ORD CC 02-16-1917 - Sewer construction limits SErJERS AND SEWER DISTRIOTS. Be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Hunts- ville in Council Assembled; SECTION 1. There shall be and is hereby created and established a Sewer district within and for the City of Huntsville, designated and described as follows; All that portion of the territory of the City of Huntsville within two hundred and fifty feet of a public or private sewer main, or lateral line connected with the sewer system of the City now in course of construction. SECTION 2. From and after the taking effect of this ordinance, it shall be unlawful for the owner, le®see, or person in possession of any occupied premises within said sewer district, as created and defined in Section 1 of this ordinance, to maintain any cesspool, septic tank or Sur- face privy. Any person violating this section of these ordinances shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof in any court of competent jurisdiction shall be fined in any sum not less than ° 25.00 nor more than 0200.00. Every day this ordinance is violated shall be deemed a separate offense. SECTION 3. Every occupied house or premises within said sewer district shall be equipped with a sanitary urinal and closet, which shall be connected with -the sewer system of the City of Huntsville, in such manner as may be prescribed by the ordinances, rules- and regulations of the City and to be approved by the Plumbing Inspect1r, hereinafter provided. Any owner, lessee or person in possession of any oc- cupied premises within said sewer district violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in any Court of competent jurisdiction shall be fined in and- sum not less than $25.00 and more khan $200.00. Every day this ordinance is violated shall be deemed a separate offense. SECTION 4. From and after the taking effect of this ordnance, it shall be unlawful to dump, drop, place or allow to enter any night soil, garbage, dead animals, rags ,newspapers, wrapping paper, or obstruction of any kind whatever in any public or private sewer, toilet, urinal or elsewhere, whereby the sewers of said city may become obstructed. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined in any sum not less than $10.00 nor more than $100.00. J SECTION 5. The City of huntsville shall have the right to use, tap, connect with, alter or change any public pr private sewer within said city and when any such public or private sewer within said city shall h.ave.been connected with, used, tapped, altered or changed, the same shall thereafter become the property of the public ,nd under the supervision and control of the city and a part of the city's sewer s,-stem. ' $ECTION 5. Every occupied premises in said city not within the sewer district hereinbefore defined, shall mainftain sang-tary closets ,9,r privies that will not con- ttlmindLe the soil or be accessible to flies; and any per- son vio]at hg this ordinance shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor,�Ibrla upon conviction thereon in any court of com- petent jurisdiction shall be :fixed in any sum not less than t Sewer Dist. (2) $10.00 nor more than •'100.00. Every day this ordinance is violated shall be deemed a separate offense. SECTION 7. `fhe office of ,plumbing Inspector within and for the City of Huntsville shall be and is hereby created and established. The present Superintendent of the City Water Works is constituted Plumbing Inspector, and he shall perform such duties ge may be imposed upon him from time to time by the ordinances, rules and regulations of the City. He shall re- ceive such compensation for his services as the City Council may determine, and he shall hold said office at the pleasure of the City Council. SECTION 8. The plumbing Inspector shall inspect each and every connection made and to be made with the sewers and the sewer system of said City. lie shall require every such connection to be made in accordance with the ordinances, rules and regulations of the City, and in keeping with sanitary skill and science. He shall not permit any connection to be made with the sewers and sewer system of said City, not in accordance with this ordinance. SECTION 9. It shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspec- tor to keep a record of each and every house connection made and to be made with the City Sewer System and to file with the Manor or City Secretary a memorandum of each connection showing the enact location thereof, within thirty days after such connection has been made. Any failure on the part of the I'lumbing Inspector to observe this ordinance shall render him liable to afine to be imposed by the City council iii. any sum not exceeding one month's pay as such plumbing Inspector. SECTION 10. It shall be unlawful for any plumber or any other person to make any connection with the sewers of t, e City, except where proper wyes are to be found. In case ,here viyes can not be found within fifty :feet where any connection is desired to be made, then the plumber in charge shall call upon the Plumbing Inspector to supervise t e connection to be made - and the same shall be made t nrn r o.