ORD CC 10-5-1915 - Motion Picture machines AN 0"IMME
Vol. E., 1)_�9
No motion picture machine or device aball at any time be operatied in any
building or enclosure within this city, nor shall the audience be admitted to the
audience room in which such motions picture exhibit is to be given, until the in-
stallation of such machine or device and the arrangement of such audionoe room
and its accessories have been made to fully conform to all of the provisions and
requirements of this ordinance as hereinafter specified, nor until after the ap.
proval by the city electrical Inspector and city fire marshall4.
Every motion pioture machine or device shall before being operated, be in-
stalled !in a room, compartment or enolosure constructed entirely of fire resis-
tive material, which may only include only brio%, tile, concrete, galvanized
iron, hard asbestos board,, asbestos building lumber, or their equivalent.9 All
such rooms, oompartments4 booths, or enclosures shall be constructed in complete
oonformi i ty with the following conditions and apecifications#
Looationo"tho booth must be placed directly over an exit, and in all oases
shall ba; seourely anchored or fastened so as to prevent dislodgment in case of
panic, and shall be placed at end of building, opposite the street enctrance.
8*z:o**Uoh roan, sompartment* booth, or enclosure In which a motion picture
machine or device is installed shall be not less than seven (7) feet In heights
with area of floor space var*Ing in accordance with the number of machines or do-
vices installed in such booths an followst
One picture mabh1na eft. X 8 fit.
One, picture machine
and one sterloptioan 9 4 x 8
Two pie Lure machines
and one sterioptioan 12 ft. x 8 ft*
(a), Metal or asbestos booth*--if the roord, compartment, booth or enclosure
is consbruoted of galvanized iron, hard asbestos board* asbestos bilding lumber,,
or their equivalent, it must be oonstruoted and equipped substantially as tollowas
Frame000To be made of at least I j inch by I inch by j inch angle or tee
irons, 44 follows#
Pour outside hori ontal members at top and bottom,
Four corner Itaq.
Intermediate uprights on sides and Intermediate members on roofs, spaced at
least every two feet.
Doormy to be two feet wide by at least five test high, with an angle ;iron
framing. Said doorway shall not open into main auditorium, and shall be equipped
with a strong spring or gravity weight to keep same tightly closed but not looked
when motion picture machine is In operation*
All joints in frame to tit made with 3/16 Inch steel plates to which angle of
iron or tee iron shall be riveted or bolted by the use of at least two j inch bolts
or rivets. All bolts or rivets to have flat heads, said heads always to be placed
on exterior side of booth and properly countersunk.
Covering of booth#_4Idea and top of booth and main or entrance door shall be
covered with hard asbestos boards or asbestos balding lumber, of at least j inch
thickness, or their equivalent, or with steel or galvanized sheet iron of not less
than No. 20 U. S* gauge. The asbestos, or its equivalent shall be so out and arrang*
ed that vertical joints between boards shall always come over an angle or tee iron,
to which it shall be securely fasto4od by means of proper bolts or nuts, spaced not
mote than six inches a part. The sheet, metal shall be so out and arranged that
joints shall always come over a member, be overlapped and bolted or+rivoted to such
memberl bolts and rivets to be spaced riot over three inches on centers.
Flooringoo4loor shall be made of two parts, an upper and a lower floor* Lower
floor may be made of wood, 7/6 inch mInftimum thickness, supported on lower leg of
horizontal angle irons. Resting on this floor shall be a floor made of hard asbes"
tos board, asbestos building lumber of 3/6 Inch minimum thickness, or an equally
good non-000mbiistiblo material.
Oponingso*-*hero shall be not more than two openin,,"s in the booth of each
maohine4"one for observation of the operator and one for operation of the maohinso
Opening for machine shall be not more than six inches high and twelve inchoe
long. Opening; for operator shall be not more than to= inches wide nor more
than twelve inches high, The two openings for'c nob. machine shall be pros*
vidod with gravity doors, constructed of metal not less than S/1E inch in
thickness; when closed they shall overlap the openings at least two inches on
all .sides and be arranged to slide without bindirkg, In properly oonatruoted
groovool said doors to be held open normally by use of a fine oombustibls cord
fastened to a fusible ling which melts at a temperature of 160 Fen the whole
so arranged that the door may be easily released and olosod by hand.
The main, or entrsmee door shall be hung on at least three heavy hinges and
arranged to close against a subetteaxntial metal rabbet. The do-or shell be also
provided with a, substantial metal spring which will keep it olosed t.1ghtly.,
Shelves,+-all shelves, furniture and fixtures within the booth ,,shhll be
constructed ref incombustible material.
