapted by the City Munch on the 8th day of Sebruary, 192190 prohibiting the keeping or storing In the City of un.tsvi.11e of gasoline, eto o, oxoept In metal owns or storage tanks., Ask, be ampndod so as hereafter to mead as follows# SECTION A That Is shall be unlawful for any person, firdor csorpora,ti.on. to ?peep o store can any pre Wes In the City of huntsvill , any gasoline, benzine, carbon 'blsulphi..d:o (high life)# napthh, or other fluids, (exoopt a.1,oAW# denaured or otherwise), which at ordinary temperatures give off inflammable vapors, cxeer t in metal cans and storage tanks with pro" per pumps, approved by the National Board of Fire Unde;►wri.teloo. SECTION A That all metal cane storage taus and pumps shall be Aastalled, in the otandard manner, as piovi.ded by the rules of the National Board of Fire Underwriters# and sizall be installed only. aft er a permit has been obtained from the City Secretary, a}xe? under the Mi. Motion of the otroet and bridge committee. SECTION 4 That after the passage and approval of this Ordinance, (a) all metal Mans, star- age tints and pumps shall be placed within the property line and not upon . within or under any street or sidewlk within the lWi:ts of the City of Muit;svillo# Texa.sl (b) It shall here* after bo vnlawful for any person., firm or corporation place„ anobw or bury any metal can, story o tankp or pumps upon* within or under any of the streets or oidowalka of the said City of Huntsvi lle j and W any and all metal cans, storage tans or pumps now placed upon, wi.thiq or under any of the streets and sidaualks of the City of Nuntsvi l-le and ly}aioh moy hereafter to repaired or removed,, shkll be replaced and removed to same point within the pro- party lire and not upon, withint or under any street or sidewalk of the City of Huntsvi,lle$ Texas NCTION A That any person, firm or oorpor€at ion who should violate any provision of this ordinance shall be dye xed guilty a €a misdemeanor and oonvi.o-t;ion shall be fined in any sum not more than Two Hundred Dollars (0200#00). and each day that such violation thereof oon" ti.nuas, shall constitute a separate o tense and subject the violator with a separate pen" altiy therefor. SECTION St The irn sl,:i.d,ity of a ,, part of this ordinance shali, not Invalidate all of the canna and all ordinanoos and parts of ordinances In cynflict _herewi.th are hereby expressly repealed. Thi o ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage and publication* The.above and foregoing Mina= was referred to -the Street and Bridge Committee in Wn COME on this, the 18th clay of Moberg WOO at an adjourned meeting of said Counoi.l, Sam MAKAnn Mayor *#, the undersigned street and Bridge Committee, to whom the above and foregoing car- di.nan.eo was referred* have duly considered the same, and hereby report 'back a mad recommend that said ordina.noe be adopted, iota raet a�xad � i,d,e Coaittee The above and foregoing ordinance was duly adopted and approved In open 6ounoily on this 18th. clay of October# 19294 son McKinne ATTESTs Mayor Ruth Dickinsa City Secretary I 48