ORD CC 05/03/1949 - Rodent Control Uol. H.zy P. 568
City of
ce tcs px4v3dee3 t?�e pa°c}taotie�x2 4a tar3 i�tablisa Yeeaaltia by ereantrs�l34
car prevera
of triz the spsreaad ?�' rat bor cai sense s aaaad iraf'€�cst9 m,.ars by the ®li ix tiara
i �axitary agndtzoa2s a�ascaciated �tk� s�araPa d$.eeasr�s, by a3xterrz?azaatac�fa, ca€ a°ats,
d by ratproafinz straetuas aa�d r€ai?ate�aaaraoe taeaof is €a raiprossf'ed arstditioa.
BE IT ORDAIWZD B I t 1.o v nr c i L OF THL CITY OF fT U/U 5 V 1 L' �g
section . That fo than�rgaia$e� Q� � i�aanese tk�4 fml�ca�ra� definitions shall
a. The terra "business buildings% either vacant or occupied, "It mean any
structure. whether public or private, that is adapted for oaoupa ncy for transaaet;ion
Of business, for renderer of profeassioml eON1100, for amusement, for the displays
sale or storage of goads, vmros, or Baez e3handiee, or for the pereom aum of wori or
labor, iaaeludin; hotels, apartment buildW--a. t€ne nent houses, rooming houses, ofAco
buildings-. yaubllo buildings, atoreas, theaters, markets, rostauraantas grain elevators,
abattoirs, warehouses, workshops, -factories, wid all outhouses, sheds barns and other .
stractures on preini.soew
be The tern" "rattproofi " as used herein applies to a form of construation
to prevent the ingress of rate tnto business bulledi.wa from the exterior of from
one business building or establisbuent to another. It cor�ists essoul.Aally of
treatment with material, 1per ious to rat S=vml ng, all actual or potential open"
ims in exterior mile, ground or either floors, basementso roof and foundations,
that may be reached by rate from the ground by climbing or by burrm in-g.
. ThP term R°rat harborage" shall mean ear condition which provides shelter
or protection for rats, t1jus fav- oring, their multiplications and continued exist-
an ae in, under, or outside of any structureo
d. The term "rat eradication" @Mll rMan the elimination or exte mi:nation
Of rats within building-9 by any or all of the accepted measures, such ass
pdi.seaiai , fmi-Mtiesn, traappira& Or other methods deemed weessary.
as The terry "Health O f'ieer m as used heroin means the Superintendent,
Connissionor or Director of Realth or alay duly authorized representatits.
to The 'terns "ear" shall mean the acatua?,l ter$ agents or custodian of
the business building, whether individual., parLaaea ship, or c orporaationo The
lessee shall be construed as the "owner" for t'ry purpoari of this ordinance when
business buildings wSroome nts 3aesld the 100:500 responsible ror maintenances and.
S. The teM "eacuyantsf as used herein shall mean the individual, partner-
ship, or corporation that usds or occupies any business 'building or part; of
fraction therakf. Whether the actual oar or tearsarat. In the case of vacant
be olness builcin-s or vacant portions thereof, the c ser, agent, or custodian
shall have the responsibility as occupant.
Section 2. T}a� is hereby orAlained and roTA ed than all business buildizkgs
in the C3 ty of �G l -5 v i L L� shall be ratpreoferd, freed of ratan, end. saint
twined In a ra¢tproot and rat,..free condition to the satisfaction of the lWalth
Wfi,oer q
a. That for the Purpose of obtaining ratostoppage of business buildings,
the following rcgulaatio ap are set forth as the miniym requirements for applying
r0-stoppage to business buildings.
{11 The Public aioAlt h Officer or hia repre-rsent€awlise shall, approve
all materials used and the mothod of ianstallatiman.
(ii.) Solid sheet metal, expancaard metal., and v3.re cloth epeoified in
these regulations ash$ll have a roast-Tesi.sti.ng, protective coating
preferably galvanized.
(3)+ All tOundati on. Tall ventilator eepenin s shall be oovered for
their entire height and widths with perforated sheet metal plotes of e
thickness not 1080 than twenty-four (24) gd v,% Or '�dth expazaded sheet
metal of a thickness not less than eighteen (18) gauge, or with cast
Iron grille or grates, or with any lather material, of sufficient strength
and equal rat-resisting properties, The openings therein shall be
small enough to prevent the ingress of ratee, and in no instance shall
be larger than sane-gaealf (e) ineh mesh.