Va bilatioa..-booth shall, be provided with a ventilating inlet in each of
three sides; said inlets to be fi.fteern inches long and three inches high, the
lower, side of s arn.o to be not more than three inches above floor level. Said
inlets shall, be covered on the outside by a. wire netting cif not greater than 1/8
inoh mesh, to be firmly secured to the asbcastos boards or metal by means of iron
stripe and screws or riveats, and on indide by gravity doors arranged, to slide in
proper grooves, and whlph,, when closed, shall overlap ventilator openings at
least Wo Inches on all sideal said doors to be heldd opens normally 'by Ilse of a
fine cord fastened to a fusible lints which melts at a: temperature of 160 degrees
F., so arranged that the doors may be easily released and closed 'by hand.
Near the center of the top of the tooth shall be a circular opening. or not
less than ten inches in diameter, the upper side of said sopenlxagg to be provided
with are iron flange, which flange Is to be securely fastened to this too irons
supporting the roof q, Securely fastened to this flange shall be a metallic vent
PIN of spat less than ton inches in diameter, said pipe leading to the outside of
W building; or to g special incombustible vbnt flurq all parts of vent pipe to be
at least six inches from any combustible material..
Fbr the oomforb of the operator it is important to provide for a oonstant
ourrenta of air to page outward through the opening or vent Me at the rate of riot
less than thirty cubic feet per minute when the booth is in rase,
(b). Sriok, Tile or Concrete Booth.-43f the room oompartrcment, booth or on-
closure is constructed of brink, tile or concrete, It shall have walls not less in
thickness than 8 inches, except that if reinforced concrete is used the thickness
need be only four inohes4 The ventilation and general arrangement of the booth
and the protection of openings shall conform with the requirements of subsection,
(a) preceding.
(0), portable Hoothaw-portable booths shall not be used in any theater or
public hall In which a permanent booth has or is inst€allodp but shall be used only
for the temporary exhibition of motion pictures in Places Of assemblage, such as
halls belonging to commercial organizations, churches, schools, atop., where it is
deemed impractioaabl.e to Install perma,n nta booths made in m000rdance with the above
1n constructing a portable booth the specifications for a permanent booth
shall be followed, With the exceptions give balows
1. Intermediate uprights may be spaced every four Post.
S, Special means for ventilation need not be provided except that 'there shall
be an opening for ventilation in the top of the booth, this opening to be ten inch.
ea in d1myieter and a. metal sleeve at least eighteen inches in height, provided with
a ventilating cap, shall be attached thereto,
3* The booth may be made in a: folding type so that when assembled it will be
rigid and all ,joints tight so that flames may not pass through theme
4. The base of booth shall have a, flange extension outward on all four sides
provided with a sufficient nmrnbar of holes, through booth may be fastened to floor,
Sg{MN 6,.�o
All motion; picture machines shall be operated by hand, except that approved
machines may be operated by approved motors* The motion picture machines shall be
securely fastened to the floor to prevent scoidenta,l overturn.ang; or moving of same,
and shall be sg,uippod with a feed reel enclosed in a. metal magazine constructed of
20 tt. S. 'gauge metal, with a slat; at the bottom only large enough for film to pass
outs and with cover so arranged that this slot may be instantly closed. No solder
to be used in the construction of this box. Door on side shall be of metal and
provided with spring hinges and latch, which will keep it closed tightly. Shall
be provided also with a takeup reed in a magazine, simmla* to that used to enclose
feed reel. A slot to be provided only large enough to receive the film, and a
door at the side to be provided to remove the film. This door must be of metal,
and equipped with spring hinges and latch to keep same securely closed.
A, shutter must be placed in front of the oondensere so arranged as to be
automatically closed when film is stationary,
Bach arcs lamp, used as a part of the motion picture machines, shall be conrt
struoteo as specified in the National Eleactriu Code,, anti the fairing of some shall
be of not less capacity than Moo 6, B. &. S. gauge. All wiring Imido of enolosure
to be In conduits and all switches sod cutouts to be in steel cabinets, except
operators whitph to tamp which shall be placed under machine supports. All rheo-
stats and other eleotri.ca,l apparatus crust conform tot he rules of the Hat onal
Electric Coate.
No artif` oia,l Light shall be used in any room, compartment or booth in which
sa, motion picture machine is Installed exoegb that produced by elootrioltyd One
light allowed for each machine and one for the revonding bench, but all such lights
shall be provided with urine gua.rda, and reinforced cords shall be used for pendant
No Ifilms shall be exposed in the 'bo€ith at the same time other than the one
f'jAm in !process of transfer to or from the maohi.ne or Pram the upper to lower maa,ga}-
zl e# or in process of rewinding# All ft bas not in magazine or in process of re-
winding shall be kept in metal case constructed of not lass than No, 20 tl. S,
gagge metal.,, Cover shall. 'be of swie material and provided with latch which will
keep it tightly closed. No solder to be used in oonstsuction of case. No material
of a. combustible nature shall be stored within any booth except the rOms needed
for one .da.yts operati.ong
j .