�r� u^� „�r1 r_ i hen ,l ,qu^�i"a�r—cvar°ate in first class^ workmanlike condition. tiny violation of this ordinance on the part of the plumber or plumbing Inspector shall be deemed a misde- meanor, and upon conviction thereof in any court of com- petent jurisdiction, such plumber or Plumbing Inspector shall be fined in any sum not less than $2b.00 nor more than i SECTION 11. Every person and every piAmber making any connection with the sewers of the City shall fill Trn and tamp the ditch or cut necessary to be dug over or across any portion of the street of the City - such ditch or cut shall be filled to the surface of the street and rounded up not more than one toot above the surface. Any person, whether owner of the property being con- nected with the sewers, herein mentioned, or the plumber or other person digging the ditch or cut and backfilling the same violating any of the progisions of this ordi- nance, Uall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in any court of competent jurisdiction shalt, be fined in amy sum not less than 5.00 nor more than x;25.00. Sewer Dist® (3) SECTION 12. From and after the taking effect of this ordinance it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation vo pollute any water course, creek, town branch or water shed, of any kind within the limits of the City of Huntsville, by the discharge, directly or indirectly, of any sewage or unclean water, or unclean or polluting matter or thing therein, or in such prox- imity thereto as that it will probably reach and pol- lute the waters of such water course, creek, town branch or watershed. Any person, firm, or corporation violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in any court of competent jurisdiction shall be fined in any sum not less than X25900 n:ok more than 4200®00® Every day this ordinance is violated shall consti- tute a separate offence® The provisions of this ordinance shall be cumulative of the State Laws against pollution of streams and water '�.V -ell courses, a i TOM BALL, MAYOR KATE BARR ROSS,SECRETARY I CITY OF HUN'TSVILLE ALDERMEN VICTOR RANDEL HUNTSVILLE, TEXAS R.W. MILLER SAM McWNNEY J. F. STANDLEY J.MARCUS SMITH H. O. LEIGH WNW AAD WAR D i T C T Be it ord inef by V e City dounail of the Ulty of Huntsville in Conncil 4xsembled . Section I, There shall be and N hereby created ud est:ablishedaa 2 WO`r district willnin and for the Oity of Huntsville, designated :_.ray=- described as ,follodw; x`.11 that portion of the territory o the Oity of Hunbville Kt On two hundred and fifty feet of 9 public or private sewer main, or laternl line conaecte -: with the Newer eystem of the City now in course of construction Section 2. From and after the taking effect of this ordinance , it shall be unlawful for the owner , lessee , or person in possession of any premises within said. wewerdi: trict , a2 crestad and defined in section 1 of this ordin--once , to mni:t..tain any cesspool, septic tarok or surface privy. Any person violating this section of these ordin= nces shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof in my court of competent jurisdiction shy 11 be f i_n> d. in, -icy sum not less th5,n i"?25.00 nor more than X00.00 Every dray this ordinance is violato chill be deemed- s separate offense . Section 3. Every occutyi& house or premises within said sewer disc- rice shAl1 be equipped with :a sanitary urinal and closet, which shall be connected with the sewer system of the City of Huntsville , in such manner as may be prescribed by the ordinances , rules and regulations of the City and to be approved by the Plumbing Inspector , horein_after provided Any owner , lessee or PeTSOM in possession of any occupied premises within said sewer district viloating the porvisions of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof in 0117 Court of competent jurisdiction shall be fined in any sum not le8o than `U.00 and more th t=n � 0200.00 Every day this ordin-,nce is violated shall be deemed a sep�rate offence . Action 4. From and :after the t-.king Effect of this ordinance , it shall be unlawful to dump, droD , place or allow to enter apy night soil, Garbage , dead animils , rags , newsp ner„, wr=a,poing parer , or obstruction of -any kind wh,tever in guy public or arivate sewer , toilet , urinal or elsewhere , whereby the sencyc of 2 id city may became obatru-- cted . Any person viol qtirg -=any of the provjSjons of this ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a m0deme= nor , ad upon covViction thereof shill be fined in any sum not lees than $10.00 nor more than 1x:1.00.00. C i TOM BALL, MAYOR KATE BARR ROSS,sacRETARY Y OF UI` TSVILLE -ALDERMEN R. M.WOODS Hl1N T SVILLE, TEXAS R.W, MILLER SAM McKINNEY I J. F. STANDLEY J. MARCUS SMITH H. O. LEIGH Section 5. The City of Huntsville ch,7. 