ORD CC 1949 - File Index CITY 014' ITUNTS'VII.i;E AI12Pa�� '� U i 9f' - W Unlawful: to display or park avtbs blles for sale on public streams. Vol* Us. po 2, Ai�FIC}�� 10 Arson reward ardinance, VoIa Boo pq Is IN A Io Awning ordinance, Vol, Bo, Sao 2790 BUILDI G% It Building saa^d n€moo, Vol, Qo, p* 38, CITY L MITSt la Extending South, Veal# Boo p. U4 6 400* 2# Extending forth, Vol, No, po 3501-353. 3. Amnozation, of Boy Snout Lodge and iam ing Poolo, Vol# Do, p. 150, ELECTRICi Nlootrlo l Inspeation ordinann€, Vol* Go, p, 940 FIR 3• Fire Marob all. ordinance, Vol.. Rob po 48. r» Fire Idrs lto ordinance, Nola Go, p. 4488 3a Firmvarka—prohibiting We and da,00hargo of I°iro rc+x1s, Vol. €I., p. 272 & %16,Ilo,, p.528, GA RAG s It Garbage resolution, Vol. Has pa. 4S6,, OAS$ Is Ordinanoo for purpose of using gas, Vol! Go, po 500 2# &aixled Gas ordinanoe, Vol. Go, p. 368. MOLINE* Lo Prohibiting keeping, storage, and catolo Vol.* Gap P. 212, 263 376., Vol. Rap po 519# HOGS 14 Hog ordinance,e, Vol, �., n, 420. HO U& NCC(dVING, l.. House moving ordinances Vale Go, p, 93. LA'UN3dShc"t qqyy+��yy yy 10 Laundry ordin€rn q Vol., O*, po 398, ', J9A 6 kddA.' It Milk ordinsnoes, Vol, Po, po 185, Vol., Go, po b67, Vol. Hop po 178 6% MOTION PICTURNs Is lotion picture ordi.nanoo, Vol, to, p. 49. g1217I l'lA:li{�;� 1, Ordinanos repealing all orditrAnces requiring ordinsnoes to be read three tUies, Vol. Go,, i Ilr�tNCl� Io Peddli.nt ordinances, VII, Fo,, p. 406, Vol* R., po 152,s PUTU,ItDIG s It Pltzbixar; ordinance, Vol. Iles po 543. RABIES# Io Rabies ordiranon, Vol, do, po 37. HAT t 1, Rat orrli.nanoo, Volo Ho' is, 668* SHOW1 1„ Show ardinanoo, Vol, I''oo p, 415, Volo Cat po 279 1aT43CrlIS , I, Shook ordinance, Vol. to, pa 115, Vol.* O., Y. 20* STREET$a Is Ordinanoo rerulatinr; use of Ftraet m and m dowaa.'!'_ks, Volo Go, p. 6. 2. Street Rental Tax. ordinenese, Vold H., P. 306. 1a Strewn pollution or°dimnaeo Vol. G•s PO 53.50 TAM i« Taxi ordinance, Vol. H,, P. 521, TfWFIG i 1. 3:raf,fte ord uanooe, Vol. Bo,, p* 159, col# F,,; spa 217` 219 en ' Vol, Re p" 20, 247, 325, & 523+ Vol, If,,, rp. 46, & 543. �/rt.�•�. a��l� WATER i Am(,mded ordi a£ax'on nrot7z:ribi " rnl€sz; and ro ulations of use, scale, and metering of water, Vol. G+, p. 152-57, 2; Improvwkent of wAter works c x°c33.rm acre, Vol. G., pw 248. WATBR METE INGo 1, Wataar r*nquir3.n_, motors, Vol. E. try. 19441 I ,l t j INDEX CONTINUED 1?AGS An ordinance aaneu l,na; an ordinance entitled "can oadinaaxnco prolaibitingg the keop i g or storing in tho City Of Ifuntsv-i,llo, of gaaooline, ba nsiaae, carbon b1 sulphido Wleh life), neprtha, or other fluids (ozo-opt Koohol, denatured or otborwis€e), which at ordinary torapoarat;ures give o r WlaaLmable vapors, except In metal cans or storage tanks with pymps approved by the National tnard of We UnderNvi.triraj and installed In a standard a5;arcrp arovie, n ' or �hoa installation, of anll motal cans, etora�e tawks and pivap>s .a ttar, city of Huntsville,, r rulatlitS the d statues iron, t3ge propor y lime said can, storage tanks, or pumps shall be Installed; providing a penalty for the violsati n of any p rovi.sl n of this ardinanoo; providing that So i.malldity of as part shall not invalidate all of said ordina.ace and rq«a al3,no aa:ll ordinances and parts of ordinances In conflict horowith, and doolarinZ an €amo g;esaoy,—so that 'said urdilaw w aa,hatl,l hereafter read nz follows; 48 AmondIng an a rdi.nxaanco 00i^tled "an ordi,narzzeas prohibitive tb kweeping 0" St orl as in t♦hO Gity of.Hunt vIlle of jasolino; b.sT.a2ine, carbon 'isulphido (Agh life)# aaRpthra or