At '`!cast, two labeled and approved hand chemi.caal: tire ertirguuishcrs shall be
provided,. one inside the booth and located In an acceasable place and within easy
roach of the operator, the other located outside of the booth near the door of
Neither smoking nor the keeping or use of matches shall be permitted in any
booth, xocml, oompart)iantr or enclosure where aa, motion pleture machine is Installed,
No audience of a greater seating capacity than the seating capacity of the
auditoriva shall be permitted. In the auditorium during the operation of any notion
picture machine, and no one, lather tzhan employsom of electric theater, shall be
pennitt6d to stand in the aisles, All aisles leading to waits shall be kept; open
and ffee of any obstruction and all doors of exit shall opera outwaa,rd,
The main, auditoriwa shall have no porpaind:ioulaar rises, and the grade shall be
not more than one foot in ten,
All motion picture exhibition rooms shall be provided with at least two sep&,
rate exits, one of which shall be kept in front and the other in the rear, both
leading to unobstructed outlets on the street or alley. The aggregate with in
feet of such exits shall not be loss than one twentieth of the nuabor of persons
to be a000modated theroby. Nonexito shall be less than five feet in widths; and
there shall be a amain exit not lees than ton feet in total width. Said exits to
the str6eets,shall be used for no other purposes except for 'exit and entrances, and
roust be kept free and clear.
All seats in any exhibition room for moving picture machines shall be not lose
than 3E inches .from. hack to back and securely fastened to the floor,a they shall be
so arranged that there will be no more thaan ton seats in a line between aisles near
more than four between any seat and an aa.i.oles shall lead directly to exits and all
exits shall be directly a ocossaa,ble to ai;sl.es.. No aisles shall be less than three
feet in width where they begin, and shall be inarearded In width toward the exits
three inches to every ten running feet length. All exit doors shall be arranged
to wing outward and be provided, with fastenings such as ona be opened readily
from the inside,. w'i'thout the use,of keys or any special, effort, but not looked, when
the roam is open to the public.
All exits shall be plainly izadicated by sa sign,., ors separate supply from other
parts of the house, or came to be Illuminated by other, than electricity, and
bear than word 1EXIT," letters of which shall be not lose than four inches In
height, and therm shall, be not more thaan one sot of fusses in one exit sign
circuit between the service fuses and srign4o
Inside lights a.nd all lights in halls, corridors or any part of the butldo
inn used by the mudi:oaoo, shall be osontrtslled only from the lobby or other
convenient place in front of the house,, and there shalt be two olr�osui.ts intro the
auditorium., one co.nttrblled by the operator in booth and one controlled from with-
out the audi:toriu, in lobby or without than enttraanoo,.
All, operators and amai 8tant operators shall within thirty flags after the ,
passage ''lest this ordinance appear before the city eieattri.oal inspector and,each
shall fully demonstrate hie ability and fitness to operate motion picture machines*
It shall; be the fluty of the said pity electrical Inspector to all operators that
he may doom competent (each pormi.t bearing as ntmnber), upon the payment of a fee of
0100 in'eaoh case Within: thirty days after the passage of this ordinance no
motion p otur°ea machine within this city shall be operated by any person not having
such permit* Each operator or assistant operator shall before operating any maw
chinos display on scream a. plate reading as folel.owsaa
It 'shall be the fluty of the oity electrical :inspector and the city fire mar-
shall to malice weekly inspections of each and every motion picture machine,, its
enclosure, and the building containing than same for the purpose of ascertaining
any violations of this ordinance, and it shall be the duty of much ofiicer to
report immediately to the 3vtayor or City Atstorney$ any such violations,
WhOW,ths provisions of this ordi.nmaes are not conformed tea, or where defects
Of installation exist, the city electrician and the city fire ma.rahall are hereby
empowered to out aft' all electric currents from said roam or building# and the
supply of electric current shall not be restored by any one until all of t priti..
visions of this ordinance are complied with.
aSECTION 20-o*
,stray person violating or failing to comply with any of the provisions of this
ordinance, shall be deemed guilty of a amisdemeanor,and upon oonvlotion shall t
Pined not less than one W*OO) Dollar and not more than 'ton 410.00) Del' arom, and
each day's violation on shaall constitute as separate offense r
All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby re-.
The fact that there is no adequate law in force In this city rogulaating the
installation, operaat:lon and mainteainence of motion Picture tboscatru s,, ereat€aas a
demand for the immediate e passage of this ordinance, therefore an emmergeney, exists,.
and this ordinance shall be In force and become effective with and from Its passage
and approval.,
Approved thie 6 day of October A, N# 1915.
G# R. Olai, hint F0 0. Brown
ospretaay* —a;{or.