(4). All ro,� ,lotions and exterior wall opeaa9aags excluding those used f®r
the purpose of ventilation, light, doors, wad windows, such as these
openings around -p peis, electric cables. &condui.ts. openings due to
deteriorated wall., 'broken masonry, or e;+€axaereetee, shall by protected ags§oust
the Ingress of rate by closing such Openings with cement mortar, concrete
or masonry, or clase.flttirsg sheet maetall or suitable sizes pipe flanges or
other material with equal rat-resiating properties, which shall be secure-
ly fastaued in place
W. Doore. ll exposed edges of the lower eight (fie) inches of wooden
doors and door jambs, serving as front, rear or side entrances into
business builds s, frees the ground., basement or cellar floors, and other
doors accessible to rats,, shall be protected against the gnswing of rats
by covering said doors and iambs with solid sheet maetal of not cress than
twenty-four (24) gaige thickness. The ewe :material shall b4 used on
door sills or thresholds, or such door sills or thresholds W be construct-
ad of e'anent, stone,, steal., or east iron. Doors, door jaar-ba and sills of
coal chutes and hatchways that are constructed of wood shill be covered
with solid sheet metal of t ;ty-four (24) gaWea or hs>e-vier, or they may
be replaced with metal glhutees of tw ty-fog (24) gauges or heavier in-
in such mWvwr as will prevent the ingress of rats. All builder
into with aide and-rear door entrances ahall provided with fly screens
said hardware cloth doors, These entrances shall be provided with suit-
able autos tl,o seelf'•clos g de ;otasa
(a)• All doors on which mae+tal ohatnal flashing has been applied
shall be properly hinged to provide for free swinGin8o crlbon oloseed,
doors shall fit 84m.6ly eao that the maxim celearanoe been any
door door bs and sill. shall not be greater than three-eights
(3/d ) of an inch.
We Windowav*-A13 windws and other openings for the purpose of light
or ventilation on shall be covered "oV their entire height and width, In-
cluding from, with wire cloth of -nineteen (19) gauge or heavier. having
a. masks of neat l�gmr than one-half (P) inch, in Installed metal 2,jmmea
Of 't my-f'w' (i$) gauge and a whored in plaaea with proper anchorage.
W- All window and other openings R"or the purpose of light or
ve nti.lation that may be accessible to rats by way of exposed pipes,
wirese oond-akbd arad other appurten naees, shall, be ccw- ro4 as
specified above. Or it' lieu Of a ire oloth covering,, eaad pipes,
wires, conduits and either appurtenances shall be blocked f'rcm rat
usage by I astqliiug sheet metal guards of twenty-four (24) gauge
or E3Qa'dAero
(b)m Such `gads when used on vertical pipes, wires, conduits or
other a-ppurtenunces shall be fitted saugly around"the pipe, wire,
conduit or other appurtonandes.
(7). Ught IM118 with windows in exterior walls that are located belay
the outside ground level stall be protected from the ingress of rate
by one or the Fallowing met3hods#
60a Installing over light wells cast iron of steel grills or
steel gratings, car Other Material Of equal Strength and rat-reeist-
Ing properties, with opus in ;rills or gratings not to exceed,
one®kmlf (?) inch In largest €imean,al*nr
(b)* installing securely to &qd completely Qoveen*i.:as costing mental
Grille that are broken car have Openings larger than onemhsalf.Qft)
Inch In laggest dimensions or otherwise defootdive, with expsred
metal of eighteen (18) game or heavier, haravi.:g opa nings not greater
than one-half (pie) inch in largest dimension.
We At the option of the owner the opening in the wall of the
bulding below the grata may be entirely closed Ath brick or
-3p -
c a rxa3rsGe car paa'+tirally caltcsed and than rftaiaing open space covered
with ninotee n (1S auge or heavier° e1ro cloth with mesh not to
exceed cazae�alf � as inch,
(B)e Business buildings constructed on piers having wooden floor sills
lees *h= 't 1vo (32") inches albove the surface of the ground shall
haves intervening apace between floor sill and ground protected against
the ingras€a .01' rats by inst€alli.r a solid maasorxy or concrete not less
than Pour (0) i.aaehes thick ar-und the antire perimeter of the business
building and exteimi iAg said oiL—gain =11 to a depth of not less than
elihteaeax (1811) inches deep with as tNelve (22') inch shelf extending
outVMrd from, the vall anaa fastening asourely to they exterior wall of they
business buildizagg, in suoh meaner as wi.l;.l, provent ratO fmlm anterine
the builox
(A)* 14 lieu of the 'installation of curter in walls, all ground.
floors of wood €aanstruct en may be replaced with concrete of not
leans than Wee ( '°) inches In. tbickaeses EXterior vial! protection
shall be securely tied into the concrete floor at all paints.