Whor.f°luldo Qxv o}t,. alcohol, dons t tired or otherwise), which at ordinary ttomp- ersttroz give'vt~f" Stlam;teble vaporai 010opt; In Wad, Qane or storage tanks with ptz,pas approv*6 by the Va:tional Board of Aro Underw itera, And Inntalled In €a standard iaaanxnerl provi.di.trnn for the :i.snatul.3,ati,on of acll naae`val €saaans„ storage tankd and MY In tie Gity of Huntsville; regulati.ng t the dicta ace mean th o property y l,i: cold oazn, wtpra eo tanks; or pumps shall be installed; ProvidinG a ponalty for the violation of an provision of th.c; ordinance; pareovid ins that the invalidity of a ptrt..shall not Invalidate all of said ordlua noe and rep al,l.aa� all .ordlvanoos and panto of ordixnsaxogs, in opnoliat herewith, and doolaring an a�rp€�xaao��',���€a that said ordinance shall hereaftor read as follows 49 An archnanee.,.proh.ibi.tng, the keeping or a'torin:e of gasoline or o•tbor vvlati.le infla - maahlo oil in, can or undr promises voo€i an retail establishments within the City of Runtsvi,lla, Wao, In a totaal amount greater than 4400 g<;aal.lo:no, or in storage tanks hal ing a. Oapa oitay of more than 1100 gallons aaaaola,; prohibiting the delivery to or un- loading of gastollne or othor volatile Inflammable oil at any ouch retail astabl.ioh nsent; from as tank truck or other €ont;ainer Web. e anKino nore than 1000 gallons oV such gasoline or other volatile e la�f aa�x;a�.Tsl€a,c zi @ g de of arinn a violation n o auoh or- Wanee to be a taisdemeat2€or,, praovidlin for a $100001 fins open. conviction, and dos* Waring an eaaaccorgonoy# 51 An ordi,naanoe to bao entitled an ordinance to ar;trexad an ordi:znanee to prohibit the :teopo in g of hogs In-olol osed :trots or pens within the oity limit€a of the City-of,Ruutsvl lie and to proscribe a punishment shme7nt theareforn; s«e o otitat tho keopainng; of hogo r thin said City undo {Yost ain cond it,a nAo for agie2Tat�A'tfi% p7ttz p}a a�b5� Notasaa moving ordinance b laundry ordinance Milk ordi naapo a 5€l, Dill€ ard.inaaxpoea. 0 Milk ord;inaloo dT An ordinaanne to regulate the is stal lation; operation, and maintaUmnee of notion picture machines and to r8g Mato they scoria trans#, oza and of audience roalls In whioh motion pi.ot u e xhi bit;ion€ are given* 60 An ordinance top al i rig all or d i,rstxnoos,, r000lut ions.; and raaj.eos, if any, that rAy be In force or might be oonaidered to be in Inroo In the City of l}nttovi.l.lte, xeqan'axr u,-1; ordinaancoon to be rea?d, at more than one e3 ore final paaaa 600 ,-Ant ordInanoe prohibiting the peddling dolling of merchandises w'ithIn the corporate l.a.rn?t.tat of the city of Huntsville, Texas* ! WAn ordinance doelar%Z the practice of going ia'z and upon private re oiadenaeo In the City of Buntavi lle, Texas, by sol loot ors, paddlers, hawkers, itinerate marcohavntq iti- nerate photo ragborns and transit vendors of morbaandi.see, without invitation of owners or acorn aantra of suR private residence tor purpose of soliciting Were e f or the sale o.f' (;Oo s' vra .ea and mwrohaanrlise,a, or Vor purpose of diapao or for the pur- pose of making photographs, arakdhr taung orders therof�)r,, to be a nuisance and fix- in as penalty therefore Pl'mbi,pag ordinance, 75 An ordi.nanoo for the vuoinavion against rabies and the tagging of all doge r- saaittod to rMa at Iwo in the City of Huntasvil.le, and provi,din ponalty for the Infraction therooZo An Mina= to provide for the protection of the publ.i,o health by controlling or preventing the spread of raft--lane diseases and irrfentionss by the eliaaination of unsanitary conditions ss asssociaated arrrath such diseases, by extermination of raato, and by ratprAaa'xVi.ng of etr°uotures and mo-int on anoe thereof in aa: a�awtprcaWd oonditioaaa. 