ORD CC 08/15/1928 - Street Paving i G 011DINANCE OR RESOLUTION APPROVING THE, CONTRACT AND, BOND 'lI TH TI13 3T„TLS CONSTRUCTION CO-_`PANY FOR TIE I11LIROVE;ItiMNT OI' CERTAIN .PORTIONS OF AVT'NUE' L W THIN THE CITY LI Ira T S Or TIM,' CITY OI' HUNTS- VI.LIE 9 AND ALSO DIRECTING D.K.CALMfI ,II s CITY' ENGINEBR g TO IiAIM UP AND FI TTY `II TH T'ITi.: CI TY SECRETARY A STATI,'1,1 3NT .A!\TD LIST 31i,TTING J`ORTH TII+; 1-_,`A1tJJ1S OF T HE O yMIMS' OF TIM; PR.OI?EMY ABUTTING ON SAID STREETS `1'O BE PAVED AND TIM' A1,10UNT OF THMIR SAID PROPERTY, SO ABUTTING ON SAID ST: J.PffS, RI;SI'EC`.I'IVElY , TIM, COST OF SAID PAVING 11 R FRONT I+SOOT, UIT-DER THIN” FROM FOOT ENTERED R U 1L OR PI N, ACCORDING 7O TIM, CONTRACT I NT 0 y lIE TOTAL AIJOUNT 011 The' PRO RATA PART OF SAID PAVING TO BE ASSESSED AGAINST TIM SEVERAL PROPERTY O MER a, AND T,1J '+a Kl! "OUNT OF THE COST OF SAID PAVING, TO BE P.,UD FOR BY THE CITY (OR COUNTY) AND TIC!, TOTAL AirOUNT OF Th)ij fNTIRL+`' COST 02 SAID PAVING, A:tID DECLARING AN EMRGENCY. BE IT ORDAINED BY TIDE CITY COUNCIL OFTIM, CITY_ OF HUNT ISVIL1477,', IN COUNCILI AS 1 alF±;Ij�f3LED, AS FOLLOWS: On this day of August, 19280 at an adjourned meeting; of the City Council of the City of Huntsville, held on said last named date, more than a quorum being present, when the following ordinance or resolution was adopted, to-wit: BE IT ORDAINED BY TIM CITY COUNCIL Or, THE CITY OF HU.'LqT QVI ITE That the contract and bond entered into by and between the Tibbetts Construction Company and the City of Huntsvili.e for thejpavement and improvement of certain portions of `Avenuepl;oviding within the City of Huntsville, Texas, bearing date the / _-3 ®r_ _d,y of August, ;1928, and v=rith a bon in the sum of `� a 77 Thousand :Dollars; and with thereon, having been duly e,Kecute d appro ed as tor�forms is hereby- approved and ordered recorded in the Minutes of this Council. Said bond is here now referred to and made a part hereof, the same as if written into this ordinance. j BE IT I'URTIMR ORD.AIMED BY THJ�1 CITY COUNCIL that D.K.Ca,ld 'ell, City Engineer, forthwith make up and report to this Council a statement in writings setting forth the names of the owners of the property abutting on said streets to be paved, respectively, and the amount of their said property, so abutting on said streets, respectivelyy the cost of said Pavement or street improvement per front foot, under the front foot rule or planaccording to the contract entered into with Tibbetts Construction Company, the total amount of the of said pavement to be assessed against the several Propertyaowners, and the amount of the cost of said pavement to be d for by the (or Walker County) and the total amount of the entire cost of saidCity street improvement ; and, WI-MRHAS, portions of .s-aid-Av.`enu6 L. . to be paved are in a deplorable condition, creating an emergency, and a public j necessity requiring that this ordinance tale innedia,te effect: IT IS FURTHER ORDAIN T+'D that this ordinance shall take effect from and after its passage. i I The above and foregoing ordinance or resolution was duly presented U the City Council for consideration, referred to the Co milittee on Streets and Bridges and by said Cormittee referred back to the City Council, with the recormendation that the same be adopteal whereupon said finance was duly adopted and approved, in open Council, this /.� day of ZVII us , 1928. / Y R 'kTTES �i I I i i I I I