1 have the right to use , t-LP , connect with, alter or ch z.nge any p lblic or private sewer within said) city :,nd when =-my such public or privs).te sewer within said city sh-all have been connected with used , tapped. , alUred _-:r ch=tinged , t e same', sh-:t11 thereafter become the ?property of the -oublie and under the supervision and control of the city arA a part of the city' s sewer system . E'ect on 6 . Every occupie(i_ premises in said city not -within the sewer district hereinbefore defined , shall maintain sani.t�Lry closets or privies that will noit contamin_7.te- the soil or -be accessible to flies ; and any person violating this ordl �_ Y,.cu shall be guilty of a misdeme•,nor and upon contri.etion thereof in -1:ny court of competent jurisdict.i -w sh---ll be fined in any sum not less than 410.00 nor more than VlC) 0 .00 . Every day this ordinance is violated sh=all be deemed a separate offense. Section 7 . The office of Platabing Inspector within and for the City of Huntsville shall be .nd iE hereby- created and established . The present Superintendent of the City 11--later V orks is constituted Plumbing Inspector , Ind he shall perf-orm such duties ac; may be i4:posed upon' him from time to tiroe by the ordinin oes , rules - rd rcgul _ tia-as of the City. He shall receive such compeust:,Aioa for his services Ls the City Council mqy determine , stud he shall hold said office at tli e pleasure of the City Council Section 8. The Plumbing Inspector shall inspect each and every connection made ayA to be madec, with the seer a-c the sewer system of said City. He shall rer uirc every. such can, ecti on to be made in a.ccordanee with the ordin-a.nces , rules and regulations of tip City, and. in keeping with sanitary skill and science . He shall not permit any connection to be, made with the sewers, and- sewer system of s-aid City , not in accordin nce with this ordin°:Lnce. i ieCtion 9. It shall be the duty of the Plumbing Inspector to keep e, record of each and every hou.�e connection made and. to be made with the City Sewer System and to file with the MaT or or City Sckcret-ary a memor- andum of each connection showing the exact loc=a.tior. thereof , vlithin thirty days rafter such connection has been made. Any failure on the part of the tlumbing Inspector to observe thi ordirvance sh=all- render him liable to a, fine to be impo.�ed. by the City Council in any sum not exceeding one month' s pay as such Plumbing Inspect- or Section 10. It shall be unlawful for any plumber or -.ny other person Ito make any connection vd th the sevvers of thF: r rOM BALL, MAYOR KATE BARR ROSS,SECRETARY ITY OF HlJNT"SVILL ALDERMEN R. M.WOODS HUNTSVILLE, TEXAS R.W, MILLER SAM McKINNEY J.F. STANDLEY J. MARCUS SMITH H. O. LEIGH City, except where prOP er Wyes are to be found. ID1 case where wyes can not be found within fifty feet where any con-r:ection, is desired to be made then the plumber in charge s lall c-:ll upon the Plumbing Inspector to Supervise the connection to be rn:�dE: =rA the s��rne sh�1J. be macic' in first clr�.ss W Orkin-Lnlike condition . Any viol_-tion of this ordin=once On the part of the -0jumbcr or Plumbing Inspector shall be deemed °a mdtdemeanor , ,d upon convic- tion thereof ins ru1y court of competent jurisdiction , such plumber or Plumbing Inspector shall be fined in ;arty �:tun not less th_�n ; 25.00 nor more than X200.00. i Section 11. Every person and every plumber making any connection with', the sewers of the City .sjy�.11 fill. i� _. r� r�l. tamp the ditch or out eceus �ry to be dug over or across any portion of the street of the City, , such ditch or cut sh:;l_1 be fill; I .�. to the surface of the street and. rounded tip not mare than one foolt above the ~surface' !kny parson, whether Owncr of the nreperty bei_rtg connected with the sewers , here in mentioned , or the plumber or other person digging 'i the ditch or cut and hackfill ing the same , U1olatito ; any of the pr�v%si ons of this ordinance , shall be deemed guilty � :,�`ming a y of , _zr�1 upon conviction thereof in any court of competent jurisdiction shall be fined in =.�.ny su_n not le,:s th- n 5.00 nor more th=an 425 .00. Section 12. From and after the t-----king, effect of this ordinance it shall be unl-, tv.,ftzl for any Iverson, firm or corporation t o Pollute rrt water' course , creek , town branch or water shed, Of limits of the City of puntsville , bzr the discla re , directly Tdor� the of 'any sewage or unclean water , or �..ncle _un or polluting rn -ttter or indirectly thing th::rein, or in such -oroxi;nity ther--to • , - it vijl] I cc ac;h cad pollute tr-:e Wasters of such. vv :ter course , creek , town branch. or watershed "-ny person, firm, or cornoration Violating: =�c.y of the r�rovi.; iarAs this ordin-ar�ce h° 11 be deemed guilty of _3, mi d.erne anox , _.nd upon convic- tion tlreroof in -any court of comletent �.urisd.iction shall be ficrec in �any stun n.-:t less th.-rn "25 .00 nor more than X200.00. Lveru day this ordin`=>nce is viol�a_teil, se .l1 constitute P�X.r Ae Offence. ,a The provisionE of this. ord.in.a ce shall Laws against' noilta.tion of str•c_irns .nd water corirsec�ula,tivc of the estate The above :lnd foregoing tvrelve ord.-gin ,nce5 sh-0.1 take effect and be in force froln -ind after 1jay 1 , 1.91.7 .Referred t® : anitary Committee in open Council �ebr. 6 , 1917. ire the Sanitary Cornmtttee to Whom the above ordic: ,nces tigers �;ub- mitted. do hereby recommend th3 t the same be adopted . r _-