8 An ordinanoo prohibiting the oraotion oP s4V tent or other building; or atrueture within 400 toot of as private residenoo a-Atkin the oorporat e limits of the City of Huntsville, to be used by as carnival show or tent afew, or amy place of aamueoment it convection with a carnival show, or a show of :figs oharaotrer, and to prohibit the operation of any carnival show, tent show* sating rink,,radio or other ohoWs of like ob arsc:tor within 600 feet of a private rosidosaywithin said City, affix inn as penalty therefor, repealing all ovdinancsess in arca..tlict ihorewith and creat- iag; on amorgenoy. 08 , '.An smatdtaent to an ordinaanoo entitled I an ardina>aK probibiting the oroot;ion of any tents or other building or struaturo within 800 feet of a private ressidenoe with- In the oorporaato limits of the City of HunQuille, to be used by a carnival show or bent show of ii.S aharaoto r, and to prohibit the operation of any carnival 6howi tent show, skating ring, r°C3ClY or the r ahtaaars of li=ce character within 600 root of s. pri- vate rresi.dence within said City, fixing, as penalty thorefore, repealing all Qrdiiwnrsaas in conflict therewith and.c roati.nG an aamort;ency," providing for a Wood of oensa=3, defining arc hority of the same and declaring sa emergehoyo gtxa ordinance to be earat2tlead an ordinance to a:zoW Chapter 9 of tho Revised Ordinaanoes of the City of 8iata vi ll€s, so as to prohibit the raazaaaing, at la=rge within the ar ty lia-zats of the City of Huntsville, horses,s a a s, hogs, asheep, goats awl of lio a�xaixs�lasl and to prescri.be a punishment fog° the vie at;i on. Of this cox ali.raaastse, so as hereafter to mead as :follows 90 'i,asot Mrdi.nance An ordinance regulating the use of the MOM, Sidewalks and curbing in the City of, Huntevilles, providing a penalty thereupon Mull oreattirit an Maertorwy, 92 An ordinance fixing rentals to be paid by telegraph, tolephtsaae, ole otr°io, and gas companies for the priv lets) of azaairag with their poles, v°.i.r€ss, oonduitq pipes, and fixtures, the streets, easements, alloys and other public ways within the City of Huntsville, Texas, providing for publication bares, 93 An Wordinance of the City Council of the City of 11untoville Texas, garohibitln then p6d„t.'aa�i'.�4`3n of st7:'€blams, braa�aohos, gutters, guns are drawn within the City of Huntsville,, Texas; by throcroiug; cazartj%r^ depossting therein tiara cons, trash, rublbiM-i or, any fos'elgxa substance spa as to interfere with the free passage of water through the same, and pro" vading to penalty theaxref r, and making are oxoopt;ion thereto whew it is a€lvi.sabl.o to fall any= ;uch stream, branch, getter, run or drag with earth, send, olay and/er cod J Taxi ordina oo 90 keq,ui.rIng; that awners and operators of motor vehicles, trucks, vaaagonsa, arced other va Wales f'csrdrayagao purposes for hire ehall obtain, permits to pursue ouch dre"age business within the Csity of Bums'llo from tt r City Secretary, providing for tbere Toro and aaaakirk, a failure to dtrs;ain said pernit a violation of :Eaw and providing a penalty therefor,, doel.aring; aan. omer°&enoya 10 hodaalating the r°uunninK of automobiles, motor vehicles and other vehicles, sapeoi.fyinE; speed limits and other traffic regulations and rwoviding penalty ter violations, and doolaring an euaerr onoytr 1 0gyula't;i.ng and controlling automobile and other vehicle traffic in and upon than publ:io streets, hiGhwqyra,, lanes, alleys, and €aarassnuou of the City of Huntsville* Noviding; pen- alties for the violations of the seve°ral. fd&`i7$aions and subdivisione t]horoof, and providing for the repeal €^,fy all o rsi3::a noeas in soon liot therewith# 1�d n, Ara asrcl:l:nanoo, to smend aectaic±a f'ot t of an ordinanoo regulating and o<ontreslling, swat s bi.be and -vsslai.