We Musinses.buildings cons'tr bed -an, piers having wooden floor
sills greater than twelve (12"0 iachoo above the ground level shall
have than intbervenin spacers be tweea floor sill end .tr€and protected
against the ingress of rate by installi ou.-tain mile an accatirdd
anw with than preceding paraaGraph, or by protecting said business
buildings against,the ingress of ruts by iaxstal'li.aa solid sheet
Metal eOveraage of trivnty.ftur° (24) gauge or heav, er snugly around
each pipe, cable,, wire, conduit or tether utility service passing.
through wooden gro=4 fla ore Said metal coverage shall not be less
than eight (8") inches in diameter larger than diameter €ff, pipes
oable, wiro, conduit or other utility service, a-ad shall be seware4
ly fastened to the wood€an, floor, All other openings in wooden
g rSis3.3'd floors through which rati may' gain en'tr°€anoo late double walls
or the interior 39' 'bucineso buildings, such as openings tilt jasy
oxiaat in flexors and double walls above floor si'ila, sal be closed
with tweatyofour (24) gauge or heavier solid sheet metal of ulxteea
US) gauge or, heavier awe cloth of one-half .( °a) iaac}a mesh or
masonry or with,ooneretec Wood frame constructed business buildings
having oonearete; or masonry roundation walls shall. have ventilators
In 26wclatioa walls protected as herein provided in Section 2,a,,(d)®
All a~aisecel:lsaaaeous wall openi s,, decors and windows shall be Protected
In accordance with this ordinance,
b. Curb or f4ajerrs o markets in which 'fruit or tegetables or any ether
products are exposed and offered for sale, on rocks, stems, p+l.attoms, and in or
outside of business 'buildi.%-s, shall brtve floors paved, with concrete or asphalt for
the embIre sur eee area of tho market. Display raeke, stands or platforms on which
fruit or vegetables or toy other-food products are displayed or offered for sale
shall be Of sufficient height that all such fruits, vegetables or other rood pro-
duets shall be kept ato a distaaWjoe of :aft less than eaghteen (18") inohez above the
floor Pavement and be say oonstrvated that rats onarmot harbor therein or thereunder*.
Section a, TEaat upon receflpt of written notices and/or carder .farm the Health Officer
the owner of any business building specified therein shall take immediate measures for
ratptooflng the 'building, and that unless said work and improvements have been com-
pleted by the oune r an the tiara~ specif ed In the written nvti ere, sn no ove nt to be
sass than fifteen (1 ) drays., or within,the time to whioh a written a xtendil ora may.
have been granted by the «fealth Officer, tbaun the wear shall be doomed guilty or
an offense under the provisions of tin-ts ordinance,,
Section 44 That whenever the Brealth officer notifies the occupant or occupants,
or a business build1w, in writin4 that users is evidence of rant jarosta°tio of
the building, said oaacuparyt or occu nts shall i aediately i taita e rat eradion—
tiou measures and shall Continuously maintain such measures in aa. asaszarae£ satid*
factory to the Heal'h O1`ilooro. Unless said measures are undertaken within five
(8) daays after receipt of notice, it shall be construed as as v olatiou of the
provisions of this ordia tie'aad. occupant shall be :sold responsible the °
Seaction $4 ThM the ewers of all ratproofed business buildings are required to
maintain the premises in a rstpr oof condition and to repair all breaks or lo aka
that may ooc�urr in the ratproofing Kthaut a specific c order of the Health Officer..
Section go That from and after passage of this ordisa ca the Health Officer is
empowered to make unmmunced Inspections or the interior and elteterear of business
buildingo to deterarsiw full acmro-janoo with tI s and nee. and the Health Offioeer
shall awe ?aorlodio itepeotionm at intervals of not more than fortypfive (45) days
of all tatproofed buildings to dote ine evidence of rat infestation and the eaxi,st:-
once of new breaks or lea d in their ratproofimg and when awl evidence is fou d.
i.nd-leaatia the presence of rats o pon ngs. throagh w uoh is may again eater
business builating$, the 110aalth Officer shall save the owadra or 000t)pants with
notioe and/or orders to abate t?he eondi;.tiorls fOW04
-Seation To That whenever aoAditicns inside or under oozcssapiead business WildiUS
provide extensive laaaRbar^a a for rate (in the epl!ai on of the Health Officer) said
Fiae,lth Offioer Is empowered, ai`ter.due raotifloition in aecordanoe with Sootion So,
to al€ase such business buileAggs until, such tiaaea as the conditions are abated by
ratproofing and harborage romoval i ncle dhkg, if neoeassaar yo the 1"sta,llatIon of
suitable conorete floors In basawnta or replac imuenf of WoodeaPirst or ground
floors with concrete or other aaea,jor repai,ra neeecaary to faallitaate rat eradication.