+sW traffic in and upon the public st"reetz, highhuys, l.a mos, alleys and AMMOS of the City of Runbsville; providing for peon ltfioe for the violation Of the aeavearal 000tions and aicsbdivi€oaths tborooto and providing for the repeal of all ordinances in aeoaaf lot tiacorowith aaadol to l by the pity Gounrail of the ai d City of lhwtsysl.le on, the Srd day eot Movomtoro 19250 and declaring au omorgonoyf 107 cordinanoo to amend section 2 oV an ordly a»c.e rerul.aating and contr allIng aaot mao* bile and vohiole traffic In and upon the p"bko strawls, h gbwaye, Won, allevo and av+anues In the City of Hun avi lle, providing for ponal,tinoao for the Solution of the several ovations mid s ubdi.va,nt aas tfheoroo; and providing for tho repeal of all oath nancaeos in oonfliot t;her'e:Oth, adopted by the city council of the City of aaMvIllo, on the Zrd dy; of November, 1925, and providing for penalties for the violation eon' the oeveral subdiviaione of oeotl.Con I of this and efeel; . ing an e xuap govoy. An ordinance to amend section 6 of an Mina= regulating and controlling tilling autsEOmoo tailed and ot;hor° vehicle traafTic in wid upon the p bl.i.e Make, highways, Saco, allayr had avenues of the City of MUMS, providing penalties far ,the violation of the several seetions and otabdividiono thereof and provi.diag for the repeal, of all ord9. naanoeoa in conflict; therewith, adopted by the City Geasaro"U. of the C;itl, of Huntsville on the third day of November, 1920# and providing for penalties for the tiolation of the a€bdivfaion at thin amendment repeal.in all cordinaanne or parts of ordInanoes in conflict with the amendment nt and d€oloring an onorgeenoy 109 ' ea£f9.ai csr°di.nancea 11t3 Traffic ordi aanoo 131 °;boa, Mine= prehibiti<n.ir the stopping, paarking or lonving, standlug or truck*, truck traotors and trailers on certain st r onto wad aaveonue e within the City or MOOD, Texas; exceptinS tho drivers of a ob vehicles frca= the operation of 8mch er°d:inKnaao In oertak Mutes; providing for the of ti�i €ordigamoo am, f'ixi. > the -jhnqI ° 1 An eordinaxwo of the City Council of the City of Hwitr l:ile, Te xaas$ settirkg aside, appropriating and reservirga e fund Oth Mich to make repairs, r°epleoemenha and W proveoments on the Water Works Plant of the City eog fiuntsville; and doolsain, am arguer gon oy, Il An ordinance to be vsati.tled an yordinance a.�andinE, revioin , and prescribing rules and rogulrat oaa for tho use, Me, axad Mori, ofwuter Purnished and to be ,Pur- nished by they City of i nAtsvill.e to its Inhabitants etgad, to persons, f imr s,, coorpora- Mons, rotas•,, uping vaster from the mains of said City# pr€ov1.cTiEa•ag for than furnishing oT meters ,by that .01tay to the users of aa.i.d water, 4nd fixing a, rental char too such meot;ers# prohibiting the use of water nains wid syvtwa caammod by darid City, e:< rapt by and threoulb the use or motors, proscribing tamporary rates for the use of vAter to the ueers thero:f' until the City can i.natall meters to all users of said mater, prozaribing penalties for tile violation of the tem;q 011 this ordinance, re- pealing all aondinaneeos in oonfliot harevith, and deolraring an alorrunoy* 114 I I 'dater ordhanete wsater motors* ll� 1 i i i