880104 8* That Whenever orsnditions insift or under moccupled business buildings
Provide e3tonsive harboraL;a Vor rats (in the opinion, eai° whe; Health Officer) said
114alth Officer is etpowered to reeluira oompli.n*_arae With the provisions of section 3.,
aabove, arm:, in the eWst that said oonditlons are not corrected in a period of
sixty days, Qa within the time to which a written extension �vAy have been granted
by the Health Off i ae r, the Health Officer to empowered tiered to Unstitute condemnation
and 4ostructi on prooeedir s.
Section 9, That is shall be unlawful under the provislemns of this ordinance for
Urea oocupany,,ov a€ar, e ontraactor, publie utility oompaMr.. timber or any other
person t o a eaijsave and fail, to restore in like orpadition the ratproofing from any
business building for any purposea, Further, it al-All be unlawful for smy person
or agent to made any nems openings that are not closed or sealed against the
W;ranoe of rate.
sedtion 106 it shoal be unlawful for any peersea� firm or a�eappor°a.ti,on hereafter
to oonstmot, repair or remodel amy buildi r dwellir4ga stable or market, or
other structure vzraai:;cevsar, unless such oonstruct%as repair, rw odel.iaZ or
Installation shall reader the bull di.% or athor structure- ratproof In accordance
with the regulations prescribed ibed t eivi!a amd hereunder, `ne provisions of this
Seutian apply only to such eaonFstrootion, repair , remodelling or installation as
afeats the ratproof aoad.4 iona of a n;v, iscaslr:Wg or other atructum
aatai.can 11, It s ball bowavtt l for a rsonp firm or oarporption hereafter
to Occupy any new or exi.artirag business buildings wherein, foodstuffs are to be
stored, Dept# lAwdled, sal., held or offered for sale vithout coc,plying with
Section 10, of this ordizsnoes, and unless provisioxaa of tb&s Sootion are complied
with, no city pewit or I toonse to conduct or carry on such business as derjaed
above will be issued. 11 �'�
6tibza % That Ull od and food wit n the City *.? T/e4 N/a v /k`<.$or feaft
eahiokens, acn+is, pigs, horses, and anther optimls rhall ' or's 'inraQfree and
ratproof containers, ocAtpazrtmontis, or routs unl.e;ere stored In a ratsproot building*
600ti0n 780 That within the oorpQrate limits of the City of JVU M,7S.Yf k ell
garbage or ae€`zaase consisting wsastce €antna:l, or vegetable natter gaper wt�ch-trots
mw food, Band a.11. mna,ll dead anime,is, shall placed and sto d until oollecte d
:in covered meta? conta ne;ras of a t proscribed by the rwalth Officer. It is
further declaaread uaalaartul for any pernono fi , or corporation to dump or plaaee
on eany promise, lad or termy, arty dead sraisrsele, or a.- waaste vegeftble or
animal ttear rat any Sind :
Section 14 t it shall 'tae unlawful for as person to pl.a ce, leave, dump. or
peraa ,ta to ae9�Mulnte any game, rubbish, €ar trash in a bui. di,aa$ or can any
gsren so, improved or vapatt. or on a it c+peu lot or alley ix1 t city car
u a 9�L sag that ss shall. or m aaffo food asap harborage for rats
erxcaept tamer tyhe direction of the F ae.3,i is Off cer.
80saticn 1 , Thaat 3t shall be unlaviful faar ' pare to pen t to aoomulaatq on
sa laxeaise, 1mroved mr va.o&At, or 6n a open lest or alley in the �i.ty of
#o u azy l tuber, coaxes, baarrels, 'bott leas arum, containers or
sib. asaateriA that ' be per t d to ream in ta.ereon unless saw shaall, be
plaesd an open raoke that are elevated not less thsa eighteen (18") i.Mbos :above
the ground, end evenly plled or staakedo
860tion 360 t Any parson, firm,, or oorpo tion who shall violate any
provision or provisions of this ordinance shall be doe and guilty or a. sdemee
s4d anon ponriation. ahall be pushed by a fine eP not move th&n
do I 1sis ^J ) or Ye days
or-botr. jW d 'o violation shall oonstitute a a4;r' too a es
$oatlon 170 &_ al Glauset All ordinnnoes car parts of din es in courliot
herewith hereby Ap Md to the e went of such oani'lict only.
Section 16. 4211SO CUUMI If V.r asoti onA subseoti on., sonteme, clause or
phrase of this ordlrAwe la for any reason hold to be moonetitoati oral, void,
or lxwalid# the validity of *.a ram$.nine porno of this ordimnoe oball not
be affooted then by.
Seetion 19, This ordinams shall take otfeot lmwdiatsly upon it$ p serge, the
mat-ter beIng one of urge and neoeszitv ard the public welfare requiring It.
Date t
A.PPROUDs L U r• ( t